12-26-14 Meditation



Prayer depends on the one who prays. It doesn't matter to whom you pray. You are more than enough for a prayer to happen.


God loves you, that is enough. And, you are love, that is enough!

Sri Sri

Alabama, US of A.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Passive and Dynamic Meditation” 

Received by Oscar. 

Thought Adjuster: “Sometimes during sleep there occurs what may be called ‘passive meditation.’ Your mind remains on the sidelines and your Thought Adjuster (TA) can work directly at soul level. Many beneficial things may happen during your sleep, especially if the will to grow spiritually is already in you. When in your mind you have formulated the desire to progress in your spirit life, your soul acknowledges this desire and she will act according to your will, along with your TA. If each time you go to sleep you tell your TA that he or she is free to do anything for the benefit of both of you, your TA will not disappoint you. 

“There is another type of meditation that is practiced by those who sit in stillness, write and explore ideas in their journals, or generally strive to find the Father within themselves. This type could be called dynamic meditation, since you would be asking questions and searching for answers within, attempting to hear ‘the voice’ of your Father and follow His guidance by your own free will. This is a moment of communion with God because your attention is focused on your Father and your intention is to hear and get closer to Him. 

“Mortals would get many benefits by taking advantage of all opportunities to cultivate a relationship with their Father in heaven. If once a day is all you can do on a particular day, it will be OK. However, the times you spend in the presence of your Father always produce some benefits, and help you in some way. The more time you spend with God the better you will get to know Him and the more you will become like Him. You don’t have to do just the bare minimum to grow spiritually, you can take advantage of all opportunities available to you. 

“The communion with the Father is not a formal time to remember that God is there. At any moment during your day or night you can turn your gaze toward your Father and share your time with Him — while you are walking or driving home, while your are eating, when you see something beautiful, or when you play with your children. Invite your Father to become a part of your life and you will start living as if He was always with you, because it is so, even if many still have not consciously experienced this fact.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


Sivananda Daily Reading

26 December

Posted: 24 Dec 2014 10:00 PM PST

Meditate on the Lord 
Meditate on the Lord, the inner ruler, the indweller of your heart. The lotus of your heart will blossom; the sun of wisdom will shine. The darkness of the heart will end. The five kleshas (psychic sources of sorrow) will be annihilated. The three fires (internal, external and supernatural suffering) will be extinguished. Sins and samskaras (mental impressions) will be burnt. Vasanas (tendencies) and cravings will be fried.
Meditate on the eternal which is free from pain, from disease, from fear and delusion, which is all-filling, pure, far yet near, the birth place of the five elements, the final goal of yogins and sages, the source of mind, senses and vedas, the place where silence reigns supreme, where there is immortal bliss beyond thought, the supreme, glorious splendour where thought is dead, where there is neither noise nor fight.
Purity, humility and mercy are the rungs of the ladder to the supreme abode of my beloved. You may burn the ladder now - I will not come down any more. Rivers of honey run in this wonderful land and flowers do not fade at any time - I swim daily in the ocean of eternity. I drink the immortal nectar. Hunger and thirst torment me not. Exhaustion and fatigue trouble me not. There is no need of lamps and electric light - there is eternal sunshine. There is no fear of snakes and scorpions - this deathless realm makes everyone fearless.
When you have realised oneness, when you behold Brahman everywhere, can there be 'here' and 'there'? Can there be 'this' and 'that'? Can there be 'I' and 'you' and 'he'? Can there be one, two or three? One homogeneous, blissful essence alone exists. There is only one Brahman - the infinite. All dualities, differences and distinctions melt away. The seer and the seen become one. The meditator and the meditated fuse. The thinker and the thought blend. The knower and the knowable merge. It is the transcendental experience of wholeness, perfection, fullness, freedom and perennial joy.
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Meditate on courage, humility, love, compassion, peace, bliss, serenity. First practise concentration on an object. Then concentrate on the idea of the object. Finally concentrate on the existence behind the idea. Meditate on completeness and spiritual perfection. To meditate is to go into oneself and open the heart, in silence, to the divine spirit. Meditate on the Atman. You will see the light of truth, you will understand the oneness of all life.


