12-14-14 The Company of Heaven / Blossom et al

Realize that you are more than time and that you can move through time with your timeless connection to the Divine.

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


The Company of Heaven and Gabriella: Twin Flames, Build the Rainbow Bridge With Us!
The Company of Heaven:

We want to talk with you about your twin flames and your connection with them, which is part of the important changes happening now with all humankind.  Of course there are many who are not aware of what a twin flame or twin soul is, or why it is now a good time to make these deep connections.  We will explain.

A twin flame is, literally, the other half of your soul - the original soul which was created long ago.  Prime Creator oversees the creation of all souls, in cooperation with Mother/Father God.  When it is decided, by the Masters who are wishing to give birth to a new being, they go to Prime Creator to join their intention and their energies in the creation of the new being.  Prime Creator throws out the spark of life, which joins with the DNA of the parents to create a Galactic being.  

It is Prime Creator who decides which Galactic species the new soul will become; which planet will be its primary home, with the agreement of the parents, and of the soul itself of course.  The DNA of that planet then is added to the mix, and a new being and its physical child form are completely envisioned.

It is then the responsibility of Mother and Father God to complete this birth process, by overseeing the division of the soul which then creates the male and female parts.  It is an equal division, with each soul carrying the same elements and qualities, but with subtle differences - enough to make them unique individuals, while also completing each other in interesting ways.  

While many twin flames are created to join the same galactic species, it is not always so.  For instance, Sananda is Kumaran, but his Mary Magdalene is Sirian.  It creates a nice balance, a diversity that becomes a part of the consciousness of every Galactic being.  There is no prejudice or competition between species or races in our Universe as there is here on Earth, because all families are "interracial" families.

Now, it is time for you to reach out to meet your twin flame, the partner and closest family member who has known you forever.  We ask you to do this now not so that you will have a new exclusive love relationship in your life - many of you already have a partner or spouse.  We ask because it is such a powerful way to connect you to us.  Some of you may have already met your twin flame there on the ground, but many more have not.  The reason for this is that many of the Masters have stayed in higher realms to be the guide for their twin flames during this most important lifetime.  It is common for one partner to incarnate at a time, so that each can learn their separate lessons, with the participation and support of their greatest ally.

It is especially important to the success of our Great Project that you now make the connection with your twin flame in higher dimensions.  It also helps you to connect with your own higher self who is there in communication with theirs.  You see, this forges the strongest possible link from human to Galactic beings.  We have not spoken before of you twin souls as Galactic beings who are waiting to make contact with you, but of course they are.  They are not in human form as you are; they are in their Galactic form.

So you see, the ones your propaganda experts have presented as "alien invaders" are actually your twin souls and their Galactic friends.  They are here to help you, to join with you and to send you Love.  We have asked that you now concentrate in your meditations on sending love to us.  By us we do indeed mean The Company of Heaven, but even more so, we mean for you to send your powerful love blasts from your heart to the heart of your twin, forging the powerful rainbow bridge from Earth to Heaven.

Every single soul has a twin.  There are no exceptions.  It is the part of yourself you have longed to connect with ever since your birth here on Terra.  Now you will be able to do so, for we have encouraged all to come, to return from their travels around the Universe to be here for this momentous time, to help raise you up to reach them in their high vibration, to communicate across time and space as you help to lift all of Terra and her inhabitants into higher dimensions.

It is a joyful endeavor, this loving contact we encourage you to make now.  Encourage your friends, your family and your partner to make these connections too.  Your family who loves you will love your twin flame as well, and your numbers will double the experience of Love and satisfaction.  If you have had difficulty getting them to accept your spiritual growth, perhaps the story of how twin flames are created will pique their interest enough to encourage them to invite their own cross-dimensional connection.

It is a powerful way to increase the flow of love from you to us and from us to you.  It is a way for all to experience the Love of God, for sending pure Love to your twin soul is the essence of God's Love, recreating the Love God feels for you.  So you see?  It brings Earth and Earthlings into the realm of Heaven!

And so, we encourage you, Beloved Ones, to call out in your prayers to meet your Twin.  Take your own consciousness high into your pillar of Light and send the message that you wish to make contact now.  It does not matter whether you have a name or an image for who your twin is.  Your energy is completely familiar to your twin, who is aware of your growth in this past year, and is awaiting your call.

Do not be disappointed if you do not hear a loud voice calling your name (or if you do).  You may experience your first encounter as a ripple of energy across your arm or a feeling of warmth within.  Acknowledge any small indication of a presence (for your twin may be approaching you quietly), and remain open to further contact from now on.  It will happen.

