3-30-15 -- Let There Be Light

We come to this crossroads where you make a decision with Me to leave behind the tracking of the ego that continually feeds you information about “reality” as this limited world and you, as a limited human being. It paints for you a picture of a personality moving through time and challenges with a heart filled with old beliefs that become manifest before you when the pulse comes.
The pulse of Creation comes through your heart as the heart of God I Am and rushes forth to create all that it finds within you as a kaleidoscope of ever changing patterns based on Now Moment decisions creating an expression of beauty and Love, stunning and unlimited. Only as you release the limited version and rise up beyond the level of duality can your presence with Me be the catalyst for great transformation and profound remembrance, awakening to what it means to be the heart of God.


The only purpose for this body to exist is to make you aware of how beautiful you are, and to make you aware that it is possible to live all the values you cherish and create a world of Divinity around you.

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Let There Be Light
Jeshua (Heart Activation)

In the vortex of the awakened heart there is only pure light, where the vibration of Love is so strong and so vibrant that the light it emits engulfs everything. And there is only Love's awareness of itself.

This power, this light, this is what you are. Underneath every idea of an identity, there is this. The vibration of living light is so strong that nothing can be held out of it at all. Anything in its presence is entrained instantly.

This, my beloved friends, is the activation of your heart. It is the realignment of your consciousness with the truth of your being. And it is so glorious that there need never be any description, for ideas of the mind are irrelevant when you become the experience of God.

At the moment that All-That-Is spoke the word and said, "Let there be light," -- light first cause, light pure illumination, light the vibration of Love at its highest and clearest. Those of you who have requested this activation are bringing to the earth the return of the remembrance of the vibration of God - pure light, pure life - the Real cause of everything.

This is what is moving through you now. It has never, ever stopped, but you have imagined that it could. But this imagination is now engulfed, for you are completely ready to be that living word. You are that which issues forth as the source of all creation, as the energy of Love. So clear and so powerful, there is nothing else but the pure emission of light as the result of Love moving.

Together we are a matrix of cause, of the experience of pure Love knowing itself. We are a wondrous matrix of light in which every stream of life is knowing itself perfectly. Bursting forth as the one idea - Let there be light!

In other words, let Love move now. Let creation begin. Let this explosion of pure life be acknowledged in All-That-Is. And let it be ever-celebrated now - the celebration of which is pure ecstasy.

Let there be light!

Can you feel that prime directive vibrating deep within and bringing you awake? The birth of the creator's awareness of being Love. This vibration that is your heart is everything. It is that which orients All-That-Is. It allows the great being that is All-That-Is to recognize itself coming awake to celebrate its existence and to rejoice in the relationship of all this energy - this Love.

The vibration of living Love speaks a language that is never ending, that encompasses eternity in one Now moment. A vibration of Love moving so fast, with so much power, so much energy that All-That-Is is bursting forth, coming into full consciousness -- being aware of the wondrous relationships of Love, the interweaving of this cause of everything. The endless edict to give this Love and to accept it.

When I walked the world I held this vibration. Every word I spoke was in this language. Truly, you have heard of tongues of fire. It is the fire of creation itself that is emitted, my beloved friends, from our heart. Deeply acknowledged through our existence, the living fires of creation are in us. For we are the Creator's heart awakening. And this is the activation.

It is the remembrance of that awakening in you now with no film of forgetting, no illusion of the ego-dream. It is being the vortex of the heart of God - pure awareness of Love living and giving of itself.

Every old idea falls away. Every old identity is gone. You are the pure vibration of Love. And, my dearest friends, you are contagious. This vibration is absolutely entraining. You already know this, but the mind forgets. It likes playing in its field of ego dreams. But all the while, the heart is rising up, bringing with it that which has been obscured on earth. Rejoicing in the freedom to Love, suspended in the living Now moment.

You, my friends, are the key to freedom. And you are turning in the lock.

This activation is already accomplished. It has easily been your heart's intention for this whole incarnation. You are ready to be the pulsing of Real Love, that it may be seen and felt by the whole of humanity.

In this place of the heart's ecstasy, there is no time. And all is yours. All the gifts of Real Love, which are the truth of your being - and have always been.

This light is your meditation now. Opening to this, feeling it, stepping into it. Far beyond the ideas of the mind is this pure, pure experience of the light of God. This is where you are. It's who you are. And it will never end.

Clear, powerful and astounding - blazing through old experiences of duality, reclaiming the truth of only Love. The remembrance of only good - only God.

As you stand in this, my friends, you can do everything. Old concepts now fall away effortlessly. Every moment that you close your eyes, your whole being is in accord with the vibrational song of your endless birth that sings the truth of your beingness - which is "I Am the LIght".

