12-1-14 --- R-U Feeling Blah

Expression of love is service, expression of joy is your smile, expression of peace is meditation, expressing God is conscious action.

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar



Are You Feeling Blah?

by lifetapestrycreations


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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you are not feeling the love and joy you anticipated. You feel as if nothing is interesting, different or new.

Do not fret or become discouraged. Such 'blah' feelings are merely your physical body shifting.

All phases of your being shift in an expected fashion. First, spirituality - you believe such is true. Second, emotions - you sense such is true. Third, physicality - you know such is true.

Those of you who exited your cocoon are most likely in your physical stage.

This Universal/global transition was long anticipated and planned to the last detail. That is, for the first to awaken - most likely, what you term Baby Boomers or those now of earth of a similar age - to build a bridge to the New Age. A bridge your children would cross and your grandchildren would destroy.

Interestingly - and perhaps to be expected - the always belligerent and courageous Baby Boomers decided to create a new plan. One in which Baby Boomers crossed the bridge - and so you are. But you cannot remember in any part of your being the next step for you are now creating that step. Slowly in your mind and very rapidly in Universal terms.

So it is that you are creating a new plan day by day, minute by minute.

You have grasped and lived the big pieces you anticipated such as: moving beyond shoulds and have tos; remembering how to love yourself; creating a life most compatible for your new being; and moving beyond old fears. Even if you have not completed all those stages, you know what you wish to do and why. And because of that, you are marching through a major holiday season with new thoughts and actions - pleased with yourself and all who dare to be.

But you do not understand what is happening beyond that. Where is the joy? Where is the fun? You continue to push and prod others to help you experience it - yet you feel flat, lifeless, dull or whatever word you wish to use.

Such is true for you are creating something far beyond what you expected. You are off the anticipated path - not in fear, but in courageous joy.

It is as if you are a scout master who anticipated following the path of former scout masters only to discover a new and better path. Even though it is a better path, this new path is filled with unknowns to all including those observing and sending you Universal energies.

We relish your courage and wonder at the joy of it. But such observation does not create a distinct path for you. You are exploring areas never before explored. The theme prior your entrance to earth in this life was that each adventure would build upon former adventures until new earth was reality for all.

You Baby Boomers, new beings or whatever term you wish to label those now feeling lost within themselves, are jumping generations to create a new world not initially planned for this time.

Such rapid growth is not at all wrong. For you are discovering that all aspects of your being are stronger than anticipated before entrance to earth in this life time. But you have NO map or path to follow. So you are frightened within your physical being - at the same time you are filled with joy and anticipation in your spiritual/emotional beings.

Will you stop or slow down? Perhaps. But given the determination and findings of new you as you sometimes slog through a path that feels as if it is encased in slippery mud or wet cement, you will continue as long and as far as you now wish.

Your physicality is holding up much better than all anticipated. Such is true because you took the time and effort to build your new being with care and expertise.

Is it possible you could 'fry' your physical being with your new path? No. You are ready.

Granted, some may return to the plotted path you created prior to earth in this lifetime. But enough of you are smiling within your being to continue the bridge crossing to New Age.

Your joy will return once you find secure footing. In truth, your joy will radiate from your being as if you received an A+ for a very difficult course you did not think you could master.

Know that you are capable. Know that the Universes are marveling at your tenacity and courage. Know that you moved earth to New Age faster and more efficiently than any - including you - thought possible.

Allow yourself to feel a bit dull and lifeless as your physicality adjusts to your new path knowing that you have completed the work or joy - depending how you wish to label this effort once thought to require two earth generations. Glory in you and all that is. So be it. Amen.


