2013 & Beyond - Channeled |
2013 and Beyond By Archangel Metatron,
Lord Buddha and the Celestial White Beings Channelled through Natalie Glasson
30-12-12-omna.org 2013 and Beyond By
Archangel Metatron, Lord Buddha and the Celestial White Beings Channelled through Natalie Glasson
30-12-12-omna.org We come forward as a united consciousness
of love and compassion to connect with your energies and to support your transitions at this time of ascension. We are here
to lovingly cradle you in the light of the Creator so that further shifts and awakening may take place. There are many subject
matters and issues that we wish to address today in our communication and connection with you. The energy vibration
that many of you are now consciously experiencing upon the Earth and within your being is the new energy vibration of the
Earth and your physical beings. Your vibration and that of the Earth will continue to rise and evolve, quickening in speed
over time but there is a need to allow yourself time to become familiar with the energies, to realise how they are influencing
your being and to recognise the energies that are now activating within your being. It is also important to understand that
the way in which you are dealing with and experiencing the energies at this present time may change and evolve becoming more
stable, comfortable and natural to your being. We, in the same way that you are, are experiencing a transition where our entire
being is being realigned to the light and source of the Creator. For some this transition may have already taken place while
others may need days, weeks or months to become accustomed to the energies and to completely embody the new vibrations within
every aspect of your being. Please be aware that this process of embodiment is continuous. We can only describe this as moving
from darkness into light, your entire being needs time to adjust and absorb the rays of light that are now not only activating
within your being but are flowing from all directions into your inner source. This transition where you move into greater
absorption and embodiment of light may bring up more unneeded energies, past patterns and programmed consciousness to be released
and completely erased from your energy field, being and soul. Do not despair if your energies feel heavier, you feel less
connected or if you feel that transitions are not taking place for you, every person is moving through an immense healing
process and transition at this time which is being accelerated by the light of the Creator and your soul. In order for true
light to shine from your being, your deepest fears and attachments need to be erased completely from your being and consciousness.
Many of you moving forward to the
21st December 2012 experienced a tremendous release on many levels of your being, now is the time for the energy that you
released to be erased from your consciousness and energy field. Releasing does allow for a freedom from that which you held
onto offering greater space for light and true self radiation but there is also a need for consciously erasing the energies
and aspects of yourself from your energy field in order to allow for the new vibration of love, unity and many blissful Creator
energies to embody your entire being completely. Erasing unneeded energies and habits will allow for complete freedom within
your being and reality, allowing for experiences of love and connection rather than fear and separation. Erasing the influences
of the past will come about through your acceptance of your truth, of greater volumes of light and connection with the Creator
around and within your being. Consciously making a choice to allow and ask for all unneeded energies, habits, thoughts and
consciousness to be completely erased from your energy will also assist you. It is a magnificent and major experience to erase
the energy, codes and patterns of pain, suffering and so forth as it allows for complete freedom, meaning that no longer will
energetic patterns replay in your reality, which can occur even after a realisation and release of the energies you may have
been holding onto. By allowing yourself to erase unneeded energies eternally you are assisting yourself, humanity and the
Earth in completely aligning with the Creator completely free from restrictions. As the Earth and humanity are accepting
and becoming accustomed to the new vibrations a release and cleansing of the Earth and your being will continue but it is
in this reality that you are cleansing and healing not to release the energies as before but to erase them eternally which
means that if a good number of people are able to erase certain consciousness and programming then they will be erased eternally
from the entire consciousness of humanity. Erased is to be eternally deleted. This means that we will see humanity rising
in major steps to connect on a deeper level with the Creator over the next few years because of the erasing process that is
taking place on the Earth at this time. In many ways this is a very simple process compared to the healing process that you
have previously experienced on the Earth but it is a very key and essential clearing and reawakening of the Earth which can
flow with ease from the hearts of humanity. Essentially we are asking and guiding you to completely clear the Earth and your
being of all past programming and unneeded energies, knowing that the work you achieve now allows for eternal deleting which
will create a space and vibration on the Earth that allows for greater shifts similar to what you have just experienced but
more magnificent when manifested. It is as if the major work has been achieved and now you must recode the Earth in order
to allow for higher vibrations to anchor, therefore truly anchoring and manifesting the era of love on the Earth. Please do not mistaken us, the new
reality and new beginning that you desired energetically is now here for you to experience but the old energies may still
