3-1-15 -- Oneness et al

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MARCH 1, 2015

We come with greetings of love and grace to assist all who seek change and deeper awareness. We observe that many have already accomplished this; you have done the work and are beginning to see the fruitage of that work.

As Gaia lifts into ever higher dimensional levels, many are beginning to more easily experience and integrate the deeper truths. Concepts previously taken for granted as being truth, have become no longer acceptable to ever increasing numbers of people. Some holding positions of leadership or fame who comfortably spewed lies or acted in ways to enhance their own power, authority, wealth, and self aggrandizement, are being exposed. This is happening because so many have begun to listen to and act upon their intuition instead of simply accepting "bought and paid for" sources of information. You are awakening from the dream.

Always listen to your intuition dear ones. Even if at first you are unable to fully trust, make a mental note of what you receive. Intuitive guidance and knowledge comes from soul, it is you, and will guide you through every situation of every day if you acknowledge and allow it. As you evolve and begin to trust more deeply in your own Divine nature, intuition will simply become ordinary, no longer needing to be practiced.

The world in general has been trained lifetime after lifetime to look outside of itself for answers, guidance, and happiness which makes perfect sense in a world of duality and separation, for most did not realize there was anywhere else to look. However, since duality automatically manifests as pairs of opposites, the results of looking to the outer are sometimes good, and sometimes not so good.

Most of you are no longer of this energy, you have "graduated" and come to know that the outer things are interpretations of consciousness. Mind is the substance of matter. In third dimensional consciousness, the outer is most often formed through human effort--matter manipulated to make it work. However, because there is no law supporting man made forms, there is nothing to hold them in place-- a lesson many are painfully learning at this time.

Those who have always achieved exactly what they desired regardless of any harm it may of caused other humans or Gaia, are now finding or soon will find that these manipulative ways no longer work, this type of energy is dissolving. Many who presently sit comfortably on thrones made of ego and self importance will discover that they sit within castles made of sand.

The new and higher resonating energies do not eliminate wealth or power but serve to lift it into higher forms. Abundance is a quality of the Divine, ever present already within every individual and held infinitely in place by Divine Law. The higher consciousness of abundance in all its forms flows easily and infinitely as oneness, love, and service--never a tool for personal selfishness. There is nothing evil or wrong about financial abundance. Like all other qualities of the Divine, through the belief in two powers, abundance has been misinterpreted and thus manifests in the world as either too much or too little. Remember, you are powerful beings, your thoughts and words create, and each time you say; "I don't have.", mind interprets that and forms it in your outer experience.

Arcturian Group wishes to discuss change. We observe many who retreat into fear and resistance whenever the familiar dissolves or changes. When old forms dissolve, know that the Divine idea behind the form is still present. Divine Ideas are changeless and are held forever in place by Divine Law. Because of this, newer and better forms of every Divine Idea take the place of that which dissolves--if you allow it.

Example: At one point the Divine idea of Omnipresence was interpreted in human consciousness as walking, then evolved to riding horses, then to horses pulling sleds or carriages. Then came the model T and all that has followed it--Omnipresence manifesting as jet planes, elegant automobiles, and fast rails, and it does not end there, there is no end. Divine ideas never change, what the world lives and sees depends upon how these ideas are interpreted according to the consensus consciousness or individuals. This is what you are lifting into more Light.

There are those who still base their sense of self in whatever perceived qualities of value they have--how beautiful they are, how much money they make, or how fashionably they dress . This is seen in the mindless worship and imitation of the rich and famous. Individuals drawn to imitation are not yet awake to their own Divine Nature, and so have no real sense of self worth. This state of consciousness frequently lashes out through violence because the individual feels left out, unworthy, and rejected. They are frequently are drawn to positions of authority where they are able to act out legally.

Some with a consciousness of unworthiness simply choose to suffer silently, but their energy field often attracts those of a "bully" state of consciousness because both carry the same energy of unworthiness--like energy attracts like energy. Bullying cannot be solved by punishment, but by the attainment of a sense of worth within the individual. These types of issues are usually carried from past life experiences and need to be cleared at their root, not with medication but with truth.

