1-9-15 SaLuSa

Happiness depends only on your mind. When the mind is free of past impressions and future cravings, happiness is there.

Sri Sri


SaLuSa, 9 January 2015

There are signs all around you that indicate the period of immense change that you are passing through, and old problems that have beset you for millennia of time are coming to a head. Mankind is being confronted with conditions that are becoming intolerable, and they will continue until you are forced to deal with them. Peaceful solutions can be found, but it requires the will of those that lead you to seek more acceptable and lasting solutions. You can no longer continue in the old ways, and in some countries it will require a new Leadership to come forward to direct Man towards peaceful and acceptable answers. Part of this change of direction comes from you the people who wield much more power than you imagine. When the thought form for change grows it becomes a powerful tool that influences the Human population. The scene has gradually been set for many years as you have moved in a different direction to the old ways of confrontation. Peace is in many people’s minds having tired of the lack of leadership that would change course to one of peaceful negotiation. It is coming but as you often say “old habits die hard”.

These are times when you need to keep your focus on your own personal goal, and you should know by now exactly what it is. When you are firmly on your path you will feel fulfilled and unaffected by events that are going on around you. Life will gently flow along and you will realise that although you part of the whole, you are still very much an individual soul following your own path. Yet there are others following a similar path and at times you will be drawn to each other. There is in fact a drawing apart of those ready to ascend from those who are unable to lift up their vibrations. They will learn much from their experiences that will help them grow and progress more quickly than previously. Souls of a similar vibration tend to band together which makes them feel comfortable with like kinds.

Looming in the future are unending revelations about you history in the current cycle that is now closing. You will learn how you have been back by the dark Ones, and so many advancements have been kept from you that would have led to a far greater quality of life. It has mainly to do with your quality of life that has been held in a time lock, free energy could have solved so many of your problems and immediately raised you up. However, it will not take long to bring you the advances you have been denied, and curing the body of all ills will eventually mean that you will live a life of perfect health. This is because there is a higher level of vibration at which the lower ones cannot exist.

We are well prepared for the times ahead when we can come amongst you, and a number of advanced technologies are prepared for your use. They will speed up your advancement into the New Age whilst at the same time help cleanse the Earth and her Oceans of years of neglect and misuse. There is much work to do but modern technologies will greatly reduce the time spent on such projects. Cleansing is our main priority and once it is complete the rest can follow much more easily. Be assured that whatever setbacks occur during the initial stages you will not lose out, and in fact have everything to gain. So please do not despair regardless of what experiences you go through in the early stages, all will work out to your satisfaction.

As your investigators are finding out, we have some of our bases on your seabed but well out of your reach at depths that you cannot survive in. As you have noticed our craft can fly in and out with ease and with no ill effects, as the force field around them is their protection. As you have also noted, we can also place a shield of invisibility around them, which explains why at times we just vanish off your radar, or out of your sight. As individuals we can also lift our vibrations so that we can walk through matter, and make ourselves totally invisible if we find it necessary. This way we can attend those “secret” meetings that are held by the dark Ones. Our technologies are far more advanced than yours and your dark Ones would be well advised keep clear of them.

It is our intention to introduce you to new ideas and technologies as soon as it is appropriate, but our first priority is to clean up your Earth. We would then like to establish a level of life that means that no one is in need of the basic requirements for a satisfactory life. The contrast between the different regions on Earth is quite amazing, as some life still exists in what can only be described as primitive conditions. It has certainly provided the most extreme conditions that human life can be expected to survive in. These have however provided many challenges for Man, and his resilience and ability to overcome them has been proven time and time again. These days are now coming to a close as the New Age is established, and you will gradually leave them behind.

This year should leave you with a firm indication as to which direction it is going in, and progress will speed up as interference with your destiny will not be allowed. We expect major events to take place that have hitherto been held up, and you will be in no doubt that progress into the New Age has speeded up. It is an historic period to be alive in and experience and you are indeed privileged to be given that chance. Yet once you advance into the New Age you will soon be so occupied with everything that is happening, you will soon put your earlier experiences behind you. Bear in mind that what is happening on Earth is the last attempts of the dark Ones to impose their will upon you. They will not succeed, but in the process of trying they will learn many lessons from their experiences.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and hope you share our excitement at the changes that are taking place. Some are not yet apparent but continue to happen as the foundation for them is laid. You may be assured that as it begins to be safer to make open contact, it will take place as we do of course need many contacts on Earth to carry out our work. I am leaving you now with the love and best wishes from the personnel of our craft, who take much interest in your progress.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Tree of the Golden Light  


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5159 The Love in Which God Holds You, January 9, 2015 

God said: 

Yes, you have to get out of the habit of small thinking. Once and for all you have to get out of the learned reactions you have made yours to that which causes you frustration. How much better life would be if you could only get out of your resentment and anger about small things.

I will help you. I will coach you. The only thing is that you have to come to a greater grasp yourself.

Let us say, for the third time in three days, a company’s robot has sent you a response to your honest question. The response is no response at all. The robot has no idea of what you are talking about. The robot does not have a clue. And the programmed robot is undaunted. The robot notes cheerfully that it will be happy to answer your questions at any time. So blind and uncaring is the robot that you are frustrated beyond belief. Sometimes a live body is just like the computer robot who doesn’t hear you. It doesn’t matter what you say.

Dear Ones, you have a habit of frustration. From childhood, you may have been in a vise of not being heard. Not being heard is the same as being quashed. Being ignored is an anathema to you. You are so angry at being ignored. Of course, it is not right. Every one of My children deserves to be seen and heard and, frankly, adored, and not ignored.

