3-23-15 -- Blossom

Messages of Love 2015

What I ask of you is that you recognize your heart’s entrainment by the truth, the reality of the heart of God I Am as it is fully expressed, totally alive in ecstasy loving all life as My heart encompassing every nuance of precious life, including yours -- including this expression of a personality, including this manifestation of life in a body, including those whirling focus points you call the chakras, and including this dance of deeply honoring the awareness of the heart that shows you continually that all that you perceive as being outside of yourself in truth resides in your greater heart that loves it perfectly.

In this, beloved ones, there is no separation. It is an experiential feeling of the truth of Love as the essence of your being, of your true nature, as the infusion of pure life with every breath as the circle of the giving heart encompassing life’s wholeness as God expressed, and loving it perfectly in all of its expressions, all at once as the Moment of Creation comes forth anew and all of life perceives itself abundantly in this moment – the only moment that there is.


If there are ripples on the surface of a lake, we cannot see the depth. Similarly unless the mind is restful, we cannot experience the harmony and union within us.

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Blossom Goodchild - March 23, 2015

Hello my friends … are we all set for another exciting episode?

We are naturally at ONE with you … as we are with ALL things.

Great! Now, a few things … and not really sure if I want to dive in or not … yet, in for a penny in for a pound, as they say. Can we get to some nitty gritty about Truth? I know we delved into it once before … a good few years ago … and I just got totally confused and lost. Now that I am so very much more enlightened … !!!! ???? … shall we give it another try?

We are always happy to assist in understanding where we can. We are aware that you FEEL confused regarding the fact that … when something has occurred … when you have seen/felt it with your heart and eyes … you cannot deny it to be fact/Truth. Yet, your issue being that a particular fact may make you FEEL uncomfortable … yet, you know ... for a fact ... it happened. It is, as you would say … TRUE.

That’s right. Yet, you say if something makes you feel uncomfortable … move on … as it is not YOUR TRUTH.

Yes, we do … because it is advisable to do so. So let us try and differentiate between the two . A fact is a fact … within the illusion, let us remember … And we are saying that if a ‘story’ does not resonate with you … then it is not YOUR TRUTH.

Yes. Yet, war does not resonate with me … therefore, not my truth … yet, I know for a fact it is going on … it is TRUE. Do you see what I am saying?

Indeed. And what we are portraying is  … ‘war’ for instance … does not ‘ring True’ … for you.Yet, it may for another.

Yet, it definitely happens … therefore, is true?

It is fact. It is also fact that this is a very complicated matter.

In your world Blossom … your everyday living … do you concentrate on war?


Therefore, in YOUR WORLD … IN YOUR TRUTH … it does not resonate … it doesn’t come into your thoughts. And if it should … it doesn’t FEEL GOOD.

Ones’ OWN TRUTH is that which makes ONE FEEL GOOD. This is TRUE.

Look up ‘True’ … in accordance with fact or reality.

Look up ‘Truth’ … The quality or state of being true.

 OK … This is going to be a real test for me. Because I am finding this confusing, I am going to try and clear my mind and let you speak about it … are you up for that?

 More to the point … are you?

 In for a penny ... in for a pound.

Click here for audio. (Transcript below) http://youtu.be/5fauO5eqbV4

 Wow! That sure felt so warm and Good. Thank you … Perfect place to finish … I LOVE YOU!


The Brightest of Greetings to Each One this fine day.

We smile already, for we are aware of Blossom being a little concerned that she may not be able to intervene with questions that might come up as we are speaking.

Let us see how are little experiment transpires this day … shall we not?

So it is, that you have questions regarding Truth. What is True? What is not?

One may FEEL differently about a FEELING of something … so therefore, One would say … ‘I FEEL this way about something’ and another may say ‘Well, I FEEL that way about it.’ For each … the FEELING they have is True To/For themself.

Regarding a matter of a fact … a matter of fact … you may experience something with your own eyes that you do not FEEL comfortable about seeing. You are confusing that we say … ‘If it makes you FEEL uncomfortable, it is not True’ … This is not True! This is not so. We are saying … that if something makes you FEEL uncomfortable … then do not dwell within it … for it serves no purpose. It does not make you FEEL good.