Many fear the loss of themselves in the process of evolution. Over lifetimes of infinite experience as human beings, every person develops a personal sense of self and is usually ready to defend it at all costs. When an individual begins to realize that he must move beyond many of the very qualities he believes to be who he is, he panics. This can be a terrifying experience especially for strong personalities and is the point at which some choose to end their spiritual quest.

Your claim to fame, your personality--you, must be surrendered in order to evolve?? Surely not! What will be left? Nothing? It is at this point that many strong, powerful, and outgoing individuals begin to visualize the holy cards nuns handed out to school children--men and women with eyes raised and hands folded--booooring. Nah!

Never fear losing anything real dear ones, for you only ever release and leave behind that false sense of self you have been entertaining about who and what you are. Nothing real can ever be lost. You will discover that you are still you, now empowered in higher ways of seeing and being as the real aspects of you become stronger and more enhanced. You are becoming a new and improved version.

As evolved individuals, you will continue to live and move and be in the world, but be much less touched by it. You will find yourselves able to enter the fray of work, home, or play, and not be tempted to enter into it. There is no longer anything for lower resonating energies to attach to for your energy field is now of a higher resonance.

This is Lightwork dear ones. You came to awaken, evolve, and then help those struggling to do the same. Forget any dreams you may of had about ascending and then sitting back comfortably as an observer for the rest of your time on earth, or skipping off to a quiet convent or monastery. No, any Light you attain is not only for you, but for the world in whatever ways or places you may find yourselves.

Many of you are beginning to experience all sorts of odd situations because you have become carriers of Light--Light workers. Do not be surprised or put off by the experiences that may start to come your way, for you will be drawn to where you are needed and those who need you (not want) will be drawn to you. As Lightworkers you will soon find that any old concepts you may still hold of "proper, dignified, or correct" go out the window but at the same time you will discover in this work a love for mankind that you did not know you were capable of. Lightwork dear ones, consists of being the Light in whatever form it is needed. It goes with you wherever you go because it is you.

If you have been in some difficult situation (home, work, relationship) you will start to notice that it is unable to affect you as it once did simply because you no longer resonate with that energy or give it power. This often represents a completion of some sort and is usually part of one's soul contract. Spiritual resolution of some old karmic issue gives an individual freedom to leave the situation, or even find himself somehow removed from it. However, there are times in which these situations are a person's chosen Lightwork, that is to simply to remain and be the Light. Always ask for Guidance and trust your intuition.

Soon you are going to be seeing more and more change that you will recognize as spiritual. Up to this point you have all wondered when you will see some proof that all the evolutionary ideas are real. Do not expect changes to appear as explosions dear ones, but seek intuitively behind the headlines, and on the faces and in the words of those around you. Examine how you feel about what is going on in the world today versus a year or two ago.

Much of the violence in the Middle East is very old, ancient energy that must be cleared and played out in order for Gaia to clear herself. Your focus must be on spiritual growth and awareness and then the living of it, for you have nothing to offer the world if you remain in the same old universal belief system.

If you are clearing old energies and resolving old karmic situations, allow the process but do not get so enmeshed in them that you spend the rest of your life laying on a couch declaring that you can do nothing because you are clearing. If you are guided toward some action, do it. If you are guided to be silent and hold the energy of Light for some world situation or person, do it. It is a new time in which old solutions and rules no longer work so it is fruitless to keep trying to make them work.

In this new time and new energy, rejoice dear ones for you are very close to seeing a new earth.

We are the Arcturian Group 3/1/15


YESHUA: Instruction on Healing

Christ photo by David Hinchen, Lamb Window, First Presbyterian Church of Albany

Photo by David Hinchen

Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On February 5, 2015


Yeshua: What I wish to bring forth is very simple, perhaps not easy, but nonetheless simple. It is about healing.


There is really only ever one healing, which is the healing of separation from God. All other healing is a variation upon that, a certain frequency within that, which an individual may be more open to receiving in a particular moment.


