The False Self

"Close both eyes to see with the other eye."

~ Rumi


Allow yourself to see the reason you were born on this Earth and that which your soul seeks to embody and became at a physical level thus you create a new beginning for yourself upon the Earth in this fantastic time of ascension.


This page is Not a comprehensive understanding of thought - the mind,  
its power, workings, usefulness and dynamics.
It is left for you to study, Expand - & Realise your Immortal Self,
and pursue Divine Perfection - only if you are interested ...


Again, this site is not meant for most everyone; {it is all-inclusive and difficult to understand or to accept or digest to the Western scientific hypercompetitive thick noetic sensual mind, that strives for the elimination or annihilation of another entity,  which is of the nature of outward selfish egoity, and for the most part, might or will be rejected}, but sooner or later most of it will be accepted by all for personal & collective inward spiritual growth from an offending humanity. Your level of peace joy happiness playfulness & Unconditional Love will require it, - much effort devotion discipline & Self-Enquiry will be necessary if you desire & hope for unity & freedom from pain separation and fear. There is much much more then what is written here, this is not even the beginning to discover your True-Self, i.e., your Divinity - your place in the Universe - your Source.
Absorb what you can & begin there, it is not easy, leave alone that which is your contract  with life, i.e., what you need {the hard lessons} to learn -
lessons for you to experience, for you to grow -
to awaken - lessons for your own - 'Self discovery ...

Enjoy the sometime difficult & rewarding process on your Path to, Self-Realization ... 

Some Gurus Are Enlightened {Self-Realized} By Music 'Alone - with a background of knowledge.


A Guru is there to show you what you are. You are not different from Me. Whatever I am, that is what you are. This is your highest possibility. Sri Sri


The False Self Goes By Many Different Names :

The Senses
The Impostor
Impostor Self


The person you became at birth and will cease to be at
death is temporary and false. You are not the sensual,
emotional and intellectual person,
gripped by desires fears and attachments. Find out your
real being.
Without Self-realization, no virtue is genuine.
The higher can be had
only through freedom from the lower.
Insanity is universal. Sanity is rare. Yet there is hope.
because the moment we perceive our insanity,
we are on the way to sanity.
Now you see the body only. Try earnestly and you will
come to see the infinite only.
Liberation is never of the person, it is always from the person.
The reward of Self-knowledge
is freedom from the personal self.
When you know that you are neither body nor mind,
you will not be swayed by them.
To know that you are a prisoner of your mind,
that you live in an imaginary world of your own creation,
is the dawn of wisdom. To want nothing of it,
to be ready to abandon it entirely, is earnestness.
At present you are moved by
the pleasure-pain principle which is the ego.
The ego, like a crooked mirror,
narrows down and distorts. It is the worst of all the tyrants,  it dominates you absolutely.
Freedom from the ego-self is the fruit of Self-inquiry.
Once you know its nature and purpose, you will not allow it
to create imaginary problems.
When the mind is quiet it reflects reality. When it is motionless through and through, it dissolves and only reality remains. This reality is so concrete, so actual, so much more tangible then mind and matter, that compared to it even diamond is soft like butter. This overwhelming actuality makes the world dreamlike, misty, irrelevant.
It is only your mind that prevents Self-knowledge.
To earn a livelihood some specialized knowledge is needed.
General knowledge develops the mind, no doubt.
But if you are going to spend you life in amassing knowledge, you build a wall round yourself.
To go beyond the mind, a well-furnished mind is not needed.


Then what is needed?
Distrust your mind, and go beyond.

What shall I find beyond the mind?
The direct experience of being, knowing and loving.