We are here to support and encourage you, and we look forward to feeling your love pouring forth into the higher dimensions, where we of the Company of Heaven are helping to create and strengthen the Rainbow Bridge from our side as well.

We are your Company of Heaven, in service to all humankind.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, December 13, 2014  (12/13/14).  10 pm, New York

Even before the Company of Heaven asked me to take the previous message, Gabriella had begun writing the following heartfelt description, which you could think of as a "How-To" of connecting to your own twin flame.  It is the "boots on the ground" perspective on what The Company of Heaven is teaching.

I want to talk about the beauty of the heart connection between twin flames and the miracle of the Rainbow Bridge it creates between us and our higher selves.  This is the way I see it:  It is a breathtaking pathway of golden dust particles emanating rainbow colors complemented by bright crystal stars.  Sananda said on the last Wednesday call: "Open your heart, reach out and connect with us. It will create a portal that is seen across the multiverse."

We have been told many times to raise ourselves higher, to love ourselves and connect to our I Am Presence.  This involved lots of constant work which of course we are learning how to do, but this "work" we have been asked to accomplish is not always easy to maintain.  

This week the Masters said for the first time so clearly, "Love Us!"  They asked us to love them...Simply to love them!  They see that we have a hard time accepting fully what they are sending to us, so they ask us to send them love and light as a way of helping us to connect more easily. This is not too much for humans to achieve.  Humans can love.  We know how to give love, but do not always know how to receive it. 

This is where things sometimes break down, where the connection between dimensions was intermittent because we are still learning how to receive.  What a clever idea to "reverse" this process of sending love upward instead of receiving love downward.  Of course love always traveled back and forth but it is much easier to keep the channels open when we forget about receiving and instead focus on giving.  Keep in mind that the love we give is always given back multiplied.

Now, sending love to whom?  This is another part of the work that is not always so clear for many.  Where should we start?  In a human life, we accept loving relationships with our spouse or partner.  Why? This is because it is personal and we can accept love from a love partner much more than from the neighbor, coworkers, and so on since they are often more distant relationships.  

It is now time to connect with our beloved in the higher dimension.  We don't need a name to call upon; we don't need to talk about it with others if we do not wish to, but it is time to establish this connection and keep it steady and strong. We all have a beautiful, wonderful, perfect twin flame.  They are our counterpart, they are us!   What a good place to start.  Falling in love with this special soul is very uplifting.  It is the much easier version of falling in love with yourself.  This connection will bring you, in seconds, upward to their level, connecting you with your twin flame and Higher Self simultaneously since they are together. Those of us on the ground will be uplifted, and those in the higher dimension will refocus the intense and concentrated energy, to be used where it is needed most on Earth.

By connecting your heart from here on earth to the heart of your twin flame, you create a rainbow bridge from this dimension to the higher dimension. This is not an intellectual process. Your heart is the key.  You will feel a supercharged electrical feeling as you open your heart.  You will feel a powerful sensation in your body, as you expand your ribcage to accommodate the activation of your heart chakra. 
Now, send this energy to your beautiful other half. This way we have a foot in both dimensions. This is how we make miracles happen.  We have been asked to love them each minute of the day.  The more love they receive, the more energy they have to work with, and the more they can help us.  

AA Michael brought a personal message to his twin flame this week.  He was the voice of all twin flames reunited.  We could all feel at that moment our twin flame was talking directly to us, asking us to love them back! This is brilliant team work. We are finding new ways to triumph, to remove all darkness by flooding our world with Light.  "We see the time line and the wonderful effect of what we are doing.  Everything you do with a sense of faith and hope is miraculous.  When you decide to remind yourself of that every moment of every day you will become a powerful master." 

They presented the same idea but with a different twist - one that human kind can achieve naturally. As AAMichael said, "Discovering the love and the deep connection of your twin flame, it is like an ancient feeling, and it is so comfortable. Each time the vibration of love is being sent between Twin Flames, it is like new, fresh, and love is renewed."  They need all of us on their team.  By loving them we will create the miracles that we have wished for for so long.  Let's join with them in this joyful pursuit.  All of us are needed now.

Here is the link to the last call when Sananda and AAMichael spoke of our new "assignments":   http://www.blogtalkradio.com/channelpanel/2014/12/11/kathryn-meg-ele-the-kids-sananda-aamichael-news-ascension-report

I will ask my beloved to explain from his point of view and to give an exercise through Kathryn on how to achieve this.