Cell Purification and Cleansing by Lady Quan Yin
Channelled through Natalie Glasson-www.omna.org
Dear and beloved beacons of light upon the Earth, I step forth with the goddess qualities of grace, humility and love to greet you
with tremendous respect and honour for the journey you are partaking upon the Earth. My only wish is to offer to you insights and
awakening to fuel your remembrance of the Creator within your being but more importantly in this moment within the cells of your
physical body.
The cells of your body are so magnificent at a physical level they are truly the creation of the Creator but they also hold an ability to
absorb, maintain and hold vibrations of light, consciousness and energy. Your cells are your treasure chests; you could say they
are like bottomless pits with the ability to hold tremendous volumes of information and energy. What makes your physical body
more magnificent is that you do not simply have just one cell but multiple cells; your physical body is comprised of cells with their
capacity of holding valuable knowledge and wisdom especially downloading the divine blue print within your soul and auric field.
Your divine blue print is the perfection of the Creator for your physical body, a template of manifestation which allows your
physical body to exist with the magnificence you recognise now.
You can imagine how magical it is to have every cell of your body holding within it the divine blue print of the Creator for perfect
health, wellbeing, vitality and perfection. Each cell is like a universe, holding identical energetic information concerning your divine
blue print, therefore your blue print is being magnified and energised multiple times to build and create all that you are, projecting
the essence, magnificent, magic and beauty of the Creator into the reality of the Earth. How amazing you are and the vehicle you
inhabit is. How beautifully and constantly your physical body is linked and connected to the Creator, always receiving the
consciousness, energy and templates of perfection of the Creator. Your oneness with the Creator is even recognised and
evidential within your physical body. There isn’t a part of your being that wasn’t created by the Creator or isn’t supported and
linked to the Creator. Can you recognise you are a beautiful expression of the Creator, designed by the Creator to be so and to
experience the Creator through many channels of your being but especially your physical body? Do not disregard your physical
body as being non spiritual, disconnected and separate from the Creator, your physical body is as one with the Creator in the
same way you perceive your soul to be. There is sacred divinity within your physical body as there is within all aspects of your
Your cells are akin to sponges to the light, love and consciousness of the Creator, they are ready to receive, to magnify and
project. Living in a sacred ashram constantly focused upon the light of the Creator or within nature with no outside contact or
influence your cells would flourish with the light and consciousness of the Creator, creating only perfection because that is all that
is available. 
I do not say this to bring fear but to bring forth greater awareness. You are aware of the reality you exist within and the creations of
others. There may be circumstances, energies, vibrations, consciousness, words and even sounds that do not resonate with you
and do not in your view hold the truth of the Creator. With this in mind, I remind you that your cells are akin to sponges, collecting
all energies and consciousness to aid and use for the creation and rejuvenation of your being. Even unheard or unseen vibrations
transmitted that you are simply not aware or conscious of can be absorbed by your cells and held alongside your divine blue print
of the Creator, such energies can clog up your cells causing them to function poorly and for the radiance and vitality of your body
to decline. This could be perceived as a battle within your cells but it can cause an experience of separation from the Creator 
and the body to show signs of suffering, it can be as simple as tiredness or imperfections on the body, (e.g. spots, lines and
wrinkles).  Again I say this to bring awareness and a deeper intention of love within your cells rather than fear. If you find yourself in
this moment thinking in fear let me embrace you in my compassionate love, allow soft pink light to penetrate your entire being to
bring forth truth, understanding and action from love rather than fear.
Perceive yourself always as love rather than in any form of negative perspective.
I share this information with you so you may understand the magnificence of your physical body and the importance of cell
cleansing and purification. You live in a reality where the general consciousness of humanity can still influence your being and be
absorbed by your cells; there is no need for you to carry heavy, old energies within your cells any longer. You have the ability to
empower and free yourself from influences that do not resonate with the divine self, source and essence, you know, recognise
and give yourself permission to be. Now is the time to empower yourself and accept your divinity with the process of cell
cleansing and purification. With your conscious awareness you can achieve anything and everything, bringing yourself into
complete alignment, recognition and remembrance of the Creator within you. Free yourself from the burdens of the Earth, igniting
and raising the consciousness of your cells so they may work as the Creator intended.
You can achieve cell cleansing and purification in so many ways; your intentions and awareness of this process manifest it with
tremendous ease.
When washing your physical body, let yourself focus upon these words;
‘With the strength of my soul I penetrate every cell of my body with the purest vibration of light, love and Creator consciousness.
My cells are healed of unneeded energies; magnified is the blue print of the Creator. I am health, vitality and love.’
You may say it once or as a repetition but imagine your cells being empowered once more.
In quiet time or meditation, you can call upon my energies, Lady Quan Yin, asking me to send a light of purification and cleansing
from the Goddess vibrations through your entire being like a wave penetrating all your cells.
You may wish to say; ‘Lady Quan Yin, I open my energies and love to your support, I ask you to send a light of purification and
cleansing from the Goddess vibrations through my entire being like a wave penetrating every cell. Let all unneeded
consciousness, energies, vibrations and unseen penetrations be permanently dissolved and erased. May the divine blue print my
cells are programmed to absorb from the Creator be magnified and fuelled within each cell, let the presence of the Creator be
evident within my cells emanating into my physical body, entire being and reality with grace, peace, radiance, glowing and vitality.
With the presence of the Creator within my cells I acknowledge my cells as love. I experience the power of love and its influence
within my physical body constantly.  This is now my experience. Thank you.’
Sit imagining the light penetrating every cell, being cleansed and purified, encouraging your entire being to transform in love. You
may notice a peace and contentment emerging from your cells and reflecting into your physical body.
The intention of purifying and cleansing your cells can be practiced daily as a process of raising the vibration of your body to
commune with your soul and the Creator, creating harmony, unity and love. It can be as important as washing your physical body
but can also offer a tremendous sensation of freedom as you tap into the magnificence of the Creator.
With love, compassion, purification and cleansing,
I am Lady Quan Yin


