1-29-15 Self-love & Self-respect


Any practice is a practice when it is done over a period of time without any gap, steadily, respectfully, honoring it every day. Only then does it become firmly established.  Sri Sri


Teacher: A Mentori Spokesperson. 
Subject: “Self-Love and Self-Respect” 

Received by Lytske. 

Mentor: “It is just a momentary observation followed by a foregone conclusion of any visiting Celestial that what this planet lacks most is its inhabitants’ love and respect for themselves and each other. Can you even vaguely imagine what this planet would be like if everyone would have some love and respect for themselves and if all at least attempted to follow the golden rule of doing unto others as they themselves would like to be treated? 

“This world would be so changed that wars would cease almost instantly, because of the fact that God’s rule of loving and respecting self and each other, would finally have a chance to become a reality. Women at last would be accorded their rightful place in society which would have the effect that children also should be recognized for the little growing persons they are. Simply the idea of having loving and responsible parents would already border on utopia. Can you even begin to entertain the image of what a balanced and harmonious household would be like when every member would be treated lovingly and fairly? 

“On other evolving planets this is truly the aim of all society, to grow and educate their children and early on to make them aware of their responsibility towards becoming worthy citizens. A great deal of effort goes into educating their young who grow up with a strong sense of belonging. There are no ‘throw-away’ children on other advancing planets; as potential couples must undergo training before marriage to become suitable partners and parents. This is mandatory in advanced societies. I am endeavoring to give you a glimpse of what is possible. 

“From the celestial point of view, even though this planet is advancing in years, a deplorable barbarism as an insidious poison still persists among supposedly educated mortals. They see ‘others’ only as the enemy who needs to be subdued. They seem to have a mental block bordering on mental illness for refusing to open their closed minds to recognize all people as their brothers and sisters, and therefore kin. 

“Those who do not recognize this most important fact are in all layers of society. Suffice to say that some extremely wealthy among you are especially infected by the noxious poison of thinking themselves above everyone else and even regard them as common slaves to be done away with when they get in the way of achieving their nefarious ends of ‘world power.’ Truly now, how come no one uses their God-given brains for the welfare of each other, which means for every man woman and child? 

“Therefore, instead of allowing the situation to get even further out of hand to point of no return, and even hatching the nefarious idea of poisoning neighboring peaceful planets with evil intent, there is never any need to bring weapons into space, as these so-called aliens are also your brothers and sisters, even though they are different in appearance, they also possess a soul that strives to grow and glorify the Creator of all, and adhere to the same golden rule of loving God first and secondly loving and respecting themselves and all others.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


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Heavenletter #5179 The Eye of the Storm, January 29, 2015 

God said: 

When you feel rough, irritated, angry, take a time out. Cause no damage, not to anyone, and that includes no damage to your own heart. Hearts are precious. Hearts need to be spared any kind of assault.

Do you confess that when you are angry, you inflame or even assault your own God-given heart? If you feel devastated, what state is your heart in? Frazzled? Please take better care of your heart. Have regard for all hearts, not the least of which is your own.

Storms pass. Wait until a storm within you passes. You do not want to wreak havoc on other hearts. Please come to terms with your own heart. Make sure it is comfortable. This is a good saying: “To your own heart be true.” Only this saying may not be fully understood.

This saying doesn’t mean to express your heart at any expense. Being true to yourself does not mean to vent yourself. We can truthfully say that when you feel anger, you are not being true to yourself. Why then would you feel justified in expressing a tone that doesn’t belong to your beautiful heart? Anger is an intruder. It is imprudent to express volatile anger to any other.

Am I saying to inhibit your heart? I am saying to wait to express the storm when you are no longer in the eye of the storm. Wait until it passes. Wait until the anger settles down. Then you will spare the world grief.

Anger is not your true nature by any means.

You may not feel wise. Even so, you know that some things are wiser than others. Be wiser than you are when you are hot under the collar. Expressing yourself can wait a while, can’t it? If you are not in your right mind, wait until you are. When you are fit to be tied, you are not in your right mind. Wait until your anger has subsided. It always does. What did you think? Probably you weren’t thinking at all. Wisdom, even a little wisdom, is better than folly.

Anger is a powerful mechanism. Someone pushed your buttons. You felt pushed too far, and you were infuriated. For once in your life, you were going to stick up for yourself. To act when under the influence of fury does not bode well for you. An assailer assails himself no matter who is his punching bag at the moment.

No one makes you angry. You make yourself angry. You are the fuel that lights anger. Your anger belongs to you, and you are the one to quell your flame of anger. You can keep anger going, if you like. Goodness knows, you have done it enough. You have had all the anger practice you need.

Of course, if you are angry or even just piqued, you have good reasons for your upset in your pocket. Of course, you are justified. What I am trying to say is that justification is beside the point. Justification for anger is justification for impatience, haste, and less than courtesy.

I understand how some people get your dander up. They figure that they are an authority on you and know better than you. Here’s an important point, darlings. You do know better than to blow up something even of another’s making, no matter how offending it seems to be or really is. It could be that the others want to get your goat. Maybe this is their power play. Don’t get sucked into their game then. The more difficult others may be, all the more reason for you to cool down and not escalate the situation and your confronting it.

I do not tell you to be a mouse. I do not tell you not to be a raging bull either. I ask you to act wisely. You can always blow up later if you really must. Anger is not to be taken lightly, nor do you have to leap into the fray with both feet.


Sivananda Daily Reading

30 January

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 10:00 PM PST

Dharma or righteousness is the gateway to God-vision. Righteousness is a means of climbing the difficult steps of the spiritual path. Dharma presupposes the knowledge of the truth. Divine life is dharma.
A perfectly moral and ethical life is dharma. Dharma is that which leads to the bliss of nirvana (the immortal being). Dharma is the way in which you have to divert your spiritual life to the supreme spiritual end.
Dharma controls the pulse of a nation and of the world. Dharma is what sustains a being in his evolution. Dharma or righteousness is religion in the highest sense of the term.
Dharma is the eternal law on which the universe rests, and by which the universe is governed. Welfare of mankind ultimately rests upon dharma. Righteousness is the highest wealth. It is the rule of life. In righteousness everything is established or rooted.
The main feature of dharma lies in refraining from doing unto others what one would not do unto oneself. Compassion, liberality, truthfulness, purity, self-restraint and tolerance are the ingredients of dharma. Tread the path of dharma and you will get happiness along with freedom. You can secure the real joy and glory of life.
That which helps you in your spiritual evolution is right. That which obstructs and hinders your spiritual evolution is wrong. That which leads to unity of Self is right. That which leads to separation is wrong. To do good to others, to serve and to help others, to give joy to others, is right. To give pain to others, to injure others, is wrong.
Do not do any act which injures another and makes you feel ashamed to do it. Do as you would be done by. Do unto others as you wish others to do unto you. This is the secret of dharma. This is the secret essence of karma yoga. This will lead you to the attainment of eternal bliss.
