12-8-14 Heavenletter


In faith you can transcend the laws of nature, but it needs to be pure.

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5127 You Are Courting Life , December 8, 2014 

God said: 

You are the Wonder of the World. Now I have said it. Look how far you have come! Aren’t you eons ahead from where you used to be?

You perhaps used to be selfish, and now you aren’t so much. Once upon a time, you knew so little, and now you know more, much more. You have doubled, tripled, quadrupled, and so forth, your growth. You are miles ahead. Confess, isn’t this true? You are a changed person. I will go so far as to say that you are a new person. Once you didn’t know anything that you know now, and now you know a lot. Once you knew nothing, and now you know something.

Do you have a ways to go? Most certainly, and you are getting here. Right and left, hand over fist, you are getting here, beloveds. You are way ahead of where you used to be. You are just beginning to catch up to yourself, up to realizing yourself for who you really and are meant to be. You never were the dolt you saw yourself to be, nor were you ever meant to lag behind or drag your feet. You do realize, don’t you, that you are meant to be – yes, I will say it -- wondrous.

You are just fine now in My book. There is a lot to like about you. I like it all. So like it. Like yourself. I am very glad to make your acquaintance. I more than like you. I love you. However, I will be happy if you begin by liking yourself instead of berating yourself for all your misdemeanors.

There is something going on in the world. It’s hard to put your finger on, isn’t it? When there’s something you can’t quite put your finger on, you can really know that a lot is happening. Like you, the world also goes through stuff. We can say that you are not the only one who goes through growing pains. The world echoes you.

As much as you have grown, you haven’t seen anything yet. You are just at the cusp of a great leap forward. Let’s call it a transition. You are saying a fond farewell to the past and a great big hello to the new you and the New World that accompanies you. Something is a-happening. You are happening, and the world is happening right along with you. I watch the whole thing happening, and I cheer you on. Are you going faster than you think you can? If you think this is something, watch what is going to come next!

There’s no more lollygagging now. You are in the speed lane. You are zooming right along.

You will slow down, not in progress, but in perceived speed. You are gearing to take an easy-going walk, the way it was when artists painted people strolling on avenues in the summer with parasols.

Do you know what you are doing now? You are courting. You are courting life. You are making your acquaintance with it. You are getting ready to fly forth, glide rather. You are going to start gliding through life, hardly touching, so light will you feel, so the opposite of bedraggled and heavy. Now you are becoming as light as air. Time and space are no longer going to have all that dominion over you. You may not even alight, you will be so delighted to fly through life, leaving worries and heavy stuff behind. That means leaving the past behind and all that you have fraught yourself up with in what you thought of as future.

You have been somewhat like a record-player with a needle stuck, the record repeating itself over and over again. Now you are unstuck. How free you feel. Unattached, you fly free. Unattached, you are unbound. Now you are flying high. What a great view you see from where I AM.


Illawarra District, Australia. 
Christ Michael. 
Subject: “The 11:11 Progress Group – A Permanent Organization.” 

Received by George Barnard. 

Michael: “Good afternoon, my children, this is Michael. You are forever in my heart, my mind and in my all-embracing love. I am always with you, but right now in particular I am with you to remind you about the Master Seraphim of Planetary Supervision. 

“As Machiventa made you once more aware, the 11:11 Progress Group is only the foreword in his big book of planetary advancement, innovation and guided evolution. You are not the Alpha and Omega. You are the first smoke rising from a warming fire on a cold day, the scent of the first spring flower. Progress is meant to continue after all present-day members have passed on. It is up to the remaining 11:11 instigators to document clearly the lessons that have been given to you to make a lasting success out of your personal missions. 

“Associated with the Master Seraphim are myriad other helpers, of course the Midwayers, whom you know best, but always is there the human contingent, forever with new members as older affiliates pass on. We recently had our eyes on you as you mentally separated those of Health, the Future, Diversion and Industry from those of Religion. Be assured that some will always arrive early, doctors, planners, musicians, inventers and clerics, but none will arrive late as the universe strategizes with time scales unfamiliar to you. 

“Be assured that amongst the ‘warriors’ of Health, Future, Diversion and Industry, as well as those of the Races, there are those who are regular readers of the Urantia Papers, who will form into groups and see about their professional involvement in a cooperative and ethical way. In the end the Master Seraphim of Planetary Supervision and Organization will have their volunteer human contingents to function as the hands on multi-lingual divisions of their Seraphic and Midwayer brothers and sisters all over this unique planet. 

“Truly my young siblings and charges, those of the unseen higher realms are not about the planet to safely lift you out of dirt and mud of your birthplaces. You as groups, as nations and as the entire world population are responsible for your own ascent into assured eternal life and perfection. My glorious Master Seraphim of Planetary Supervision, and all that are appointed to them to assist in their worthwhile causes, are there to guide you to your success from being a mere animal-origin human to one perfected in the likeness of God. 

“Your ability to one day arrive on Paradise merely depends on your being thoughtful and fair vis-à-vis all others. Your capacity to one day arrive on Paradise and be tasked with important duties requires that you aim for filling such important and productive assignments whilst still in the flesh. Your expertise to confer with your celestial Teachers and Helpers rests on your willingness to regularly study your Papers and meditate. Once it is known that you will regularly repair to a quiet place your Teachers will make themselves known to you. 