Heavenletter #5145 Where Do You Jump to Next?, December 26, 2014 

God said: 

How lovely are the swirling heights you wish to climb. It is a breeze, you know. There is nothing hard or far about rising to where you long to rise. It is a snap. It is a natural unfolding. How does a rose unfold? This is how you fold and unfold and literally find yourself embraced in My heart and embraced to stay.

In one way, then there is nothing for you to do. In another way, there is nothing you can’t do, for whatever exists, you are. You can slip inside the unfolding rose. You can ride the clouds. You can clasp the moon and ride it too. The sun is like your engine and you can wear it like a medallion of yellow topaz. You want to read the stars? You can read the stars and listen to them like a conch. Echelons of light will slide off you and return. You can reach any height you like without effort. You can dabble your fingers in the Indian Ocean or float on the Dead Sea. When I say there isn’t anything you cannot manifest or create, I mean there isn’t anything and everything that you cannot alight on.

You can traverse from Universe to Universe. You can hop a train or a plane. You can transform and transcend. You can feel what it is to be anything you would like, what a spider feels, what a puppy or what a comet feels. You can get into anything. You can transcend anything. You can be as you want to be. You can consciously get into My heart and stay here.

The only reason you aren’t ascended more now is because you haven’t believed it possible for you or for you at this time. Time and space have infringed upon you, and you let them. You gave away your freedom. It’s like you said: “Here, time and space, hold my freedom for me. Some day I’ll be back.” Time and space absconded and took your freedom from you. You became indentured to time and space. Because of you, time and space believed they existed even as they don’t. They believed in themselves while you no longer believed in yourself. You concluded that Eternity and Infinity were out of your reach. You were sure you were chained up and couldn’t go far.

What you have to realize is that you offered up your hands for handcuffs. You arrested yourself. You gave yourself up to the wolves and called them the bad guys. There were so many vagrant things you thought to do, yet what was pertinent was not even in your sights. You freed yourself only to enslave yourself to time and space and all the other limitations you could think of.

You may have thought: “Free for what? Free for risk, and free for danger and such, free to fail, free to fall, free to get lost, free to be asked to dance and free to dance and free to bungle your steps."

Hurray for the opportunity to bungle or bungie-jump and land on a sour note.

C’mon now. Open your eyes and ears and heart, and open wide. Let go of everything that you allow to keep you back. It is you who have kept yourself back. You have pledged allegiance to staying the same and thrown away the keys to fun and play. You graduated to adulthood, and didn’t know you had stayed back.

Your body could be your airplane. You have a free ticket whenever you reach out for it. You have passage to India or a sleigh-ride to Alaska. You can ride a camel. There isn’t anywhere the limo of your mind cannot take you.

You are truly a free agent who thinks he is still tied to a tree. You set bounds for yourself when you were already unbounded. You must have some idea of what you promised yourself when you promised yourself to rise and rise and rise and rise again and be new, and be new again, and free to glide into Heaven and take Heaven with you wherever you jump to next.


Michigan, US of A. 
Teacher Ophelius. 
Subject: “This Feeling is your Heart-Space” 

Received by Chris Maurus. 

Ophelius: “Today, my dear friends, I would like to lead you and prepare you for stillness meditation and get you into your ‘heart-space,’ for this is where you meet with your Spark from God and where the soil of the soul is most fertile and ready to receive the divine vibrations of the Parent/Child relationship. To move into this ‘heart-space’ requires that you prepare your heart and mind for a connection between you and your Indwelling Spirit, and so your intention shall be to open up this conduit and allow the divine flow of love to move in two directions — love coming in, and love going out. This flow of energy (love) is the medium through which divine communication travels — it is instantaneous, it is clear, and it is encrypted with your own soul signature and free from all outside interference — consciousness connecting to Consciousness. 

“It is important to know that two-way communication requires that both parties speak the same language, and to have a meaningful conversation, you will need to understand your relationship with the other. Realize that your life and experiences are a co-creative partnership and that you play a vital role in this relationship. You are never to think of yourself as something ‘lowly’ and unworthy — you are a full partner with the freedom and privileges to choose your own path and create your life as you will. Think about your own consciousness — that you have been given a life, an identity, a personality, and the ability to create anything in your mind because you are a full partner in this relationship with God. In this respect, you are ‘god-like’ — you are a creator. 

