4-15-15 -- Sheldan et al

There is no such thing as pleasing or displeasing God. Feel 'I am ONE with God'.

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Sheldan Nidle - April 14, 2015

13 Kan, 2 Kank’in, 11 Ik

Selamat Jarin! We come once again with very good news! Those who are working with our associates in the fields of banking and money report that a number of vital funds are now being released. These various preliminary fundings are to make the scheduling of a number of prosperity programs viable. Thus, we are further along on the road to getting the prosperity funds released, and with that, reasons for the rise of new governance. All of this is just additional proof that you are finally to receive a large prosperity package in the coming weeks. In fact, these events are as well to bring all of us closer to disclosure. We have never been as close to the point where disclosure is to happen. Our fleet has carefully monitored Gaia for over two decades. She is going through an extinction cycle for large numbers of plants and animals. Her various environments continue to be ravished by the dark cabal and their many henchmen. This is why Gaia has increased a number of responses to this continued destruction to her ecosystems. We strongly advise that those so responsible cease and desist from these vile acts. Gaia is prepared to defend these endangered environments.

While these matters are serious, you can alleviate them by protesting and asking for some form of relief. In fact, let us state with certainty that your surface realm is rapidly approaching a point of no return regarding its numerous global ecosystems. What is required is a firm movement against the dark cabal and its heinous ways. At present, you possess the ability to intervene and force the needed change. We expect that only the work of our earthly allies can do this effectively. There is technology, which in the near past has greatly aided Gaia and her ongoing travails. In secret, many are currently contributing to this relief. We thank you graciously for your kind assistance. It is as well our task to aid Gaia in resisting these numerous unkind acts by the dark. These are only some of the residual programs being carried out by these rapscallions. We are being further aided by the Agarthans who are using their clandestine positions to sabotage these horrendous acts. Soon, the work of our associates is to bring you new governance and an end to this nonsense.

As you read this, constantly keep in mind that money and banking are only temporary measures. The main solution is to just do away with money at the proper time. Ahead of you, is a technology whose sole purpose is to replace this present system. This system, which you currently know and use, is a very clever invention of the dark. As long as it fully exists, you are in some fashion an unknowing slave to it. The dark thus developed this financial system as a very clever way to keep you in a state of willing manipulation. The dark was in its last stages of using its various toys to complete its total ownership of you. The Anunnaki and their earthly minions had a plan that was to reach its zenith in late 1996. Before this happened, a general decree by the Ancharan Continuum threw this into total disarray. Their point of final control vanished and the Anunnaki were forced to concede the game to Heaven. The minions refused to do so and were temporarily thrown for a grand loop. The outcome was a series of conflicts, which led to 9/11 and another shot at the Anunnaki’s grand scheme.

This second scenario began to fail even before the two towers were down. The Light succeeded in bringing a great wave of peace, which calmed down the world. To counter this, the dark passed the two American “Patriot Acts” and started a false flag operation called the “war on terror.” This had some preliminary successes. However, the entire effort was ultimately doomed to failure. New organizations now exist, which are to pull this globe from this vile agenda. The dark is now watching as the US dollar, once so supreme just after the end of World War II, is dismally reaching the end of its usefulness. The dollar is to be replaced by a new world of precious metal-backed currencies led by a group of regional monies. The banking system is as well to be freed from the grip of the Federal Reserve. This new banking system, as we have said, is quickly to be replaced by technologies that are to end the economic system founded on debt and usury and replace it with abundance and joy! This new technology is also to free you from continuing on your road to oblivion! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Blessings to Heaven and to all who so graciously move this great healing cause forward! Many groups, who are long associated with our efforts to free and heal you of the oppression of your dark masters, have worked a most appreciated wonder! They have permitted a number of trusts to be allowed to fund a number of special bonds and humanitarian funds. In a few weeks these monies are to be finally delivered. This means that Master Saint Germain and others can begin to finish the deliveries of the many prosperity funds. Many of you are thus very close to receiving a general delivery of these prosperity programs. We are most joyous that a part of the healing for you is at hand. The dark has long delayed this and a first crack in their denial of us is now there to be seen by all. This crack is about to be greatly widened by other programs, which are destined to see the glorious Light of day!!!