Outward attachment arises through sensual objects;
inward attachment, through personality.
Only he who, resting in the Eternal, is free from passion,
is able to give them up.
There is no other danger for him who knows,
but this wavering as to the Self's real nature.
Thence arises delusion, and thence selfish personality;
thence comes bondage, and therefrom sorrow.
Bringing to an end the activity of the selfish personality,
all passion being laid aside when the supreme object is
gained, rest silent, enjoying the bliss of the Self,
in the Eternal, through the perfect Self, from all doubt free.
There is no unwisdom,
except in the mind,
for the mind is unwisdom,
the cause of the bondage to life;
when this is destroyed,
all is destroyed;
when this dominates,
the world dominates.
Thinking things not Self are "I" -
this is bondage for a man;
arising from unwisdom,
is the cause of falling into
the weariness of birth and dying.


Definitions of the words ego and Self:

EGO: ego is the thought "I" "Me" "Mine", i.e.,
{the false Self; the selfish-greedy-fearful-painful & the covetous Self} -
a drive to acquire power-attention-status seeking - the sorrowful Self.

The ego is the idea of a separate, individual identity.
SELF: the Self is infinite-eternal-awareness-love-bliss.
Those are five words pointing towards one awareness.
Awareness-love-bliss are not three, they are one.
The Self is the background of awareness.
The background of awareness is the true Self -
our Soul, the Divine spark that is in All of us, i.e., 
unconditional unmodified eternal active love.

The false self must be abandoned
before the real Self can be found.

Strive for this; desire this only,
find out your real being.

When all objects, external {material} and internal {notional} merge in consciousness, there is pure being
of consciousness. This is the supreme vision which
happens to all liberated ones. This vision is available
to one who has been "awakened", to one who is in a
state of deep contemplation, and to a man of Self-knowledge; it is not experienced by the ignorant person.
Concepts, beliefs and conclusions are not truly important.
What is truly important is Direct Experience.
Never read an authentic Direct Path Teaching
as a theory for intellectual entertainment.
Choosing belief instead of Direct Experience
is one of the ego's tricks.
Thought is not a means to discover absolute Truth.
See the difference between believing and knowing.
The ego will gather all the so-called evidence and reasons
to support what the ego wants to believe.
The ego's primary motive is to preserve its imaginary self.
One of the ego's preservation strategies is selecting spiritual teachings that are not direct.
Therefore, the ego directs thought to create concepts that
will help to preserve its imaginary self.
One of the tricks {ego preservation strategies} that the ego
uses most commonly with spiritual aspirants is to  confuse
intellectual "spirituality" with authentic spirituality.
Most people only have an intellectual interest in spiritual
concepts and do not wish to end the ego.
Most people just enjoy learning about the concepts.
There are some people who realize their interest is only intellectual.
However, to go on and on reading thousands of spiritual or
religious books and discussing spiritual teachings is an ego
preservation strategy to keep you in the realm of thought
instead of practice.
Endless reading of the false spiritual or religious teachings
from the past and discussing spiritual or religious teachings
leads to illusion.
The way to end all of the ego's preservation strategies is to
increase the desire for liberation. Practice leads to Liberation.
If you drop all of your unnecessary activities, you will have
much more time for spiritual practice.
Your motivation while reading is very important.
Most people project much thinking onto the teachings
that they read.
The ego projects thoughts and fantasies and the
ego interprets.
Their thinking has very little to do with the teachings
they have read.
Almost all humans are in a state of chaotic confusion.
Most people do not realize that they are in a state of
chaotic confusion. 
An extremely intense desire to directly experience the infinite-eternal-absolute Truth.
A willingness to let go of all the ideas you have accumulated in the past.
An extremely intense longing to be free of sorrow and to live in eternal-joy.
When the extremely intense desire for Freedom is awakened, clarity, sincerity, earnestness, insight and discernment are also awakened, and then you can see what
is essential and what is not essential.
The end of the ego is the end of all suffering and all sorrow
for all eternity.
The impostor self can be brought to its final end.
What remains is Absolutely-Perfect-Infinite-Eternal-Awareness-Love-Bliss.


Realize that ending the ego is the only truly worthwhile event that can happen in a human life.


The impostor self [ego] is very deceptive.  In almost all
humans the impostor self's desire to continue its imaginary
existence is much greater than its desire to be brought to a
final end. Therefore, the impostor self uses numerous preservation strategies to insure the continuation of its imaginary existence.