come forward to be eternally released and now is the time to realign the Earth and your being with the Creator. This realignment
we speak of is complete realignment, complete oneness with the Creator. Over the next few years and maybe twenty years, everything
that you achieve and experience will allow you to consciously move into greater experiences of love and unity, therefore allowing
the manifestation of bliss. If you have already shifted into a state and an existence of bliss then you will be able to observe
the bliss within you grow hundreds of times in strength and expression over the next few years. The energies that you are now connected
to which anchored over the sacred month of December 2012 are extremely important, over the next few years you will allow yourself
to embody, experience and express this new vibration from every cell and particle of your being, meaning that you have the
opportunity to truly experience the higher and sacred vibration of your being and the Creator that have been activated. This
expression will allow for greater experiences of love, truth, unity and bliss, true and complete healing of the Earth and
the manifestation of the Era of Love. Your choices now influence the ascension of humanity, your manifestations are extremely
important in bringing greater light activations to the Earth and to allow the Divine Presence of Your Soul to come forward
as the sacred Christ, Goddess, Messiah and Creator on the Earth in unison with every other soul upon the Earth, in oneness.
This is an immensely powerful goal and vision to hold. The energy that you connected with
in December 2012 was of unity and love in order to erase separation and fear, you have connected with this energy, now there
is a need to embody, express and experience the energy. So much is and will unfold as to
what is occurring and has occurred at this time, guidance from within your being and other sources will allow for you and
all of humanity to understand the next stages forward for ascension. We sense the presence of bereavement among many on the
Earth. The dates that your soul has long awaited have passed, the shifts that you have long awaited are now being experienced
and yet the future seems so undetermined and uncertain. We wish to congratulate you for allowing yourself to reach this stage
of ascension. We are all entering into an era and time on the Earth which could be described as the True Experience or Creator
Experience of the Present. This is in which you exist, act and experience in the present. You may feel as if you are already
achieving this as if you have been existing in the present for some time but can you envisage, imagine and acknowledge existing
in the present moment always, even eternally with complete and absolute focus of the present? This is what we are being guided
to share with you and to encourage you to achieve. It is to be constantly conscious, aware and observant in every moment,
therefore being at one with the energy of the Creator. Allow yourself to be present in the moment of every person, recognising
the oneness of the energy of the Creator in every moment. This time that you are now experiencing
is also a period for profound and immense love from your being to shine, it is appropriate more than ever for your powerful
love to shine soaking the Earth and all souls. You will see the change that you wish to see on the Earth through your love
for the Earth and humanity. In truth we are asking you to fall in unconditional love with the Earth, to fall in unconditional
love with humanity and to fall in unconditional love with yourself. Achieving this with conscious understanding and awareness
will allow for the Earth to heal completely, for actions taken on the Earth to alter and align with love and for truth to
prevail. When humanity falls in love with each other, the Earth and their own soul, then we will see the greatest shift occur
on the Earth where complete embodiment of the Creator manifests. With the transitions that lead to this major shift we will
see humanity and the Earth becoming one in respect and honour for each other which in truth is one of the purposes of your
existence on the Earth. The Earth demonstrates to you the Creator and yourself, a powerful energy that cannot be controlled
but can exist in complete harmony and truth when true vision and comprehension manifests. We encourage you to walk on dear
light workers of the Earth; with every conscious step you are talking you are manifesting your greatest truth for the entire
universe of the Creator. With deepest love, Archangel Metatron, Lord Buddha
and the Celestial White Beings Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven. Have some mercy on yourself. You have been merciless when it comes to you. Even if you are one who boasts, you are trying
to boost your spirits with a pretense. Your boasting is bravado. Better to admit your true evaluation of yourself. To be honest
is merciful. It is good to know which floor you live on in the apartment of your self-evaluation. You have to get on the elevator
from the floor you are on now. Maybe there is no elevator. Maybe there are no floors. Maybe there is only one place you can be, and that is with Me. Yet,
in terms of life on Earth, We can talk about floors and up and down and elevators and escalators. You can exaggerate yourself in terms of the world. In terms of Who you really are, there is no exaggeration. You are a
Child of God, and you are My beloved child, so, be it. Why not accept yourself as you really really are? No more of this camouflage and subterfuge. Be straight out. Let yourself know Who you are. Let yourself know Who everyone
is. Be yourself and no longer an imposter. You may have fooled everyone, and, yet, there is a part of you that knows. A part
of you knows that you have been a charlatan on a stage that doesn't exist. The existence you see does not exist -- unless
you are seeing beauty within and without. Of course, you do not fool Me for one minute, and, certainly not for a lifetime.
