12-16-14 Message from The Team |
Like birds returning to their nests, again and again come
back to your Source; only there can you realize that you host the Divine. +++
Peggy Black ___________ My Personal Message___________ WOW! It has been another intense month. Talk about chaos and changes. I have
been invited to shift my attitude from moment to moment. Mostly it has been outside circumstances that have affected my day
and my work. Obviously, however, it is my inner circumstances that have attracted or called forth all that I have been dealing
with. Knowing this does not really change the level of frustration. My phones were out of commission for over a week and the internet was sporadic at best. This was all created by a repairman who canceled my phone service in error the afternoon before Thanksgiving when nothing could be done because of the holiday. I had a very busy schedule of sessions and had to cancel those appointments. Unfortunately, I dropped into 3D and responded with frustration, upset and levels of anger. The 'team' would gently remind me to use my tools and I would reset and hold the situation differently for a short while. However, dealing with the very complicated situation would plug me in again. I realized that even though it was baffling and extremely stressful, it was a first world problem. Our area has been blessed with rain, days and days of wet for the first time in 3 years. We had a huge storm, the worst storm in 5 years, heavy rain and intense winds, lots of flooding and power outages. We welcome the rain for sure. Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate my blessings, including work that I love to offer and that my daughters and grandchildren are all healthy and doing well. Thanksgiving was spent with family, good food, lots of football and sharing. The day was warm and I felt very grateful to be with my loved ones. I could have done without the football. Now we are getting ready for the Christmas holiday and welcoming in the New Year. I always host a First Day Labyrinth Walk open house. I invite my friends and community to come walk their intentions for the coming year and have soup and hot cider. Last year, about 150 joined this event. In 1999 the 'team' invited me to create a labyrinth and it has been available for walkers since 2000, the beginning of the new millennium. I am so grateful for my many blessings and the wonderful opportunities to offer this work to you my morning messages family. Our connection is precious; your shared stores and struggles as well as triumphs inspire me. I am blessed to have witnessed your sessions with the 'team' and the wonderful emails I've received. Heartfelt gratitude for all of your prayers. I am also grateful for your generous Bluesky financial gifts. Thank you from my heart, they are so appreciated. May you be blessed a thousand fold. I love you and am so grateful for your support. You are such a cherished community to me. You truly enrich my life beyond measure. Together we will continue to offer our intentions and focus to create a life sustaining reality, a world in which all are honored and safe. I acknowledge your magnificence as together we anchor a new reality. Blessings of grace and joy, Peggy Practice Heart Consciousness Peggy Black and the 'team' We are here,
ready to share as we observe your experiences as well as the challenges that are accelerating in your reality. We once again
acknowledge your courage and willingness to be embodied. Each of you has known worlds and realities that offer peace, creativity
and deep abiding love. This life experience and focus is far different than what you remember as pure conscious energy. Your earthly reality offers much beauty, many moments that touch in profound ways and rich, poignant connections with others. It also offers many extreme and intense challenges, both personal as well as collective. You are here, as you know, to cherish all that this physical existence offers you while being the agent of change and transformation of that life. We have shared this concept with you in many of our messages. We also acknowledge you for your service as you personally strive to make the difference in the collective consciousness. There is great polarity and chaos occurring in the consciousness of humanity. It is manifesting in the conflicts and violence you are witnessing. When each individual owns and recognizes that they are part of all that is unfolding, when each individual puts aside judgment, when each individual takes responsibility and begins to heal the wounds they carry, there will begin to be a shift in the collective response. We have used your word love rarely in our messages. We have invited you to offer your gratitude and appreciation as well as your joy. These emotional vibrations are easier for you to offer, because they do not elicit the same complexities as the word and the emotion of love. The emotion of love has many flavors, many expressions. From our observation, the emotion and offering of love usually comes with an agenda. Beliefs and patterns have been established very early in your embodiment that regulate your personal behavior and expression of love. Love that is given is usually conditional. This becomes amplified as you move through your life and interface with others. Often you become cautious about how and with whom you share your love. The idea that you are a multidimensional divine being of light, here on this planet at this time to express "unconditional love," is a concept that you have heard often. Yet what is "unconditional love" and how do you actually express this form of love. First, we invite you to observe self and gently, without judgment look at how you hold the expressions of love that you offer or even withhold from others. Notice when, where and how you allow yourself to give your love; notice with whom are you willing to share your love. That is the beginning. Allow yourself to remember, observe and heal all the wounds you might still be carrying in your heart. Use the energy tools that you have collected along the way. Use sound to release any old pain, grief or sorrow, any feelings of being unloved, unseen, or rejected by anyone, and this includes yourself. Breathe into these emotions and allow a sound to express what you are feeling. Allow the vibrations to shift from an incoherent frequency to a coherent smooth vibration that is life sustaining. Notice how you might withhold love from yourself. Notice how you guard your heart and the feelings of love generated there. Observe when and why you might have closed your heart in the offering of love. We invite you to begin to forgive self and others in regard to this feeling and expression of love. Begin to heal the wounded heart. This is the exercise of an awakened being who is truly ready and willing to make a difference in the lives of others as well as in their own life. We have shared the importance of healing your heart portal and chakra for the transformation and ascension of humanity and the planet. We support and encourage you to energetically and emotionally clean out your heart space and begin to express more love. We remind you once again that your heart's electrical field is greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by your brain. The magnetic field radiating from the heart is thousands of times more expansive in strength than the energy frequencies generated by the physical brain. Your heart vibrations radiate out and connect with the collective heart vibrations of everyone. Your heart is a portal; your heart is a gateway that connects you to your galactic self, to one another, to the matrix of this planet, to all dimensions and to the stars. It is the intelligence of your heart that offers personal and global healing. It is within your sacred heart that you offer this alchemical process of transformation. This is where there is a merger of all that is in a space and the vibration of love. The chalice of your heart holds the ability of healing the collective consciousness. As a galactic citizen, a being of divine light, it is important for you to anchor this healing and the expression of love as you personally transform and release the physical human grief, sadness and regret you are carrying. The consciousness of the collective heart energy is suffering. Individuals acting out of their personal wounds have closed their hearts, unaware that their pain is being amplified and magnified to everyone. Remember when you do this work on a personal level you are also transmuting the wounds held in the collective heart matrix. We invite you to begin to offer love, as unconditionally as possible, to all those who are expressing their personal pain in acts of violence, in acts that are life diminishing. Your intentions connected with the profound power of your heart can and will transform all that is touched. It is so important for you to realize and own that when you practice heart consciousness, sending unconditional love to those who are causing the most harm, it truly uplifts the events and actions. You are here to uplift this misqualified energy; this is your service and responsibility. You as a collective are ascending to the higher dimensions and in order to move to these higher frequencies, the heart of humanity is required to be open, healed and radiating love. Practice radiating unconditional love, joy, gratitude and appreciation from the heart. Allow yourself to offer love more often. Allow yourself to realize how powerful your love generated from your heart chalice truly is. Allow yourself to see your sacred heart space filled with love for all, especially those who act in an unlovable manner. It is time that the expression of love is honored, offered and manifest in its highest form. We offer you our support, acknowledgment, and gratitude as well as our unconditional love. Allow yourself to receive all that is being given. You are a beautiful being filled with love that transforms everything it touches. Accept this, know this and act from this awareness. ©2014 Peggy
Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available +++ Northamptonshire,
UK. © The 11:11 Progress Group. +++