With love and light,


Blossom Goodchild - December 14, 2014

Welcome to you, once again. A question that I would like to ask … regarding those of us that have been chosen to be on this planet to help raise Mother Earth into her Higher position. White Cloud has often said that many, many volunteered to come, knowing what an important mission it is ... yet, only the strongest of the strong were chosen. Why is it then, that more than half the world seem to have slept through their alarm clock?

A warmest welcome to you and all who are of Light … and by this we mean ALL. For ALL BEINGS are of Light. They cannot BE of anything else.

Although of course, they may ‘appear’ to be something completely opposite.

Indeed. As always … we speak to you of the Bigger Picture. Consider the scenario of the GRAND PLAY … The PLAYING OUT of a performance. Within this story, there are the goodies and the baddies … the happy and the sad … the ‘everything you can possibly think of’s’ … in order to make this particular play, one that has an intense purpose … and leaves one, when leaving the theatre, uplifted and moved … and indeed, much wiser for having had the experience.

OK. So, if I take out of the equation … the dark ones … in the understanding that they are playing their part, in order for us to gain in knowledge and understanding … what about those who are simply still unaware of who they are and continue on through life, not really contributing to the upliftment of The Whole? Did they not come here to be of assistance?

Yes, they did.

In what way?

In the way of BEING themselves.

Yet, when those still in slumber seem to be ‘speaking ill of others’ and a thousand other things that would portray them to still be sleeping … how is this assisting in what they came here to do? Are those who didn’t get chosen, not a little frustrated by those who are not playing their part? Are they not thinking they could be doing a better job … in getting this show on the road? Truly, I am not judging … just curious.

Have we not many times used the expression …   ‘All is as should be.’ Or … ‘All is not as it seems.’?

Yes, indeed, there are those who are choosing to take a little longer in their awakening. There are those who are simply part of the cycle/circle of Life that are determining their pathway and which avenues to choose … and then, there are those who have come down here in a specific form with a specific agenda in order to ‘move things along’ for the benefit of The Whole.

Consider, that if all on Earth at this time were … would we say … the volunteers that were chosen … there would be little need for such a Divine Plan to be so fully intricate and involved. Yet, not ALL are of such a degree of Enlightenment.

Therefore, the position of many Light Beings was invoked, in order to balance out the necessary requirement of frequency.

So, when you say … ‘Others are here in the way of ‘being themselves’ to assist’ what do you mean?

There is so much to explain … in matters of everything.

Those, that for you … for instance … ‘go against the grain’ … if we may put it that way …

You may.

are playing out their role. There HAS to be everything playing out.  Every level of evolving … from the insect to the astronaut … because THIS … THIS LIFE ON EARTH is the experiment that was created.

Each individual soul has a purpose for itself on its journey … It has choice for itself.

Each soul decides who to be … how to be it … and when.

One could relate to picking up a script and deciding ‘Yes, this time around, I will play this character’. Yet, ALL the scripts are chapters of THE ONE VAST PLAY/PLAN.

I still get confused by the Divine plan. How can there be a plan when we are creating as we go?  What if the balance of many’s thoughts, veer of course from what the DIVINE PLAN ‘s plan is?

Yet … it cannot.

For The Divine Plan IS your creation.

That’s it.

That is the plan.

Your creation of Life for yourselves … of yourselves.

Yet, isn’t the Divine Plan … or at least part of it … to lift Gaia into a Higher vibration?

Indeed … yet, you have come here to create that.

What if we forget that is why we came? What if, when here, some change their mind or get distracted. And, if we came here to create that lifting of the planet … would that … could that … not be considered pre-programming?

In no sense would we comply with programming of self-choice. That would not make sense for the creation of yourselves.

When you are not of Earth, in the physical Being … you are a form of Light … different degrees of Light … depending on where you choose to be/go when you leave the Earth plane.

Those that were /are chosen to assist in lifting the Planet are driven by this KNOWING … that this is what they came to do. It is part of them. It is not programming … It is a conscious decision by THE ALL … that this is the ‘correct way to go’. The next step in humanity, if you like.

This part of the plan is a collective conscious decision. Therefore, when we say ‘You create your own reality’ … yes, you do. This is a Divine Truth.

Yet, have you considered that perhaps you create your own reality … or perhaps the ‘blue print’ of your Earthly possible reality … before you arrive there each time?

As if the creation of ‘Benefitting The Whole’ is a conscious decision of/by The Whole … before One enters into the Earthly life to then ‘bring it into reality.’

