3-19-15 -- High Intentions

Until you have become the rich and resonant heart and allowed that
field of resonance to speak its truth to you, you might absorb these
words on the level of the ego mind and they might make not a bit of
sense to you at all. But the moment that you open your heart and give
Me that “Yes,” the moment that you become the Vertical… in that
moment the heart of God you are takes over and lights you up with
Love’s entrainment from the Real of Love you are, through all
expressions of the living cosmos of God I Am…
Call them dimensions, call them levels, call them universes or solar
systems. Whatever you use to express this concept, know this. It can
only be experienced directly through the heart and the moment that it is,
dear ones, then life becomes available through the glorious unfolding of
your divine heart, and the Love I Am in all its many expressions, all the
glory of Creation clothed in God is fully known in the sweet and endless
communion that is your heart, which is also Mine and goes on and on
forever unfolding more ways to love All That I Am.


When seva {service} is made part of your nature, it happens without doer-ship.  Sri Sri


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5228 High Intention , March 19, 2015

God said:

Many of My conscientious children want to do everything right. This is truly a human desire. However, it is unlikely that you will attain what is considered perfection in the world.
Now I will tell you what is the best thing you can do in all situations. This is it:
To come from high intention. Come with a high intention to serve. This is something you can do. You have a much better chance to steer your life with high intention than you have a chance of being perfect. In fact, you can let go of the idea of being perfect, for in the world, you are not likely to succeed. Perfect to whom anyway? To yourself? To another? Perfection, like just about everything else in the world, comes down to a matter of opinion.
And, then, you may ask: “What is the Highest of any and all intentions? How do we struggling humans know the answer to that?”
What I think is that you come from the high intention to serve. Desire to come from the Highest Intention to serve God. It’s also very fine to serve your children and family with the highest intention to serve them. Or the highest intention to serve your employer. The highest intention to prepare delicious and healthy food. The highest intention to drive your car safely and considerately for all.
It is good to think of what are your highest intentions. Obviously, you wouldn’t think that your desiring the biggest piece of pie or the whole pie is your highest intention. On the other hand, it is not necessary that your high intention includes everyone but you. You are entitled to pie. You do not have to leave yourself out. Sacrifice is generally not a high intention despite what you may have heard.
When there is one piece of pie left, you might grab it. Appetite to serve may compete with appetite for food. When you eat the last piece of pie, it may well not bring you the happiness you thought it would. And even if the piece of pie happened to be the most delicious pie you ever tasted, the fulfilment doesn’t last as long as your fulfilment at having passed it on to a hungry child would have been.
And, look, if you ate the whole rest of the pie in the refrigerator, it’s not for you to boo-hoo over it. In a way, appetite for food isn’t quite fair, is it? I gave you appetite. Your high intention may have been not to eat the pie, and yet you ate it anyway. Let it be okay. It’s done. Free yourself from regret. Freedom from regret is a also a worthy intention. Regret is not high.
When you give from love, then it is not sacrifice, for you are doing what you want to do. I would like to be sure this is understood.
Even when you arise in the morning, your high intention can be to have a great day. This is not self-centered. When you have a great day, you can be sure that all those around you, by virtue of your having a great day, will also have a great day. You can have more than one high intention. You can have the deliberate intention that everyone has a great day. You can bless, and you can bless. And you, yourself, also merit to have a wonderful day.
Your consciousness is rising anyway. It’s possible I never really had to write this Heavenletter today. Perhaps you are already aware of the power and blessings of your Self.


Michigan, US of A, March 8, 2015.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “The Doorstep of Fateful Elections”

Received by Chris Maurus.

Thought Adjuster:
I AM with you and always will I be, for you are my beloved who I have nurtured, watched over, and inspired since the day of your indwelling. I AM the one you call “Beloved” and I AM the Father’s presence within you. Come to me child, and bring your concerns — those things that trouble you and perplex you and we shall work together to find a “soul-ution” that brings you to a place of greater understanding. In these moments when you come to me and speak the words, “Let us be of one mind and one heart,” I grow closer, and the gap between divinity and humanity narrows, for in this space is where you experience unconditional love — the higher love, and the peace that surpasses all understanding. In this place of communion can you release all the tensions of worldly life and step into the mind and heart in unity with Spirit and feel this beautiful vibration — the Word of life.

