The Great Shift Co-Creating A New World for
2012 And Beyond
What information is the most important to know
before entering the year 2009?
You are now in the Desert Days of extreme polarity,
to which we have dedicated much reflection in earlier messages. You are in the process of cracking apart your material
world while Gaia, wise mother, pushes you to the extremes. She is tossing you about, flooding you with emotion, blowing
down your illusions so that you recognize how the material focus of your world is as impermanent as autumn leaves.
In this context of linear time, the last six lunar cycles of the solar year, your fears of survival will be tested with
more extreme weather patterns, political and social instability, and further eco- nomic uncertainty.
You will be confronted with conditions that guide you either upward, along that vertical axis of spirit over mat- ter,
or downward, where you cling to your possessions, sym- bols of your focus on limitation and the search for permanence in
an impermanent world. It is your decision, and yours alone, of just how much you intend to suffer as Gaia's cracks the
shell of her mortal existence and cleanses her physical frame for rites of passage into her immortal light body. For
those of you whose focus is on the peaceful progression of the One Heart on the spiral of conscious- ness, a great sense
of Unity will illuminate your passage through the valleys of turmoil and darkness. As you share your insights and experience,
you create such brilliant fields of light that your fears of the shadow fade into oblivion. In the dynamics of astro- physical
cosmometry, your galaxy is preparing a most exquisite alignment as Earths axis shifts and leans toward the galactic plane,
which has been defined by your astrologers as the "Holy Cross." This celestial field manifested mid-June 2008, marking a
phenomenal point of evolutionary acceleration for Earth and all life on the surface and deep within the inner worlds.
It is the astro-marker on the time-space continuum that her- alds your progression from the extremes of the duality conscious- ness
to the merging of the male/female aspects--the Unification of the polar extremes--of your societies and your souls.
The last Holy Cross alignment to occur in your galaxy was the time of the Great Flood, at that time that you recognize
as the sinking of Atlantis, where the darkness was purified in the waters of Gaia and the new was birthed.
I think it's important
to take further this information about this unusual astrological alignment that contains the potential of a phe- nomenal
point of evolution acceleration for Earth and all life on the surfaces because the last time that this kind of alignment
occurred was the sinking of Atlantis. How will we be affected?
We have consistently pointed the way of
liberation and transi- tion as beginning through the purified heart, where you experi- ence unconditional
love and fearlessness. In a sense, the heart is of itself a holy cross, for it is the intersection point of the higher and
lower energies and the epicenter of the left and right align- ments of your own physical forms.
There are many climacric moments of transition lying be- fore you, and all are facilitated by your focused intent to release yourselves
from those emotional traps and conditions that pro- voke feelings of unworthiness, suffering, intolerance, and guilt. These,
in the purified heart, transmute into unconditional love and forgiveness, which are one and the same.
Your choice is to clear yourselves of these imbalances now or to hold onto the drama of your suffering: your dark cloak
of unresolved emotion and karma. This is the process that deter- mines not only your passage through the Holy Cross
alignment, but how you live every day of your lives. It is the only measure of your preparation. Are you willing to
love yourselves and all others simply because they exist--in divine order--or will you spend the rest of your time in
body demanding that the universe conform to the conditions you place before yourself? To forgive
yourselves and others for all that creates dishar- mony in your experience and to replace that imbalance with a deep
understanding of how the choice is yours to make are the simplest of guidelines to the pathway of your passage. Pear and the
need to somehow control the outcome are your deterrents. When you contemplate the true magnificence
of your Earth, and the perpetual birthing of life, you let go of the paralysis that fear brings. You look to the stars,
knowing the Divine Plan is in perfect order and wonder, rather than fear, what incredible leaps you are destined for.
Your preparation lies in your surrender--letting go, letting God.
From the High Council's perspective, what
does the next few years hold for us? Since this is The Great Shift, how can we better prepare for what is coming?
