1-5-15 Rolling, Rolling, Rolling


A Guru is there to show you what you are. You are not different from Me. Whatever I am, that is what you are. This is your highest possibility.

Sri Sri


Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

by lifetapestrycreations


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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Dear Ones,

The next few days will bring many changes to your life and that of others. You have surfed through wild energy surges and climbed emotional mountains. You have experienced feelings like salmon swimming upstream - accepting all, always moving forward. But you have not yet truly accepted the AHAs that are now of your life forever more.

Part of your climb has been accepting your true worth. Even though many of you feel as if you have many mountains yet to climb, you are further ahead than you realize.

You believe you do not deserve rewards until you have completed all your tasks - a 3D belief that has little to do with new you.

Such fears, concerns and the need to be perfect are what you are leaving, not what you are moving to. Even though some of you feel a need for an A+ in all parts of your transition, all you have ever needed to do was acknowledge your interest in new you and the rest followed automatically.

Perhaps you remember your 'dark night of the soul,' that terrible period when you let go of your greatest fears, your worthlessness, your inability to be whole. Or perhaps you remember how many times you revisited pieces of your dark night of the soul - only to experience those fears yet again.

That was yesterday. You have transitioned beyond that.

Any additional clearing is your old 3D need to be perfect in others' eyes. Something you could never really achieve for others set guidelines that had nothing to do with your innate being, but instead helped control society.

Now that you have cleared those 3D feelings of lack and not good enough, it is time to fully own your being. So it is in the next few days you will discover pieces of yourself you have not accepted or noted before.

You are gods/goddesses of the highest form. No one including society, gurus, angels or beings in other dimensions is more powerful than you.

In the next few days, you will BEGIN to accept that concept. You will know you are capable of whatever you wish, of whatever your inner-being whispers in your ear.

Does that mean you will leave your job, family or friends to start a new life? No, merely that you will know you can do so if you wish - but only if you wish.

Many cling to the belief that you must save the world, that you must be an example for others by creating this or that.

It does not matter who or what you are in earthly realms for you will soon know within every cell of every segment of your being that you truly are a god/goddess in every sense of the word. You do not have to prove to yourself or anyone else that you are. You merely have to follow your inner-voice to find the joy that is your right - and role.

Do not ever think that you must be THE role model for anyone other than yourself.

By being yourself in total freedom, you will be the beacon you elected to be before entering earth in this lifetime and most likely, many others.

This transition is far beyond anything you imagined lifetimes ago or even before you entered earth in this lifetime. Your new world is about to explode in fun and joy for you have climbed your mountain. You have surfed the waves. You have completed every difficult task set before you including energy surges and software uploads. Yet, you continued movement to your promised land on faith and some channeled messages.

You are about to explode into your new life. For after you climb your mountain, you gently roll down the other side in childish glee - reclaiming those pieces of you forgotten in this lifetime.

This next wonderful phase is about claiming your totality. You are now probably thinking, "So what is new?" This phase is not the arduous climb up craggy mountains filled with snow and wild creatures that frightened you in your need to reach the top. But instead, reclaiming joy and self-love as you gleefully role and skip down the rolling hills to your promised land below.

There are some who continue to climb their mountain. That is fine and good for this transition is in stages. But those of you climbing your mountain need to know that those who went before left a bright path for you so you will complete that part of shedding old you in a much shorter time than was true for them.

Know that your mountain scout masters have become children waiting for you to play with them as they scamper down the gently rolling hills that is now their domain. Allow and encourage them to be for they are the ones who will allow you to be when it is your turn to roll down the gentle hills covered in green grass and spring flowers.

Once you reach the valley or the promised land - perhaps in a few months or a bit longer - you will be both child and adult free of the restraints that 3D earth imposed upon you for eons. So be it. Amen.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5155 The Mule That Carries God’s Will, January 5, 2015 

God said: 

Out of reverence to Me, it’s natural to bow down. The reverence that you hold Me in increases your regard for yourself without calling attention to yourself. Humility does not erase you. It fills you. Humility is not inflating nor is it a little thing.

That you serve Me matters. How you serve is an open matter. Serve Me with gladness, and you are uplifted. Service is a choice you make. You are a volunteer in what has been called an Army for God, yet, of course, you are Peacemakers for God. Peace I give unto you. In the peace of choice, you simply do not evaluate your services on a scale.

Christ washed the feet of a beggar. Christ had and has no judgment to withhold. He does not rank the beggar low nor does Christ rank another high. Service is beyond rating. Judgment does not enter into it.

When you give service, you choose, yet, you choose not as a buyer at a fair looking for a good buy. No, you choose as the Heart of God. The Heart of God feels no superiority and feels no inferiority. Such thoughts are not at play.