This is why so many of you KNOW. You have an inner KNOWING when you are following your heart. That instinctive ‘This FEELS so right’ FEELING … is your soul’s way of telling you, that you are creating that which you decided you would create before you came.

In the same way … when you have the uncomfortable feeling about something that is taking place … you KNOW that you are not on track with that which you decided would be part of THE PLAN.

There is the individual plan and there is the OVERALL plan.

One … wherever they were in perspective to travelling and opening up their souls Truth … would not consider coming back for another ‘ride/trip’ to Earth and living out a creation that would be detrimental to their growth.

Yet … in many souls lives, it may appear that way.

This word ‘appearance’ is a word that has many connotations …of which, at this moment in time we are having difficulty putting the right accent upon.

That which can ‘appear’ to be working or being presented as one thing … may not actually be the reason behind what it is ‘appearing’ to be.

I feel you want me to look up ‘appearance’. OK. So,

1. The outward or visible aspect of a person or thing:
2. An outward show; pretence:
3. One of the outward signs or indications by which a person or thing is assessed

Thank you. This assists us. For, what is the outward visible aspect of a person, is not necessarily the reason why the inward aspect of that soul ... is choosing to appear that way outwardly.

And the direction to the funny farm is?

We continue, in that, ‘an appearance can be an indication or sign of how a person is assessed’. Yet, we would clearly state that the outward indication MAY BE very, very different from the inward indication ... It just needs to be presented in a particular way.

Almost there, in understanding. Yet, so close also, to the funny farm!

We can only say then … for we FEEL unable to express correctly … that if you ponder on this … your soul will know its TRUTH. 

Yes, it sort of does. Yet, I have now forgotten the point in the first place!

It was regarding One’s creativity of the life chosen to live on Earth each time.

We would expand on this by saying … to hopefully make it more accessible to understanding … that some souls … are still ‘working on’ their individual pathway … as opposed to being aware of the pathway of Light for The Whole. Whereas, other souls … have evolved into a position where much of their own individual pathway has been walked … and they are now continuing to walk their own pathway … yet, it is ‘attached’ to the upliftment of ONE. Those that have come down here to ‘lift the planet’, have reached a certain ‘grade’ … would we say … and therefore, have come to create that which is FOR ALL ... and by this we mean … ALL.

It is a simple matter of One understanding more and more of WHO THEY ARE. This does not come from an egotistical knowing … for when One has reached a certain grade, the ego is left behind. Although, it can sometimes ‘appear’ to still be hanging around ... Maybe, this is for others to understand ‘ego’.

Mmm! Might go into that later. My brain cannot handle that right now. I can FEEL that.







This recognition … this remembering the BRIGHT LIGHT OF SELF … magnifies the speed of the transition that is taking place … greatly.

As you move into the next phase of Lightness … as your new year brings in even Higher levels of Light/Love Energy … as YOU … Each One … merge with these Higher Energies and recognise yourselves at this HIGHER level  … how you shall see CHANGES OF MAGNIFICENCE taking place.

Be of the GREATEST cheer Dearest Souls …

We are aware Blossom, that you have not wanted us to speak of how close you are  etc … of matters concerning time frames. Yet, we thank you this day for allowing us to say … that you are so very close now … to FEELING in your hearts, that …

ALL OF THIS that you have seen/been through …

ALL OF THIS that you have marched bravely onwards for …






Thank you so much … I know it is time to go … Always a blessing to have a chat with you … In Love and thanks.

Always, with much gratitude to Each One for remaining in their Truth as they walk their pathway.


The Federation Of Light speak of LOVE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmsCqVjqSss

An Invocation from Feb 14th. Always good to do when you FEEL like it . It all helps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gqmukxqt2rU

Website: Blossom Goodchild
An audio version of Blossom's channelings can be found


MARY MAGDALENE: Were Yeshua and Mary Sexual?

Kilroy Chapel medium crop

Part 4 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On November 16, 2014

At Unity of Sedona

Question: I’m wondering if you, Mary, feel that you fully share yourself with Yeshua?


Mary Magdalene: We share ourselves at every level, in every way. And yet I do not know that this satisfies the question that you are asking.


Questioner: Did Yeshua and Mary have intercourse?


Mary Magdalene: Absolutely.


Questioner: Physical?


Mary Magdalene: Physical.


Questioner: (Laughs) I’m still not satisfied, but I don’t think we can go any further with this.


