2-9-15 Matthew


When mind is free from lust, greed, possessiveness, arrogance etc., when the mind is in the pure form with which we were all born with, then nature listens to you.  Sri  Sri 


 Matthew Ward - February 8, 2015

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We have been asked if the Illuminati have any role in the fighting going on in Ukraine and what ISIS is doing. Yes, major roles in both, but since they are “behind the scene,” so to say, they aren’t historically or currently attributed to the Illuminati. The unrest in Ukraine stems from wars they initiated long ago to form new national borders without any regard for the differing cultures and history of the affected peoples, and ISIS’ goal of creating an Islamic State has its emotional roots in wars started in Afghanistan and Iraq by Illuminati within the United States government.

Now Russian President Vladimir Putin, US President Barack Obama, and some national leaders in the Mideast and Europe are trying to quell inflammatory situations instigated by Illuminati-controlled CIA agents who created incidents to incite the citizenry, carried out by Illuminati-“owned” mercenaries and unwitting troops, and funded by the Illuminati’s illegally-acquired massive resources.

Please keep foremost in your thoughts that turbulence is running out its various energetic courses and the increasing energy momentum of positive change is moving your society ever closer to a peaceful, harmonious world. It is helpful to remember, too, that you lightworkers and members of our universal family—the vanguard of progress—are aided by vast numbers of your populace.

All except a comparative handful of individuals are loving, compassionate, honest people who endeavor to make life better for their families and communities or they go to countries to help the many who are in dire straits or they support efforts to protect your environment and wildlife. Simply by living from their hearts, these millions upon millions of souls are adding immeasurably to the light that ultimately will prevail throughout your entire civilization.

Our mentioning Nirvana’s “fourth density residential area” elicited a number of responses. We thank the reader whose questions are cited, and our reply also will address comments and questions from others who wrote.

Matthew said, ‘Persons who advance from third to fourth density spiritually and consciously during Earth lifetime enter Nirvana’s fourth density residential areas.’ He also said residents there range from second to fifth density or higher. How do the areas where they live differ from fourth? Who decides where people live? Are family members reunited in the area where the first one who went there is? Are people restricted to their area or can they move from one to another? What kind of living accommodations do residents have? What do people do while they’re there and how long do they stay? I’d like to know more about what to expect when I get there!”

First, as a reminder, we number densities, whether mass or location or soul evolvement status, ONLY to indicate advancement. Densities aren’t compartmentalized and there are no sign posts indicating where one density stops location-wise and another begins, and the same is true of soul evolvement. In both there are many gradations, which you could think of as shades on a color chart that move from the faintest tinge all the way up the spectrum to the color’s full intensity. Applying that to residency in Nirvana, persons who are the least evolved spiritually and consciously live in “tinge” and persons who are more evolved live in the shades that correspond to their status.

Now then, at the end of physical lifetime, all of Earth’s peoples go to that multidimensional spirit world, thus it encompasses religions’ concepts of both heaven and hell. Nirvana comprises numerous meandering, energetically-connected, flexible “layers,” which can be considered heaven, and a tiny dense orb that is separate from the layers can be considered hell. Both are about the same distance from Earth as your moon. The layers are what you call “discarnate,” and even though they do have mass, their high vibrations make them invisible to your telescopes and the orb is too small to be noticeable.

First we shall speak about the layers and their gradations, all of which are at varying vibratory rates, and who goes where is determined by the laws of physics that govern this universe. The energy of every person’s thoughts, motives and deeds throughout the lifetime is registered in the infallible Akashic records, and when the dense body dies, the etheric body automatically is drawn to the part of Nirvana that corresponds to the energy in the person’s records.

We remind you as well that the soul is freed, or liberated, from the etheric body—it is the personage and its lifetime experiences, which form the psyche, who goes to Nirvana. So it is possible, even likely, that members of an Earth family will enter different parts, but all who go to the layers may visit each other. As members in lower layers or layer gradations grow in spiritual and conscious awareness, they advance accordingly in residency.