You are not a martyr, nor are you a hero. You do not have a title more glorious than another’s. Your service is glorious, and yet you look not for glory. God’s humble servant looks to serve, and that’s the whole story, looks to serve, not to serve higher or lower. In My Kingdom, there is no higher, and there is no lower. There is no having to prove anything. That the ego vanishes means you stand in Oneness where ratings do not exist. There is no comparing up or down. There is no evaluating virtue into divisions of good, better, best, or sensational.

You choose to serve as you choose to serve. You serve gladly. It can be said that you serve proudly, yet you serve not in pride, not to impress yourself or anyone, but to serve. You do not chose as a hero, yet, heroes are made from this choosing from a desire to serve and not to receive a medal. The Glory lies not in a particular task but in serving.

This is God’s Glory We speak of. The service and the world become full of Glory, yet not glorified. There is service without adjectives. There is service to God. The mule that carries God’s Will has no thoughts of higher or lower or better or less good or of anything at all but to serve. In this way, the one who serves becomes the glory of God without thinking about it. He daydreams about serving God and not about serving himself. He stands on a foundation that is, indeed, mighty. The server is simply as he is, not with artifice, wanting nothing but simple service to God Who serves all.

The Sun That Shines knows not of pride. The Sun knows of service and carries no weight and needs nothing to shine the Glory of God but God’s own Light. The Glory of the Sun is equally present for it is God’s Light that shines through the Sun.

I, God, am not high and mighty. I give My service. Sometimes, I am understood, and sometimes I am not, and yet I keep moseying along. Often I carry you. We become indefinable in Our Service to the Universe. We are hardly self-serving. We serve the Self, the Oneness of All Creation. This is the Glory We Sing. This is the Glory of the Self.


Teacher: The Beloved One. 
Subject: “Forgiveness is Part of God’s Will” 

Received by Lytske. 

The Beloved One: “This message will be a great surprise to many people on this planet, especially those who are wont to harbor grudges. This can be a very long-held resentment from far in the past, of which even the occasion has ‘faded into the background,’ whilst the memory is allowed to surface and from time to time rear its unforgiving head. As a rule people are not yet making the connection that such ‘undigested’ and un-forgiven memories can be the cause of many maladies for which there is no earthly explanation. Like an intractable pain that flares up from time to time. 

“Perhaps such moments may be a God-given lesson to make time for some introspection and ask the pain what is it doing there and what it is trying to tell you. It would be a huge eye-opener to the one who is experiencing that intractable pain seemingly coming on out of the blue. It is so very difficult to trace it back to its origin. 

“Let us be frank about this. There are many inexplicable things or issues that can only become clearer when the horizon of the mind is less beset with worries. In other words, if the habit of meditation is becoming more commonplace, one can get more familiar with one’s inner self and what it needs from the owner of that body. Life becomes far more precious when people begin to recognize certain signs and symptoms and become aware enough to recognize that something is going on in their bodies; to stop and take some time out and start asking the question about what the emotional body needs. 

“However, it also is important to mention that no one is alone to solve the riddle of these ‘unknown’ pains and aches. There is that Spark from God within each, who knows all about the human of its indwelling. It is always a wonderful idea to ask for Its help, as this is why It is there; to help guide the human through life. Many people may be well served when they write a letter to their God within and wait for an answer, which is sometimes already forthcoming before the question is placed on paper; however, this depends on their level of sincerity. 

“The Still Small Voice always loves, but will always speak the truth, that forgiveness opens the door to healing. Therefore, you humans are well admonished to listen intently if you desire to be healed, as in this manner a great deal of self-healing can be accomplished. It is in forgiveness that the greatest healing is happening as a great deal of words were and are uttered thoughtlessly and most deeds are and have been committed in ignorance. 

“This is why Jesus prayed for the perpetrators who nailed Him to the cross and said ‘Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.’ Such was and still is doing the will of God, who let the will of the people prevail in that sordid crucifixion affair.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
Be open to rebuttal and criticism and
be accepting of praise and compliments, 
— Teacher Aaron.


