2-7-16: From The Arcturians |
FEBRUARY 7, 2016 Dear ones, we greet you in love with information and encouragement
regarding your spiritual journey. For most of you, all is proceeding according to plan even when it seems nothing is happening.
The process of clearing everything old and finished while integrating the new involves time and energy for the human form
and this often manifests as a lack of energy, tiredness, and malaise. Honor the process by allowing yourselves to rest more. The moment an individual chooses to
evolve no matter how many years or lifetimes ago it may of been, the "train leaves the station". Many of you specifically
chose to be here at this time of powerful ascension energy in order to complete any remaining third dimensional lessons and
"graduate". This is why some
of you have had so many painful and difficult experiences during your life. Know that the moment you say "Show me the way."
and began to seriously seek truth, you are giving permission for whatever remaining experiences may be necessary for your
full awakening. Revisit
the most painful experiences with your now more evolved awareness and ask; "What did I learn from this?" You may well find
yourselves blessing and thanking those who gave you your most difficult times for these experiences serve to force an examination
of one's belief system followed by an ability and willingness to begin releasing whatever concepts and beliefs were involved
in the situation. It
is time to let go of whatever traditions, rituals, and actions you may still believe necessary for your spiritual growth.
This belief imbues things or actions in the outer with power they do not innately have as all power is within. In the beginners
journey, the tools are important and serve as a bridge to deeper awareness. Once an individual attains the consciousness of
all power being within, he no longer needs the tools, they have served their purpose. We do not say you cannot enjoy these things. It can be uplifting
and exciting to attend some service or ceremony, light symbolic candles, work with crystals for their energy and oils for
their healing properties. Chant, drum, dance, etc. etc. as much as you wish, but do it with the understanding that these things
cannot make you more complete and whole than you already are. We see many sincere students of truth still struggling to be "perfect" according to some societal
concept of spirituality and then believing themselves to be failures when they are unable to live up to the criteria. Concepts
of spirituality for the most part represent a world that itself does not understand that everything is spiritual, not just
certain things deemed to be spiritual by some "expert". There is no purpose or benefit in struggling to meet some human standard of perfection and you will
understand this fully as you move into the realization that you are already innately perfect and whole and always have been.
The consciousness of mankind in general does not know this and thus perfectly manifests myriad universal images of duality
and separation. It
is only through loving yourselves--warts and all, that you can come to love others unconditionally. A common misconception
is that love is always be accompanied by a "loving" emotion or it is not love. Then you see someone doing something despicable,
and think, "I cannot feel love for this person. I must be a spiritual failure." It is ok to acknowledge when someone is acting like a jerk, even
when you discover the jerk to be yourself. The ability to observe does not disappear as you spiritually evolve but need not
be accompanied with guilt, for sincere observation and then examination is a powerful tool for growth. Living unconditional love does not mean you
must invite every person to your home, try and become their friend, or vote for them, but it does mean acknowledging the spark
of Light within every living thing including self, regardless of how unawake they may appear to be. No dear ones, unconditional love is not always
accompanied by a loving emotion (although that is often a part of it) but is simply the natural flow of a consciousness that
understands the core of all life to be Divine regardless of appearances to the contrary. It is a state of consciousness that
recognizes all negative actions to represent a consensus consciousness of separation--from God and all others. The evolved consciousness also understands
that there are some who need to spend time away from society or be disciplined according to their level of awareness if that
person is to spiritually grow. Unconditional love never means being a door mat, nor does it prevent you from leaving some
situation that may be physically, emotionally, or mentally harmful. Unconditional love is the process of acknowledging reality
in spite of any appearances while taking whatever appropriate actions you are are guided to take. There are no failures, only learning experiences.
If everything was perfect all the time, how would you learn? You chose the energy of the third dimension as your path of evolution
specifically because of the challenges and learning opportunities within duality and separation and when a soul graduates
from "earth school" they will be powerful guides for others. There comes a point where the very difficult personal lessons cease as you no longer need them in
order to evolve--life becomes easier. Many of you have arrived or are quickly arriving at this place in your journey and are
enjoying being guided from within instead of frantically seeking and studying in the without. Many serious spiritual students continue to experience a sense
of failure when they stumble or revert to some old habit. Loving yourselves includes non-resistance and agreement. Whenever
you find yourself saying or doing something unloving, just say to yourself "Oh, that was interesting...yes, I could of handled
that better." You make amends if any are needed, but then pick yourself up and move on--lesson learned. Everything has only whatever power you imbue
it with. No human word or action can alter or change Divine Reality. Take time to examine whatever beliefs, issues, trends,
concepts,traditions, laws, etc. you are still giving power to. Learning to love self is frequently blocked when a student starts to compare himself with societies'
heroes and saints. No one can ever know the inner world of anyone else--their struggles or who they really were. What you
know of them is often simply someone's biased opinion representing whatever current concepts of greatness may be in vogue. Being famous is often part of a chosen
pre-birth plan for the purpose of learning some necessary life lesson and has nothing to do with being better than another.
In reality, no one person can be more "holy", better, more blessed, or gifted, etc. than another for all are in and of the
ONE. The ONE manifests
Itself in infinite form and variety but over lifetimes and through experience everyone becomes very good at certain things.
There really are no child prodigies, it is simply that these young talents have had lifetimes of doing it. You all have certain
abilities that are easy for you which others may find difficult--you have done these things before. Everyone who is extremely good at what they
do has spent lifetimes getting to where they are now. It begins simply with a craft, a dance, a play, a song, or interest
in something scientific. Then in following lifetimes they pursue more information and techniques, seeking out,discovering,
and practicing as best available for the time. Each lifetime builds upon the previous. Hence is born a prodigy or child genius.
You bring your attained state of consciousness with you. Learn to accept and honor who you are right now--the not so aware you just as much as the aware
you. You are only expected to live from your highest awareness and when you do, more is given. As you learn to trust your
intuition, you will discover that you are immediately aware of when something could of done or said in a more loving way. Love is the answer to every issue facing
mankind on earth at this time. Every seeming insurmountable problem, large or small could be resolved with Love, which is
why you may have noticed that the topic of Love seems to be increasingly pouring forth from spiritual teachers representing
all paths and modalities. Pollution,
war, and lack or limitations of every sort can not manifest from an energy of Love (Oneness). The more the people embrace
this truth, the more light can and will shift the old paradigm into the new. In and with much love for our courageous sisters and brothers
assisting Gaia and her peoples at this intense time-- we are the Arcturian Group 2/7/16