Nirvana is in the timeless continuum, so you’ll be seeing not only family and friends from this lifetime who are there, but also dear ones from other lifetimes, and you may prefer to spend time with them. Always the stronger love bonds between individuals prevail and everyone honors this; the same applies to persons who remarried after their spouses died and all are in Nirvana.

Now we shall speak about who lives where. Occupants of the topmost layer are the most highly evolved: the 100-member council that oversees Nirvana’s administrative aspects, resident and visiting masters in specialty fields, and universal family members who wish to stay a while after completing their volunteer service on Earth. Down a notch are the principals in charge of transition, customized healing and settling-in assistance; childcare; education; employment; transportation; architecture and construction; entertainment; Earth monitoring; libraries and the fine arts. Then come the myriad employees in those and other fields who live in layer gradations commensurate with their extent of responsibility and progress in service, spiritual and conscious growth, and personal interests.

Although education at every level and training in all fields are available to everyone, skills and talents of other personage lifetimes are remembered, so residents have a wealth of knowledge and experience to choose from. Always employment is a matter of choice, and individuals who desire to work may change from one field to another whenever they wish.

Babies and young children enter fourth density. If close family members are living there or in higher layers, the children join them; if not, they are lovingly nurtured by specially-trained caretakers and schooled appropriately for age and soul growth status at the time they arrived.

Animals also enter fourth density. Those whom you call predators were herbivores before darkness made them carnivorous long ages ago, and that aspect of their nature is erased from cellular patterning during the passage from Earth to Nirvana. Pets and their human families are reunited by the energy streamers of shared love bonds. If pets arrive first, they roam with other animals until a family member enters any of the layers. Henceforth they may live together if that is what is desired—all animals are self-sufficient and there is no pet ownership as you know it.

Third density is home to people who refuse to listen to universal truths that differ from their beliefs and to people whose characteristics such as bigotry, greed, anger, dishonesty, jealousy, arrogance, egotism or disloyalty led them astray from their chosen karmic lessons. All of those individuals need time and assistance to become open to enlightenment and gain spiritual and psychic strength. As they respond, they move to a higher gradation, where advanced learning and a wider range of employment, activities and growth opportunities are available, and so on up the ladder.

Please don’t think that life in Nirvana is all work, work, work or learn, learn learn! Just as on Earth, most residents want the self-satisfaction that comes with being productive and creative and adding to their knowledge; and because they also enjoy leisure time, a wide range of age-related activities and entertainment are available. All team and individual sports except those that destroy or injure life are popular; so are attending or participating in films, theater and concerts; and “story hour” is enjoyed by all ages. There are travels throughout the realm, lectures by visiting “professors,” grand fiestas and small social get-togethers, splendid museums and art galleries, and hobbies of interest.

Buildings of all sizes and designs are erected by focused thought and visualization, and although residences are in accordance with evolvement status, everyone has a choice of house or apartment in a city or living in a rural environment. It is noteworthy that the most highly evolved souls choose humble dwellings and people who choose mansions later feel uncomfortable with such opulence—they have those homes dematerialized and replaced with more modest styles.

Now we shall speak about second density, the tiny dense orb that can be considered the hell of religions. The individuals drawn there are those who consistently ignored conscience and pre-birth agreements and they willfully caused great suffering to persons whose soul contracts did not include those experiences. Because light is anathema to these individuals, only a pinpoint is directed into their dark world; as they overcome their fear of the pinpoint, a bit more light is beamed to them. It may take hundreds or even thousands of your years before they choose to absorb enough light to embody at the lowest consciousness level in a third density civilization, a life comparable to Earth’s slugs and minute, short-lived insects. This act of divine grace wipes clean the cellular and psychic patterning of devastating behavior choices.

Although Nirvana primarily is the temporary home of people who transition from Earth, residents in the higher layers vary considerably. Mother, my descriptionof the population answers other questions sent to you, and I think it will be of interest all readers, so please insert that.

