3-20-15 -- The Play of Life et al

When you see this life as the Divine, problems disappear from your eyes.  Sri Sri


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5229 The Play of Life [II], March 20, 2015

God said:

It is like you carry a theater in your heart. You have a playwright, producers, director, stage director, actors and more in your heart. Every day they come out on stage and put on a good play. You couldn’t think up what gets put together without even a rehearsal. Everyone prances out on stage, and the drama does its thing, and the audience, which includes you, travels through all the emotions known to man. Oftentimes you are surprised at the drama. Other times there seems to be nothing new. Watch out. There will be new developments. The theater seats are filled everyday.
Even when you go home, the theater is there, everyone in place and the next performance is all set to go. The orchestra plays, and the Play of Life has begun its gyrations.
Are you not one of the actors on stage? Isn’t it your theater? Don’t you enter the set ready for the comedy or the drama, all the scenes and characters set before you? It is a play ad libbed to perfection. If you had studied the play for years, you couldn’t do better playing your part – and, incidentally, all the other parts as well. It is, after all, your play and your experience.
There is even a catering service included. Sometimes you are pleased with the food, and sometimes you’re not. Almost all kinds of performances appear on your stage, and many are repeated in one form or another.
This theater begins when you are a baby and then a toddler all the way until you leave the theater after your last performance, mostly when you have grown old and almost a whole new cast of characters takes over your theater. After your last performance, you are part of the conversation. In later time to come, there is no one in the cast who really remembers you any longer. Someone else’s name has gone up on your marquee.
From your new place high on the hill, all this doesn’t matter to you any longer. You own nothing now, and you have everything. You left your personal identity behind. Your body and name are now like old clothes in a trunk. You are back on track on a high road. You conduct a different kind of orchestra that keeps playing and keeps uplifting the entire Universe. Meeting God is ever the same yet eminently new each time, never old hat.
You have come to new conclusions now. You don’t even think of what you have come to as conclusions. It’s more like you are finding new discoveries as you dance along and more songs to accompany yourself. It must be the music of the spheres you hear. 
Now you are on top of the world. You go nowhere, and yet you are everywhere. You have met again many friends you once knew, and foes as well even as they are dear to you now, and you can’t even imagine what all the fuss was about when the essence of you was carried around in some kind of halter called a body. Now there is no pretense of ownership, and there are no barriers. There are no doors to knock on. No doors to open. No doors to close. In fact, there is no place really, and no race to get there.
Oh, my, what a non-place to be. You are as light as air. As well, you are surrounded with light. You encompass the light, and you are encompassed by light. Where light shines are you. There is no place at all, yet if there were place, you, the light, and God could not be told apart or rearranged whatsoever. Oneness would sing Oneness. Infinity, which is Vast Vastness, would buoy you. You would fill the Universe. You would know that you are of Heaven, and yet you would embrace the Universe. All souls would be in your heart. It would be impossible to tell a difference between one heart and another. God would be bursting with joy in every heart. You would be positive that God Is, and yet, God would be indistinguishable from all the love bursting its bounds, of which it has none, as it is in Heaven. What an ensemble plays music in the Everland that exists yet not in a fixed place. No walls in Heaven. Nothing but Oneness soaring here and there and everywhere.


Chicago, US of A, March 12, 2015.
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “Things to Know about Evil”

Message Received by Valdir Soares.

“Evil is exceedingly bewildering for human beings on Urantia. Most of you conceive of evil as being the opposite of God, and you wonder how evil and God can co-exist. Such a contrasting view is understandable — God, being your highest value of goodness — but it is incorrect. There is no comparison between the unique and infinite person that is God and anything else. Evil is not the opposite of good. Evil has its origin in creatures and is, in fact, a negation of the goodness of God revealed in His will. Therefore, evil has no bona fide origin. Consider these basic concepts about evil:

“Evil exists, but it is not enduring.
Philosophically speaking, it could be said that evil exists, but is not ontologically real. It exists, but it lacks enduring reality substance because only that which primarily originates in God has bona fide reality and is endowed with enduring existence. Evil brings in itself the seed of rebellion against God and the consequent destruction of itself. Also, it could be said that evil is an aberration of the goodness of God. Goodness is expression of God's nature, but evil has no nature. Evil is devoid of substance. Evil is just ‘un-reality’ in progress — the non-being becoming unreal.

“To be effective, evil must be embraced.
God created humans by granting them the faculty of will. Human free will actually is free and sovereign only to determine the individual’s eternal destiny: with God by choosing to do the will of God, or without God (as if never having been) by rejecting the will of God and having embraced the non-reality of evil. Evil, if left to itself, can be devastating and certainly will destroy even those that identify themselves with it. It may not always appear aesthetically ugly. It is, however, always eternally spiritually fatal, when ultimately embraced by the individual.

