12-9-14 Independence

Meditation is the journey from movement to stillness, sound to silence.

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Declare Independence From Outer-Directed Power

by lifetapestrycreations

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Dear Ones,

It is time to emphasize independence from yourself. Perhaps that statement appears a bit silly for how can you separate from yourself? Such is not a physical separation, but separation from 3D fears.

You have read of the importance of self-love and self-worth throughout this transition. This is a different type of independence. This is separating yourself from society in whatever way is most comfortable for you.

Such a statement appears counter-intuitive for you know all are one. But the logical 3D conclusion of the belief that all are one is that you must accept everyone even though they are not of your frequency. That you must care for everyone even though they are not caring for themselves. That somehow your love will push them into new earth.

Such is not true. For this transition is more similar to understanding a drug addict or alcoholic must decide to obtain treatment before treatment is effective - than it is that just by being you will somehow shift the beliefs of all.

That last statement may make many of you angry for you have such high hopes that your bright beacon is all that is required to move all to new earth.

Your beacon is extremely important. Those who are lost and want to see the light are finding it through your beacon. Your beacon is their 'light at the end of the tunnel', their hope.

But you cannot and will not shift those who do not wish to shift for whatever reason. If you continue to believe your beacon is enough to shift all earth entities, you will become frustrated and move yourself off track. You are ONLY responsible for yourself. No matter how much you wish to, you cannot force loved ones to live in and experience joy.

Many of you nod your heads in agreement. Yet your actions do not match your nod. Just because you are part of this new earth transition, you do not have power to shift everyone to new earth. Such is not true for a number of reasons, most important of which is that the path of others is not your concern EVER.

It is delightful that you join various groups to send peace and love throughout the globe. But such declarations are only heard by those who wish to hear it.

Now you are thinking that your big dream is world peace and joy so how can you be denied that dream? Such is so because the dream you are speaking of crosses borders of those who have different dreams. Your dreams - whatever the size - are only applicable for you.

Such a thought is perhaps a bit hazy for you assume that your dream is correct if it is your dream. Such is your independence. You cannot create dreams that interfere with the clearing, cleansing or dreams of others. You must be your own being. Those who wish to be with you in a similar dream will find you.

This transition is not about forcing others into your dreams, but instead creating your dreams and drawing in those who have the same or similar dreams.

Forcing others into your dreams is exploring new earth with outer-directed power. Creating your dream and allowing all who are attracted to that dream to experience it with you is inner-directed power.

Many of you believe that to maintain your life as it is - whether a job, relationship or country or to create a better job, relationship or country - you must force others to believe as you do. Such is not only inappropriate in this new earth, it is not a viable option.

You cannot combine outer-directed power with your new skill set. Anymore than you can run a 128 K Macintosh computer with the software you use now. Even though both computer components produced what you needed in different times and environments, they are not compatible now.

You must declare your independence from outer-directed power and then create your dreams. You cannot create your dreams with outer-directed power - no matter how minimal or important your dreams are to you.

Declare your independence from forcing people, places and things into your picture of perfection. Allow those who want the same to find you.

Outer-directed power is no longer effective once you exit your cocoon. And inner-directed power is extremely difficult for those who do not wish to participate in new earth.

Does that mean financial/philosophical warmongering in all forms will continue? It will for those who wish to remain in those arenas. But as is true for you now, it is your choice if you wish to join those groups or to live with independent thoughts and actions.

Stop trying to control others in whatever form. Allow yourself to dream your dreams both for you and those who wish to join you. No more and no less.

Declare your independence from outer-directed power and all those who wish to remain so. You are a new being with new thoughts, beliefs and actions.

Outer-directed power in any form, no matter how that power is described - including saving the world, negating poverty or toppling conglomerates or governments - is no longer appropriate or effective. Believing that outer-directed power remains effective means spinning your wheels with little or no effect. So be it. Amen.


Teacher: The Beloved One. 
Subject: “Your Weight on the Scales of Life.” 

Received by Lytske. 

The Beloved One: “You are beginning to vaguely realize what a precious gift it is to be able to listen to the Spark from God within. With this Gift from God you are also starting to recognize the inalienable truth that all thinking humans have the same potential for making contact with their own Guiding Light within. The true awesomeness of this mysterious conversation in some human minds might even now still be misconstrued as one being ‘off-balance’ or ready to be diagnosed for mental illness. 

“It is my purpose to put both these troubling imaginings to rest as so many mysteries will be laid to rest when increasingly more discoveries are made about possibilities discovered in the human mind. Suffice it to say, your scientists are barely out of the starting gate. However, once they become serious about the true significance of the creative potentials the eternal Creator in His almighty wisdom has bestowed upon all evolutionary developments, ample respect will be accorded the infinite potential conferred upon the human mind. 

“And yet, not until after the respect for creative evolution is widely accepted and appreciated on this backward planet will human responsibility for true progress be acknowledged. A potential for progress has been given to each human being and this will definitely need to be answered once you humans exchange your mortal temples for your eternal habiliments. No one can escape observing his or her ‘scales of rules’ that carry the weight of their life’s work. To which side will these scales tip? 

“Have you been able to fulfill in some small measure your divine blueprint of life, eternal seeded in you at birth? Throughout life there are many ways and avenues in which you can either enrich or impoverish yourselves, for another gift is your God-given free will to make your personal choices. Anyone who purposefully meddles with the free will of others might well come up empty-handed in their scales of rules, for there will be very little in the way of spiritual substance to carry them forward onto the next level. 

