3-3-15 -- B Happy 2-B Alive |
bringing Earth closer to Heaven. You want to be thoughtful and not thoughtless at the same time as you keep your head
from being overloaded with thoughts. Overloaded with thoughts, you probably aren’t getting anywhere. One thought at
a time. Maybe some people can juggle many thoughts and juggle many actions as well, or so it seems. I’m inclined to
think that you may not be one of these. You may do best eating one food at a time even as there may be many foods on your
plate. All can be done in its turn. Although there is gravity in the world, you are not meant to be grave.
You are to be light of foot and light of mind and heart and shine My beautiful Light within you onto the world that
lies before you. Keep your light shining, and you won’t be heavy-handed in the world. Being very serious can be a bottleneck
to your life. Be a lightweight. Be more like a serene ballet dancer. Serene ballet dancers in life are no longer focused on
their individuality. They are focused on the dance and the story they reveal. Ballet dancers, in a sense, work at the speed
of light and are light-footed to boot. I am not sure that seriousness has its place in life in the world. One-pointed-ness
has its place. Desire what you desire and go after it, yet you are not so serious that you knock others aside. If you desire
to get somewhere, you still stay within the speed limit. The speed of light is true speed in that everything is accomplished
before you see it. Everything is complete within an instant of thought. If healing is your goal, know that you are already
healed. If a career is your strong desire, go for it and find it, yet not at the exclusion of everything else. If
wealth is your desire, what do you have when you have it? What are you going to do with it? Build a bigger house for yourself?
Beloveds, do you really believe you will be happier in a bigger house or with an outstanding car or anything at all that may
fill up life in the world? Happiness is not outside you. It is within you. Be happy to be alive. Pay attention to
what does give you happiness for longer than a minute. Thinking about happiness is worth a great deal, yet not the same as
living happiness. Get to know happiness right now. Be happy where you are now. Happiness is not something far away from you.
Be happy now and not wait for another day. Happiness seems to come when you are not searching for it the same way when
you create, you create. You are not cogitating about creating. When you are creating a sculpture or a painting or writing
a play, you enter into the creative act, and you forget yourself for a welcome while. You forget yourself in order
to find yourself. The lost will be found holds a new meaning for you now. Overly conscious of yourself, you are lost to yourself.
When you love, you are living love, not exclaiming at it. Exclaiming about love is exclaiming about what is, after
all, your natural state. You don’t go around saying: “Look, I am breathing!” Nor do you go around saying:
“I am here in God’s heart.” Nor do you go around saying: “I am a mother,” or: “I am a
father.” A baby doesn’t go around saying: “I am a baby.” A baby is a baby. You don’t
have to go around saying: “I am God’s Child.” You are God’s Child. You don’t have to go around
saying: “I am part and parcel of God, and I serve Him on Earth.” You are what you are, and you are part and parcel
of God and you serve, and you serve, and you serve. One way you serve is by enjoying life on Earth. You really do enjoy serving
when it is from your heart. Please do not think for one moment that serving Me is a heavy-duty thing. Serving Me is as light
as air. You don’t serve Me with a sense of duty. You don’t serve Me because you hear it is a good thing
to do. You serve Me, and serving Me happens to make you happy. You are not being anything but what you already are. After
all, you are made in My image. © The 11:11
Progress Group. Posted:
03 Mar 2015 02:21 AM PST