By living in One’s Truth … we simply mean … to follow that which your heart resonates upon/within. Therefore, you are living in your OWN TRUTH. That which FEELS good for you.

Blossom is now asking us … ‘If something is there, before your very eyes, which makes you FEEL uncomfortable … that does not mean it does not exist. Therefore, it is True.

Yet, we are speaking of different matters.

WHAT YOU ARE … WHO YOU ARE … IS LOVE. This we have established. This is TRUTH.

TRUTH connected In/As/Through/Of Love.

All that is LOVE resonates as TRUTH for you.

All that is of a lower Vibration … of that same Love … does not FEEL True to One’s BEING. Do you see? One speaks of Being True to One’s self. So therefore, what would you consider the meaning of this? We would say … that Being True to One’s self is following One’s heart In/Of/Through/As Love … in ALL that FEELS of Love … to that individual soul.

The TRUE Being that you are is LOVE.

Blossom is saying, as we began our conversation via the keyboard … ‘Yet, war is a fact. It is True'. We therefore state … that it is a fact that soldiers are removed from this planet. This is TRUE … and yet, what we are trying to explain … is that it does not have to be in YOUR TRUTH. THE TRUTH of YOUR BEING.

If you concentrate … if you feed into that Vibration of war … it becomes more and more of YOUR TRUTH … for you are living within the Vibration of that particular war.

On the other hand, if you become aware of a beautiful rainbow in the sky … that is caused by the rainfall and the sunshine … that is also TRUE fact that a rainbow appears.

If you concentrate upon it … it is YOUR TRUTH. You Vibrate within the Energy of that TRUTH … it becomes YOUR TRUTH.

Both are taking place … war and rainbows. What we are trying to assist you with … is which Truth do you choose to indulge yourself within?

For those who understand a little deeper … it is fact … it is TRUTH that, that which you concentrate your thoughts upon … becomes your reality … becomes YOUR TRUTH … because you have drawn it to you. Do you see where we are heading a little now?

It is up to you to … we would say if we were writing through Blossom … in inverted commas … it is up to you to ‘invent’ YOUR TRUTH. All One need do is concentrate One’s desires upon that which FEELS good. Each One of you KNOWS within your Being what you would like to do in order to FEEL Happy.

We  explained recently that if you go to a place in your mind and make it True for you … then you can FEEL Happy … as if it is actually fact. It is True for you.


Should you desire to carry on concentrating upon that very thought in the happiness that it brings you … you Can/Shall/Will bring that reality from your THOUGHT with inside your Being … to a TRUTH outside of your Being … that can then be appreciated by the Being within. You have made it True. You have brought it into fruition. It is YOUR TRUTH. You resonated with the Vibration of it … therefore, bringing it into YOUR reality … into fact.

This is how we are trying to explain the difference. That which another chooses to be fact … to be Truth in THEIR reality … depends upon which thought they choose to concentrate upon.

If you were at a crossroads and to the right was a sign pointing towards a place called ‘Happiness’ and to the left was a sign pointing towards ‘Misery’ … at that crossroads which would be the more Joyous path to take? Automatically you think that we would assume that everyone would take the path to Happiness. Yet, they do not.

For inside some Beings … within THEIR TRUTH of where they are positioned in the vast journey of the Divine Plan … they may FEEL happier taking the miserable road.

It is not for you to judge what resonates with another. What works for One certainly does not always work for another. Therefore, we suggest to concentrate only upon that which works for you.

Create your picture story in your mind. Create your theatrical play. Create the hero within you … that you choose to act out … and by animating this story through FEELING ... you enjoy your life.

Your life! You are not here to enjoy another‘s life, in a sence, for we FEEL some may take offence to that. Blossom again is questioning us … for she is reminding us that by One giving out Happiness into the very energetical field of your world … others who are not in that position can pick up on the enjoyment of another.

We smile for she lets us not get away with a single thing … which we are most Happy about … for clarification for all.

Yet, what we would reply to that is … that the Joy One ripples forth from the SOUL TRUTH SELF OF LOVE can penetrate into another’s SOUL TRUTH LOVE and assist it to enjoy itself. Do you see the difference? … And we are relieved she is agreeing.