Mary Magdalene: We came to bring the Divine to every level of human life, to be the Divine at every level of human life. Why would we not include sexuality?


Questioner: I’m just wondering about the facts.


Mary Magdalene: Sexuality is one of the most sacred aspects of life on Earth. Because of various influences, training, indoctrination, many people have lost touch with the sacredness of sexuality. But it is absolutely a sacred pathway upon the Earth, if beings choose to engage it as such.


Is there anything else you wish to ask at this time?


Questioner: No. Thank you.


Heavenletter #5133 The Time Is Now, December 14, 2014 

God said: 

There are matters in life that require your waiting for them. You have to wait for Christmas. It is an appointed day. You have to wait for your anniversary. You have to wait for the stars to come out, you have to wait until the sun dawns. When you were a child, you had to wait to grow up. You have to wait for a train to leave, a boat to dock, a ship to come in, a flight to take off.

There are other occasions in life where you don’t wait. To say hello to a friend -- don’t wait. Say hello right then. To make a friend, don’t wait. Don’t wait for a better time. When you have an opportunity to connect with someone, whatever the occasion, connect with the person. Some matters are not to be put off for a better time. There is no better time than now.

This is my message for you today: Do it now, not later. Make something happen. Find out.

If you want to say you’re sorry to someone, now is the time. If you want to make a sale, the time is now. If you want to connect hearts, now. Consider that you have an appointment. Be there. Don’t delay. When you delay, you have wasted a chance. Now is the time to plant corn. Now is the time to pick corn. Now is the time to cook corn.

As with a choir, there is a right time to come in and sing. The chorus comes in now. This is the time the chorus sweeps in. This is the cue, and here is the chorus.

So in life, you want to enter at the right time. No better time than the present.

There is a tendency for some of My children to put things off, not intending to delay but to do it at a better time. They may think there’s a better time, and they wait for it. I would like to emphasize that the time is now. At the moment you think of it, this is when to take care of something. You may want to make a meeting perfect or make an impression or make a request at the most auspicious time. You don’t know when is the most auspicious time. By then, the moment may have passed, and the opportunity for a whole new avenue of life has also passed. A bus doesn’t always wait for you.

In other words, I am saying not to look for an ultimate moment. Take the moment now. Everything doesn’t have to be in place as you like to think it has to be. The optimum opportunity is now. For now to take place, you have to open yourself to it. For example, if you worry about your offer of friendship being rejected, stop thinking that way right now. Put yourself in good stead now.

Whatever you want to convey, it is yourself. This is the beginning. You are the initiator. You are the beginning, and you can go first. No more waiting for perfection. Act now. Who knows what might have come from an opportunity missed? Try it and find out.

And if you are rejected, be rejected then. So what? Even if your goods, so to speak, aren’t a fit, what have you lost? A little ego? So what? Odds are you have plenty of ego to spare. Let go of ego, and you won’t feel rejected.

Shyness and caution aren’t adorable traits. Forthrightness is better! To introduce yourself to someone is not even bold. It’s friendly. I’m telling you to be friendly. You may think it’s bold. Be bold then. Take life by the hand. Act for yourself, why not?

When you take a first step, you uphold yourself. When you don’t take a first step, you are not upholding yourself. You are not betting on yourself. I suggest that you bet on yourself. You will discover more of yourself.

It is time now to dare to bet on yourself and offer yourself to the world. You are in good standing. No one else in the world has to offer what you have to offer. No more hiding under a toadstool. Come out into the fresh air now. Do this for Me.


An Optimistic and Forward-Looking Last Quarter Moon

Sunday morning's Last Quarter Moon is quite an interesting lunation, for several reasons, including the very nature of this lunar phase. Rudhyar called it a "crisis of consciousness," a time when our mental focus shifts away from the arc of development of the lunar cycle that was launched three weeks ago, with the rather intense Sagittarius New Moon, to the new cycle that will begin one week hence, at the timing of the powerful Capricorn New Moon and Winter Solstice, occurring this year within a few hours of each other. Consequently there is a shift of perception, based in part on the new information that has flooded our brains during the intervening growth spurt. Additionally, a grand trine momentarily exists now between Jupiter, the Sun, and the new planet, Eris, of which more in the following paragraph. Then there is the square between Uranus and Pluto, which has become quite close by the timing of this quarter Moon, just a few minutes of a degree away from exact, perfecting Sunday evening for the West coast, early Monday morning on the East coast and in Europe. We are in for intense times indeed, as marked by this iconic collision between these powerful outer planets that supply the vision and the energy of death and rebirth that signals the passing of one personal era in our lives and the launching of what is distinctly another.