"Let there be light," the Creator speaks. And this light rises within you effortlessly. Blazing completely through your consciousness. Opening the doorway of the energy of your Love. Connecting you to this deep remembrance that you are the heart of God. And the resonance is so alive in you, that you cannot return to the dream of the ego.

Instead you are vitalized. Instead you are the living word. Instead you are taking on the mantle of the Christ and remembering that I said as well, "These things that I do, so shall you do and more."

It is this light that I was referencing and that you were born to celebrate. Your every step, your every breath is this remembrance. And the active heart is pure Love in the world.

All you need now is one moment with eyes closed and conscious breath, and you are here.

You are the remembrance of Real Love becoming aware of itself here, and everywhere. All hearts are joined in this Love. And all Love is relationship. It is the true accord of the Christos, the conscious heart of the Creator on the earth. The true heart of humankind.

Let there be light.

And so it is, bursting in you now. Streaming forth from your center, blazing into the cosmos in recognition that the great I Am is being acknowledged and Love is born and celebrated in pure awareness and ecstasy.

You, whose hearts are activated, now create the matrix of the awakening of the Creator right in the midst of the dream of duality, which lifts it up and breaks through all illusion until there is only this recognition of "Let there be light".

And that light is yourself. The selfhood of the heart of the Creator being expressed perfectly in you now. Being expressed in you perfectly now.

Light blazes in you now. Breaking through all illusions that there can ever be other than Love. Penetrating every experience of less than God, less than perfection. All of that simply disappears. And in its place is pure wonder, gratitude and joy.

You are the center of the hologram and your consciousness is the universe. For eons you have pretended to be the human race - to be less than the heart of God. A misperception that is now being mended. And the whole of creation is ecstatic.

Let there be light.

And your heart responds to break free in great streams of living light and Love now making manifest the heart of God in the symbols of this world.

The Messages from God
Through Yael and Doug Powell
At Circle of Light
3969 Mundell Road
Eureka Springs, AR 72631

Circle of Light


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5239 May Joy and Responsibility Unite, March 30, 2015

God said:

Take it into your heart that living life is not the same as running a race. Have you not had some sense of yourself as a choo-choo train that must crank those gears and get up a hill as fast as you can in order to mount another hill and another? There is more to life than this.
You don’t have to gallop through life, nor do you have to be a slow ponderous-seeming elephant either. You do not have to be slow-but-steady, nor do you have to be at a perfect in-between rate. Nor do you have to be the winner-take-all.
I invite you to live in joy even when there is a deadline. Deadlines are not a matter of life and death even as many experience deadlines as a matter of life and death, as though the world depends upon them, as if life itself is some kind of emergency.
To the best of My knowledge, it is I Who depend upon you. I depend upon you to sail and to fly and to enjoy and to work on this land called Earth I have set before you.
If I were to say that it is important that you enjoy, which it definitely is, you know I don’t mean to imply that you are to give up all responsibilities for joy. Joy is primary. You can be responsible and have joy. The idea is to take joy in whatever you are doing. Let joy be part of your life. Joy comes from inside. We have gone through this lesson before about where true re-creation comes from, not from outside but from inside.
Of course, go to a fair if that is your joy. And, if going to a fair is not your joy for any reason, and you still have to go, enjoy yourself at the fair anyway.
The story you read to your young child may well not be your first choice of what you like to read. Yet it is your joy to read a story out loud because of the joy your reading brings your young child.
In this case, there is no separating your joy and your child’s. Your joy doesn’t require plaudits from your child directed to you. The child’s pleasure is enough. You take the time to read to your child. Your reading out loud to your child is precious to your child, for no one’s reading aloud means the same to your child as yours. Reading aloud to your child is more than reading aloud. It is also your presence and your attention directed to your child. For a little while, reading to your son or daughter takes first place over all the other things you have to do and want to do.
You set a value on what you do. Embrace the work you do.
You keep your responsibilities. You don’t fluff them off. Nor do you neglect your joy.
You can do everything. And you can enjoy even that which does not commonly give you pleasure.
It can be said that life is a balancing act. Keep your balance regardless. Life doesn’t always go your way, nor does life always run away from you and leave you in the dust.
You are not in competition with your life. Your life is not a question of how fast you run or what the world and others think of your life. This is your life. It is no one else’s. It belongs to you.
At the same time, what your children and family think of you matters very much. They are your responsibility, and may they, with all My will, be your joy. Responsibility and life run hand in hand. They are on the same course. Responsibility and joy, joy and responsibility pull your life along. May they unite. May they be one and the same.  May you be at one with yourself.
Joy and responsibility are steps We speak of here that take you to Enlightenment while you are already on your way.


