1-21-15 Sheldan

When your mind is not complaining and is responsible, courageous, confident and hollow and empty,you are inexplicably beautiful. Sri Sri


 Sheldan Nidle - January 20, 2015

7 Ahau, 18 Chen, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We come with wonderful information! The payments continue to move forward and our Earth allies are now deciding upon new preliminary schedules. These payments are tied to a number of other projects that relate to returning you to a gold standard and to a global currency reset. These programs are also part of a financial readjustment that is to produce a new global financial system. This new system is to replace those agreements first manifested at Dumbarton Oaks in the U.S. This system ends the reign of the Federal Reserve’s notes and its worldwide fiscal policies. You are entering a new world in which a more general equality is to exist between the now poorer nations and the richer ones in Europe, America, Australia and Japan. There is also the matter of new governance. These new governmental institutions are to “roll out” very soon. Among their initial duties are to be a full worldwide disclosure, which is to put an end to the present UFO cover up. It is this last item, which we, of course, are looking forward to. Our Earth allies are working on a number of interconnected fronts to bring all of this to fruition.

All of you need to realize that a long process of massive change is close to happening. This grand effort was initially started over 200 years ago with the financing of the young American Republic by elements of the Chinese imperial government. This grant was greatly encouraged by the Ascended Master, Quan Yin. It was the work of Ascended Master, Count Saint Germain, that created the independence document of America in the first place. America’s travails have been followed closely by us ever since. It was our intervention that helped America to weather the American civil war relatively intact. During this time the parties closely allied to the illuminoids began to complete a scenario that had begun so seemingly innocently with the founding of the pilgrim society in 1820. We watched as these dark elements used their power and influence to create an oligarchy that has controlled America since the untimely assassination of Abraham Lincoln in 1865. This class of powerful oligarchs is now coming to its most wished for demise.

The new world, which is now taking place before your eyes, is truly the result of a global peaceful revolution. This revolution is, in part, something, which we have helped foster and fully support. Numerous organizations, over the past decade and a half, have worked tirelessly to bring this forward. We are proud of these organizations, and especially those individuals who have used their own resources to fund and explain how various strategies can bring them the desired results. Our part was to limit how the various interconnected oligarchs were able to either crush or to murder these various individuals. Our emissaries as well began a continuing mission to present edicts to a number of major cabal-controlled regimes. This quite limited intervention was kept up despite the initial obstructions given to our emissaries. We have limited some of the dire possibilities, which these dark regimes previously used to bully our earthly associates. Those policies rendered ineffective included attempts at war and the use of a number of state-sponsored acts of “terrorism.”

You are now on the verge of a series of wonderful actions. These actions are just the beginning of installing a new financial system, which is to lead you to new governance. Remember how you need to act. Be calm, and accept the fact that those who wished deeply to harm you are to be legally set aside. You have the responsibility to use this formerly hidden technology to clean up Gaia’s air, water and ground. Use the new energy technology to stop any operations that take out Gaia’s oil, coal and other similar resources. Once we arrive, you are to possess various energy converters. These converters can reproduce high nutrient food, clothes and other items, which you need during your daily lives. Your first responsibility is to restore the “balance of nature.” Once you have started on this vital project, know that its conclusion is to be done as a joint project between our mentors and yourselves. Be aware of your new responsibilities and constantly participate in determining the actions of your new governance. It is your apathy in past times that permitted the dark oligarchy to wrest away your power.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! Over the past few months we described what our most blessed associates were doing to alter this reality. These changes are now reaching a point where they are to start to affect you. We are extremely joyous that these events are finally to see the light of day. The coming times are to permit you to move from a state of grand visioning to one of actually being able to see how your realm is truly changing. Eons ago, Archangel Michael blessed this land with a great prophecy. This prophecy predicted the darkness and the grand predicaments that you had to pass through. This prophecy as well stated that a time of a greater Light was to come and transform this galaxy. We are in these glorious end times. The Light has shone upon the land and is readying us all for a grand triumph. In these times, we are to be allowed to speak many great truths to you. You are as well to be returned to a natural state of full consciousness!