“As a co-creator, you may now create the conduit for your communication. Position yourself in a comfortable place — a quiet place, a place where you are free from distraction or outside interference. Focus your awareness on your heart — feel your heart beat inside your chest. Imagine a light-shaft emanating from your heart going up through the top of your head and connecting with a great sphere of light just above you — this is your Spark from God — your Divine Operator who will then connect you with the Universal Father on Paradise. Imagine the word ‘love’ in the center of your heart, and with each breath, move that word up the light-shaft to your Divine Operator. See it in your mind — the word love refreshes itself with every breath and moves up the pipe. Now, what does the word ‘love’ mean to you in this moment? Don’t think about it with your head, but ‘feel’ it in your heart. This ‘feeling’ is your heart-space!

“Once you have opened up your heart-space, I want you to imagine another conduit open within the light-shaft where the word ‘love’ moves down into your heart from your Divine Operator. As love moves up from your heart, love also flows down from the heart of God into you. This love flowing down is divine, it is pure, and it is truly unconditional. All of who you are is open to the light and you trust and are willing to merge with the light and be of one heart and one mind. Say it in your mind, ‘Let us be of one heart and one mind.’ 

“In this moment, the words ‘love’ you imagined going up and down the light-shaft transform into pure white light and now there is no separation or bidirectional flow of words, only pure white light — the connection is fused, solid, and the love energy has saturated the conduit — you are One in heart and mind with the Father. Stay in your heart-space and just ‘be’ — don’t think, just feel — breathe and let the love saturate your entire body. Feel the love that is you — the partner, the child, the One — receiving. Now imagine you are the Universal Father, receiving the love of his child, his co-creative partner, which came forth from Him and is a part of Himself. There really is no separation, only unity, only ‘Oneness.’ 

“Stay in this relationship of love and ‘feel’ your connection. 

“Peace to you, 
“The Circle of Seven.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” — Teacher Ophelius.


God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5144 Let the World Come to You, December 25, 2014 

God said: 

What does ease in life mean to you? It could be lots of money though I haven’t noticed that having lots of money necessarily brings more ease to those who have it. Then they have to work hard at keeping it or doubling it.

Ease could well be not working so hard at life and not spending yourself all over the place. You do not have to be the best person in the world or the most loved. Conserve your energy.

I do not speak of being lazy. I speak of your not having to please everyone in order to win their approval. This is a lot of work. It is never done. You don’t really get anywhere. If you were a car, it’s like you get a temporary fill-up, yet you have a leak in your tank. You may spend too much energy for too little.

You are here on Earth to give love, this is true. It is not love to over-spend yourself, however. Come to the point where you love yourself, and you will give lots of love without over-spending. Likely you have been over-extending yourself. Life is to live yet not to use up all your energy on what doesn’t really matter and then not have enough energy left over for your needs. This is working your fingers to the bone for a pittance.

There is no virtue in getting wound up and worn out. I never said to cut yourself short. Better to give all your food away than all your energy. You don’t have to hunt for yourself and your value. You are already found. I found you in My heart and in My thoughts long before you came to Earth. I did not find you wanting. Why, then, do you find yourself wanting?

There is nothing you have to prove. You can’t prove your worthiness anyway. If you have to have evidence today of your value to the Universe, then you will require more evidence tomorrow.

You may have an addiction to approval from others. What happens with addictions? You need more and more of the substance until it runs your life. With this addiction of working so hard for approval, you get nowhere. You get a little of what you want every day at great expense to you. You cheat yourself.

Hey, sit down. Put your feet up. You do not have to prove yourself to anyone. You are not to go around as a beggar. It is you who needs to take yourself on credit, beloveds. I believe in you. I know what I created. I do not haggle over your worth. I tell you flat out that you are vital as you are to the Universe. I tell you to spread Me and golden light. This does not take effort. You are not lifting a ton, beloveds. Why do you work so hard at being loved?

Start from the premise that you don’t need to impress anyone or win anyone over. Know that I love you, and My love for you is not a question of being pleased. My love for you is established.

You are gold, and My love for you is enough to last you. You do not have to go around knocking on every door, asking for a hand-out of approval. You are already verified. When you chase after approval, you are chasing the wind. You are flying a kite. You work too hard at it. No need to work on it at all. Do good work, and that is enough. If someone comes to your door, that is wonderful. Let the world come to you. You do not need to do somersaults to gain notice and approval. You do not need to get out of breath and declare yourself someone who tries his hardest and gives 100% all the time.