The impostor self has trillions of potential preservation strategies. There are as many potential preservation strategies as there are possible combinations of thoughts, beliefs, ideas, concepts and opinions.

The impostor self is thought and controls thinking. One of the impostor self's preservation strategies is to direct people's attention outward. Wasting time engaged in unnecessary activities when the time could have been better spent doing the most direct practice that leads to Liberation is a preservation strategy the impostor self uses.

Historically, the impostor self has almost always been successsful. The impostor self has succeeded in enslaving
almost all of the humans of the past. Not even one out of
every one hundred million humans in the past has attained
Liberation. ---

This is one of a Self Realization Series that I will post for the purpose of "Conquering all of the obstacles to Liberation that the false self creates." The awakening of the extremely intense desire for Liberation will put an end to all of the impostor self's preservation strategies.

   The Two Great Keys are:

1. The awakening of the extremely intense desire for Liberation.

2.  Self honesty.  Self honesty begins by actually seeing the
     impostor self's preservation strategies, tricks and deceptions.

     Excerpts taken from the book "The False Self" by -

     Ramana Maharshi
     Annamalai Swami
     Sadhu Om


Three Things

Here are some triads for your daily spiritual practices.

Practise three things: non-violence, truthfulness and celibacy.
Remember three things: death, pains of worldly existence (samsara) and God.
Renounce three things: egoism, desire and attachment.
Cultivate three things: humility, fearlessness and love.
Eradicate three things: lust, anger and greed.
Three things to love: desire for liberation, company of the wise and selfless service.
Three things to despise: miserliness, cruelty and petty- mindedness.
Three things to admire: generosity, courage and nobility.
Three things to hate: lust, anger and pride.
Three things for reverence: guru, renunciation and discrimination.
Three things to pursue: solitude, silence, stillness, compassion. 
Three things to control: tongue, temper and tossing of the mind.
Three things to shun: evil company, evil desires and evil actions.
Three things to cultivate: cosmic love, forgiveness and patience.
Three things to avoid: back-biting, falsehood and harsh words.


I, God, am not high and mighty. I give My service. Sometimes, I am understood, and sometimes I am not, and yet I keep moseying along. Often I carry you. We become indefinable in Our Service to the Universe. We are hardly self-serving. We serve the Self, the Oneness of All Creation. This is the Glory We Sing. This is the Glory of the Self.


“Already have you learned that on Paradise, should you meet with the one you know as being ‘Without Name or Number,’ you will instantly acquire all the knowledge this great Friend has gained during all primitive evolutionary life and eternity."

“Countless new abilities are within your reach, some of which are regular for Midwayers, even Angels and most of which are available by the grace of your ever-patient Spirit from God. It is important to know what kind of mind you want to possess and it is important to realize that in this mortal life you can reach far beyond the limitations of Intuition, Understanding, Courage, Knowledge, Counsel, Worship and Wisdom to ‘converse with’ the Angels. It may take some perseverance, but you will not be disappointed.”


Sivananda Daily Reading

The Spiritual Path 
Youth is the best time, the most fitting time in a man's life, to devote himself to spiritual aspiration and sadhana (spiritual practice). The spiritual life is practical from beginning to end. The love for the ideal should be single-minded and whole-hearted.
The spiritual path is an unknown path which is as straight and narrow as a razor. On it there is no other light than that of faith and divine grace to guide the aspirant. There is no other sustenance than devotion.
The track ahead cannot be seen. The going is uncertain. And many pitfalls await the unwary. The traveller, the aspirant, must travel in the dark. He must march courageously forward. He will reach great illumination at the journey's end.
The spiritual path demands complete mastery over the flesh. Proceed gradually. Intensify the aspiration you have. Have a keen thirst for the realisation of the supreme. Keep alive thy aspiration, undiminished and bright. Be thou firm in thy faith.
Empty thy heart of all earthly things. The spiritual life is a life of child-like simplicity. What is needed in spiritual life is a sincere aspiration for the life of the spirit. It needs an earnest dedication to it. And it needs a whole-souled devotion and application to the realisation of the ideal. Your heart must be solely and entirely centred on God. It must be centred on God alone - deeply, passionately and steadily.
Be sincere to thy very core. This is the most essential thing. Spiritual life is based on the complete conquest of the lower nature. Upon this pedestal of perfect self-mastery and right conduct, the edifice of godliness and divine life may be built. May thy spiritual life and example inspire one and all.
- - -
Man wants a fuller life. He lives for a fuller life. That is life in eternal Brahman. Life is an endless series of awakenings. Understand life and the laws that govern it. Then you will lead a life of harmony and peace. Life holds the key. Unlock the mystery of your own being and attain life eternal.