[Excerpt from “Residents” chapter of Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven; Matthew transmitted this information in 1994, when he still lived in Nirvana.]

Matthew, how many souls live in Nirvana?

Between 10 and 12 billion. We come and go continuously, so the population fluctuates. You're having a hard time with that number, Mother. Why?

It seems like a lot of souls between Earth lifetimes.

I need to clarify our population, which is considerably more varied than I've explained. This realm is primarily for people transitioning from Earth lifetimes, who could be called "regular" residents, but many others live here, too, and I'll tell you about all of them.

Although most of our regular residents are preparing for their next lifetime on Earth, depending upon the stage of their soul growth, some are preparing for incarnate or discarnate life elsewhere, even outside our galaxy, or they may choose to experience as free spirits. Probably 20 years is average for a "long-timer," but I'm not really comfortable giving that figure because many variables influence the length of residency. Some souls feel great sensitivity in all aspects, an ability acquired only in higher density vibrations, and they don't stay very long. Some are so highly evolved that they practically whisk through to their next growth placement.

Others of this spiritual evolvement status may choose to remain here quite a while. They have earned this as a reward for honored service, and they stay for a long time by your calculations. Some of these souls are very high in our hierarchy. Other long-timers are here for intensive healing from a number of difficult lifetimes. They stay in an environment of tranquility as long as they need to recuperate before choosing their next level of spiritual growth experiencing. All those souls constitute what I referred to as our "regular" population.

Another large part is transient. Some are free spirits, who come and go as their growth needs require.

Matthew, excuse me, please. Remember, here free spirits are folks who seem to go blithely through life doing their own thing out of the "mainstream." Is it the same there?

Oh, no, Mother. Free spirit can mean only that no body, not even the etheric body, is necessary for residence of the soul. But in a larger sense it refers to the mental attitude or psychic approach to communion with God and the knowledgeable accomplishing of the pre-birth chosen mission. Either or both of these conditions constitute a free spirit lifetime. It's a different sort of learning process and is as necessary as any other lesson due to karmic cause and effect.

I see. Thank you.

You're welcome! Now then, others of our transients are teachers in specialty fields or students who come for selected education, and they leave when they have accomplished their purpose. Visitors come from other discarnate realms to further their spiritual growth and stay as long as their specific interests last. And there are many short-term vacationers, some from supra-human civilizations. Nirvana is much more beautiful than many other discarnate realms and, just like resorts on Earth, it attracts "tourists."

There is still another kind of resident here, souls who have taken on new bodies on Earth, but they reside here as well as there. Mother, this isn't "weird" at all, and there is good reason for these "dual" lives. When one is motivated toward studies, learning can be achieved far more rapidly here than on Earth. We have almost limitless superb resources and master teachers, and the entire environment is conducive to spiritual growth. What better place to gain knowledge and spiritual enlightenment with which to endow the new personage?

Thank you, Mother. We have given an enlightening glimpse of life in Nirvana, but no message can cover all facets of that world, like the personal reception of all arrivals and how they are affected by the thoughts and feelings of their loved ones on Earth; the customized care given to all who arrive with traumatized psyches; the diverse environment in that spirit world; its republic form of governance; aging and de-aging; or the range of residents’ manifesting capabilities. Although our messages never have been a platform for recommending the Matthew books, we make this one exception: Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven offers comfort to people grieving the loss of a loved one and is an inspirational guideline for living.

Light beings throughout this universe are cheering you ever onward and embracing you with unconditional love.



Suzanne Ward
The Matthew Books
Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5190 The Light of God Is Shining on You, February 9, 2015 

God said: 

Open your ears, and open your heart. Sometimes all you listen to is yourself. Sometimes, it is a full-time job to tune in to someone sitting across from you, for your mind thinks it knows everything. Your mind knows only what it thinks it knows or is used to. In this life, you want to go deeper and wider. It is for you to get out of old ways of thinking. Even when old ideas are not propitious for you, you may still like to hold on to them for old time’s sake.