Ultimately, it does not matter if someone is healed physically or not. Certainly we care about others. Certainly our heart wishes others to be in their wellness, in their wholeness. Yet there are times, quite a few times, when it is pain that draws someone to God.


So the healing is never about relieving pain or suffering. The healing is about relieving separation from God.


You cannot necessarily tell this to people, unless they are ready to hear it, because they won’t understand. You may choose to offer healing of pain or suffering, and that may support someone in their path of coming closer to God.


But ultimately, it is not your job to relieve anyone of pain. Your job is to fulfill your path of offering your gifts and service—to God and to the world—in the way that is most right for you. Then let go of the results because the results are divinely orchestrated. You are playing your part in this divine orchestra.


This is what I wish to offer. Are there any questions you wish to ask?


Question: In my particular case, is doing healing work one of the possible things that helps me to fully express my soul?


Yeshua: You will always know what helps you to express your soul because the things your soul is choosing for its expression are the things that connect you to God. So this is the measure you can use to determine if something is your path.


Ultimately, you do healing for yourself, because it is your path to do so and by following your path you are connecting to God. It is your connection to God that serves others, more than anything you do to alter their circumstance. Your connection to God helps them most directly to connect to God.


If healing is the pathway through which you can offer that, then that is your path. If chewing bubble gum is the pathway through which you can offer that, that is your path. It does not matter.


Questioner: I also feel close to God through gardening.


Yeshua: Yes. And there are all sorts of ways that you bless the Earth and all the people on the Earth through every touch of the Earth.


There are infinite ways to serve. It is all about your connection to God and what lights you up, what brings your joy, what brings you passion—which is simply the energy of God filling you.


Questioner: (crying) That’s what I miss the most about my daughter [who died]. I felt like the love of God would shine through her eyes. Almost immediately after she died, I realized I’m left here on Earth to create that, without having it be for her.


Yeshua: Yes, you are understanding perfectly.


Questioner: The beauty that I saw in her was just God’s love shining through.


Yeshua: Absolutely. That is all there is. That is all this realm consists of. Any being stays in this realm until they realize that and become God’s light themselves. Then they are ready to leave and continue in another realm.


Questioner: My mother, in her dementia, has been screaming out that she was abused when she was younger. The doctors are wondering if this really happened, but I have no proof. Can you tell me if this actually happened?


Yeshua: You are not understanding what’s happening correctly.


The mind is a filter. The mind filters out the vast amount of information contained in your whole universe, which is the kind of information that exists in the Akashic Record—the information of everything. This would totally overwhelm beings and they would be nonfunctional if they received all this information. So the mind filters this out.


When someone has dementia, they are losing their filter. So your mother is opening up to massive amounts of information that may be hers and may be others’.


Ultimately, it does not matter if this happened to her or did not happen to her, if it happened to her in this lifetime or if it happened to her in another lifetime. It does not matter. It is her reality now. She is experiencing this now. So you should relate to her as though this is what’s happening now. Give her the exact response you would give her if this were definitely the truth and her real situation—because it is, for her.


She may very well need healing. I would say she definitely needs compassion and a safe space to express her pain. Support her in expressing her pain and allow her to do so. Let her know, “Yes, yes, I hear how much pain you’re in, how painful and awful that must have been. Is there more you want to share?” Let her share. And help her, just as you would if this had happened recently.


I offer you my deepest, fullest blessings.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5210 The Avenue of the Present, March 1, 2015

God said:

What if the Universe is slanted in your favor? This is the premise to start from. Otherwise, you carry a heavy weight -- the idea that the Universe has to prove itself to you. Start off as a friend to the Universe. Truly, the Universe is not out to get you.

The Universe and I are pulling you along in the Bright Light of the Sun and to the Bright Light of the Sun and all that goes with Bright Light. Have you thought otherwise? Have you perhaps thought you were lost in a forest somewhere or in a barren desert? Would you really be so foolish as to think that?

Today you start thinking anew. This means that you start out on the right foot. This is like pledging your troth to the Universe and Me, or, at the least, voting for Us.