Who are you kidding anyway? You have been sent to Earth from Heaven. What does that make you? It makes you a messenger. Messengers from God are named
angels, yet you hide your wings and you hide your halo when, all the while you are a wing-ed and haloed hallowed child. Whose
child are you if not Mine? No longer bind yourself to the bounds of Earth life. Free yourself of bounds. You are My boundless child, and you are to
reflect Me. Reflect Me clearly. Wipe off the mirror you see yourself in, and you will begin to see clearly that you are Bright
Light. Your eyes have been dimmed, not your light. Pull up the shades and reveal your One Self. Be the first to reveal your
True Identity. Enough humbug. Enough misrepresentation. Stand in the True Light that is yours to stand in. You are a reflection
of God. There you are. You are My good right arm. You reflect Me, and you represent Me. You are not at all the kind of person
you thought you were. You are a Person with all the rights and privileges of a Child of God. Get out of the playpen you put yourself in. Be the sun that shines everywhere. Hold up the Golden Light of yourself. No
more costumes. You have had enough of costumes. Now you reveal yourself in your true colors. It is yourself that you are to
reveal yourself to. You are the One Who has to know. It is yourself that you have deceived. Be a deceiver no longer. You have
kept yourself in the dark long enough. Through you will I be known. One day the world will notice Who you really are. Today is the day. I have waited long enough. Today is the day that the
Sun of you casts its light. You are the One chosen to speak for Me on Earth, to live for Me, to light up the Earth with Me.
You are a practitioner of love, so practice. Try on the shoes that are yours. Walk in them. Dance in them. Leap high in them. ArchAngel Michael As we begin our last message for your year of 2012, let us give our deepest appreciation to each of those who have followed
our channelings throughout these months for all of their dedication and efforts toward your planet’s ascension. None of you has had an easy time of it, and yet, here you are, preparing for another year of the same. Well, we have some
good news for you. While there is still quite a way for you to go on this journey, you will soon be quite well aware that
the most difficult part of this undertaking is behind you. There is much to do. Some of it will indeed be no ‘piece of cake’, as you say, but neither are you anywhere
near as unprepared as you were even a short time ago. You are far stronger now and have at your disposal inner resources you have not begun to uncover. The masters that you
have been, the leaders that you have been, the healers that you have been, and much more, are now just beneath the surface,
and you will bring them forth now. You have been carefully taught that anything just beneath your surfaces must be evil, scary, and avoided at all cost. You
were taught that in order to keep you from discovering where your treasure lies. Well, wait until you find out even the smallest
part of what is really there awaiting you. Wait until your ‘How could I ever?’ transforms into your ‘How
in the world did I ever?’ Become cheerleaders for yourselves and each other this coming year. You are about to perform some rather miraculous deeds,
both personal and otherwise. There is no Santa Claus. There will be hard work to be done. The miracle will be that you find
you can do it. The coming together of soul groups will continue also. It is now the time for which you agreed to come together. You will
find more fun, more joy, more love. Nothing will stop you. Begin by being grateful to yourselves for what you have accomplished.
If you can’t see it, have enough trust in us to believe what we are telling you. This time is always a time for you to celebrate. Make it a special time this year. We open our hearts in love to you, as
always. Well done, dearest friends. Well done.