You are a new soul experiencing a life of difficulties and hardships where many decisions must be made; not only for yourself, but for those you love. Remember always, my beloved, that you have an extended family who loves you dearly and are always at the ready to help you through those important decision and difficulties — the family of Spirit. We can see where you cannot, and we can go and prepare the conditions for those decisions that will move you beyond the threshold of your present development and into a greater place in understanding of the wider vistas of time and eternity.

Let me remind you, when you are caught up in the dramas of life, that these difficult things, people, and circumstances are here in your life as a theater for you to work on those qualities of personality and soul that are necessary for your continued growth. I AM preparing you for your next assignment — the next phase and level of your birth into Spirit where you will continue to explore and experience the wonders of the universe with greater intellect and understanding, yet to do these things must you experience a deeper love for me and for all the creatures in this universe that are all working out their own imperfections. You are beginning to understand the complexity and the simplicity of the Great Plan as all life flows toward perfection and completion of an age.

Though you may feel alone and abandoned at times in your life, and you find my voice very small and difficult to hear, know that the decisions, the mistakes, and the triumphs of your life that you are making and experiencing are necessary to bring you to this next step that your soul has bid for. Yes, the real you — the true self — the developing soul has made decisions about your future and where it desires to be and so must you — the conscious you, in time and space, accomplish those things in the theater of life that will lead you to the doorstep of those fateful elections.

Come to me often, my beloved, and let me guide your feet on the path that leads straight to your hopes and desires. There is no need to repeat painful lessons when you come to me in faith and listen to the heart where I speak softly. After a long and cold winter, I am like the first bird of spring to joyfully sing the song of warmer days ahead.


Receiver’s note: After experiencing one of the longest and coldest winters in Michigan history, I sat at my laptop receiving this message on a cold but sunny Sunday morning. Near the end of the transmission, I heard the first bird of spring chirping outside my window — it was the most beautiful song I have ever heard. How very wonderful — like a wink from the universe.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius.


Sivananda Daily Reading

20 March

Posted: 18 Mar 2015 10:00 PM PDT

Yogasara-Upanishad Mantra - 11 (Continued)
Dharana (concentration) is fixing the mind on an idea or a point or object either internal or external
Notes and Commentary
Retire into a quiet room; sit on padmasana. Close your eyes. See what happens when you concentrate on an apple. You may think of its colour, shape, size and its different parts such as skin, pulp, seeds, etc. You may think of the places (Australia or Kashmir) wherefrom it is imported. You may think of its acidic or sweet taste and its effects on the digestive system and blood. Through law of association ideas of some other fruits also may try to enter. The mind may entertain some other extraneous ideas. It may begin to wander about. It may think of meeting a friend at the railway station at 4 p.m. It may think of purchasing a towel or a tin of tea and biscuits. It may ponder over some unpleasant happening that occurred the previous day. You must try to have a definite line of thought. There must not be any break in the line of thinking. You must not allow other thoughts which are not connected with the object on hand to enter. You will have to struggle hard to get success in this direction. The mind will try its level best to run in the old grooves and to take its old familiar road or old beaten path. The attempt is somewhat like going uphill. You will rejoice when you get even some success in concentration. Just as law of gravitation, cohesion, etc., operate in the physical plane, so also definite laws of thought such as law of association, law of relativity, law of continuity, etc., operate in the mental plane or thought-world. Those who practise concentration should thoroughly understand these laws. When the mind thinks of an object, it may think of its qualities and its parts also. When it thinks of a cause, it may think of its effects also.
If emotions disturb you during concentration, do not mind them. They will pass away soon. If you try to drive them, you will have to tax your will-force. Have an indifferent attitude. The vedantin uses the formulae: "I don't care. Get out. I am a sakshi (witness of the mental modifications)" to drive the emotions. The devotee simply prays and help comes from God.
Train the mind in concentration on various subjects, gross and subtle, and of various sizes, small, medium, and big. In course of time a firm habit of concentration will be formed. The moment you sit for concentration the mood will come at once quite easily. When you read a book, you must read it with concentration. There is no use skipping over the pages in a hurried manner. Read one page in the Gita. Close the book. Concentrate on what you have read. Find out parallel lines in Mahabharata, Upanishads and Bhagavatam. Compare and contrast.