It has been said to rest on the seventh day. I am telling you to let go of this heavy work of winning approval seven days a week.

Be respectful and don’t try so hard to earn respect. Love and like others, and don’t try so hard. I see this impossible task you set for yourself, and I ask you to take a break from working so hard and to just be. Just be. You are a Being. Free yourself from having to work so hard at winning affection. It’s okay to be an ordinary mortal. You don’t have to be extraordinary. You don’t have to be at the top of the class. Just be.


Thank you for your love of Heavenletters, for reading them, and for your receiving and sharing God’s Love.

In every way, you boost Heavenletters, dear friends.

A wonderful holiday for you and the Happiest New Year ever. May 2015 be the year that all our dreams come true.

Thank you for making Earth beautiful.

Love and blessings,

Gloria and the Spectacular Heavenletter Team

“This is My land, and I proclaimed it for all.
Be a citizen of love, and open the doors of
your heart and of the world.”

Bells Are Ringing
Heavenletter #3683 Published on: December 25, 2010


Have fun with this video, Bells Are Ringing, created by Nélia Alves de Oliveira, Portuguese translator.http://youtu.be/atV6LZSK8yY


Christmas Letter to Family and Friends 

Gifts of ‘The Present’... 2014 to 2015

From Christopher Rudy

Highlights of 2014 and the year to come are the ‘gifts’ I share 
from my heart of hearts this Christmas.

Thanks to all for putting up with my 100+ articles sent to you this last year. 
It was more information than you probably wanted, but hopefully 
you found some gifts in there somewhere :)

Extended 'family' with friends on my email list has grown to 10,000 plus 
this year.  There's no way of knowing how many people are reading forwarded e-mails or my articles on newsgroups, Facebook, and 
blogs that ‘link the light’ of the Heartcom Network and 
my Cosmic LOVE Show on BBS Internet Radio.
A heartfelt thanks goes to all who support this ‘Master Mind Alliance’ with positive thoughts, prayers and contributions with pictures, videos, 
articles and volunteer editorial skills for copy corrections on 
the Heartcom Network blog.

Following are both some personal and Heartcom Network highlights of 
the 2014 in review and 2015 in preview.
But first, with this brief  tribute, I'd like to honor the memory of my Father, 
Robert Lee Rudy, who died December 14th at age 90.

Christmas letter continued with graphics at:


Sivananda Daily Reading

27 December

Posted: 25 Dec 2014 10:00 PM PST

Key to Perfection 
Meditate on the Atman; you will enjoy peace and bliss. The more you grow in aspiration and meditation the more God-like you grow, for in meditation is the light of the Lord. Meditate and charge your battery by contact with God. Dive deep into the chambers of your heart through profound and silent meditation and bring up the pearl of truth. Meditate and retire to your innermost centre. Abide now in perfect serenity and the peace that passeth all understanding.
Fear, distress, worry, temptation and despair will assail you during meditation. Repeat the Lord's name vigorously and sincerely - all will vanish. Meditate amidst noise, study amidst noise. Discipline and again discipline. There will be no tossing of the mind for you. You will have a strong unperturbed mind. If purity increases, the body becomes light and the mind becomes cheerful. One attains greater balance of mind and the power of concentration increases. You enter into deep meditation. If for one day you do not practise meditation, you will lose much; you will not be able to reach the original spiritual height the next day. Therefore always be regular in your meditation. Enquire, "Who am I?". Find the seer, find the knower. Meditate on satchidananda Atman, the inner ruler, the indweller.
Meditate on Brahman as support, greatness, wisdom, bliss and existence. The light which never fails is the light of meditation. You experience samadhi (the vision of truth) through the light of meditation. Moksha (emancipation) is very near to him who is perfect is meditation. Connect your mind with the mind of God through meditation or yoga. Your life will become divine, your life will be transformed.
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Meditation is the means; knowledge is the end. Meditation is the process; knowledge is the culmination. In meditation there is struggle, striving or effort. In knowledge there is no striving. So long as there is meditation, the meditator is only an aspirant. When meditation ceases and the goal is reached, the meditator becomes the knower of truth - all meditation and effort cease. He is a jivanmukta (liberated sage). When you try to behold a tree, there is effort in the beginning of perception. Later it becomes a continuous stream of consciousness of the tree. So is knowledge of Brahman.


