2 Find GOD

Be in the now. Desire is wanting to be happy tomorrow. Be happy and joyful now.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Cedomil Vugrincic M.D., Ph.D.

to LighttoParadis.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: 11:11 Progress Group 
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 7:34 AM

Michigan, US of A, July 21, 2013.

Universal Voice.

“It’s a Matter of Light and Vibration.” 

Received by Chris

Universal Voice: “There is a purposeful process to the slow and gradual phases of becoming perfected. To become ‘god-like’ involves much more than just the acquisition of knowledge and progressive experience, for it is also a matter of light and vibration. All things, animate and inanimate, consist of light and vibration at the subatomic level. Therefore, because the Infinite Creator is the Source of all things, beings, matter, and energy, He must also be infinitely bright and of the highest vibrational frequency that is infinitely increasing. No created thing could exist and vibrate at a higher level than does the Source. 

“With this in mind, consider the condition of the creature starting out at the bottom rung of the evolutionary ladder living in a material body on a material world in time and space. Being of the lowest vibration where the sub-atomic particles that make up the human vehicle have slowed to a velocity where they are near solid, renders this form of life incapable in its current condition, from standing in the presence of a Creator who is infinitely bright, and infinitely increasing in vibrational frequency and energy. No creature in this imperfect condition could approach the intensity of the Infinite God. Our consciousness must therefore also be qualified by its condition in relation to the consciousness of the Creator. 

“Consciousness must always make use of a vehicle to interface with its environment whether it is slow and dense or it is fast and light; material or spiritual, respectively. With this in mind, an assumption can be made that if consciousness were to evolve or to become ‘enlightened’ to a high enough level, it would reach a critical mass-like point where it could no longer be contained in a vehicle (body) of lower vibrational stasis and would thus transform or transition to another form. The human body was designed to interface consciousness within a limited range or tolerance to experience life in an environment (realm) of similar vibration. 

“There must be a gradual ‘up-stepping’ of both the vehicle and the consciousness of the creature before it arrives at the doorstep of the Creator’s abode where the creature may stand in finality of relative perfection. The Creator calls us to ‘be perfect, as I AM perfect.’ This ‘calling’ sets up a tension within us to seek out those perfecting experiences that will bring us ‘home’ and in the presence of the Infinite Creator. 

“There is no magic spell, invocation, prayer, lifestyle, practice, or allegiance to creed, which can transform a human soul from its state of imperfection to a state of relative perfection by merely shedding the material vessel and passing on into the hereafter. All must ascend through the progressive levels of creation; learning, growing, becoming, experiencing; developing their consciousness and raising their vibrational signatures until that time where they can approach the intensity of the Infinite God. Yet will each soul ascend at its own pace; on its own unique path; and in its readiness to embrace the higher meanings and values required to pass from their present vibrational state to a progressively higher vibrational state. This is universal law.

“We are One.” 

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009. 
http://1111prompt.blogspot.com • 11:11 Store 


Urantia, July 21, 2013.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “The Power of Love.” 

Received by Lytske. 

The Beloved One: “This week, whilst you prayed for various people, the words, ‘the power of love’ struck a deep chord with you. Prayer, my dear charge, is called the power of love. You simply can have no idea about how powerful prayer can be. This is so, especially when you lift the whole planet before the throne of God and ask the Creator for divine intervention to set this backward little planet back onto the tracks. It was long ago derailed due to the Lucifer Rebellion, which entrapped and engulfed humanity in much negativity and sin. In this vein I also mention that which happened to the Ruler of this mighty universe more than two thousand years ago. 

“He came to free humankind from selfishness, and inform all people of God’s sublime love for all His creatures. Yet the secular administration of that day, ruled by their greed; had him bound and nailed to a cross without due process. This was not what was meant to happen, but God allowed puny men to have their way, so His love could be manifest through Jesus, who could still pray: ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.’ Then and there was made manifest God’s power of Love for humanity. 

“Finally, many people have begun to realize that there has to be a better way. The good news is; that they are indwelled by a Spark of the Creator, there to prompt and guide everyone willing to listen within. And Michael, better known as Jesus on this confused planet, sent his Spirit of Truth at Pentecost, when you were also gifted with the Comforter, the Spirit from the co-Ruler of this local universe. Therefore, let it be forever understood, that God does not create waste or anything that is second-rate, a notion existing in the minds of some – a leftover from the Lucifer rebellion which has forever ended. 