Urantia, March 21, 2015.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “There is Always Healing”

Message received by Lytske.

The Beloved One:
“It is a well known fact that there is much sickness on this planet. What is not so well known is that the human body is capable of healing itself and this grand possibility was laid down in the far distant past when evolution was instituted from on high onto this to be wonderful garden planet. And indeed, since this particular planet is an experimental planet, the most unusual life-forms have sprung up. The Life Carriers meticulously and painstakingly duplicated here the plans formulated by Christ Michael (Jesus), the Ruler of a mighty local universe, together with the head of the Melchizedek order and the head of the Life-Carriers.

“Realize that much thought has gone into designing and formulating these plans in the Life Laboratories on High. A commission of Life Carriers and Melchizedek overseers stayed behind on the planet to carefully observe that every development went according to the Universal Creator’s plan. Realize also that there is a great celestial organization behind everything in the cosmos and nothing is happenstance. The evolving mortal creatures born upon this planet have been given free will to learn their lessons and garner wisdom through and by their living their experiential lives on this planet. They have been purposely so designed that they are able to develop faith and trust in the benevolent over-care by a loving and understanding Creator God.

“This is the reason why free will is most important as the Universal Creator has determined that only by their free will and creature trust should mortal will creatures decide to choose eternal life. Therefore I reiterate again: that none is ever coerced but everyone is welcomed into eternal life to climb the ascension ladder to Paradise, the eternal abode of the Source and Center of everything and the only unchangeable point in the cosmos. Everything proceeds from there in the form of an enormous stream spiritual energy that can change into unfathomable different forms; this energy is the lightest form of spirit, whilst humans are the densest form of spirit.

“So now we come to our subject of healing. All the cells on the planet have a self-regenerating capacity, which you can observe everywhere in nature. This is an observable fact; so therefore, all the cells in the human body have the same capacity. In short, when they get ‘sluggish/sick,’ it is because of various influences especially negative thoughts of any kind that need to be encouraged by the human owner to remember their wholeness. This is the secret of healing always being available.

“It is as simple as living mindfully, being in control of your thoughts and living in the present moment, so one is always in charge of one’s power of choice as to what to think and do. When people adopt this simple form of living, they would see an increase in health, as they would be better able to subdue their lower impulses and be able to abide by God’s will and the Golden Rule.

“We will continue this subject another time. Meanwhile ponder this and meditate on it — how you can change your life for the better by simply changing your thoughts.”

Edited by Linda Abell.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.


Clear Your 3D Creation Beliefs

by lifetapestrycreations


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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Dear Ones,

You think you deserve better, that the Universes have forsaken you, that manifestation is a fairy tale. Such is not your truth - merely what you have believed is true for eons.

There may be a fairy godmother for some - those who are wealthy, beautiful, accomplished or whatever designation you determine indicates they are better or luckier than you.

Even though you were comfortable with heartache; its never going to happen; others are better than you, you are now addressing these beliefs.For to truly love yourself - as was true prior to your earth entrance in this lifetime - you must acknowledge beliefs that indicate in so many ways you are less worthy or accomplished than almost everyone.

Take a few moments the next few days to acknowledge how many times you say to yourself, "That person is so lucky because........."

Why do you suppose that each of you has different interests and needs? Do you not note that what is important, enviable or accomplished for one person, is not at all interesting to another? Such is so because each of you has a unique path.

What is it you pine for that you do not believe you can achieve - a new home, job, relationship, automobile, cell phone?

What you have not yet acknowledged is those pieces now important or missing in your life are part of your new path. That is not to say that a cell phone is all you need to travel your new path. But that the cell phone is your starting point/acknowledgement it is time to create what is needed for your new path. And this initial piece is most likely something very tangible in your world.

Perhaps some of you practiced your manifestation skills months or even years ago by finding the perfect parking spot or coins on the street. Neither of which was large enough for you to believe you could create your world - and universe.

Creating your personal universe seems preposterous to almost all reading this material for you now have difficulties creating a certain income or relationship.

You have limited your creation skills on so many levels in so many lifetimes that you believe you MIGHT create a new job, but most certainly not a new universe or anything that smacks of worlds beyond your "comfortable" earth. So it is you continue to play in your sandbox past your toddler years.

Many will take offense at that last statement for you have meditated, chanted, channeled, cleansed and done what you thought important in your 3D world - and perhaps achieved your 3D dream(s). But you no longer have those skills to pine for or play with.

You are a different entity resulting in new skills and paths - even though you continue to try to manifest with skills that no longer apply. If you have a new cellular structure - you do; new DNA - you do; and a new path - you do; why would you assume your 3D creation skills are compatible with new you?