There is currently a strong spiritual directive for transformation, both culturally and personally, as symbolized by Uranus and Pluto in their dynamic aspect that defines our decade. This month is the sixth of seven close encounters between these outer planets that bespeak the onset of massive revolutionary change over this month and the beginning of 2015 that is fast upon us. December is also a time of great optimism and of finding deeper purpose, as indicated by the month-long trine between a slow-moving Jupiter and the planet past Pluto, called Eris, that was only recently discovered and named — in the fall of 2006 — as a 'dwarf' planet. Like Pluto, Eris partakes of what lies beneath the surface layers of one's personality, and speaks to the issue of discovering soul intention. When the Sun in this Last Quarter Moon makes a grand trine with Jupiterand Eris, all in the same degree of compatible Fire signs, you have on offer the perfect cosmic formula for moving forward with a more profound agenda than you normally consider, honoring that mandate that arises from deep inside yourself and that only you can truly fathom.

Mercury is also conjunct the Sun at the quarter Moon, indicating greater conscious understanding and analysis becoming applied to your situation. The simple truth of the matter is that there are goals that you hold very dear, almost without full acknowledgment, that run alongside and yet in a somewhat different direction from the agenda that society and your early conditioning seem to indicate; and yet you discover as you mature that in this direction alone lies the possibility for true happiness, as you come into alignment with that which you cannot not do, that set of tasks which you must ultimately perform in order to come into your fullest sense of who you really are. 

With all the depth of the current astrology, it is helpful to gain additional insight from the Sabian Symbols for this grand trine in Fire. For the Sun, in the 23rd degree of Sagittarius, we find "Immigrants entering," a symbol that reflects the optimism implicit in the strongly Jupiterian message of this quarter Moonconfiguration, also tellingly a large factor in this month's USA headlines. For this symbol, Marc Edmund Jones alludes to what makes for a deep chime with soul intention and meaningful transformation: "opportunity caught and held" ... courage in crossing new frontiers." For Eris, in the 23rd degree of Aries, we find a mysterious symbol whose meaning lies hidden; "A woman, in pastel colors, carrying a heavy and valuable but veiled load." Jones, in a synchronous chime with the inner meaning of this grand trine, has: "This is a symbol of the soul's basic anchorage in the privacy of its own functioning and of the centering of real personality in the elements of its own particular genius." We might also note that the pastel colors are basically happy and optimistic, like the Jupiter factor. This reminds us of our own individual interior process, veiled from our conscious gaze. Then for the Jupiter degree itself, the 23rd of Leo, we have "A bareback rider," which Jones calls "uncompromising courage in the everyday business of living." This powerful symbol, a reflection of the Tarot card called The Sun, beckons us to our higher self, invoking that emblem of Spirit that rides upon our physical body, apart and yet inseparably linked, as we journey forward into wholeness. 


Sivananda Daily Reading

15 December

Posted: 14 Dec 2014 02:15 AM PST

Moksha Gita - 1 
Fear not, my child. In reality there is no death for thee. There is a means for crossing this ocean of relative existence and attaining immortality or the supreme bliss. I shall teach thee now Brahma-Vidya (knowledge of the Absolute).
Salutation to Satchidananda Para (supreme) Brahman, that glorious first preceptor, who is self-luminous, eternal, indivisible, pure, spotless, desireless, attributeless, timeless, spaceless, changeless, beginningless and endless.
That ultimate reality which is the support for this world, body, prana (life), mind and senses, which is the womb for the vedas, which is all-pervading and all-permeating, which is colourless, odourless, tasteless, nameless and formless - that something shines eternally.
Some indescribable supreme principle which is imperishable, unborn, undecaying, fearless, motionless, one without a second, ancient and infinite - That alone exists.
What is neither short nor long, neither that much nor this much, neither black nor white, neither stout nor thin, neither good nor bad - that should be understood as Brahman.
That which is neither subtle nor dense, which has neither caste nor name, which is immutable, immortal and bodiless, which is beyond the reach of mind and speech - that should be understood as Brahman.
Brahman is distinct from the gross, subtle and causal bodies. He is the soul of all. He is the inner ruler of all. He is eternally free. He is without action, and without motion.
Brahman cannot be defined. To define Brahman is to deny Brahman. The only adequate description of Brahman is a series of negatives. That is the reason why the Upanishads declare, "Neti-neti" - "not this-not this".