The Mystical Practicality of the Solar Eclipse New Moon

Posted on March 18, 2015 in Configurations | [P]
By Henry Seltzer for Astrograph Astrology

New Moon - March 20, 2015
Friday morning

Friday morning early, the New Moon that takes place in the final degree of Pisces is also a Solar Eclipse, thus an extra-powerful New Moon with long-term implications for individual and collective transformational development. Additionally the same day the Sun enters Aries for the important symbolism of the Spring Equinox, beginning the entirety of the season. We will want to look closely into the symbolism of this powerful lunation for the clues to that which we will need to incorporate into our own process of dawning awareness and evolutionary growth. The cosmic message of this timing will speak to us in different ways depending on where we have arrived, along the outline of our path, and where indeed we might yet be stuck. This New Moon eclipse is especially poignant for us now, coming as it does in the aftermath of the recent perfection of the Uranus-Pluto square, the seventh in a series of seven, thus the last exact hit of their dynamic alignment for the next thirty years. Eclipses are significant moments and you will want to be asking of this one, what exactly is the message for your life right now — what is the cosmos attempting to convey that speaks to your own particular situation?

In reference to a message, the position of Mercury is particularly apt, and we do find Mercury highlighted in this eclipse configuration, in conjunction with Neptune, only a few degrees of Zodiacal longitude away, and closely parallel. The position of Pluto, at 15 Capricorn, makes a sextile to this Mercury while they each make an inconjunct aspect to Jupiter, which almost exactly aspects their midpoint, bringing both the archetype of transformational change, and as well that of the logical mind, as represented by Mercury, into greater focus. Mercury resides in numinous and other-dimensional Pisces, and the eclipse itself takes place in the final degree of Pisces, the sign of Neptune's rulership. In this sense the logical mind is itself eclipsed in favor of the mystical. This speaks to the idea that there is a numinous and irrational element to this cosmic patterning that could indeed help us to navigate this difficult period when everything around us is radically changing. Although Uranus and Pluto have made their final exact contact, they remain only a few minutes of a degree off. In the pattern of this eclipse, we also find Jupiter across the Zodiac from the rest of the planets, which are contained in the arc from the beginning of the sign of Sagittarius, where we find Saturn, to Taurus, where we currently find Venus, making a 150-degree inconjunct aspect to Saturn.

An awareness-spawning impulse toward figuring out where we are at in this last half of a transformational month of March is thus very much emphasized in the timing of this eclipse configuration, with an emphasis on Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter. Saturn symbolizes practical limitations, grounding the mystical impulses of Neptune and Jupiter for greater concrete realization and social activism. This might indeed be the very combination that we need as we confront the massive changes indicated by this twenty-first century's second decade, that is far from over.

Why do we need both a mystical and a hard-nosed and practical, reality-based approach to get us through? The logical mental powers that have achieved the glory and the headaches of our materialistic culture will not suffice to allow us to move beyond it. As once the Great Chain of Being supported our souls, so too do we now need new models of Spirit to support our understanding of our place in history and our path of intentionality to move past our current difficulties on both a personal and a societal level.

The Sabian symbol for this eclipse in the final degree of Pisces might have something to contribute. It is "The Great Stone Face." This is a reference to a mid-nineteenth-century short story by Nathanial Hawthorne: "The Great Stone Face was a work of Nature in her mood of majestic playfulness, formed on the perpendicular side of a mountain by some immense rocks, which had been thrown together in such a position as, when viewed at a proper distance, to precisely resemble the features of the human countenance." Marc Edmund Jones invokes as well the surrounding social setting when he comments that "each individual selects the image within [him- or herself] to which they would shape themselves outwardly, and this they come to resemble, as in Hawthorne's tale... [with the result of] self-integrity in its irresistible impact on the course of events." Indeed we reap in terms of the collective what we individually sow, and this in turn inspires us to our best efforts to emulate, and to further, the emerging ideals of this New Age that is presently being born.