Beloveds, in holding onto old thoughts, you jam up the airwaves before you. You don’t get anywhere. The thing is that you do want to get somewhere. What has been may not be the direction to go in now. Let not the past be an impediment to you. If you are holding onto the past, it won’t let you go forward. You are holding onto something that is no longer. Better to move forward on your own volition. With or without your say, life is going to move you forward. The past is important to you, yet you have to move on.

No more digging in with your feet. Be light on your feet, and go forward. Everyone has to step ahead into new territory. Even if you stay in the same house in the same town with the same people, it is a new day dawning. Be on the forefront of your life and be not a straggler.

There are changes before you. You don’t wait to be thrust ahead. Better you jump a step or two ahead. Better you offer yourself grace. One way or another, you are bound to move forward. Being bound to move forward means you have to let go of attachment to the past, the wonderful past as well as the not so wonderful past. It is no favor to yourself to be entrenched in the past. The past isn’t here now except in your thinking about it. Try as you may, you can’t justify holding on to the past.

Love now. Love what is in front of you right now. Welcome it. If you cannot welcome the present, at least make peace with it. This is your life. Make it a blessing. Right now is the only life you have.

Whatever the weather, sunny or freezing, whether it is the weather you want, you walk in it. Whatever the ground is under you, mire or sand or macadam, that’s what you have to walk on, and walk you must. You are an alive being. Where is it written that anything will stay the same? You can call what is right in front of you as blossoming, unfurling, following a wise path. The sun moves along, and so must you keep up with the revolutions of the sun.

I do not ask you to give up in life. I ask you to keep moving forward in it. You are part of a moving throng. I don’t want you trampled. I would like you to meet your life right where it is. When there is a change you do not want, there is, nevertheless, a gift for you. There is progress in front of you. Even when the road is dark and you are not sure where you’re going or what it is for, it is for you. Somewhere within, there is the light of God shining on you. There is merit in it. Find it. What is undesirable to you also holds a gift for you. Dear Ones, do not refuse gifts. Whatever the wrappings, open them, and say Thank you.

You don’t have to have your mind made up. You can’t have your mind made up beforehand what life has in store for you and what the gifts are ahead. What you can know is that there is a gift for you. Maybe you wanted tinsel, yet beneath the tarnish you see, at the very least, there is the gold of new wisdom for you and a leap forward that is for you to discern. It is here. Within you is the key that opens the treasure.


Dearest Family of the Heart,

As I write to you today, it is 65° and sunny here in the Ozarks. I have been gazing out over the lake and into the mountains and being filled with gratitude for such beauty. So I am sending you a vibrational package of nature's beauty along with this letter. If you are in the middle of winter weather take a deep breath and receive this warmth and I'll bet you'll feel the Ozarks beauty delivering its gifts to you.

We have many things to share with you. First, our new audio download is up on our website. It is an extraordinary Message from God, entitled "The Spiral of Life". Receiving and experiencing this Message was, I believe, one of the most incredible experiences that I have had in my communion with God (Creator, Oneness, All-That-Is). It was being present at the beginning, the formation of our shared heart, the heart of God. And while there is no way that words can contain the experience or even truly describe it, I believe that the energy is present " behind the words" of this Message. (Brad, who types the Messages, gave it an 11!!! on a scale of 1 - 10.)

We knew this Message had to be experienced as an audio because in the audio recordings that Yael makes in meditation, even more of the energy of the Message is available. Here is the link to our audio download page:


Play is Your Lesson Today… and Forevermore

by lifetapestrycreations

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Dear Ones,

You've endured, you've rested and now it is time to bask in the sunshine - something you have neglected for so long. It is as if you hid yourself in a very small closet so others could not guess who you really were. You dressed as they dressed. You walked and talked as they did - but you are not them and never have been. You merely pretended to be them for eons on earth.

Who are they? Anyone but yourself.

But fitting in and following rules so no one knows your truth is becoming a problem as you realize you no longer have to worry about others or put others first - even though that is your first inclination.

