2-5-15 SaLuSa


If you are passionate, be passionate for the highest, the most wonderful and the most beautiful. Be passionate for this entire creation - everything is so beautiful.   Sri Sri


 SaLuSa, February 6, 2015

Turmoil continues upon your Earth, yet at the same time the Light is continuing to increase adding strength to those who are spreading the Light. We cannot yet predict when it will become the dominant force, but that time is fast approaching. With the ever increasing levels of Light there can be no other outcome, and it is noticeable that more people than ever are ready to actively show their support for the Light Workers. As time progresses there will be a coming together of many more people, and their work will help to hasten the true beginning of Ascension. We encourage you to remain safely within your Light, and to not get directly involved in vendettas against the dark Ones. They will meet an end dictated by their actions against Humanity over Millennia of time. They have set the path in motion that leads to their demise, and an end to their actions against those of the Light.

We sense the frustration that you feel at the continuing troubles in the Middle East. However, be assured that we are doing as much as we are allowed to, and have prevented the escalation of the war that is taking place. People ask why we do not step in and stop it, but that would be interfering with the karmic path that has been set in place. Until lessons are learnt we can only try to limit the loss of life and damage that is taking place. Your whole experience in this cycle has been intended to help you rise above the darkness, so that you in turn can help others. In that respect you have been extremely successful, and more souls are now awakening to the new vibrations. This is important if they are to overcome the darkness and move into the Light. Many are now able to expand their consciousness and starting to become aware of the reason behind the changes taking place.

There is so much waiting to be revealed that will quickly lift you up, and remove the obstacles that are holding you back. These largely arise from the efforts of the dark Ones, who have kept you from learning the truth about yourselves. However, that is all changing, and in the near future you be given many truths about your role in the cycle that is now closing. Most of you are but shadows of your real selves and as consciousness levels continue to rise, you will learn more about your real selves. You are far greater than you imagine or are even prepared to believe, but the truth will “feel” right as deep down you know the real you is a Being of Light. Whilst in the lower dimensions you have been acting from a limited consciousness, but it is now expanding due to the higher vibrations.

The reality is that you are on your journey back to your higher state of being, and by leaving the 3rd. dimension you will be taking a massive step upwards. Looking around you it might seem unlikely that many souls are ready to rise up, but you will be surprised at how quickly they can change. Each of you are playing out a role that provides you with the lessons you need to continue evolving, and prepare you for the changes that are upon you. Before you are birthed each soul has an agreed link to their abilities and knowledge that will be needed to equip them and see them through their life. The real you is multi-talented and fully experienced to deal with life on Earth, but better still to move into the higher dimensions.

As you are aware, your weather patterns are gradually changing for the better. There will be problems created by the changes, but you will have ample time to adjust. The net result will be a more acceptable temperature without the extremes that you are used to experiencing. The seas will also warm up, and when you take the two together you will find that many changes will occur in nature. Species of animals will move to conditions that are more suited to their needs. All told it will all be for the better as you will enjoy a more temperate climate.

Disease and other health problems will eventually disappear as the vibrations rise up. Aging will also slow down once you have reached adulthood, as you will be at a point where it no longer occurs. So as time passes you have continual changes taking place, that are beneficial once you are within the vibrations of the 4th. Dimension. The old vibrations are ceasing to be as effective as they were, so you will more and more become aware of the changes. However, do not allow these events to distract you from your life plan, as everything will settle down quite nicely. You will of course have been aware of such possibilities before you incarnated upon Earth. You will therefore have a “knowing” about the changes as they make their way into your life. We are alert as ever to what is happening on Earth, and will always do our best to keep you informed. The future is bright and as time progresses we will be able to come much closer to you.

Mother Earth is dealing with her own needs, and is very active because of the need to raise her own vibrations. In fact, regardless of how the Human Race progresses she will go ahead with the necessary changes that are helping create the new Earth. You are both dependent upon each other to ensure a smooth transition to the higher levels. So the sooner Man stops raping the Earth, the sooner it can be restored to its prime condition. We have however looked far ahead, so allow time for these coming changes to manifest. They will not happen overnight but will occur in an orderly way. Deliver of the Prosperity Programs and new Governance are amongst the initial changes, and are waiting in the wings.

We hope that you are preparing yourselves for the changes where you are personally concerned. We refer to changes that will allow your body to become more healthy, and that relates to your choice of food. Keep to fresh foods rather than processed that usually contain various chemical additives. Exercise is also important and even just walking helps, as opposed to rigid exercising.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and at such an important time in your lives, try to help follow the changes. I leave you in Love and Light.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Tree of the Golden Light 


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5186 Life Comes in Waves, February 5, 2015 

God said: 

Sweep the floor of your mind. Have no old crumbs sitting there. Sweep out the old. Your life is not be spent on crumbs from the past. Anything of the past is to be swept up and taken out. No matter how vital something from the past may seem to you, it is gone. It’s not worth it to calibrate it over and over again.

Troubles and woes are to be taken out. No matter how important they have been to you, they are out of date. Cross them off your list. Your greatest happiness from yesteryear can amount only to a recollection now.

There are many things in life to keep fresh. Repeated memories are not one of them. It is as if you have chained yourself to a wall, and you chant over and over again, Why? Release yourself from chains of the past. Holding on is a weakness. Holding on is certainly not a strength.

Let go. Let go is what today tells you. When you hold on to the past, the accumulation holds you back. Stay alive in what is called the present, this moment of now that also is slipping away as We speak. Even when you get into nostalgia of the past, you set limits upon yourself. Both the beauty of the past and the pain of the past are not to be held onto. Why? Because the past is the past. Now is not the past. It is not to your benefit to hang onto the past, either the sweet or the unsweet.