Over the last few weeks, Heaven has unleashed a number of truly wonderful energies. These Lights are setting up base lines in all your chakras. These elementary readings are to be compared against what you recently registered, to garner a true measure of how you are presently progressing. The ever-changing healing arts need this to better judge your present state of health. When the time comes, your rising consciousness, as well as your ever-growing new chakras, is to be a more accurate gauge of your state of healing. We intend, once various lessons are given, to assist you in a general global healing. This exercise is to ready you for what the Agarthans and the many who comprise your spiritual family wish to do. That is, to move you securely onto a road which leads to contact. At that moment, you can finally hear the Agarthans, who have been our protectors for millennia.

Most of you are well aware that this realm is either headed for a mass catastrophe or for a most deserved redemption. We have worked with Heaven to clear the path toward redemption. The fleets of ships that currently surround us are just another reason why this surface realm is truly headed for redemption. The dark cabal finally realizes that the fate of this world does not rest with them. Remain positive and centered on your many wondrous missions. You are never alone. We, or those who guide you in Heaven, continuously monitor you. Be ever aware of this and ask us in some way to aid you. We are pledged to comfort you and provide some way to help you. Please pray and ask for our help. We do so in joy. It is difficult for many to see this. Nevertheless, we are there! In many ways, this time is the dark before the dawn! Be ready to watch the Sun rise and be in ethereal joy for it!!! Hallelujah!

Today, we have continued our messages on this journey of yours. We understand all that it entails for you. At times it is most frustrating and worrisome. Notice that the Light is winning and soon all of this is to be looked at by you as only a truly horrible, dark dream!!! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Website: Planetary Activation Organization  

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5255 An Everyday Kind of God, April 15, 2015

God said:

Be a blessing to yourself. Make the world easy and brilliant for you today. Truly, make every day a day of rest.

As it is, you seldom make Sunday a day of rest. Perhaps We want to define rest. Here it is:

Resting means letting go.

You know you could sit in an easy chair with your feet up, yet that doesn’t mean you are resting. You could be very anxious. What kind of rest is that? You can go to work and be anxious. You don’t require Sundays for anxiety and worry. You can engage in anxiety and worry any day of the week.

Rest is letting go tenseness.

You understand I mean to say that rest is more than absence of activity.

Ideally, whatever you are doing and involved in, you would be free from tension. This is possible. It is not impossible.

I am not separate from your activity. I am not singularly found in isolation and not in activity. I am not reclusive. You can have great bursts of Light with Me anywhere at any time.

You have likely felt that you have to go away somewhere to get closer to Me. That’s fine. I am Everywhere. I can be found anywhere. I can be found at an amusement park. When boundaries come down – your boundaries – I am easily accessible. I can be found on a sunny day and in a thunder storm.

Where am I not found? Surely I am in a cave, and surely I am in heavy traffic.

It is not so much a question of your discovering where I am as it is your finding yourself wherever you may be. It is accurate to say that you have spent much of your life running away from yourself, choosing noise over silence. Be assured that I am also in noise. Regardless, when you are running away from yourself, it’s harder to locate Me and your own Inner Silence. Running away, as if being chased, is not generally calming and peaceful.

Running away from yourself is frittering your life away, yet, even so, the inevitable conclusion is that you will find your Self and Me, and all is well. Even on the periphery, I am with you, and you are with Me.

Let’s put it this way: You don’t have to chase after Me. You don’t have to run away from Me. All you have to do is to receive Me. It’s a good idea to look for Me wherever you go. Rather than look, I suggest you be open to stumbling onto Me. Odds are you already have and may have denied this awareness to yourself. I have been right here in front of you, and you walked right by Me.

Perhaps you were looking for Me to fit a certain image you have in your mind. You may have a certain mind-set about the way you think God is supposed to be. Honestly, you can have rapture with Me, yet you don’t have to by any means.

I am ever-present in your life. I hang around with you through thick and thin. I am with you always. I am with you now.

You are reading Me now. Do you get some feel for the beat of My heart as it beats in you? I am close to you right now. I am an ordinary kind of God who goes everywhere with you. I am no stranger to you. I am not an exclusive God. I am an inclusive God. I don’t require your belief in Me to know Me. There are no requirements at all except your letting down your defenses.

Silly, you don’t have to defend yourself from Me. I do not accuse you. I do not shake My finger at you. I love you.


Urantia, April 4, 2015.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Rightness of Being.”

Message received by Lytske.

