4-13-15 -- Blossom |
Hi there. Here we are once again. I always look forward to these times. Indeed,
it is the pleasure of us all to communicate in this way. You may be aware that I desire to ask a question
on behalf of a scientist who is so keen to have his answer for his research. It is regarding the document we spoke of weeks
ago and the Truth as to whether or not our reality as we know it is being restricted/bound or confined to an artificially
created "bubble" inside of the greater unrestricted universe that houses it? We shall address this
matter in this way. Of course your Earth plane is residing within/upon Energy. For EVERYTHING as you know, is of this. As
to it being ‘confined’ … we would say ‘Yes, it is.’ Yet, not in a way that restricts. I.e.
caught in a bubble. The matter of your Earth … the Energy matter of your Earth … differs
greatly from that outside of your atmosphere and it is ever changing as it expands into larger spaces. There is not a bubble
restricting it’s ‘play’ … either upon Earth or in realms where one’s soul takes flight to ...
when no longer in the physical body. However, there is a grid in place. This you may know of …
and Energy patterns are formed through/within this grid. It is ‘Moving Energy’. Forever responding to changes
in order to keep ‘form’ … in the way it should be. If there was to be a restrictive
bubble … how could it be that Higher Energy from Higher Purer Love could flow through to your very breath … if
barriers were in place? There is no restriction when one leaves the physical. It is suggested by
some that you are in a trap … both when in physical and nonphysical form and that all you can do is remain in that
trap and keep returning and returning into the physical form … without there ever being an out. This
is not in OUR TRUTH. Far from it. In OUR TRUTH … you are physical forms containing the most
Radiant Light Soul aspect of a part of your Whole self. Experiencing LIFE in any way you choose. Some may
disagree with you there … for they FEEL that we are so controlled in so many ways, that we really do not have the choices
that you speak of. Yet, with the greatest respect … You do. You can choose to
behave in a manner that you FEEL appropriate. Mainly of course, naturally … we reiterate … the only way to CHOOSE
YOUR FREEDOM is to come from a place deep down in your heart … a place that offers LOVE. It is ever flowing …
It is ever available to you … YOU HAVE THIS CHOICE TO ACCESS IT … or you may choose to see things within this
illusion of density … and allow all thoughts to take you as far away from yourself as possible. This
is the intention of those who ‘THINK’ they are capable of ‘taking over’. Yet, if you KNEW …
if you REALLY KNEW your strength and the reality of your capabilities … NOTHING and NO ONE are able to take away your
TO SEEK WITHIN AND DISCOVER THIS MAGIC THAT YOU ARE. It is likened to a child who learns that 1+1=2
2+2=4 Etc. These are the rudimental facts. The foundations of something that goes much, much further than One could
ever visualise when they first understand about the foundations. It is the same with LOVE. Yes,
you KNOW of LOVE … in varied frequencies and FEELINGS OF … Yet, were you to fully take charge of delving deeper
and deeper … and studying continually ... simply from a BEING LOVE perspective … as in the arithmetic …
you would discover that there is so much more TO IT … So much more that can be understood BY IT … and gain so
much more insight FROM IT. We speak of the breath … so you may be a little more conscious of
how you breathe. Yet, were you to take the time to study the breath … you would find so much more magic about this
‘breathing’ matter, also. It is not that you take it for granted … it is perhaps
a little naivety that postpones the ‘getting to know about’. Yet, would you say that perhaps these
are secrets that have purposely been hidden from us? In order to keep us ‘under par’ and not discover our full
potential. We would reply that these secrets lie within you … but they are undiscovered at this time
… for many. Yet … Oh! How we desire to express more clearly on
this matter. When you spend time IN LOVE … FEELING nothing but LOVE all around you, within EVERYTHING
… TRULY, TRULY FEELING IT … these secrets are coming to LIGHT! Your world has travelled
so far down a pathway that was unexpected from whence the ‘project’ began. Yet, FREEDOM OF CHOICE as a collective
has brought you thus far … and FREEDOM OF CHOICE as a collective … shall set you FREE. So, just
to clarify for the questioner … There is no bubble containing Energy of Earth and no bubble restricting us from going
elsewhere in the Afterlife? How could we possibly explain the ‘Afterlife’ to you … when
life itself is never ending? There is no Afterlife … for life never stops. There are of course … ever ongoing
experiences in different places, spaces and forms. THERE IS FREEDOM … THERE IS UNDERSTANDING
… THERE IS ACCEPTANCE. There are all available possibilities for another opportunity to experience
Life … To offer Love in a different place … in a different form … Or, if One chooses … One can of
course, return … as many do over and over … to gain and receive more of themselves. It is said
that Earth is a tough school, yet, the quickest path to learn of the self … is this so? It
is certainly One of Enlightenment! It was not ‘designed’ to be tough … to make it difficult in order to
learn one’s lessons quickly. What would be the Joy in that? There is no time. Life goes
on … and on and on and on … So, why would one require the quick, yet tough road home? FREE
CHOICE has brought you to where you stand in this day. You, your planet and all that lives upon and within it … You