You have yet to internalize that you are a god or goddess.

In the past few days, you most likely noted a thought, sensation or feeling that expressed to you - by you we must add - that you love yourself. A major hurdle indeed and one that you yet often lapse at fulfilling, just as a chemically dependent person might lapse and return to their drug of choice. Your drug of choice is hiding your true being in a dark closet. Such action will not create a new you or New Earth - at least how you experience New Earth.

For New Earth is happening whether you participate or not. You, along with your light team, ensured that New Earth was reality in terms you could understand with your physicality, as well as your other dimensions.

Now it is time for you to concentrate on yourself. Climbing your mountain was arduous, but somewhat natural in that you have long punished yourself to maintain your small closet existence. The piece that is truly  a new lesson for you is to claim yourself and your new god/goddess role.

Even though you might be rolling down the hill to the promised land, you have not yet given yourself permission to come out of your dark closet. You are comfortable learning to love yourself. You are comfortable learning that all are one in this wondrous transition. But you are not yet comfortable knowing that you are the star in your realm of expertise. You continue to tell yourself that you are good in a certain area or you are interested in a certain area, but you cannot yet admit to even yourself that you are THE STAR in your area.

Perhaps you believe that there are scores of others as capable as you in your chosen field of joy. Such is not true. Think of how many personalities and career paths are available in 3D earth. Quadruple that number and quadruple it again at least hundred times and you will begin to understand how many unique individuals will populate and are populating earth. All unique individuals with extremely unique roles.

This is not time for you to be coy or shy. Who are you? What gifts do you bring earth? That is your role and only your role. Do you not understand that few individuals in humanity totality are now awake? And do you not understand that those individuals - including you - were/are lighting the way for others as they climb their mountain? That is, it was you primary role until now. You have evolved to living your unique role.

You gathered those segments most needed for that role(s). You climbed your mountain of pain hoping for a joyous finale. But now that you can claim yourself fully and with joy, you scamper back to your closet when anyone notes your unique being.

You say to yourself, "I'm not that talented or wonderful. I'm not that kind of leader. It's just better for me to fade into the woodwork and wait a few days, weeks, months or years until I'm fully whole." Which will never happen if you continue to protest your skills and abilities.

You are a god/goddess of the highest degree. You have the skills you need to fulfill your role(s). All you have to do is claim your skills, acknowledge your role and play as your role develops.

Many of you are surprised by that last statement for playing as your role develops feels wrong. Where is the work? Where is the arduous climb to whatever peak you feel necessary before proclaiming your true worth? It is done. You have completed all you need in preparation. Allow yourself to be - especially in joy/play. For that is where your role will begin showing itself.

Work in whatever form is 3D. Joy in all forms is New Earth. And the first piece of joy to express in New Earth is loving yourself - which has begun.

Many of you now feel the need to process self-love for a few months to ensure you do not return to 3D thoughts. Enough already with "working the new you." You are there. Allow yourself to play much more (self-love) and work (group-thought) much less and you will automatically fall into self-love. Continue to believe you require more knowledge, more skills and more physical beauty in whatever form it takes in your mind and you will remain at the top of the hill watching others having fun rolling down the hills and finding their sparkles of joy.

Play is your key word forevermore. Work is yesterday's word.

Allow yourself to find your play areas. And you will know your play areas just as you did as a child - perhaps softball was not that fun for you, but you played to fit in - no more. Perhaps dolls were your joy and you played with them when you could. So it is now. Play, Play and play some more - that is your skill development lesson for today and always. Allow yourself to be. So be it. Amen.


Alabama, US of A. 
Thought Adjuster. 
Subject: “Meditation, Action and Reflection” 

Received by Oscar. 

Thought Adjuster: “Physical labor is not necessarily a requirement of the mortal experience. Your spiritual progress will not be measured by the work you do in this world. Do not fall into the error of considering arduous labor as superior to other kinds of work. Your Father did not bring you into this world to suffer for no reason, but to live, learn and grow. 