“It is now delegated to humankind to let shine forth the real nature they were endowed with, but which was overshadowed with the negativity of these unfortunate Luciferian happenings of eons ago. Let it be known that these negative shackles of selfish, materialistic greed can totally bend the mind beyond recognition. In this deplorable way the Spark of love from God could go unrecognized, and then it has no chance to grow and become one with the new person it was destined to become according to the divine blueprint embedded in the human at birth. 

“Such is the almighty power of unconditional love of the Creator in giving each mortal on all the planets of time and space the opportunity to become individual reflections of God. Think about how you as an individual can make the most of your reflection of God’s love? The more you practice this loving power, the more powerful it becomes, for after all, it is practice that makes perfect. So shine on and discover what it is that is embedded in you. 

“Eternity is needed for you to become perfect. However, the greatest growing spurt happens in mortal life when you start practicing the way with the most love in it. This love becomes a mighty lever to, with God’s help, lift this planet back onto the right track of prosperity for all, with quality of life, with equality for all, sustainable societies, and the opportunity to fulfill one’s personal divine blueprint. All through the power of love.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.

http://www.1111angels.net  11:11 Store

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4631 If You Were a Novelist …, July 30, 2013 

God said: 

If you were a novelist, you would know that every person you meet, regardless of what they seem like to you, would be a great character in a novel. The one who may have annoying habits that are hard for you to tolerate would be great fun or most interesting to write about or read about.

You, too, would be a fascinating character in a book. See how interesting you are. See what makes you, an individual skating on the surface of life, relish all those that you have the privilege to meet. Someone you may find dull and boring in life may be delightful in a book.

Every single person on Earth is fascinating. You would see it so except that you have been programmed to disdain or not quite approve of this or that. It could be that you find teetotalers or drinkers hard to take. Are strict teetotalers better or are sociable drinkers better? Is one nationality better than another. Is blonde or brunette better? Who says, and how come?

Your view of life seems built-in, yet you picked it up somewhere. Somewhere somehow you learned well that some ways are considered better than others, and some people are better than others, and so you fault the beautiful world you live in. It is one thing to rave about one sunset or another, yet you are open to even greater sunsets. You are open.

Yet, under other circumstances, you limit possibilities.

Is one career better than another? True, some will pay better than others. Some careers would be better for you, and other careers would be better for someone else.

Be careful that you do not set standards for others. It’s not your province, beloveds.

Be happy with whoever comes before you. It’s not as if you have to decide on the spot whether you are going to live the rest of your life with this person.

What’s the big deal?

So I say again, Be happy with every one who comes before you.

For Heaven sakes, I’ve seen that sometimes you judge people before you even meet them. Perhaps it is fashionable to chalk someone up according to externals, yet it is not wise.

It is wiser to see what is in front of you. Someone who may continually scan the horizon from a distance may not see what is under his feet. Of course, someone who scans the distant horizon from afar could trip right where he is. On the other hand, he could trip over a windfall.

You don’t want to regiment life very much. Any amount of much is too much. Life is not to be made a prisoner. It is not to go on trial and be sentenced.

Make life a lark instead. Judge not. Prejudge not. Don’t judge later either.

Learning is a horse of a different color. You can learn without prejudice. You can admit you have often been wrong even when you were sure you were right.

What would happen if you embraced everyone and everything? You would embrace if you let go of judging.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you don’t look both ways when you cross the street. This doesn’t mean that you take everyone home with you. It just means you greet everyone you meet. It just means that you keep your own space without pushing others away. This means freedom, beloveds. You have the freedom to greet and to move on. There is no one you have to be best buddies with. There is also no one who has to fill the shoes of rival or enemy or villain either. Do you agree?

The end of the ego is the end of all suffering and all
sorrow for all eternity.
The ego projects thoughts and fantasies and the ego
The end of the ego is infinite-eternal-awareness-
Realize that ending the ego is the only truly worthwhile
event that can happen in a human life.
When the extremely intense desire for Liberation is awakened,
you will be able to see that every spiritual teaching from the
past has been distorted by the ego and that some of the spiritual
teachings were created by the ego for the purpose of preserving
the ego.

Grand Sextile {Rudy}