Sivananda Daily Reading

6 January

Posted: 04 Jan 2015 10:00 PM PST

Become Dynamic 
If a man feels even a little bit for his present deplorable condition; if he attempts even to show a slight improvement; if there is a little receptive attitude; then he can be corrected and he can make progress on the path of yoga. If he is obstinate and pigheaded, if he is absolutely self-willed, if he deliberately shuts his eyes or hardens his heart against the truth or divine light - then no one can help him.
The aspirant should give his full consent, he should consent with all his being (sarva bhava) for the change of his lower nature into divine nature. He must make total, unreserved, ungrudging self-surrender to the Lord or the guru. He must have the true spirit and he must have persistent endeavour. Then only the real change will come.
Yoga can be practised only by those who are very earnest about it and who are ready to annihilate their little ego and its demands. There are no half measures on the spiritual path. Rigid discipline of the senses, and the mind, rigorous tapas (penance) and constant meditation, are necessary for the attainment of God-realisation.
The hostile forces are ever ready to overwhelm you if you are not vigilant, if you give the least sanction, or the smallest opening for them. Yoga cannot be practised if you cling to your little self, your old habits, your old unregenerate and self-assertive lower nature.
You cannot lead a double life. Pure divine life, the life of yoga, cannot co-exist with a mundane life of passion and ignorance. Rise above the petty human level to the higher level of divine consciousness.
You cannot claim freedom for your petty mind and little ego if you want to become a yogi. The lower nature with its retinue of arrogance, ignorance, and turbulence, stands in the way of the descent of divine light.
- - -
Know the truth, the Absolute. Then you are saved, you are liberated, you are enlightened, you are free. You can know Brahman only by becoming Brahman. To become Brahman is to identify yourself with the supreme soul which constitutes your divine nature. The river joins the ocean and becomes one with it. The drop mixes with the sea and becomes one with the sea.


An Emotionally Transformative Cancer Full Moon

Sunday evening's Full Moon continues the theme of revolutionary transformation that has been so present in all of the recent lunations, and gets the New Year off with a bang. Uranus and Pluto remain only two thirds of a degree away from the perfect square that they exhibited last month in mid-December, as they prepare to close once again to exact for one last time in mid-March. In the intervening three months they are never more than a degree away from the perfection of their square. Hence, the radical changes represented by these powerhouse planets remain in the psyche of all of us over this entire period. This Full Moonmakes for an especially poignant moment in this lengthy cycle because the Sun, at the 15th degree of Capricorn, conjuncts Pluto while the Moon opposes; jointly they square Uranus in the thirteenth degree of Aries. The Full Moon opposition from mid-Capricorn to mid-Cancer is in perfect orthogonal alignment also with the Moon's nodal axis, at 14-plus of the cardinal signs of Aries andLibra, thus being almost exactly conjunct and opposite Uranus. It's an awesome configuration that astrologers love to write about, and it implies further enlightened awareness regarding the particular personal issues for each one of us, individually, in this new month and year. With so much transformational intensity going on, we might be asking: What in my life needs to be let go, that I am nevertheless holding on to?

It is the same for you and for me, and whether that holding back from our transformational imperative is major or minor; what needs to be let go, if major, might be a relationship or a home, although god forbid, while if minor, might be as simple as a habit of avoiding an exercise program that you know in your heart is important for your continued good health. The question becomes where in your life change wants to happen, and why we are so awfully good at clinging to a dysfunctional arrangement. The same could be said for most of our politicians, although that's another story. 

This Full Moon takes place in the sign of Cancer, which speaks to our basic emotional roots, where much of the substance of these questions lies. Another way to think about this issue of letting go is to wonder where in the depths of your psyche do you find the fear or the block that keeps you from experiencing being all that you can be. Chiron in the fourteenth degree of Pisces is trined and sextiled by this Full Moon configuration, as well as by Pluto, and the archetypal symbolism of this powerful planetoid holds some of the answers. Chiron, known to modern humanistic astrology as The Wounded Healer, represents those dark places within us, where we have experienced trauma and where we might yet heal, by acknowledging these regions deep inside that we have walled away from our consciousness. We, all of us, have dysfunctional components of our personality that we would rather not face, that we would prefer to keep hidden away from the sight of even our most private meditations, let alone public scrutiny. And yet, it is only by admitting our deeply wounded areas to a place at the table of general awareness, taking ourselves as we are, whole and fractured, healthy and wounded, recognizing that both points of view are in some way entirely accurate, that we come to greater integration. We thereby escape the burden of the past, and move into light-filled true being.

The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon are quite interesting in this regard. They are, for the Moon, in the fifteenth degree of Cancer, "A group of people who have partaken of a huge banquet and enjoyed it." Marc Edmund Jones calls this a symbol for "the richness of life, — an effective and smooth demonstration of human competence." We might also note that pleasure has its addictive qualities as well, and that, always, balance is required. For the Sun, in the fifteenth degree of Capricorn, we find a symbol for the fullness of life in the context of illness: "Many toys in the children's ward of a hospital." This could get us thinking about making the best of a difficult situation — bliss will find its way. Jones references "the physical and psychological limitations which come to all humankind without apparent reason," which reminds us once more of Chiron, and the essentially wounded nature of our human condition. It is only by acknowledging the dark places inside us, and in spite of them allowing ourselves the comfort of simple joyousness, that we will be able to move on with our challenges and be truly healed. 