“On more advanced mortal worlds, the necessary work to sustain one’s way of life — the performance of public services, order and cleanliness and more — does not occupy such a large part of the life of the inhabitants. Two to four hours a day is more than enough. On your world, many are involved in such tasks for most of their lives, missing the opportunities to cultivate other aspects of their personalities. 

“However on the more advanced worlds, human beings have acquired the discipline to maintain their spiritual momentum. After doing their material work, these advanced human beings don’t waste their time with entertainment, idleness or vices. The greater part of the time in the lives of these mortals on the worlds of light and life is dedicated to study and being in service to their peers. The inhabitants of these worlds know very well that the priority of mortal life is to create the foundation of a future spiritual life and they have this goal as the most important endeavor they need to accomplish during their lives. Everything else is secondary. Even when they invest very little time in the lower task of their realm, they make a consistent effort to grow and learn — to become increasingly perfect. 

“In this world, you are still fully tied to the material tasks to sustain your way of life. The vast majority of your time — and often that of many inhabitants of this world — takes place in a constant struggle for survival, which does not leave space to explore anything else. For this reason, every spiritual impulse by a creature and every effort to know more about the Father and His Kingdom is much more valuable in this world than it is in a normal world. 

“It doesn’t matter how busy you are, you can always dedicate even a few minutes to inner exploration, to discover the voice of the Father within you. This constant dedication will produce great spiritual fruits in your personality and will take you beyond the mortal appearances that limit your potential. Do what you need to do in the world, but do not forget your true nature and the work that prepares you for eternity. 

“Those who by chance enjoy more free time must first ensure that they are not doing so at the expense of their peers. Do not leave to others the duties that you should perform. Use your time as a valuable opportunity to explore your spirituality through meditation (the practice of stillness), action (service to your brothers and sisters in this world) and reflection (study, learning, the expansion of your mind). These activities are listed in order of importance. 

“Life is not the same for everybody and the Father knows the situation of each one of His children. He expects a measure equivalent to the advantages each one enjoys. The great religious master that inspires the masses of the entire world with discourses of love and peace is as important to God as the father and mother of a family who have dedicated their lives to raising their children and who only enjoy a few minutes to commune with the divinity within their selves. Do the best you can do with what has been given to you and the rewards of eternity will be yours.”

Edited by Linda.

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


Sivananda Daily Reading

10 February

Posted: 08 Feb 2015 10:00 PM PST

Way to Radiant Health 
Health is joy. Health is wealth. Health is the elixir of life. Without health life becomes a burden. 
Nature tries to keep us healthy but we bring on sickness by continuous violation of the laws of nature. Natural laws are relentless. There is no mercy.
In the animal kingdom there is seldom any sickness because animals do not violate the laws of nature. Before the age of machinery, man's life was more natural. Persons of the past generations were much stronger and healthier.
Life in the twentieth century is becoming more and more artificial. Hence there is much deterioration in health and strength. In spite of the innumerable doctors and the latest medical discoveries our health is still deteriorating.
"A sound mind in a healthy body", as the saying goes. The mind controls the body, so try to keep your mind as cheerful as possible, under all circumstances. A strong mind wards off ill health and it also helps us to preserve good health.
Run in the open air. Wear simple, light clothing. Take only simple, light, nourishing food. Do not go to doctors. Endeavour to qualify yourself as your own doctor. Take lots of exercise. Take sun baths and cold baths. Inhale ozone.
Observe moderation in food, drink and copulation. Lead a pious life. Develop right thinking, right feeling, right speaking, right action, right belief, right knowledge, right conduct. Do not employ servants. Rely on yourself in all things.
If you want radiant health, return to nature. Then you will have a blooming face and a charming personality. Avail yourself of all the healing agencies in nature. Avail yourself of the healing properties of the sun, the water, the air, the earth, fasting, herbal plants and so on.
Observe the laws of nature in all things. Eat, drink, sleep, think, conduct yourself in the way laid down by the ancient sages.