You do not wear the same clothes today that you used to wear. You wouldn’t think of it. You know that the clothes from yesteryear no longer fit. You don’t persist in trying them on and looking at yourself in the mirror.

Yet memories of the past you may seem to feel obliged to go over again and again. Indeed, the past contributed to you, yet the past is not meant to catch up to you now. It is not your place to bring the past into the present. You are not meant to cling to the past and extol it any more than you are meant to blame it. Let go of the past, and let go of blame. Hie to the present. Make the present memorable. And then it, too, becomes the past, and you let go of it.

That you had the best grade on a test in 4th grade simply isn’t to be on your mind. If the thought comes, give it a hug and send it back. If you got the worst grade on a test in 4th grade, pat it on the shoulder and send it back. Old thoughts are old thoughts equally. Whether the thoughts bolstered you in the past or put you down in the past, they don’t belong to you any more. Nothing of the past belongs to you now. You are no longer in 4th grade. Past thoughts are not to be momentous to you now, for the moments have passed, and you are in a new arena now. You just absolutely have to let the past go to its rest.

When you live on a continent where winter is over, you cannot shovel snow, for the snow is gone. When you live on a continent where spring is over, you cannot find apple blossoms on the bough. Snow and apple blossoms simply are no longer present. Everyone knows that. You know that, and you don’t even try. You are not so foolish, yet, ah, when it comes to the past of memories, you may try to hold on to them for dear life.

O, to be a clean slate untrammeled by the past. The past doesn’t matter any longer. Only the present matters, and its time is short. Live the present now. The present is more than thinking about it. Life is much more than thinking about it.


The Beloved One. 
Subject: “Immensely Wealthy” 

Received by Lytske. 

The Beloved One: “At the start of this session, let me make something clear: In order for mortals to discover just a tiny part of all the so-very-deeply-hidden wealth in each one, there needs to be an initial realization of purpose. Above all, there must exist a willingness to search for the meaning of doing God’s will. Many, many people pray that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven, but what exactly does this entail? 

“It is very important to give more than a fleeting thought to the meaning of rather common sayings so thoughtlessly uttered, including the sudden outburst of ‘oh God’ or ‘Jeez’, when something unexpected happens. Why call on God only when disaster or some other unexpected calamity strikes? Why not take God with you from moment to moment in your comings and goings? God is the reason why you are alive — why you are living and breathing beings with minds to think and make your free-will decisions. 

“How often does this need to be spelled out so you mortals get some inkling of a grand future awaiting you if you should decide to participate with God in your own creation? To that effect the Creator has at each conception embedded a grandiose blueprint in each of you for the purpose of your becoming active participants in the ‘game of life,’ which in all actuality is a grand discovery tour and for the purpose of finding your way back to the God-head as a perfected being, having realized all the Gifts so deeply embedded in each of you. 

“However, with what is happening on the planet, very few are sporadically and then but vaguely seeking for God’s will in their lives, thereby discovering some of heaven’s wealth waiting for them. Don’t you know that you belong to God, but that He gives you the freedom to choose to come back to Him? Instead you are busying yourselves chasing after material wealth, forgetting that your last garment on earth has no pockets. Do realize that material things will fade away. What of the reckoning each one must do when laying down earth’s temple? Will you have realized a semblance of spiritual wealth in your lives to be used as a foundation for eternal life? Don’t ever think that this earth life is all there is. 

“It is here where you start your character training and lay down the rudiments for your eternal existence, unless you opt for just this life only. The choice is always yours. However, it would be extremely shortsighted to think that this life is all there is. Become more adventuresome and start discovering some hidden talents, as plenty of unknown potential talents are seeded within you. 

“You have it in you to become God’s millionaires to be further built upon in the eternal future to become immensely wealthy in spirit, just by answering the call from your ‘Spirit Guides’ within and become active co-operators by seeking to do God’s will, which is to implement the golden rule of treating others as you would like to be treated, with love and respect. Think about, yes, ponder these all-important matters.”

Edited by Linda.

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


Sivananda Daily Reading

6 February

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 10:00 PM PST

Love All 
Love is happiness. Love is life. Love is energy. Love is immortality. Love is wisdom. Love never fails. 
Love is success. Love is victory. Love is eternal sunshine. Love alone creates and unites.
Love is the moving principle of all forms of fellowship. When you realise your oneness with a man, you can really love him whole heartedly. The world can only be united for common welfare through unselfish, pure, divine love.
Love dissolves hatred and animosity. Love promotes understanding. To love all as one loves oneself is the succinct statement of dharma. Universal love is the mark of saintliness. Without love there is no life.
God resides in all creatures. God is immanent in all forms. Therefore love all. Be compassionate to all creatures. This gives the greatest joy to God. Love all in the one love divine. Modern civilisation is complicated and artificial. Simple folk live in a world of love and peace. Let no one hate another or harm another.
Look not at the defects of your neighbours. Look at your own shortcomings and imperfections. Love one another. When these principles govern an individual's life, then man is happy, peaceful and joyful.
Love is the basis of all real and permanent happiness, of all real and permanent peace. Love is the supreme gift; it is the greatest thing in the world. Love never fails. Perfect love casts out fear. Love lends impetus and incentive to life. It makes one daring, courageous and strong.
Love makes one generous, unselfish, patient, merciful and forgiving. Love discloses the sublimest meaning and purpose of life. Love makes one have good will towards his neighbour, loyalty towards his friends, and it gives compassion for the enemy.
To love is to suffer. Love and suffering always go together.