are Understanding/Remembering that how you ARE … how you CHOOSE YOUR LIFE TO BE … by your attitude and your
FEELING LOVE … is how your lifestyle is formed … within every thought … within every action derived from
that thought … YOU CREATE YOUR WORLD. YOUR WORLD … Not another’s
lifestyle … Not another’s world … YOURS. And, as we have been reminding you …
the more you create YOUR WORLD to be one of Joy and Peace and LOVE … the Vibration that you reside in by doing so …
is One of a High calibre … It then flows out … It cannot not … to the WHOLE. Influencing
in the Highest way possible … for the Greatest Good of ALL … that which struggles within a lower frequency. Is
it not that sometimes just a sentence … a kind word, can change One’s mood? Lower frequencies
react in the same manner. When Higher Vibrations travel to it … merge with it … it cannot help but be influenced
by it. Therefore, assisting The Whole … as you go about BEING the best of your BEING that you can BE. The
Energy that IS your world is ever changing. Energy cannot remain still … or it would cease to be. Therefore, may we
go back to the grid that is in place … to keep things ‘confined’ yet, not in a manner of ‘taking
away One’s freedom’? This grid is the backbone of your planet so to speak. It changes
and reacts to Energies and yet, it also allows for influx of Higher Energies to enter in. It has its own unique system …
and we would blow your brains to bits Blossom, if we were to even begin to express the very working of the how’s and
why's of it. See, you should have chosen the scientist to work with! We chose you … Yep,
you did. I am, as I allow the LIGHTER part of myself to open up, experiencing moments of such ONENESS. Just that FEELING
of BEING IN LOVE … and I LOVE IT. I do understand in those times … that if the entire human race did the same
… can you imagine? We would indeed be living in a place that we are dreaming of coming to Light. And this
is why we continue to come through with our message for as long as it is suitable. For the more One imagines and lives in
the TRUTH of EVERYONE reaching their full potential … IN HUMAN FORM … the more the likelihood of this taking
place … sooner … rather than later. For it shall be done … It is life’s destiny
to return to its TRUE self … to find its way home. And when it does? Life continues to
expand in LOVE. There is no end. A good place to end today, though. Many, many thanks.
In Love and Light and a whole lot of Laughter. Laughter Lightening is always such a good plan! Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www. Dear Ones, Let us address your feelings of despair; of not
enough; of "where are my rewards?" You have received rewards in many ways throughout
this process, but certainly not in line with the risks you have taken to become new you. You endured physical, emotional and
spiritual loneliness, fear and anger. You cleansed and cleaned. You were pummeled by Universal energies. You did this chant
and that mantra as dictated by others or yourself. And yet you wait for something big to prove to yourself that all was worth
the effort. Many claim you receive rewards from within your being - and so you do. But your physicality
is in a 3D/4D environment even though New Earth and new you are not. Such
is so because your being is experiencing a division between worlds that you cannot necessarily explain with chants, meditations
or words. You have a sense of "Is that all there is?" Surely there must be some sign for you believe
you would not have struggled and diverted your being for this sense of nothingness. A void that feels as if your 3D world
is fairly meaningless and your New Earth, new you is but a dream. You
are at the crossroads of your being. Some have jumped across and can sense their new being in their new world. But others
- that is most of you we might add - feel as if it all has been for nothing. Your current world is not much different from
your 3D life other than there are perhaps fewer close family and friends. You
create your reality. But there is a piece outside that mantra you cannot yet understand. Even though you do create your reality,
that mantra often means a belief in an instant movement from fear to joy. That all structures within you and the world will
collapse simultaneously and be rebuilt within minutes or days. Such is
not necessarily accurate. While it is possible for an instant, massive "reboot", such is not likely given that your being
and earth need to adjust to new frequencies and perceptions. Perhaps you
have adjusted. But if you are feeling empty, hollow, a lack of interest
in most activities - even those that once gave you great joy - you are in a void state of being. This state will not last
long as this transition is happening so rapidly you will again soon feel the joy of moving to new you. Allow yourself to feel this void without self-anger or self-hate. You are on a unique path even though all are moving to the same place. Now
that your unique path is being experienced more dramatically than was true just weeks ago, you feel as if you have done
something wrong - reverting to 3D fears and lack of self-love. When you
were in puberty, you knew you would develop breasts if you were a young woman and your voice would deepen if you were a young
man. Yet, you were angry at your body for not looking or sounding as you wanted, when you wanted. You judged yourself according
to others, especially those developing more rapidly than you. Such is now again the case. Please know that you are developing into new you at the correct pace for you. Those of you not feeling the joy expounded upon by so many channels the past few days, do not despair.