Yet childhood has not always been all it is meant to be.

So, how do you now become the human being you want to be? Snubs in life keep popping up. Resentment and anger remain, ever-irritating you like a fly that comes back again and again to annoy and haunt you.

Your annoyance becomes like swatting flies. Your mind and the surface of your heart are out to get those flies who have no right to keep buzzing around you. And, yet, here they are, and you take their buzzing personally.

When a company has robots responding to you, there are no fly-swatters with which to get them. A computerized program gives you a run-around, and you would smash that robot if you could. This is the worst kind of non-response in the world you can think of. To be ignored, to be totally ignored, to off-handedly be misinterpreted without having a fair listening.

Don Quixote fought windmills. You fight computer robots.

Once, you were a helpless child. You are no longer a helpless child. Not even nonsensical replies from a machine have any power over you now except as you grant it. And you keep granting it.

Somewhere along the line, you declared war with puppets. The puppets are innocent. Someone else speaks for them, and you are the one who gets angry with the puppet.

You rail at the past in whatever guise it appears in. Whereas others may have fallen into a trap of ignoring you, you, dear heart, now are to learn to drop the past and simply let it go. Even way back then, it was the ignorers’ problem, not yours. Back then, you couldn’t know that. Now you know that. Ignorers are ignorant.

The past is nothing. This moment is everything. Do not keep the past present. Walk out of the past untarnished. There is a grudge from long ago. Do not keep it alive.

How do you get out of the thrall of not being heard? Hear Me, beloveds. Hear Me, and your internal barriers to peace will come falling down. Walk on secure in the attention and love in which I hold you.


Illawarra District, Australia.
Primary Midwayer, Andréa.
Subject: “The Quirks of the Blue Man.” [Part transmission only]

Received by George Barnard.

Andréa: “We, too, can occasionally run low on energy, my dearest friend, especially so when we allow our human-like feelings to come into play, when we witness an unsuspected turn-around in Earth’s slow but steady progress. However, since you notice I’m still here, you will understand that we do not ever give up or give in. Indeed, this is our livelihood, and the pay-off is enormous in our personal, and group satisfaction in us serving our Hero, Michael, and thus serving the Father through serving Him, by serving others—our sole function.

“Your question is deserving of an answer, but it is not a simple one. There was a time, perhaps, when warring parties could have made peace, and the blending of Nodite and Adamic stock could have proceeded to show you an entirely different picture of extraordinary progress today, and that might have been about the only chance that ever presented itself. As it is, you have not blended, and calculations by better minds than mine can assist you with, have brought us the conclusion that this is no longer preferable.

“You are now faced with having to come to terms with the talents and quirks of those races that remain. Your Red Man is a greatly spiritual being, but he can be provoked. Your Yellow Cousin is a peaceful one, but he will defend himself, and an attack on one sibling will motivate the entire “family” to take up arms.

“It is the White Man who inherited more of the Adamite, but the Blue Man’s traits of old “shine through”. It is the White Man of today who will initiate, discover, and forge ahead in many new fields. It is also he, who will change his approach to what is often not ethical; invent new paradigms and the preferred new language and terminology to go with these drastic changes that perhaps justify, yet rock the world time and again.

“These, by and large, are the quirks of the latter-day Blue Man, his licentious behavior, rampant inbreeding, and his unusual, growing ability to justify almost any unsavory behavior by calling this something other than (what) it was. This is the Correcting Time, my dear brother, and it is the time to see, to realize, to expose, and to correct these racial, these genetic anomalies, in the person, the family, the wider community, and your governments.

“All needed help is with you, but for you to show willingness, intent, to better your world, our world. This is Andréa. My love goes out to all.”

Note: The question dealt with the predatory behaviors of big business, and our politicians in government, especially as it relates to the Middle East.

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


Sivananda Daily Reading

10 January

Posted: 08 Jan 2015 10:00 PM PST

The Foundation of Ethics 
Put yourself in the place of others. Learn this great secret. What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others. The doctrine of unity of the Atman (the Self), is the foundation of morality.
No one tries to harm himself. How can one, who knows that each and every being is his own Self, harm anyone?
Share what you have with others. This is vedanta. Aparigraha (non-covetousness) is a very important item in the practice of yama or self-restraint, in Raja Yoga of Patanjali. Aparigraha is non-receiving of gifts, it is freedom from covetousness. This leads to purity of thought and independence.
The purer you are, the nearer to God you will be. A pure heart is the most essential thing required for good health of body and mind, and for attaining God-realisation. Religion resides only in the pure heart. Only the simple can be pure. He who is pure in heart attains God-realisation.
Humility is a fundamental virtue. It is the secret of the saints. He who lives the life of humility and simplicity earns the supreme bliss of eternity. Humility is freedom from self-conceit.
Obliterate the sense of 'I-ness'. Obliterate the idea of, "I am doing" or, "I will do". You are on the way to infinity. You will take the plunge into the ocean of divine wisdom and love.
You are not the doer. Do not think of the good deeds you have done and do not even expect any thanks for what you do. If you help a man, never remember it and if a man helps you, never forget it.
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Spiritual life and devotion to God are essential for preventing a feeling of frustration in life. In the realm of perfection, harmony, peace and freedom, is the abode of Brahman. Reach this abode through purity, love, and meditation. Go to the source of life itself. You will know everything.