The Beloved One:
“Hardly a day goes by that people on this planet have not felt an ache or a pain somewhere in their body. And yet many of you are taught that they are made in the image of the Creator. Allow me to state that this is somewhat of a misnomer. Only the seed-soul that each carries within them from birth is made in the image of God. Our physical temples are only hosting this seed-soul. This image of the Universal Creator God, is given to each person born with free will, as to how to nurture and grow that beginning little image of the Creator.

“As a matter of fact, all you thinking mortals, by your own effort and struggles through life’s experiences grow into the image of God — if you so desire. It is during this mortal life that you have every chance of developing yourselves through exercise to keep your bodies fit, but what about the mental and spiritual parts of you? Body, mind and soul ought to be exercised in tandem. Doing so, there will be harmony in the totality of each person alive on this planet.

“This is the ideal life to strive for in the short span of life allotted to each of you. The secret is that not many achieve a harmonious balance in their life as one or more segments are out of order. Keep in mind that the foundation of body, mind and soul needs to be sound to build the mental/emotional body, inclusive of your intellectual, social, cultural and spiritual gifts and capacities. Be aware of these gifts and make a sincere endeavor to develop yourselves in all areas of mind, as these gifts build on rightness of being.

“It is not so much what a mortal strives to do, but what a mortal intends to be. It is a way of living, by becoming socially more conscious of a partnership in co-creation with God. It all depends on your free will whether you become an unthinking rudderless person or whether you willingly join forces with your Spark from the Creator within, which is also a gift freely given to all thinking persons. Take time out for communion with this personal gift; which is the connection to the All That Is, as this greatly contributes to your Rightness of Being.

“Oh yes, there will be moments in life when you temporarily forget to whom you are connected; for after all, you are still humans in the kindergarten sandbox of life. To achieve a greater equilibrium in life so you become more solidly rooted in your faith and having adopted as a way of life the Golden Rule of living among each other, you will have more peace in your sandbox where you all help one another and the planet to progress. All would be infected by spreading the benign virus of love and grow their seed-soul in the process with a sturdy faith to advance to the next class in eternal life.

“This is what passing at the end of mortal life represents, a graduation into eternal life with the promise of further learning into an ever-increasing Rightness of Being.”

Edited by Linda Abell.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You know Me so well.
If not you sent forth in My Love, then who shall I send?
Christ Michael.


Sivananda Daily Reading

16 April

Posted: 14 Apr 2015 10:00 PM PDT

You Have Free Will
Some ignorant people say: "Karma does everything. It is all destiny. If I am destined by my karma to be like this or like that, why then should I exert? It is my destiny only." This is fatalism. This will bring inertia, stagnation and misery. This is perfect misunderstanding of the laws of karma. This is a fallacious argument. An intelligent man will certainly not put such a question. You have made your own destiny from within by your thoughts and actions. You have a free will to choose now. You have freedom in action. A rogue is not an eternal rogue. Put him in the company of a saint. He will change in no time. He will think and act now in a different way and will change his destiny. He will become saintly in character. Dacoit Ratnagar was changed into Sage Valmiki by the current of Rishi Narada. Jagai and Madai, two rogues of the first order, were changed by the current of Nityananda, disciple of Lord Gouranga. You will have to desire, to think, and act. You can change karma in any way you like. You can become a yogi or jnani by right desire, by right thinking and by right action. You can attain the position of Indra or Brahma by good karma. Man is not a helpless being. He has free will of his own.
Man has power to choose between the alternatives which fate brings before him. In choosing between them he may either follow his tendencies produced by his past actions or struggle against them. The will of man is ever free. The arguments which are advanced by determinists in saying that human will is determined are not sound and tenable; they fall to the ground.
Dear friends! Man is the master of his destiny. Wake up now from the deep slumber of ignorance. Never become a fatalist. Think rightly, Act rightly. Lead a virtuous life. Never hurt the feelings of others. Mould your character. Purify your mind. Concentrate. Thou art nitya mukta purusha (ever free spirit). Tat Twam Asi - Thou art That.
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The samskaras (habit-patterns) of virtuous actions are imbedded in the chitta. They are also indestructible. They are real, valuable assets for you. They will prevent you from doing wrong actions. They will push you on to the goal. Selfless works will prepare the ground of antahkarana (the psyche) for the reception of the seed of jnana. The path of karma yoga eventually leads to the attainment of infinite bliss of the self.