“I am obviously sounding a warning here, for it is never too late to start living by the golden rule of doing unto others, as you yourself would like to be treated. The scale of each individual life will always be an individual responsibility. Everyone has been given according to their capacity to live a godly life. You are all called out from the dust of your planets to fulfill your individual blueprint. Therefore it is also your responsibility to choose wisely.

“Yes, trial and error are part of life for this is how you humans learn to live a responsible life to the fullest of your capacities. And so, willful negative decisions ought to be so rectified that the scales of life will carry more weight on the positive side. Your Spirit within is unerringly reliable and will always point you in the right direction as soon as you display a willingness to listen to your Inner Guidance. Do not spurn the Still Voice within; it is there to help you Godward.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5128 Rise to the Occasion, December 9, 2014 

God said: 

The opposites in the world have you by the scruff of the neck. The world may say:

“Be strong, yet be flexible. Have a heart, yet use your head. Be compassionate, yet don’t overdo it. Don’t be a spendthrift, and don’t pinch pennies. Work hard, yet not too hard. Are you courageous to take a stand, or are you holding on too tight? For Heaven’s sakes, when is it worthy to hold on, and when does it make sense to let go? When do you wait, and when do you act? Strike when the iron is hot, and haste makes waste. Take your choice.”

What is a body to do?

You tell yourself that all you want is a little clarity in life. You are called on to make decisions of all kinds and sizes, and there is a fifty/fifty chance that you’re mistaken. There could also be a 99.9% chance that you are right, think of that. Yet, here you are in a quandary. Who even knows that which you call right is really right or will continue to live out its day as right? There is no knowing. There is no knowing for sure, even when you think you’re sure. You live in a boat that is easy to tip over.

Beloveds, you want change, and you want stability too. You want to pick and choose what changes and what stays the same. You don’t want to upset the applecart. Life is the applecart. It upsets you.

One way or the other, life isn’t going to stay the same. You live with this every day.

You feel threatened by life. In one sense, you are at its mercy, yet, also, you may not make your own decisions. You may even see a storm coming, and you may not get in out of the rain. On the other hand, you may run from every wind that blows.

You know what? You debate with yourself a lot. You have a discourse, and that may be as far as you get until you have no choice. That’s even worse, you are sure, to have no choice. Then you may be faced with having to do what you decidedly don’t want to do, whatever it may be. If your house blows over, you are going to have to move. Sometimes situations in life don’t give you choices, for situations may make a clear decision you don’t want to make at all.

Beloveds, rise to the occasion. You can’t just dig yourself into life. You can’t pretend something away.

Regardless of situations, regardless of bankruptcy etc., when you actually get there, I’m telling you it’s not so bad as you thought it would be. I am not telling you it’s easy, yet you may well discover that you are still you, and you are still worthy of love and life and happiness. I don’t say the pursuit of happiness. I say to notice the happiness where you are. Very likely, if you noticed the happiness you have now, you would be feeling much happier.

You may feel threatened by life, yet sometimes you are threatening life in that you say: “See how bad it is for me? See how very unhappy I am? Well, Life, do something then. Life, change for the better.”

This is what life is doing, beloveds. It won’t let you stay in your comfort zone even when you are miserable there. It will kick you out. It will give you clarity. It will shake you until you look at what you don’t want to look at, but have to. It will give you clarity.

You are the one who lives your life, and you can live it better. You can. You have to. What does better mean? It can mean many things. It can mean you live more logically or that you live less logically. It will certainly mean that you tell yourself a different story. You are at the helm of your life. By default or by choice, you are at the helm of your life. The story you tell yourself signifies.


Sivananda Daily Reading

10 December

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 10:00 PM PST

Know the Guru 
Guru leads man to God. Guru, mantra (mystic formula) and devata (deity) form a unity. Guru is present in the mantra which he enlivens and communicates. The mantra is the body of the devata. The guru is the embodiment of the deity that is invoked.
True guru is living God. Devotion to guru trains your heart and prepares for devotion to the Lord. Gurus are plenty but good disciples are very rare. When the disciple is ready the guru appears. He who has a guru can alone know Brahman, and the knowledge received from a teacher alone becomes perfect.
Initiation is necessary to go along the spiritual path. Guru shows you the path. When you are initiated your body and mind become purified. The highest spiritual wisdom experienced by the seers of truth in ancient times, has been passed down to the present day, through an unbroken line of traditional teachers.
Have self-control, tranquillity, sincerity and humility. Then approach the spiritual preceptor. Then alone you will be benefited. Hear silently - anything that your guru may say - hear with faith and bhava. Adapt yourself to his ways. He who serves the preceptor and follows his instructions gains the greatest benefit. He who speaks ill of his guru and does not follow his instructions loses most.
A perfect guru is learned in the scriptures and is desireless. He is a boundless ocean of mercy. He is a full knower of Brahman. He is a friend and a guide to those who have surrendered to him.
Guru is the word. The word is guru. Though God is indescribable, you can see and realise God through the guru.
- - -
Here are the characteristics of a real guru. If you find them in any man accept him at once as your guru. A real guru is one who has full knowledge of the self and the vedas. He dispels the doubts of aspirants. He has equal vision and balanced mind. He is free from likes and dislikes, joy and sorrow, egoism, anger, lust, greed, pride, etc. He is an ocean of mercy. In his presence one gets peace and elevation of mind - all doubts are cleared. The guru does not expect anything from anybody. He has an exemplary character. He is full of joy and bliss. He is in search of real aspirants.