Those channels are merely pointing out your future. Those of you in the depths of despair, boredom or listlessness cannot
yet accept such is true - anymore than you could accept that your body would develop in puberty. The creation of new you is not a race. It is also not about showing others how good or wise you are.
It is merely you being you as you fully develop your being. Allow that to be. You
are not alone. You are not a slow learner. You merely are at a place in which you are learning of your future - a future not
yet yours because of your creation/developmental needs. You are unique. You are no longer part of the masses or of anyone.
Allow yourself to be. Perhaps a more difficult thought now than was true during your climb up your cleansing mountain. Not
because you will not achieve joy, but because those you once partnered with in your climb may now be of separate paths. You wish for someone to be just like you so you can justify your recent shifts and verify
you truly are new you. Yet, you forget that you no longer are part of a mass path. Perhaps you need to move through additional
pieces. Perhaps your physicality is not yet prepared for all that is to come. Perhaps you are evolving so rapidly that what
which would be joyful today will not matter tomorrow. What happens to and for others
has little to do with you. For you are all moving toward joy, but in different ways. You have always been a unique god/goddess, but you ignored that uniqueness to blend with earth society. Now that
you are fully claiming your being, you are discovering the joy of being you - while also discovering that you no longer have
a friendship, family or societal group to confirm how right you are. Those
of you discovering joy now are beacons for all. Those of you now in your void are beacons for all. Be you and you are a beacon.
Pretend that you are something you are not - or not feeling - and you revert to 3D fears. So be it. Amen.
bringing Earth closer to Heaven. I would like to think of something that
would make you sit up and laugh. I would like to say something that would make you get out of the old molds you have been
fitting into. I would like to wake you up to a new world. Beautiful life on Earth has had a bad rap. It has been called
a world of suffering. The thing is the world can be anything that you choose to think of it. Not for one moment do
I say you have called all twists and turns and slings and arrows of life to you. You may have. That’s a possibility,
yet it is not a certainty. Where you come in is how you fuss and fume over what has happened, and then continue the same.
There is no question that you may have been injured, and then, in life, you are injured for all time because you choose to
limp around moaning. Being unfairly treated may become a theme of your life, and you will certainly discover or latch onto
unfair treatment again and again. Everyone does at one time or another. Everyone has been tripped or been told tales
about or outright libeled. People have been stolen from and lied to. You probably have a mental list of affronts in one form
or another of offenses to yourself. People have been kidnapped, and people have been killed. How does your latest run
of being trod upon rate in your scale of harrowing experiences now? Out of 10, what is your rating? Have you perhaps made
your latest insult bigger than it is? Have you wrested every inch of heartache from it. Really, couldn’t you have tossed
it aside? Couldn’t you have said: "Nuf,” and let it go? Here is where your responsibility comes in. What
is your latest bout of mistreatment, and how do you handle or mishandle it? You have a check bounce (where else but
in the world of life could this happen?) and you are devastated. The bank must have made a mistake. This couldn’t possibly
happen to you. Or perhaps you frequently have checks bounce and you are up in arms about this every day, or you hide
the truth from yourself that you overspend and you rant and rave at the world just the same as if you hadn’t had a check
bounce. If everything untoward happens to you from out of the blue, then you are indeed a hapless victim. I don’t
think this is what you want to be. If every toss of the dice injures your heart, you open yourself to heartache. You are some
kind of party to it. Why would you do that? Sometimes I do believe that you enjoy all the scrimmages in life that you
get yourself into. You couldn’t possibly, you say, yet what are you doing when you complain volubly over and over again
about another variety of the same offense? It has to be that the quandary satisfies something in you. Maybe you like to be
the poor damsel in distress who gets her heart broken every time. Always the bridesmaid and never the bride. I do not recall
all the brides being so happy that you have to find yourself unfortunate in the first place. I’m not picking on
you, My dear darlings. Sometimes you may indeed be an innocent victim. Don’t enjoy the role. Just get out of it. Consider
that you have the power of a God or a Goddess and now find resources within yourself that remove you from varied replays of
your personal soap operas from the past. Catch a trolley that has a different name on it and a different destination.
Take a trolley some place you have always wanted to go. You can do it. Get out of the mold you have been in. No one can do
it for you, beloveds, only you and I. Posted:
13 Apr 2015 02:13 AM PDT |