Dearest souls … we are In/Of so much Happiness and Joy of Love … that we … in this moment … can connect with you through sound Vibration. We ask that you open your heart space as you breathe in and exhale … and breath in again and exhale … in order to receive in fullness … the FEELING … the Vibration of Love that we so freely … and Joyously … and Lovingly offer … to you.

We consider this new structure to be working very well indeed, from our point of view … from OUR TRUTH. That which we have thought about has now been able to manifest through Vibrational frequencies that match … in order for it to become fact. That which we once thought about … speaking through Blossom in this way … has now, through such Joyous concentration upon it … become TRUTH … In Love/As Love/Through Love/Of Love … We now retract our Energy. Thanking all.


The Sky is NOT the Limit

by lifetapestrycreations

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Dear Ones,

Some of you felt the energies of the past few days deeply and directly. Others noted the angst of many, but felt little. All shifted according to their needs.

Those of you in great pain are upset because you thought you would not experience much pain once you climbed your mountain of general cleansing. Your clearing/cleansing is now of your individual paths. Some of those paths have many brambles and others are relatively clear. It is not your role or our role to specify why each entity was or was not in pain. And those who suffer(ed) are not more spiritual, merely on a different path.

You have reached a place in your transition in which you are the only one who can provide explanations and directions for you. Such a thought is difficult for many. It is like removing training wheels from your bicycle. Most of you who learned to ride a bicycle that way were certain you would fall and hurt yourself once your training wheels were removed. Only to discover that your new bicycle skills provided you with more speed and adventure than before. And so it is for your latest foray into your new world.

Expediting your personal role - as happened the past few days - intensified any brambles or pieces on your path that you could not jump over, tunnel under or run around. Those brambles are your messages to yourself that this bramble, this piece is something you need to address before you move forward.

Even though the 3D earth you most often had several lives to fully experience one issue, such is not true in this lifetime.

You agreed to build New Earth bridge - so you did. Now you are demanding that you be allowed to experience the fruits of that labor - so you are.

By moving far beyond what was expected of you by you and the Universes before entering earth in this lifetime, you have greatly expedited your clearing processes. Even though your mountain climb was sufficient to begin movement on New Earth bridge - to accept the new reality of joy and love for others and yourself, you requested a rapid roll down your green hills to ensure you would fully experience New Earth in this lifetime.

The rocks and brambles you recently noted on your path are not the result of some god or universe punishing you. It is that you are expediting your New Earth journey and process so you requested more energy for that cleansing.

Not only do you wish to cross New Earth bridge, you are planning to live in it before exiting earth in this lifetime.

For most, that last statement means that all you desire will change within a few years for you believe that this life is limited to 75 to 100 years. So you must race through all you wish to do - that your time on earth in this life has boundaries.

Allow those beliefs to float in your mind for a bit. Then realize, perhaps with great joy, that as you shift your DNA, cells, vibrations and frequencies - as you did the past few days and will continue for perhaps as long as you are of this life - there are no guidelines for what is happening.

Please note in the very depth of your being that you have moved beyond, far beyond expectations. For just when the Universes believe you have decided to rest a bit, to move at the pace predicted prior to your entrance to earth in this life, you greatly increase yours skills and speed.

We cannot provide a definite vision of where or when you will stop this unrelenting growth to 5D and beyond. Indeed, you were programmed, if you will, to halt most of your efforts once you reached 4D. Such is already in your past. You and earth are rapidly transitioning to 5D and beyond.

Where will you stop? When will you stop? No one, most likely even you, knows that answer.

You are not lemmings - following one another to an edge of a cliff to your demise as portrayed in one of your famous television commercials. You are eagles flying high above earth determining when and how you wish to land. Daring anyone to stop or control you - for you are no longer controllable.

You have likely visited hidden pain the past few days. Such is not a curse or indicator that you are a bad person. Instead, you gathered your courage and decided to fly out of the nest to your new life, new being - whether 5D, 6D or beyond.

You have no limits. And you are the one who decided such is so. For the limits you established for yourself before entering earth in this lifetime have long been forgotten. You are on your path - and you are courageous enough to crush any barriers on that path. Even though such might have been physically, emotionally or spiritually difficult, you did so or have done so the past few days - and will likely continue to do so.

