3-24-15 -- Earthspeak

Everything in this creation is a sign of celebration.

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Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5233 Earthspeak, March 24, 2015

God said:

There are those of My Children who see Me as a Miracle-Maker high on a hill. I am a Creation-Creator, an appointed Leader of the Living, a Conductor of the Orchestra, shall We say? There is a Great Orchestra, and you play in the Orchestra. We can say I am all the players as well. We can say I am a multitude of personalities on Earth, yet in terms of Earthspeak, We know that We are One and not separated one whit, yet in terms of reaching the hearts and minds of Individualities, We speak in terms of Thou and I.
Shall I say I pick Me up when I trip?
You know, My dear Children Who Art Myself, I do not go to such lengths. If We are One, and I say without equivocation that We are One, We speak in a simple energy-saving kind of way so that I may capture your heart.
We are talking about a manner of speaking. We are not repudiating Truth.  
If everyone on Earth were at the very Peak of Enlightenment, We would not have to speak at all. We, I, you, would communicate telepathically, or I might say that We would just know Our Oneness, experience Our Oneness. There would not even be a step to Our communication, and I certainly would not be rigorous about Proper Speech. Do you understand what I am saying?
We have nothing to prove in Our discourses. If We are One, We are One. If I am One, I am One and that includes you, the I of you.
We are not a ball of yarn that We must be very careful of how We wind and unwind and roll Ourselves up.
I created the sounds, yet language in the world comes from the trees and all of nature. Grammar became a study after the fact of common usage.
Do you understand Me? Do I understand Myself? Of course, I do, yet I am speaking to the personality or personalities before Me Who live in the deep Reality of My Very Self.
Hey, I like things simple, dear Myself. I speak in language. Oh, yes, I have ways without words. I am strongly into Silence and the Power of Silence and Vastness and Infinity.
I am also a Salesman. I want you and as many of Myselves as possible to pause a moment with Me. And so I speak from the Frame of Reference of common speech. And so We speak the same language and We do not get caught up in words.
Yes, in the Beginning there was the Word. The Word was God. There was Sound, and Sound became dispersed on the Earth.
The words We use do not change the Truth of Oneness. It’s okay to be common people on Earth and begin from the Beginning of Awakening. Consider it a game We play, this use of language. It is what We communicate that matters. Let Us meet on a common ground. We can know there is no one but I, yet We can talk as ordinary folk. How else are We going to talk if not in common parlance?
We do not get hung up on language. What is so is so. Let go of any hindrance to Our presently experienced Oneness of Heart. Let Us exchange Our One Loving Heart as any One would.
For the time being, I speak as if there were a you and an I. For a moment of time, We pretend there are Two of Us. Inasmuch as We are One, We don’t have to make a big thing of how We speak. We speak, and We get Our meaning across.


Michigan, US of A, March 15, 2015.
Teacher I AM (Thought Adjuster).
Subject: “Wholeness and Realization of Completeness”

Received by Chris Maurus.

here now, and we are of One mind and One heart. For more than half a century of your life in time have I waited for these moments where I can directly tap into your heart and where you can recognize my still small voice. I speak the language of the heart — with the vibrations of love, for in this heart space is the chamber where we unite; where there are no walls that divide; no mask to wear, and no expectations to fail. You are completely open and desirous for my words — you have entered into the temple of the Father — the hallowed ground. Feel now, the unconditional love pouring over you, for there is no greater love than this — you are my Beloved — the One I have chosen — the One who shall scale the universes. Stay still for a moment, close your eyes and feel these vibrations course through you.

Tears begin to well into your eyes in reply to these divine vibrations, for what you feel is beyond words — your whole world disappears and there is only this moment here and now, together as One. This is where I strengthen you to weather the storms of material life because each time you come to me, you understand more about the eternal union and that nothing in this world can bring harm to you. You are loved divinely — your soul is safely sealed in my light and you shall never be alone. If only more people would find this hallowed place within them, there would be no harm to give another — only love, peace, and understanding. How could it be otherwise, for in this moment of communion with me you are complete and in need of no-thing? Think deeply about this feeling of completeness and what it means.

There are so many on this planet that will never share in these tender moments of Oneness with their Indwelling, yet I tell you each one is capable if only the self-will would allow it and awaken from the conditions of unbelief. Each one on this world feels the yearning of completeness, yet in frustration and desperation do they seek for the material consolation or the insatiable hunger of ego gratification that will never satisfy the divine love yearning of the soul. Only after great trial and tribulation where all material consolations have been removed do some awaken to the wholeness and realization of completeness within. There is no need to suffer child, for your wholeness is complete and you are reminded of this each time you break from the distractions of “doing” and come into the holiness of “being.”

To be “holy” is to be “whole and complete” and only can you be this way in union with me. Now that you know that you are whole and complete can you go and “do” the Will of the Creator Father in this world because you lack nothing. Only the lag of time delays your perfection in godlikeness, but it does not prevent you from achieving it. Your decisions, actions, and experiences move you closer to finality, yet the speed at which you sail is determined by the quality of the moments that you live. I AM — you are — We live.

Live in Love,


© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius.


Sivananda Daily Reading

25 March

Posted: 23 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT

The Supreme Gift
Yoga is the supreme gift of India to the world at large. Yoga does not quarrel with science; it supplements it. Yoga is a methodical way to attain perfection, through the control of the different elements of human nature - both physical and psychical.
Yoga is the supreme science of contacting reality. It is perfection in action. It is equanimity of attitude. It is perfect peace. Yoga is union with God.
Yoga is not a thing merely to be heard. Yoga is a thing that has to be assimilated and put into practice in daily life. The practice of yoga enables one to realise unity with the whole world. It is living in tune with God.
Yoga is abiding by the principles of truth and avoiding the path of untruth. Yoga is a science which is meant for the study of the reflective. It is for those who are convinced that the world of the senses has nothing substantial to offer.
Yoga is a process of continuous transformation. The inner perfection of Self-realisation can only come to be revealed by experience. This happens only progressively. The transformation of one's personality is achieved through stages.
As you advance in yoga, the ego is progressively replaced by the spirit. It is through this that the will of God works. By the practice of yoga, the sadhaka (seeker) is freed from the tyranny of the lower mind and he becomes divine. At a later stage the transformation takes the shape of a progressive unfoldment of the spirit.
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A preceptor or guru is indispensable for the practice of yoga. The aspirant should be humble, simple, gentle, refined, tolerant, merciful and kind. You will not have success in yoga if you have desire to get psychic powers. Yoga does not consist of sitting cross-legged for six hours, nor in stopping the heart-beat, nor in getting buried in the ground for a week or a month.