You are a new being, in a new world ignoring your inner-being as it attempts to redirect your manifestation/creation skills. You have a new skill set - that is much more accessible and easy than was true in 3D. But you have yet to shift your belief processes to know that such is so.

Easy is the key word for your new manifestation skills. You do not need to chant, meditate, question or apply to create something for your new path. You merely have to believe that such is so.

Such perhaps seems more difficult than the programs you used before your new you transition. For there were concrete actions created by many sources, including us, that offered a step-by-step process. And if the item in question was not created, you could blame yourself for not being in the right place emotionally or spiritually or not chanting/meditating diligently enough. It was your fault or the Universes for not understanding your need or anything else you imagined that told you manifestation was possible - just not for you.

So it is that you have returned to that place of something wrong with you over and over again until manifestation stories are myths - not reality - for you. Eons of hiding your skills have achieved the anonymity you wished the first time you entered earth.

Unfortunately, the result of that achievement is that you no longer believe you can create what you wish - and most certainly not that creation is easier than ever for you - given the new skill set you created/introduced.

Will you jump over the fence that once protected you on earth, but is now a barrier? Of course. Merely allow yourself to address your belief patterns related to creation/manifestation. For the dreams you have now are merely the tip of your new multi-dimensional world.

Some of you reading this piece believe you cannot adjust your belief processes, that this is no different from the old chanting, meditation method that only worked sometimes  - or not at all.

Please give yourself accolades for hiding your true being for so long while of earth. For indeed, even those you admire - world figures, movie stars, artists - most often had difficult pieces to contend with before, during or after their mass star appeal. That was your way - for many of you have been world figures/leaders/stars in previous earth encounters - of limiting your brilliance. So even during your greatest achievements (in your mind) on earth, you limited your brilliance, how much joy you achieved.

The opposite is now required of you by you. No limits to your brilliance or creations. No limits to you. But such can only be achieved if you negate your 3D beliefs and reunite with the Universes to create your new path.

Earlier in this piece, we alluded to that what you are dreaming of now is the initiation of your new path. Your current dream is similar to learning your alphabet before reading War and Peace. 

You have no creation limits - other than those you placed on yourself for eons. There are no rules or structures to better help you create the path you now pine for. Merely your belief that you no longer need to confine your life/world to the smallness that was your mainstay for every other life on earth.

Create big - far bigger than anything you can yet imagine. And start doing so by acknowledging and clearing those beliefs created by you to maintain a small you on earth.

Ask yourself what those limitations are. Then clear them as you have done so many other pieces the past few months. Continue with your dreams - expanding them as quickly as the expansions come to mind and expect all will proceed according to your plan.

Perhaps you wish to manifest those pieces of your path that seem logical and build up to time travel, dimension hopping, frequency shifting or whatever you now assume is beyond your skill level. Or maybe you wish to ignore earthly pieces and move beyond. It does not matter.

Just know it is time to transform those creation beliefs you maintained for eons so you could fit within the heaviness and smallness of 3D. And that there is no right way to clear those limiting beliefs, merely the way right for you. So be it. Amen.


Sivananda Daily Reading

31 March

Posted: 30 Mar 2015 12:53 AM PDT

Threefold Karma
Man is threefold in his nature. He consists of desire or feeling, knowing and willing. These three fashion his karma. He knows objects like chair, tree, etc. He feels joy and sorrow. He wills - to do this, or not to do that.
Behind the action, there are desire and thought. A desire for an object arises in the mind and then you think of ways and means to obtain it. Then you exert to possess it. Desire, thought and action always go together in this process. They are the three threads, as it were, that are twisted into the cord of karma.
Desire produces karma. You work and exert to acquire the objects of your desire. Karma produces its fruits as pain or pleasure. You will have to take birth after birth to reap the fruits of your karmas. This is the law of karma.
Karma is of three kinds, namely, the accumulated works, the works that fructify and the current works. The accumulated karmas have accrued to you from the past. Part of it is seen in the character of man, in his tendencies and aptitudes, capacities, inclinations and desires.
The fructifying karma is that portion of the past karma which is responsible for the present body. It is ripe for reaping and cannot be avoided or changed. It is only exhausted by being experienced. You pay past debts. The karma of current works is that karma which is now being made for the future.
In Vedantic literature, there is a beautiful analogy. The archer has already released an arrow; it has left his hands. He cannot recall it. He is about to shoot another arrow. The bundle of arrows in the quiver on his back is the accumulated work. The arrow he has shot is fructifying work, and the arrow which he is about to shoot from his bow is current work. Of these, he has perfect control over the accumulated and the current works, but he must surely work out his fructifying works. The past which has begun to take effect he has to experience. Fructifying karma cannot be prevented even by the Lord.

1 origin 1 destiny, we are 1