“Evil succumbs before faith.
Faith in God is an invulnerable spiritual shield. Evil cannot ever penetrate it. Faith guards your mind and protects your soul. Faith is believing in the spiritual and in the eternal beyond your earthly life. Faith is desiring being with God accompanied by a sincere and constant striving for doing the will of God. Faith is not theological accuracy. It is about sincerity and the certainty of eternal values — even if these values may be misrepresented by the individual’s religious confession. Evil can never prevail over a believer that has chosen to wholeheartedly believe in his God.

“So, my pupil, do not fear evil. Your planet was tainted by evil with the Lucifer Rebellion and it is still encrusted in your civilization, through supposed sovereign and independent nations, preventing your world to act as one, as the human race is one, and instigating endless wars between the nations. However, God’s Bestowal Plan through His divine and Paradise Sons is functional on Urantia and will ultimately render ineffective these evil residues of the Lucifer Rebellion and it will ensue the enduring reality of the Kingdom of God promised by Jesus of Nazareth.

“I am Prolotheos, your Tutor-Teacher on High. Peace be with you.”

Edited by Linda Abell.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.


Sivananda Daily Reading

21 March

Posted: 19 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT

Yogasara-Upanishad Mantra - 11 (Continued)
Dharana (concentration) is fixing the mind on an idea or a point or object either internal or external
Notes and Commentary
For a neophyte, the practice of concentration is disgusting and tiring in the beginning. He has to cut new grooves in the mind and brain. After some months he will get great interest in concentration. He will enjoy a new kind of happiness, the concentration-ananda. He will become restless if he fails to enjoy this new kind of happiness even on one day. Concentration is the only way to get rid of the worldly miseries and tribulations. Your only duty is to practise concentration. You have taken this physical body to practise concentration and through concentration to realise the self. Charity, Rajasuya Yajna, are nothing when compared with concentration. They are playthings only.
Through vairagya (dispassion), pratyahara and practice of concentration, the dissipated rays of wandering mind are slowly collected. Through steady practice it is rendered one-pointed. How happy and strong is that yogi who has one-pointed mind! He can turn out voluminous work in the twinkling of an eye.
Those who practise concentration off and on will have only occasionally a steady mind. Sometimes the mind will begin to wander and will be quite unfit for application. You must have a mind that will obey you at all times sincerely and carry out all your commands in the best possible manner at anytime. Steady and systematic practice of raja yoga will make the mind very obedient and faithful.
There are five yoga bhumikas or stages or five stages of the mind, viz., kshipta (wandering), mudha (forgetfulness), vikshipta (gathering mind), ekagra (one-pointed), niruddha (controlled or well restrained). By gradual and well regulated practice of concentration daily, the rays of the wandering mind are collected. It becomes one-pointed. Eventually it is curbed properly. It comes under proper control.
If the aspirant pursues what is not fitting, his progress is painful and sluggish. He who pursues what is fitting gets easy progress and quick intuition. He who has no past spiritual samskaras (tendencies) of previous birth makes painful progress. One who has such samskaras makes easy progress. In one whose nature is actually corrupt and whose controlling faculties are weak, progress is painful and intuition is sluggish. But to one of keen controlling faculties progress is rapid and intuition is quick. In one overcome by ignorance, intuition is sluggish; to one not so overcome, intuition is rapid.


What is the Cause of Darkness?

When it became evident that I was dealing with a lot of darkness within the scope of my practice, I asked Archangel Michael to explain darkness. At the time, he said “the un-evolved”. That sounded rather polite considering the things I was being shown during my sessions identifying and clearing the cause of my clients’ challenges.
I could write quite extensively on the subject from the now years I have been dealing with it, but for the purpose here, I am going to give you highlights.
Since I share the same soul as Michael and work with him during my sessions, I have seen sometimes back to what I consider the beginning of time. During my sessions, I have dealt with Lucifer, Satan and more recently the Prince of Darkness. They are actually three different individuals combined in popular culture considered the “devil”.
The brief description is that the Prince of Darkness was created at the same time as the Prince of Light (Archangel Michael). Michael’s role was to defend the light (God) and creation and the Prince of Darkness was defending the nothingness which all creation stems from originally. Evil came out of the need to defend a position. Had there been no judgment that one had more value than another there would have been no need to defend a position.
Satan was an angel who noticed God give another angel something he did not receive. The judgment he made was that he must be inferior because someone else got something he did not receive. That insecurity created the need to justify his importance.
Lucifer, another angel, was given an assignment by God. He judged himself as superior and didn’t want the job for which he was chosen.
Therefore, the beginning of our being challenged by darkness came out of the judgment of inferiority or superiority and the defending of their position to prove one’s value.
During these sessions of identifying the cause, we were able to clear the story that began a particular dynamic to unfold. There are other dynamics I can elaborate on later.
The truth of the matter is that we were all created from the same nothingness and that no one really has any more value than another. If the angels at the time understood and accepted that, the problems that came out of these dynamics would not have occurred. The problems that have occurred are the effects of darkness (that un-evolved viewpoint).
I will elaborate on the effects of darkness in the future, which has caused you to suffer.