We come this time to acknowledge these truths and to show you what is getting ready to happen. The dark has usurped the governments of mankind. It has permitted you to fall into death and old age. It has produced wars and ways of grand division. These times are at an end. Soon, a fleet of great heavenly ships is to descend, with your ancestors and kin. Greet them and know in your hearts that a time for a grand reunion of Heaven and Earth has arrived. In these most unique times, you are to rediscover what your former masters, the Anunnaki, lied to you about. Their former powers are to go away, and you are to regain those things, which you lost long ago in the hidden places of old Atlantis. You are to see the remnants left of Lemuria, and to see how this land was formerly divided between the Light and the dark. You are to create with us a glorious new epoch, a place filled with memories and truths.

Take this time, O blessed Ones, to review this age and how the coming events are greatly to alter it. This world is swiftly to become a star nation filled with wonders of Heaven and great joys, which are to forge your new reality. Each one of us comes from a long journey that leads us to grand truths and immortality. Our purpose is to serve; to gently guide you down these glorious paths to your wondrous fate. We do this in joy. You are finishing the last series of adjustments mandated by Heaven. These things have prepared you for your coming meetings with us and with your mentors. What is left is simply the time to go within. Learn in your meditations about yourself and those who in Spirit guide you. This is a great moment when the Light of Heaven and the blessings of your outer guides are ready to happen. Be in peace, and get ready for the wonders of prosperity to reach this special time!

Today, we continued our weekly message. We rejoice that the time for our meeting draws ever closer. There is a special agenda set forth by Heaven, which is now to manifest before you. Be open and prepared to accept what this is truly to mean. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Website: Planetary Activation Organization 

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5171 God Is Rising in Your Heart, January 21, 2015 

God said: 

Through My heart revolves the world. The world reverberates through My heart. The world with you in it revolves around My heart. My love spins the Universe, and how light the Universe is as I carry it in My heart. There is no heaviness in My heart. Love and light weigh nothing.

If your heart feels heavy, something else, something uncalled for, has obtruded there. Superfluous baggage causes inefficiency of the heart. It causes insufficiency of the heart. Burdens add mass and are extraneous to the heart. Your heart is to weigh nothing. Heavy-hearted is not of God.

Now, do not add guilt or embarrassment to an already stuffed heart. Your heart has suffered enough. One minute of heartache is too much.

You are in process here on Earth. You are in process of removing burdens from your heart and from others’ hearts. At the very least, you are not to add to anyone’s sense of heaviness. Dispense with negativity, and this process will take care of itself. To think of it, never to have to worry about causing even the slightest harm to another, thus sparing yourself. You are here on Earth for dispassionate kindness. There is no need for you to carry defense of armor.

Lightheartedness is the rule of the day. Lighthearted, you fly on the wings of angels. Lighthearted, you fly on your own wings of light and love. Easy does it.

There is nothing hard about life except as you weigh it down with past and future. With the past and the future, you lay stones in your heart, sometimes pebbles, sometimes rocks and boulders. Sometimes you build mountains in your heart, and you climb them every day. Let your heart be free. Shovel out what does not belong in any heart.

You have had the idea that life is meant to be hard, and, so, you have hardened your heart. The Truth is that your heart is not to be hardened but to be heard. Hearts all over the world are weeping. Tears soften your heart. Unless your heart has become hardened, why would your heart need to be softened?

Hire an imaginary cart and fill it to the brim with the debris of your heart. What are you waiting for? Be light-hearted now. Be light of weight and filled with bright light.

Love weighs nothing. Love doesn’t hold weight. Fear is heavy. You even equate loss with heaviness. Let go of everything you have ever thought, and start over. Start anew. Don’t worry. You will not be empty-hearted. Give yourself a heart of gold, for gold in the heart is Light. Pure gold is a metaphor for Light-Heartedness.

The gold of your heart is God. God rises in your heart. I fill your heart with love. Let Me in. Let Me into your conscious awareness. I belong in your heart. I will remove the excess that does not belong there. I am like a fine sieve that somehow separates the wheat from the chaff in your beautiful heart. Beauty is to be seen, and beauty is to be known. You have a beautiful heart. Admire it. Remove the rough edges.

Remove over-strung sensitivity. Do not take anything as an affront ever again. It is self-centered to interpret what someone says as directed to you. There are times when you take everything as personal to you. This is self-centeredness. Get away from it. Get into the present, and leave the past alone. Do not paste on past characterization to anyone in front of you now.