Sivananda Daily Reading

The Peak of Perfection 
You can climb the peak of perfection through resolute will, intense dispassion, renunciation and rigorous meditation. Sublime divine thought is very powerful, it is a dynamic transmuting force. Diligently seek the path of truth; tread it carefully and vigilantly, for you may slip and fall. Love is harmlessness, kindness, compassion. Nothing can tempt you if you are regular in meditation. He who is pure at heart has already found divinity. Renunciation of egoism is the direct way to the eternal.
Knowledge of the imperishable bestows perfect freedom and independence. Where egoism is, immortality is not; where immortality is, egoism is not. Concentration will give you great power. Collect the scattered rays of the mind. Lust and greed make you a spiritual bankrupt. Purity and meditation bestow on you inexhaustible divine wealth.
A yogi becomes the master-builder of the temple of truth. Pass through the gate of wisdom - you will reach the illimitable domain of eternal bliss. He who is endowed with discrimination and power and concentration climbs rapidly to the peak of illumination. Your real guru (preceptor) is your own heart - he is the indweller, the inner ruler.
Longing for final liberation is the hunger for the spiritual food of knowledge of the eternal. Mind is the mirror through which the eternal appears as the universe of names and forms. Be in the world - not of the world. This is the highest yoga. This is the eternal wisdom. The wise man is ever eager to learn, he never poses as a teacher.
This visible world is the mirror of the invisible Brahman. You are a slave of circumstances because you do not meditate regularly. You will easily get illumination in solitude. Solitude has its own charms - prepare yourself for life in seclusion. Control and preserve energy through silence, brahmacharya (celibacy) and pranayama (yoga breathing), - you will have wonderful meditation. Love that man who dislikes you - you will grow strong. Money wasted can be restored, but time wasted is lost forever. Find out your centre - that centre is perfect harmony, eternal bliss, your own immortal soul.


There are three essential ingredients for the development of consciousness - music, knowledge and silence. Knowledge is logical understanding. With a few moments of silence practiced every day, we can shift our awareness. This is called Patrata. Building the capacity of the intellect can happen in a few moments of silence. The purpose of music is to lead you to a space of silence. And the purpose of knowledge is to lead youto a space of wonderment. Sri Sri


There is Much Much More to share with you, but this page is already; long enough, -  read-read-read spiritual & sacred literature, a little everyday - along with spiritual practice ... 