Heart Activation - The Clear and Open Heart (Jeshua)

My beloved friends,

I Am here with you and I Am everywhere. I Am the expression of the pure heart of Love - the heart of our Creator. I Am what you are. And being here with me, heart open, permission given, allows you to partake of this energy that is made available to the world now.

This is an extraordinary time. The gift of this time is the lifting of the veil. What this means for you is that your heart is clear. In this moment now, as I connect with your beautiful hearts, the veil of misperception, of disbelief, of the ego's world is absolutely dissolved. And your heart is free that you may remember all that you are, that you might step forth and claim the reality of Love.

Your experience of this, my friends, may be a feeling of being very vulnerable, because the self-protection that the ego-mind has built is now gone. But I must tell you this, it is very important that you not turn right around and pick it back up.

So you are going to have to be strong, be willing to feel this vulnerability, to be willing to have a clear and open heart, and to stand revealed as the light of God - pure, pristine and beautiful -- not at all made to live the illusion of this world.

Many of you coming into this experience of life on earth made exactly that decision. You believed that because the heart that you can feel that is so bright and so all-encompassing, wasn't made for this world, you had to protect it. But the truth is, of course, that you didn't and don't. Your heart is is the light. It is the light of the I Am. It is the light of All-That-Is. And believe Me when I tell you, it is up to any test, for Love always takes precedent above anything else. And the Light is the movement of Love.

The first thing that I move you out of is that feeling of needing to be protected. For you are the power of God that does not need protecting at all. You are that which moves through any situation and brings clarity, brings light, brings the power of Love and brings tenderness and mercy and all-encompassing joy.

So your hearts may feel vulnerable for a while, but it will not take long for you to remember the truth and to be centered fully in the power of Love. Being centered in your heart, now that you have received this gift, this activation, is going to be very important, particularly for the next two months. For you, My dear friends, do get to choose. And you will have to choose to keep your heart open, active and available. You will have to refrain from hiding your light. And hiding your light has become quite a habit.

Assist each other to stay committed to living the open heart. Refrain from wrapping yourselves in the veil of self-protection again. For the truth is, that is only the ego-self that has imagined the need for protection at all, for who needs to protect the heart of God?

I Am this clear light to be your example. I Am here to show you that this light is never-ending and ever-present here in the world. And everywhere there is imagined darkness, your open heart now can shine, releasing the ego veils and empowering with Love. This shall be your work in many ways. The activated heart is ready.

I ask you to think big. To shift into your consciousness, not your mind. And to feel the magnitude of what you are here to live, here to bring, here to be. Stretching throughout the sky, holding the Real light, becoming the shining sun of the One here to light the earth.

Those of you who have been seeing this activation as a way to assist with personal goals, I will help you lift up to a greater vision of what is to be done, what is to be held, what is to be lived. For this is far beyond the personal life. This is the impersonal, ever-shining heart of the whole.

When you are past the first two months from this day of activation, your vision will expand exponentially. And you will find yourselves receiving instructions from on-high, leading you lovingly forward, step by step. Any feelings of vulnerability will have been firmly replaced by the wonderful feeling, the deep awareness, of your truth as the open heart - the Real, eternal, shining light.

The open heart is vibrant and clear and beyond the perception of duality. In this place you live the unfolding moment of the pure perfection of Love awakening as humanity. You will know your part to play as it lives you. It will be perfect and more than enough to fill you continuously with gratitude and with joy.

You will find that living with an open heart is very different than living through the ego-mind. And it may take practice at first to feel comfortable being in the moment and allowing Love to move in you and through you -- surprising you sometimes by what you do and say and showing you how perfectly the outreach comes and how far the light is projected through the open heart.

Your heart has its own vision. And from the perceptions of the world it is ever-upward, outward. Leading you into the expansiveness of the unending joy of God. But however you perceive it - going outward, going within - the experience is unmistakable. And it has begun.

I Am Jeshua, companion and friend, wayshower and that which lives in union with the center of your being. And all the ways that I Am perceived, the truth of our friendship is feeling the deep assurance that this Love we share is truly forever.

Call on me to reveal what it means to be the open heart if you have any confusion at all. And call on me as well if you feel tempted to protect your heart. I will help you shift instantly into the truth of Love. I will connect you with the power of the Love you are and you will remember in a way that's unmistakable -- that there is only Love revealed before the light.

As the structures of the ego-mind fall or fade away, the level of ecstasy in which you live will continuously increase until everything you thought you dreamed is pale in comparison. And I promise that we will rejoice together.

Mark this day and make the commitment to stand firmly, to live fully in your open heart. And live deeply in gratitude, for this is truly the most extraordinary gift. This is the turn that has been made. You are coming home to Love and I Am here to greet you.

The Messages from God
Through Yael and Doug Powell
At Circle of Light
3969 Mundell Road
Eureka Springs, AR 72631

Circle of Light


Rudy - Equinox Triple Play of Cosmic Events


