3-8-15 -- The Truth |
bringing Earth closer to Heaven. Come to the realization that the world you call real is only one perspective of the world you live in
and the life you live. It is a stark one-way interpretation. Life, as you perceive it, is Yes or No. It’s this or it’s
that. It’s finite. It is infinite in its dichotomy and all the diversity it identifies. The world is finite. There is
an opposite for everything, even Oneness. The world has a dividing line. Oneness doesn’t. There is more than
one dimension to the world you live in. To go along with a clear-cut division of opposites, We can talk about the Infinite
World, or, We can just as well name Infinity as Heaven or Truth. Believe Me, Infinity is the Truth, and Eternity is the Truth.
No matter how you perceive your life to be, I tell you absolutely that Infinity and Eternity are the Truth. As you
see it, the world is fraught with opposites, and you are familiar with temporary heartache and temporary happiness as opposites.
As you see life in the world, happiness is limited, and heartache is unlimited. Is this how it is for you? What is
limited is your perception, beloveds. You tend to see the Earth World as reality and Heaven as pretty fiction when your concepts
have to be reversed. Heaven is Truth, and Earth Life is fiction, exaggerated fiction, even fantasy fiction. Of course, you
see only what you see. You see cause and effect as constant forces in the world. Your mother may have told you that if you
don’t wear your hat in winter, you will get a bad cold, and so you wonder what I can be thinking when I say that cause
and effect do not exist -- they sure seem to exist because of pseudo time and place which certainly seem solid to you no matter
how many times I say what you see and touch and hear etc. are illusory. Dear Ones, you have the world you see, and
the world I speak of that you do not yet see. And, therefore, in effect, I tell you that your senses are not to be
believed. Quite naturally, you wonder: “Why on God’s Earth do we have senses if they do not proclaim Truth to
us?” The five senses are like cat whiskers that let the cat know if he can fit through an opening. The senses
are about protecting you in the physical world. The physical can convey Truth only so far. Beyond the physical, you
have heart and mind. From one way of thinking, heart and mind are also physical. You do already know that there is more to
life than what you see, touch, hear, taste, smell, and heart and mind are more than physical. The five senses are pleasure-seeking,
or they are warning bells. The five senses interpret the world for you. They tell you to go forward, or they caution you.
While you are in a body on Earth, the five senses are necessary for you. There are also other more refined senses that are
not so clear and dependable to you. Intuition comes to mind. There are subtler senses as well that arise from other than the
physical body. We can say that these subtler senses are soul awareness senses. An example would be the subtle sense
of hearing Me, as in a Heavenletter. We are speaking of senses attuned to the mysterious and wondrous ways in which I perform.
Yes, let’s call this Sense of Attunement as the Wondrousness of Oneness. This sense is more like seeing and hearing
and understanding. You are no stranger to this subtler aspect, whatever you may think. Posted:
07 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PST |