Instead of being frightened, believing you are somehow cursed or thinking the gods have forsaken you, glory in the vision of you as an eagle flying majestically through the skies with your current goal in mind and future objectives fully part of your being - but only YOUR being.

You no longer are of earth as is true of a worm, you are flying high seeing earth with new eyes and skills.

Only to shift in a chameleon like fashion to a new you when your eagle being is no longer enough - just as you did the past few days. You are not a worm or a moth, you are an eagle contemplating your next frequency and/or dimensional experience. When and if you decide to explore new patterns is entirely up to you.

All that was required of you prior to entrance to earth in this life was introducing New Earth. You achieved that goal years ago. So it is that even the sky is no longer your limit. So be it. Amen.


Illawarra District, Australia, March 15, 2015.
Secondary Midwayer Dr. Mendoza (MNO-8).
Subject: “Healing the Human Fetus” (shortened transmission).

Received by George Barnard.

“Thank you for coming.”

Dr. Mendoza:
“Having you as a student is important for the very reason that some may glean a little information, learn a few things about physiology and perhaps progress a little from a spiritual point of view. From a selfish viewpoint, I confess, it is to me more important that you are my friend and of some years. As I go around the hospital wards and diagnose those who are mis-diagnosed and as I influence the surgeons to reconsider, I delight in their realizing that they now more clearly identify the symptoms.

“Seeing you are well and taking the time to converse with you is a much preferred occupation to the numbing routine of finding so many treated for what they do not have and being overlooked for what truly ails them. We now come to the point about the mother-to-be, Monique, and the danger to her baby and perhaps to further offspring suffering from that dreaded personality disorder.”

(George explains: Monique was a psychology student who shared some of my normal psychology workshops. That’s how I knew her and through our regularly comparing notes. Her boyfriend — soon to become her husband — came from a family severely troubled by a psychological disorder. Monique and I stayed in touch. She married her boyfriend, quickly became pregnant and panicked about his family’s obvious genetic problems.)

Dr. Mendoza:
“Following your request I conferred with a Life Carrier and we covered the area of the fetal brain that might possibly remain under-developed and thus give rise to that recurring personality flaw. Allowing energy to that genetically disadvantaged portion of the gray matter should bring positive healing results. In fact, in some unusual way, all that your ancestors were, you still are.

“It was decided that I would, or another Midwayer Healer should, visit the lady each morning to firstly calm her and to secondly provide extra ‘enlivening energy’ to that tiny portion of the fetal brain that needed proper development, not likely to occur without help. We Midwayers left our (11:11
time prompt) calling cards each morning so the young woman would know we were at the task.

“It is our opinion that in time and with Life Carrier guidance we can count on our becoming more useful in preventative medical care and in such efforts as with Monique’s offspring. In essence, the process is not all that far removed from the ‘neuron bridging’ that is activated in those with mild to somewhat more serious head injury. However, just like Angels and other Celestials, we are almost always overlooked, even by such long-time students and helpers as this receiver.

“This is Dr. Mendoza. Peace and love to you all.”

(Monique gave birth to a boy and almost two years later a girl. She was delighted she never missed the 11:11 prompts during both those times. Typical indications such as shyness, clinginess or an exaggerated fear of strangers — so typical of every one of her husband’s siblings when they were little — were not observed in her children. I last checked on her in 1998. I lost contact with Monique after that.)

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5232 Special Favors and Rescue, March 23, 2015

God said:

Beloveds, I talk to you firmly today. Many of your prayers are plaints. Plaints are pleas for something. Plaints are seemingly a more acceptable presentation of complaints. Let’s get right to it. I will tell you a common plea I hear from you.
On second thought, before I get right down to it, I had better say something introductory so there is no misunderstanding. It is better for you to present yourself to Me asking for a hand-out rather than not to present yourself to Me at all. In regard to this point, then I would tell you to complain to Me all day rather than to say nothing to Me. Better to mumble to Me than to say nothing to Me. Better to mumble mumbo-jumbo than to avert yourself from Me. Now, with that being said, let’s get down to it.
But wait. Why do I indicate a preference to your not coming to Me with petitions, as if I am a King you come to beg from, such as your wanting a land problem solved or money flowing in your pocket. In some way, you wish Me to intervene on your behalf. You want to be rescued, and you ask a special favor of your King of Holiness. In other words, you want to be singled out. You join a throng that asks for special favors and rescue. You come to Me pleading.
At first this seems humble, yet can you be so sure?
Before I get down to it, let Me repeat: Better to come to Me in any way than not to come to Me at all.
When you can, come to Me with the idea of giving rather than gaining. Move closer to the idea that you are not a needy person. Of course, it is My preference that a Child of Mine know his heritage, that he know the strengths I have given to him, that he know his true nature. No matter how it may appear to the world, no matter how much the world tells you that you come from neediness, neediness is not to be a main theme of your life. Abandon the concept of neediness.
Let Me also say that I most certainly do not want you to come to Me with a false front, as brave as that may be. If your heart is crying out, cry out. Don’t dissemble.
On the other hand, instead of the idea that you have nowhere to turn but to Me, begin to see yourself as strong, not high and mighty, yet strong. Develop the idea of your own ability to draw your desires to you. You see, you may have had a tendency to feel that you are helpless and hapless. I do petition you to begin to think of yourself more in the Light of Truth. You are not high and mighty, yet you have all the worthiness and great strength in Heaven and in the world. I am not referring to endurance. I am referring to your God-given ability to resurrect yourself.
Often, my devoted children who are, after all, Myself, come to Me and beseech Me. “Help me,” you ask. You ask for help a lot. You are not hapless and helpless. You have well-learned to tie your own shoes.
Lean toward Me more with this idea:
“God, what can I do to help You fulfil Your Will in the world?” In this way you are offering yourself in My service. Don’t you feel stronger already?
Please do not look upon others as needy either. Beseeching for another may not be the best you can do for another. It may be better to reaffirm that every person has powerful resources within himself, just as you do.
Yes, it is good to come to Me under any circumstances. It is also good to come to Me from strength. Of course, you are made in My image. Of course, you are more powerful than you have acknowledged. Acknowledge this gift of strength and initiative that you already have. Use them. You are not a cudgel that can do nothing of itself. Sure, have faith in Me and faith in yourself and others as well.


Sivananda Daily Reading

24 March

Posted: 22 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT

Yogasara-Upanishad Mantra - 14
The yogi separates himself from the three gunas (qualities) and attains kaivalya
Notes and Commentary
By increasing the satvic modifications of the mind such as kshama (patience), love, mercy, magnanimity, generosity, truthfulness, celibacy, you can destroy the rajasic and tamasic mental vrittis. Internal fight is ever going on between gunas - satva, rajas and tamas, between good vrittis and evil vrittis.
If satva predominates in the mind, thoughts of God, Brahma-vichara (enquiry into truth) will manifest. The mind will be one-pointed. The meditative mood will come by itself without any exertion. In spiritual neophytes the satvic state of mind will not last for a long time. Rajas and tamas will try to rush in. You will have to be very careful and vigilant. You will have to watch the mind through careful introspection. Your important duty is to increase the satva in the mind. A satvic man will be ever virtuous, God-loving, dispassionate and powerful. A rajasic man will be ever engaged in worldly activities. He wants to lord over people. He has a domineering attitude. He wants powers. He is much attached to wife, children and property. The dross or impurities of the mind - rajas and tamas - should be removed by heating the mind in the fire of vairagya and abhyasa (dispassion and spiritual practices of sadhana). Then alone you will become a dhyana yogi.
Eventually the purusha (soul) realises his own native state of divine glory, isolation or absolute independence (kaivalya). He has completely disconnected himself from the prakrti and its effects. He feels his absolute freedom and attains kaivalya, the highest goal of a raja yogi. All klesha-karmas are destroyed now. The gunas, having fulfilled their objects of enjoyment and evolution, now entirely cease to act. He has simultaneous knowledge now. The past and future are blended into present. Everything is "now". Everything is "here". He has transcended time and space. The sum-total of all knowledge of the three worlds, of all secular sciences is nothing, nothing, compared to the infinite knowledge of a yogi who has attained kaivalya. Glory, glory to such exalted yogis. May their blessings be upon us all!