“Further I say to you both that any request made of you is a request made of me. For the latest enquirer it will suffice for him to do the following: Read the Urantia Papers regularly and meditate on the page you covered, then write your questions in a journal and the answers will come. This is how it will be for one who cares much about others known to him or not. His friends, my servants will stand by him. I am Michael of Nebadon. Good day to all assembled.” 

Receiver’s note: The ones assembled were Midwayers and Seraphim.

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


Sivananda Daily Reading

9 December

Posted: 07 Dec 2014 10:00 PM PST

Glory of the Guru 
The guru is God himself manifesting in a personal form to guide the aspirant. Grace of God takes the form of the guru. To see the guru is to see God. The guru is united with God. He inspires devotion in others and his presence purifies all.
The guru is verily a link between the individual and the immortal. He is a being who has raised himself from this to That, and thus has free and unhampered access into both realms. He stands, as it were, upon the threshold of immortality; and, bending down he raises the struggling individuals with one hand, while with the other he lifts them up into the imperium of everlasting joy and infinite truth-consciousness.
The true guru is Brahman himself. He is an ocean of bliss, knowledge and mercy. He is the captain of your soul, the fountain of joy. He removes all your troubles, sorrows and obstacles. He shows you the right divine path and tears your veil of ignorance. He makes you immortal and divine, transmuting your lower, diabolical nature. He gives you the rope of knowledge, and takes you up when you are drowning in this ocean of births and deaths. Do not consider him to be only a man, for, if you do, you are a beast. Worship your guru and bow to him with reverence. Guru is God. A word from him is a word from God. He need not teach anything. Even his presence or company is elevating, inspiring and stirring - his very company being self-illumination. Living in his company is spiritual education. Read the 'Granth Saheb' (the holy scripture of the Sikh religion). You will come to know the greatness of the guru.
Man can learn only from man, and hence God teaches through a human body. In your guru, you have your human ideal of perfection, the pattern into which you wish to mould yourself. Your mind will readily be convinced that such a great soul is fit to be worshipped and revered.
Guru is the door to liberation, the gateway to the transcendental truth-consciousness. But, it is the aspirant that has to enter through it. The guru is a help, but the actual task of practical spiritual practice falls on the aspirant himself.
The guru's tender smile radiates light, bliss, joy, knowledge, peace. He is a blessing to suffering humanity. Whatever he says is Upanishadic teaching. The guru knows the spiritual path. He knows the pitfalls and snares on the way. He gives timely warning to his students. He showers his grace on their heads. All agonies, miseries, tribulations, taints of worldliness, etc., vanish in his presence.


Heavenletter #4312 Love Travels Faster than Light.
God said:
When you feel joy in your closeness to Me, imagine the joy that is Mine when I think of you. You are in My constant awareness. My joy in you has all the power of the Universe. Consider the Vastness of My joy in you. You cannot even imagine. Multiply your love for Me a million-skillion times over, and you conceive only a millisecond of the love that is Mine for you. No wonder I never sleep. With such joy that is Mine, beloveds, I stay awake in you, for you give Me such great joy, such reverberating joy, such happiness that it overflows the Universe, such happiness that it can be called bliss, can be called infinite, can be called the love of the century, only it is love beyond measure, endless love, deep penetrating love, love that surmounts everything else.
My love is non-specific at the same time as My love focuses on you. We can put it this way. I am immersed in My love for you. There are no valleys in My love for you. My love for you overtakes everything else until there is My love and My love alone. It is you who blesses Me with your love. Your love for Me resounds through the Universe. This is the reverberation of love. It boomerangs, and your love scores My heart, and My love scores yours. Our love is searing until love knows only love, for love alone is.
No longer is there My love or your love. There is simply love, love all encompassing until there are not even the slightest detours from love. Love is the subject, and love is the object. The twain meet until there is naught else but love shining, love unarmored, love shining, love oozing and slipping everywhere, love engulfing love, love free to be, love overtaking everything. Love travels faster than light. Love is. Light is.
Love is an adventureless adventure. You are plunked in an Ocean of Love from which you can never escape, never refuse, never get out from under. Love is the ruling force. Nothing else is. Immersed in love, you are ruined for anything else. Nothing else will suit. Nothing else will do. Only love will do. Only love is, and love is marked in your heart forevermore.
There is no break in love. Love, warm and malleable, flows in and out of your heart, and love from your heart fills every crevice of the Universe until whose love it is, no one knows. Love alone is. Therefore, it is no one’s love. It is everyone’s love. It is One Love. It is love anonymous. It is love everywhere. It is love absent from nowhere. It is love as love is meant to be, must be, belongs to be, fulsome love, love the conqueror of all, love simple, love vast, love stirring the hearts of all, no heart unstirred, every heart strung out in love, intoxicated with love, drugged with love, immersed in love until there is nothing else but love under the sun, love shining through the firmament, love to beat the band, love expanding and welling up to fill the Universe with love and nothing else but love, love no longer drawing a line between Heaven and Earth but love, so filling, so endearing, that that is all there is, love bold, love no longer shy, but love filling hearts the way stars fill the night sky, only love is more and yet more, and there is no end to the love that fills hearts and the Universe without distinction, all love the same, and love the concurrence of love meeting love and embracing it right now.
