Some History of Relationships



                 Q: True relationship begins with knowing who you are.
  All relationship begins in the ecstatic knowingness of your authenticity,    
   of your wholeness. This is true relationship. It is found as you establish    
  your connection with the Divine Oneness, re-claim your relationship with    
  Light, and understand the need for expansion.                            
     When you come into union with another being that has come into the    
   ecstatic knowing-ness of their authenticity, then you are completing the
   expansionary process. You are joining Light with Light. You are expanding.    
  You are bringing mutual understandings and experiences to each other,    
   thereby offering back to God the expansion of Light through the experi-   
   ence. This has always been your mission here as a collective. Once this is    
   achieved, you take it further.                                            
     When you and your partner bring that wholeness to another couple who    
   have found their wholeness, you create a community of Light. You are all    
   offering service to the Divine in the manner in which it is in service to
   the perfection. It is the reason you are Travelers to begin with: to expand,
   to understand, to experience. Most importantly, bring all expansionary
   experience back to the Divine. This is a very simple and important concept;    
   it is why you are here, and why you have always been.                     
     During the Atlantean lifetime, this concept began to unfold very     
   beautifully. During this time, you had great understanding of the neces-    
   sity of expansion and the importance of your mission as Travelers. It
   was also during this first experience of Atlantis that your Divine     
   communication was still uninterrupted and in direct contact with many     
   Realms of existence.                                                  
     Because of this understanding, and the direct communication with     
   many other beings, there arose the first infiltration, or mutation of the
   energy. The ego came in and said, "Why do we need to give all this Light
   experience back? It is right here. We can create ourselves."
     Once the ego became self-righteous, new beings were created by the
  Atlanteans. It is important to understand that this is what led to the
   end of the Atlantean time. It was the combination of the manipulation
   of DNA, the desire to become "god," and the desire to keep the energies
   within. The pervasive ego took hold and said, "We do not need Divine
   intervention. We live a long time. We have growth. We understand, and
   we do not need to give it back."
    This was the ending of the cycle of gratitude, receiving, giving. This
is the model of true relationship; it is a circle, and this is the key. All true
relationship must integrate gratitude, receiving, and giving. This is the
only way it can continue, and it must first begin with your own relation-
ship with the Divine.
   Remember that in the middle of the circle is wholeness. One must under-
stand wholeness to stay in gratitude, receiving and giving. It is important
to understand this model.

                                {To be continued, please check back.}

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