1-22-15 HeavenLetter


Feel generous right now, not tomorrow!   Sri  Sri


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
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* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5172 Have You Hacked into Infinity?, January 22, 2015 

God said: 

What does it mean that something can change in a heartbeat? It means it takes an instant, probably an instant between beats. This is how illness can be undone in an instant. This is how good will can take over the world. This is how work can be done.

Plodding is necessary in the present world because plodding is believed in. It takes time to accomplish this or that. If time does not truly exist, why would it take time?

In terms of the world, Rome wasn’t built in a day. In terms of the world, who can argue this?

At the same time, there have been instant cures and instant miracles of diverse kinds. These miracles may have happened because, as in science fiction, the one upon whom a miracle was bestowed, somehow slipped out of time or witnessed a non-passage of world time.

At night you have had dreams that went on and on, and yet, in truth, the dream may have taken place in a mere instant.

As you get older, the past does seem more and more like a dream, and somehow, now the dream’s continuity becomes fleeting, as if what had been a sequence actually happened all at once in one instant and wasn’t really parked anywhere. Your life may be a long story to tell in words, and, yet, your life is a flash of an instant of no-time.

Have you hacked into Infinity? It would seem so. You, an ordinary person like you who doesn’t know much and may even admit this, somehow you hacked into Infinity, OR you were hacked into Infinity for an instant of no time.

Who is who and what is what?

For what certainly seems like an instant, you are transported somewhere, and you are surprised, perhaps thrilled, overjoyed, ravishingly happy.

This suggests that in your Father’s House, there are many dimensions of life, not all of which are obviously on the surface. Most certainly not.

You may find that with all your desire and effort of will, these bejeweled moments do not come when beckoned. These bejeweled moments seem to have a will of their own, or is it My Will? Yet you and I are One, and so, there is One Will, and there are no accidents and no coincidences.

The day will come, and it is not far off, when you will go in and out of world time at will.

Here’s the corker:

You are in all domains at once, now, right now as you are, yet you sleep through it, so to speak. There is a great celebration going on, and you sleep through it.

Miracles seem to come of their own bidding. Miracles are always ready to come out the same way sunshine comes out regularly and royally, not of your making but of your seeing. Rarer miracles may seem to wait for an opening, yet miracles do not wait. They only seem delayed because you do not see them.

That angels surround you is commonplace. There is nothing remarkable about their presence. Your noting their presence is uncommon.

So what am I telling you? What you call miracles are the commonest thing in the world. It’s just that you tend to not see them. You even forget that sunset and sunrise are miracles that you do see daily and forget that they are outstanding miracles. In fact, all of life is a miracle. For the most part, you sail right over the beautiful miracles and are more enamored to see the world as a debacle.

You are a miracle! Your presence on Earth is a miracle. You are a visitor from a faraway land. You don’t recollect who you are and where you stand and what you have been chosen for. You see a 3-D figure and assume this is you when you are a multi-being of unlimited dimensions. All this, of course, is while you are One with Me.

You hardly notice Our Oneness either, for you take the elements into your own hands and play with them as toys the way a young child on the playground might. You climb the climb-a-round, and you climb a new rung all the time without realizing it. You think you climb the Tower of Babel while you are climbing Jacob’s Ladder to Heaven. You yourself may even be the golden ladder you climb. All is possible right before you here on Earth yet, even so, there is so much all around you that is beyond your wildest dreams.


Michigan, US of A.
The I AM (Thought Adjuster).
Subject: “The Greatest of Love Songs.”

Received by Chris.

Thought Adjuster: “I AM your true soul mate, for I AM always with you, in you, of you, and one with you. I AM eternal and so shall it be with you, my beloved partner, as we ascend the heavens together. My love for you has no bounds or limits – it is infinite and without end. I AM the love of the Creator indwelling your mind. I AM close to you always and I know everything about you – your every thought, your most secret of desires, and your imperfections. I love you unconditionally, for I AM your true love.

“Think of me in this most intimate way – the way of love, and become aware of my presence in any moment. Listen to my wise council, for in my words there is the deepest of desire to bring you into the true knowing and meaning of divine love. No longer think of me as unapproachable, unattainable, or far off in some high plane that you cannot reach me. I hear all your thoughts and I coordinate all spiritual services that would help you to become Godlike, taking each valuable experience and keeping safe within your growing soul.

“Join with me in this moment and be of one mind, for when you come to me this way, time disappears and there is nothing in this whole world that matters, or is of more value, than our communion. Stay in this place, let my love fill every cell in your body, and let my love for you fill every longing in your heart, for I AM the truest of loves and will never forsake you. I wait patiently for that moment when we will become as one. All that I have shall be yours and you will know in that moment what absolute love is.

“Come to me now my beloved, for I wait for you in the garden of your soul to greet me and stand in my glorious light. Come to me like a little child, come to me like an affectionate lover, come and be one with me. When you are of one mind with me, your soul will sing and it will sing in unison with my chorus. You will remember this song and it will bring you back to me again and again until that day when there is no bridge to cross and we will fuse into one life. This is the longing of my love for you, my beloved, and I wait patiently for that hour no matter how long it takes.

“In your mind, open the door at the top of your staircase and step out onto the balcony in a star lit universe. See me as the brightest of stars – a shining sun that will not blind you, but will bathe you in divine love and acceptance. Feel the warm heat of my love and project yourself into the center of my light where we can be as one. Stay here and listen to my song as I teach you how to sing it. It is the greatest of love songs, for I love you forever and you shall never be alone.

“I AM the one you seek in your heart, the true and sublime lover of your soul.

“I AM.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius.


Sivananda Daily Reading

23 January

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 10:00 PM PST

Recipe for Success  
Carelessness and forgetfulness are two evil qualities that stand in the way of success for a man. A careless man cannot do any action in a proper manner. These qualities are born of tamas (inertia). Application and tenacity are unknown to a man of carelessness. His superiors soon get displeased with a man who is careless and forgetful. There is a lack of attention in him.
Develop a strong desire to remove these two defects and to develop carefulness and a good memory. This is important. Then the will and the subconscious mind will do the work for you. Tie the key in your handkerchief as soon as you lock the door. Keep your money in the inside pocket. Keep your spectacles in the side-pocket. Always count the packages whenever you go out. Keep accounts regularly. Daily make a small note of items you have to attend to.
Many people are always diffident. They have no self-confidence. They have energy, capacity and faculties but they have no confidence in their own powers and faculties, in their ability to attain success. This is a kind of weakness that brings failures in all attempts.
A man appears on the platform to deliver a lecture. He is a capable man and he is well learned, but he is diffident. He foolishly thinks that he cannot produce an impressive speech. The moment this negative thought occupies his mind, he becomes nervous - he stutters and stammers. This failure is only due to his lack of self-confidence.
You may have little capacity and yet you must have full confidence that you will succeed in your attempt. There are people who have very little material and little capacity, and yet they thrill the audience. This is due to their confidence. "I will succeed", they say, or, "I am fully confident of my success".
Never leave room for the negative quality of diffidence to enter your mind. Know what your real worth is. A man of confidence is always successful in all his attempts.