The process of preparation for the immensity
of the celestial shifts on the outer plane is to prepare yourselves, at the cellular or inner plane, for the cleansing
of toxic consciousness (manifest- ing as matter), which you have formed by clinging to the den- sity of judgment, separation,
and ego--and surrendering to the unconditional love that underlies the Cosmos. No matter how remote
that love can seem at times, it per- vades all things. To this end, we remind you that you either believe in God, Prime
Creator, or you do not. If you do, then inherent in that belief you must realize that all that occurs is the conscious
stream of God Mind. From the darkness of the most difficult hours and the shadows of lost souls, to the brilliance of the
dawn, the glitter of angels, all is in Divine Order. To facilitate the process of your transmutation
from the den- sity to the light, learning to experience the unfolding events in serenity and acceptance, you must seek
the spiritual understand- ing of life and your time in body. Practical methods include removing,
as much as you pos- sibly can, all toxic conditions from your environment and all toxic thoughts from your fields of
consciousness. The first is accomplished by + reducing all electromagnetic devices, which interfere with
your natural energy flows and biorhythms; + replacing synthetic clothing, food, and chemicals from your
environments with natural fibers, wholesome vegetar- ian food, and organic substances; + drinking
of purified water, rearranged at the cellular level through your conscious thoughts, prayer, and medita- tions--and
the application of sacred geometrical forms; + selecting harmonious environments with the best air quality,
soils, and attunement with nature; + exercising your physical bodies to remain vigorous while breathing
in prana for the illumination of every cel- lular unit. The second is accomplished through
+ meditation and proper breathing; + consciously choosing forgiveness over revenge, toler- ance over
judgment, love over hate, trust over fear; + surrendering to unconditional love by loving uncondi- tionally;
+ confronting and accepting your emotions by bringing them to the full light of consciousness before releasing them through
your heart centers and into the Earth to be healed; + spending time in nature, loving animals, smelling
clean air, breathing in the splendor of the trees, the flowers--the gifts of Eden; + seeking beauty
and taking the time to celebrate all that is right in your world; + avoiding those of the lower vibration
who wish to entrain you in their negative thoughts and actions; + intending, in all of your thoughts
and actions, that only the highest good be served. Now is the time to take yourselves to the sacred
sites of the Earth, for there you will feel the energies of the Earth, of the an- cients who worshipped there, of others
like you who bring your love and light to these vortices. You will experience powerful shifts and acceleration in your
energy bodies, particularly in this time following the manifestation of the Holy Cross (June 2008), and your experience
will be one of unity and connection to Gaia. Create altars to Spirit, however you worship, respect- ing
the wisdom underlying the cosmometry of form and consciousness, the vibration of the vertical axis (spirit-being Earth)
and the power of the horizontal plane to create a place where you are able to find the absolute epicenter of your own existence.
We would like to end our participation in this project by saying that what you need most, at this time of radical change,
is a doctrine of "right thought" that will allow you to focus on what you already have, what you already know, and what,
most impor- tantly, you have co-created with Gaia, your immensely powerful and loving mother. If you ask yourselves
what you are feeling overwhelmed about, in the calm of your centered minds and bal- anced emotional bodies, you cannot
bur realize that your fear is of the unknown--of anything that lurks outside your comfort zones and those illusory "safety"
nets that the power continually throw over your conscious awareness of what is truly occurring in your world.
You are marketed and maneuvered into feeling powerless and afraid of the most insignificant things, when you think about it!
Won't you agree that it is becoming more of a challenge to merely exit your front doors? We say to
you, however desperate the events may seem to you, it is all part of your process of awakening. Pay attention but observe
with detachment what goes around you. Be cen- tered, stilling the lower emotions. Be wary and look carefully about you,
turning your focus away from the horror and toward beauty, love, and miracles that surround you in every moment of your
lives. Above all, starseed, you do well to remember that you chose to be here. You chose it, fully aware of the hills and
valleys of your passage. Now is the time to remember, dear children of light and beauty.
Now is the time to remember who you truly are. We hold you in our hearts and mind.
We are the Sirian High Council.