Be fair to the world as it appears before you. The troubles of the present are carry-overs from the past. Now remove the past and waste-of-time past impressions. Do it now.


Teacher: A Mentori Spokesperson 
Subject: “Pray for the Planet.” 

Received by Lytske. 

Mentor: “Another day begins and you, the mortals of this planet, start rushing to and fro, not really grasping the seriousness of the situation on this beautiful earth you call home and on which you all were born. Truly now, does anyone ever stop to think that this precious orb might also have needs and wants whilst you are rushing about to fulfill your own? 

“This precious orb is also serving God, albeit she is of a different order. She also has her name and number on the registry of Paradise, just like you have. Her great sorrow is known to almighty God and all the weals and woes she suffers at the hands of the creatures that live upon her. Where so many yet are languishing in poverty still because of the warped thinking of a few who have conceived the insane idea that the planet belongs to them and so they continue to rape and pillage an innocent being, whose wealth belongs to each creature on the planet. If this gross abuse continues and no efforts are made to make the necessary corrections, the dark days will soon be upon you. 

“The almighty God has decided that His will shall be done even though it will take much time to turn things around on this planet so the new day can indeed arrive to the glory of the Creator, who holds all affairs in His hands. The iniquitous ones will need to give account for all the abuse they have perpetrated in the name of the false god of greed named Mammon. The time of reckoning is coming for everyone who has ever seen the light of day on this planet and everyone will receive their due in eternity. 

“This choice is always yours as you lowly mortals have been blessed with a precious free will that no one is allowed to meddle with. So this area also needs to be accounted for. Don’t think that God will be mocked forever. Justice may be slow, but it is merciful and incredibly just. Eternity is waiting for all of you and as long you breathe the air on this planet, which is also slowly being poisoned by human hands, there is still time to mend your ways, albeit the majority is coming dangerously close to being annihilated at the hands of a few. 

“Therefore, as a high celestial being, hailing from the seventh super-universe of which your universe is a small part and your tiny planet is located on the outskirts of the present organized space, don’t kid yourselves that everything is per status quo. Evolutionary creation proceeds at a pace you simple ones are not able to comprehend just yet. There is still time to pray for the planet that needs the human species living on her to mend its ways and start using its God-given mind for what it was intended. 

“Start thinking for yourselves and don’t be influenced by all the negative news and propaganda. Instead start listening to your Gifts from God within. Start meditating and praying for the good of the planet, so you become part of the solution instead of unwittingly adding to the problem.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


Sivananda Daily Reading

22 January

Posted: 20 Jan 2015 10:00 PM PST

Don't Be Weak 
Shyness is a great hindrance in life. It is a form of timidity or low fear. Almost all boys have got this weakness - and yet this is a feminine quality. Shyness manifests when one is in the wrong path. Every woman knows that the goal of life is God-realisation, and yet she engages herself in sexual matters. This wrong action makes her shy when she appears before any man.
A shy boy or man cannot express his thoughts boldly. He cannot look directly into the eyes of another man. He cannot freely approach any stranger. A shy man does not get on well in business or in the office.
Modesty is not shyness. It is decency or chastity. This comes from politeness and polish of character. Those who are shy should try to talk with others boldly. They should look directly at the face of others. Shyness is a great weakness. It should be eradicated quickly by cultivating courage.
Timidity is another weakness, due to faintheartedness. It is a form of fear, akin to shyness. A timid man has a chicken-heart. He is unfit for any public activity and for any kind of adventurous work.
A timid man cannot become successful in life, he cannot deal boldly with his customers in business. A timid man is afraid of losing his life. He is much attached to his wife, children and property. He is afraid of public opinion.
A timid man cannot talk even a few words with force and emphasis. So eradicate timidity. Eradicate it by developing courage. For timidity is a curse - and it weakens a man.
Pessimism is a temper of mind that looks too much on the dark side of things. It is the doctrine in which the whole world is bad rather than good. This is very depressing. Vedantins are wonderful optimists. Though they say that the world is unreal and they talk on dispassion, this is to create a distaste for the worthless life of this world, and to create a taste for the immortal, blissful life in Brahman.
The opposite of pessimism is optimism, which always looks on the bright side.