Where have you been placing your bets? Think about this a moment. Have you bet on disaster, ill-feelings, despair and so forth?

Come, walk into the Avenue of the Present with Me. I am by your side, and have never been away from it. Whither thou goest, I go. It’s that simple. This is all you need to remember. This has to be remembered so you know where you are and where you feet are guided to take you. You are not a lonely traveler on Earth. You are right smack in the center of My heart. You never leave.

Your mind can abandon Truth, yet the soul of you does not, cannot, will not. You are moored in My heart, and I carry you in My arms in the Center of My heart.

What could love mean but that I carry you? I do not wander from you. In what you call your best moments, I am with you. In what you call your worst moments, I am with you. I am inevitably with you. You are My partner for life, and life means Eternity, for you are an Eternal Being just as I am.

The difference between Us, beloveds, is that I know where I am and with whom I am while you are still trying to figure it out. You make it problematic when there is no problem at all except your limited acceptance.

We are travelers in light and in life. This is a Our story. Our story is a Tale of Love, in darkness and in light, We follow love wherever it takes Us. Love can only take Us to the Center of Our One heart. There is nowhere else We can go, nor can We depart from Our path. Oh, it certainly seems so to you. There are many things that seem so to you that are mistaken. This is only one of them.

We are strong companions, and We walk through life together. There is no death. If We are Eternal Beings, We are Eternal. And there are no two ways about it. We are Eternal Beings in or out of a body. Higher experiences are out of the body if We consider the body that which holds you down. Except for the gravity of your physical bodies and minds, you would fly and know you do.

Out of your body, it doesn’t matter to you whether you fly or not. You are not caught up in such matters as bodies. Your thoughts are as fresh as daisies, and so you enjoy every Moment of Eternity. You are not caught in Eternity. You are in Eternity. Out of your body, you know nothing else but Eternity. You are, so to speak, the nuts and bolts of life in all its exquisite beauty. Out of the body, you appreciate everything. You see the grandeur of life, and that’s all you have to know.

On Earth, your Greatness is waiting for you to find it.


Sivananda Daily Reading

2 March

Posted: 01 Mar 2015 02:19 AM PST

Epistle of Swami Sivananda - 11
Walk the Brahman way. Brahmacharya is walking with God or Brahman. Brahmacharya is the Brahman way.
Regard a woman as mother or Devi (goddess). This is brahmacharya of the eye. Hear not lustful talks. This is brahmacharya of the ear.  Speak not of woman. This is brahmacharya of the tongue. Entertain not lustful thoughts. This is brahmacharya of the mind.
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Brahman is supreme goodness. Rajas and tamas are the causes for evil. Evil is a mere appearance. It exists to glorify good. Evil is a kind of knowledge which shows the superiority of goodness, by way of comparison.
An evil man is a saint of the future. See good in everything. Destroy the evil finding quality. Develop the good finding quality. Rise above good and evil.
Your real nature is essentially satchidananda Brahman. Thou art - the infinite, all pervading, self-luminous, eternal Atman, the Supreme Soul.
Tat Twam Asi. Thou art That.
Roar OM OM OM - Sivoham. Soham. Satchidananda Sivaroopoham. Come out of this cage of flesh.
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Know thy essential divine nature. Thou art the whole, the infinite, the Absolute, the eternal, the immortal.
Thou art above pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow, all pairs of opposites.
Knock within. Search within. Gaze within. Within you is the immortal soul.
Aim at perfection. Fight life's battle bravely. Live wisely. Strengthen your resolution. Become one with the Eternal.
Have tenacity of purpose. Climb the peak of perfection. Self-realisation is here and now. Attain life's goal.
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If you observe perfect physical brahmacharya (celibacy), you will have control over your temper. You will not become irritable. Gradually you can attempt to attain mental brahmacharya, through japa (repetition of God's Name), meditation, discrimination and enquiry.
Brahmacharya is the first requisite for God-realisation. Brahmacharya is the pathway to the kingdom of God.
May you be established in perfect brahmacharya.


Perfection & Love is your Natural vibration.