2-26-15 -- When U & GOD are One


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
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* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5207 When You and God Are One, February 26, 2015

God said:

When I say that everything is okay, I don’t say this as a palliative. I encompass the idea that everything is, indeed, okay, just as it is. I mean Everything IS okay. I mean that nothing can happen to you, beloveds.

Whatever occurs in life, it’s okay. I could even say to make Myself more clear, “Everything is A-OK.” What you see as terrible or even horrific is still okay. I mean more than: ”It WILL be okay.” I am saying life is okay now as it occurs.

If you were to be arrested falsely and sentenced to prison for life, it’s okay. If you were sentenced to death, it would still be okay. I know you are not yet at that place of embracing this that I say. Even after you might fight and fight a death sentence to no avail, I am saying it is okay. It is all okay as it is happening.

This reminds Me of: God’s Will be done.

Yet I also want to impress upon you that I do not sit around planning what you see as adverse occurrences in life for you. I do not. My focus is on greater than details of what you, understandably, would like to avoid.

Today I am saying more than: “Come to terms with life as it is.” I am saying more than: “Take life as it comes.” I am saying that, in the big picture, the worst unimaginables you can think of do not matter the way you think they do.

It has been said that Christ bowed to following My Will when he was crucified. It is not My Will for Christ or anyone to be exposed to hurt as you see it.

Christ most likely thought:

“Hey, it’s all okay. Nothing can happen to me. To my body yes. Oh, no matter how holy I am, my body is just a body. The core of Me cannot be touched. I do not disappear. My body feels pain, yet the I of I does not and cannot. I am not my body. I am not my body anymore than anyone is really ego or personality. I am more than anyone on Earth can say or attest to. What is resurrected is my Oneness with My Father and, with this, my Eternal Love for all.

“If I am to love all, I am to love all. I simply love. There is nothing else to do. If I am seen amiss, this is not a crime or foul play. I am simply seen amiss. If I am seen more than I am or less than I am, it is the same artifice. Should I glory in praise and not glory in calumny? Should you?

“If you are belied, should you be miserable? If you are a movie star, you may enjoy acclaim, yet you know that the fans do not know you and they are not acclaiming you for what you truly are. In the same way, others may condemn you for what you are not. This happens in the world.”

I, God, acclaim everyone. I see beyond the costumes My children wear. I do not dishonor anyone. I honor everyone as My son or daughter, and I see your Light which is Mine whether you or anyone else in the world sees it or not. I see Myself in you. Now, I ask you to see yourself as I AM and you are. There are seeming accidents, for My children do not know what they do. Human beings have not yet caught on to the extent of life in the world.

When you believe you are expert in your validations or dismissals of others, you miss the point, for the point is Oneness, and none of the story you see and perhaps magnify or minimize actually happens anyway. What you don’t see has import. When all is said and done, what matters when you and I are One?


Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “The Value of Relationships”

Receiver: Lytske.

The Beloved One:
“To begin this lesson on the value of relationships, let me state the most important values are sincerity and truthfulness. It cannot be otherwise as when these values are not present, it leaves the relationship full of ‘holes’ to be filled with insincerity and the possibility of hidden agendas. Being truthful is a necessary component of making any relationship honest, meaningful, dependable and lasting.

“The sad truth on this disordered planet is that the meaning of a sincere relationship is quite distorted and, sorry to say, lost on the majority of the inhabitants residing on this orb. This is a very unfortunate and disturbing scenario and it shows the level of its inhabitants’ maturity or immaturity as seen from the celestial point of view. Almost everyone lives for themselves, often rushing to and fro without thought of taking even their next of kin into consideration. You observe consideration and loyalty as other values that also need to be included in truthfulness without having any sort of the hidden ‘me first’ agenda.

“True and lasting relationships unfortunately usually are forged between the hammer and anvil. Relationships occasionally are threatened by a calamity of some sort and suddenly a partner or a friend is no longer there, And the true significance of appreciation dawns upon you about how much he or she means to you. Or a gap occurs in the relationship due to selfishness by one or both partners’ immaturity, insincerity or a minor misunderstanding that threatens to blow out of proportion. Relationships come to an end for many reasons.

“Relationships between two people, like partners, spouses, are important. But the most important one is between parents and children, as children learn values ideally from their parents, family and caretakers, then from friends, groups and larger circles. You realize that once you start thinking about relationships, they become many-sided and all-inclusive. Relationships start when each individual comes in contact with another. The question always arises: What sort of relationship will this be? Will it be based on honesty, truthfulness and sincerity or will it be one based on a me-first self-serving ‘what can I get out of this’ basis?

“Let us talk about love and forgiveness for a moment as these also are included in the values of meaningful relationships. It goes without saying: this planet needs an overhaul and a new curriculum instituting a course in the meaning of all these values, before she sinks any further into the horrible degradations to which she is presently exposed? Will she and her people suffer at the hands of certain factions who throw their weight around with lies and fabrication of untruth, exposing the ignorant masses to all sorts of grievous poisons in food, water and air for their self-gratification and upsetting the fragile relationship of balance between man, beast and the earth herself?

“At this point the Celestials are instituting the Correcting Time, which gtives every citizen a chance to move towards an active soulful and loving cooperation — first with themselves to work on genuine relationships with and between each other and then with their Creator God to help the planet progress in a balanced manner.”

Edited by Linda Abell.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


Sivananda Daily Reading

27 February

Posted: 26 Feb 2015 02:11 AM PST

Epistle of Swami Sivananda - 8
Meditation is freeing the mind from thoughts of sense objects. Mind dwells on God and God alone during meditation. Have perfect ethical perfection. Then alone you will be established in deep meditation.
Meditation follows concentration and samadhi (super-conscious state) follows meditation.
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Be courageous. You will come across various obstacles in meditation. You will have to conquer sleep, distraction, a taste for sensual pleasure, laziness, etc.
Practise asanas regularly. 
Do a little tratak (gazing) and pranayama (yoga breathing). Do vichara (enquiry). Cultivate vairagya (dispassion). You will conquer all obstacles.
Samadhi is that state of pure consciousness, the supreme blissful state where the jivatma (soul) becomes one with Paramatma (Supreme Being).
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Light diet, dispassion, discrimination, contact with a teacher, are necessary for the practice of meditation.
Meditation when persisted in and perfected, brings about the experience of super-consciousness or samadhi, the ultimate state of self-awareness or realisation.
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When there is tension in the mind, when you cannot meditate, do kirtan or singing the Lord's name. You will get relaxation and concentration.
Kirtan is nectar. Kirtan is divine food for the soul Kirtan develops divine love. Kirtan produces bhava samadhi (ecstasy of devotion).
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Samadhi leads to direct, intuitive realisation of the infinite. It is an inner divine experience, beyond the reach of speech and mind.
A jnani or sage will always be in samadhi, although engaged in worldly actions.
One without full even-mindedness will never be able to go into samadhi even though he sits in padmasana for several hours. When all cravings cease, when one gets equal vision, he attains jnana vision and Brahmic Bliss.