To whatever degree we are alert, aware, to that degree we are living. Sri Sri


{Nothing Sticks Like Divinity}


{One last word}

Elusive Happiness 
Man wants happiness. He tries to get it from money, from power, from woman, from son, from position and so on. He rushes from one thing to another trying to find happiness. He gets knocks, blows, failure and disappointment. He laughs, dances, weeps and mourns. His senses get exhausted. He gets disgust for objects. Eventually he experiences that sense objects are illusory and that real lasting happiness cannot be found in them.
Man feels the need for a particular object. He tries to get it. If he succeeds he is delighted for a moment. If he fails he is sunk in despair and sorrow; he is gloomy and depressed. If he loses an object he becomes very miserable.
As soon as one want is gratified, another new want crops up. There is no end to his wants. Cares, worries, anxieties and fear co-exist with wants and desires. Want is the product or offspring of ignorance. Brahman is all-full. All wants are satisfied in Brahman.
The restlessness of the mind is kept up by all these wants. He who wants nothing is a mighty emperor of the world. Sri Shankara says: "That carefree saint who moves about with a kowpeen or loincloth only, without possessions, without the idea of ownership, without any wants, is the most happy person in the world." Wants and desires can be eradicated by Self-realisation only.
Any number of zeros have no value unless you add a '1' before them. Similarly, even if you possess the wealth of the whole world, it is nothing if you do not lead a spiritual life, if you have no spiritual wealth, if you have no Self-realisation. 
You will have to add the Atman to the life here. That is why the Lord Jesus says: "Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and its righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you."
- - -
Mind is greater than the senses. Pure intellect is greater than the mind. Atman is greater than the intellect. There is nothing greater than Atman.
Brahman is without senses, mind, prana. He is within and without all beings. He is immovable; he is extremely subtle. He is the light of all lights.


Sivananda Daily Reading

Man of Self-Control 
Men of self-control become sinless and fearless. They acquire great results. Every sort of excitement is effortlessly controlled by self-control. The enemies of the self-controlled man are seen by him - they are lust, anger, desire - as if they dwell in a separate body.
The self-controlled man becomes desirous of liberation. He quietly bears present joys and sorrows and griefs; he is never overjoyed or depressed by prospective ones. He is devoid of all vindictiveness and guile. He is unaffected by praise or censure.
A self-controlled man is well-balanced. He has good manners, purity and fortitude. He is a perfect master of his passions. He is devoted to universal benevolence. He never feels animosity for anyone. He is tranquil, wise and cheerful.
A self-controlled man is endowed with intelligence. He gains universal reverence. He fears no creature and in return he is feared by no creature.
Overcoming lust and anger, practising the vow of brahmacharya (celibacy) and becoming a complete master of the senses, the holy one patiently waits. Practising the austerest of penances and observing the most rigid of restraints, he lives in the world and calmly waits the time. He is like somebody who has a body and yet seems to know that he is not subject to destruction.
- - -
Meditation is freeing the mind from all objects and thoughts of sensual enjoyment. If this is done then God-realisation comes of itself. God will enthrone himself in your heart and meditation will come of itself. If you bring a light into a cave which has been dark for thousands of years, the darkness will vanish at once, by itself. You do not have to strive to drive the darkness away. If you attempt to put your hand into a pot which is filled with dust and dirt, you cannot. But if you empty it, then you can easily put your hand into the pot. Even so, if you empty the mind of all its dust and dirt, God will enter into it in the twinkling of an eye.


A mind that has become no mind, and has come back to its source, is meditation. - Sri Sri


Free yourself from the crocodile of desires. Do not be disheartened. Cheer yourself up. Stand like a lion. Destroy the impure mind with the pure mind. Make friends with the satvic (pure) mind and rest peacefully in the Atman.

The soldier fights for a few hours only, 
But the aspirant's battle goes on day and night. 
It is verily a hard battle, a fierce battle 
And it lasts till the end of his life. 
This battle is raging in the field of the mind. 
Satva (purity) fights with rajas (impurity) and tamas (inertia), 
Higher mind wages war with the lower mind. 
Contentment fights with greed, 
Patience fights with anger. 
Brahmacharya (celibacy) fights with lust, 
Humility fights with pride. 
Fight, my brother, valiantly. 
Raise the sword of Ram Nam (the Divine Name).
So says Sivananda.


Your goal is God. Your centre is God. Your ideal is God. Turn back to God and realise everlasting bliss. Resting on Him you will be saved. As the lamp cannot burn without oil, so too, you cannot live without God. God is within you all the time, inspiring you, lifting you up. Withdraw. Aspire. Meditate. Realise.


If you are into channeling and would like a channeled definition of existence {for your discernment}, you can ask for it in my Guestbook below - it is pretty long - you will have to find time to watch this video; preferably with no distractions ...
I will put the video web site in my Guestbook.
If you have any other comments or request,
please feel free.