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5120 God on Earth, December 1, 2014 

God said: 

How big can a heart be? A heart can encompass all the Earth and Heaven. If thoughts reach far and beyond, what can hearts do? What do hearts do? They reach everywhere and into every other heart on Earth. Can this be documented, measured and counted and a chart made of it? You don’t know how, and We don’t need charts and such. I need no proof. I see. I know.

You might say that I get this intuitively. You must know by now that I don’t have to get on My knees with a ruler or measuring tape and measure anything. I know all. I know your face and your heart. Being is simple for Me, just as Creation Itself was and is simple for Me. Oneness is very simple. It is the Ultimate Simple. Simple is good. I will say it is better than complicated. I have Free Will, and it is My Will that life be simple.

You make a huge investment in this lifetime. Huge. I invest, to use your word, All of Myself yet I, God, love wholly and am not attached. Do you think I weep when an individual body drops off and the Living Soul rises to Heaven? That I am not sad does not make me hard-hearted or cold-hearted. I welcome the beautiful soul who is also in no way bereft. I am not attached to Life on Earth whereas you are attached. Understandably, you are attached.

Nevertheless, you are connected to all that which is not on Earth. You have great connections, beloveds, yet they are more like subterranean to you. This doesn’t mean that other dimensions do not exist. If there are words for other dimensions, they do indeed exist. In Truth, you are aware of them. You already know there is more to life and the Universe than the eye can see. The heart knows all. Your heart knows all. Within your heart, I AM. I know this is hard for you to accept, that I could really really exist within you, that I, the Source of All Knowledge, do really exist within you and am fully active through you. I, Stillness Itself, am activated through you. Whatever you may sincerely believe and think, you are My Presence on Earth, as unaware of this as you may be.

Regardless, you are growing to My girth on Earth. You are right now expanding My Presence. It’s not exactly that you make Me vaster, for there is no vaster than I AM, yet more of Me is getting through to you. You may well be noticing more of My Grace on Earth. There are moments when you feel a greater something, whether you can voice it or not. You are on Earth for greater welcoming of love on Earth and your greater expression of love on Earth. Heretofore, you may have scrambled your love into confusion, not quite allowing it to blossom, not fully feeling that you are worth to love and be loved, that you perhaps don’t have permission to love, not quite feeling that you were to love, perhaps feeling that you are to brace against love as a matter of course, not quite trusting love as real, love to you or from you. You have found love suspect. You may not quite dare express love, perhaps fearing that it would be swiped from you, and you would be left bereft.

What you have been attached to is to your individual self and your existence as an individual. Certainly, you have thought that you exist as an individual. For much of your life, you may have thought that you existed only as an individual, and you held on as tightly as you could. This was for survival. You didn’t know that you exist with or without your individual self. You may not even love yourself, your individual self, or regard yourself highly, yet your individual self was all you knew to cling to. You didn’t know that you didn’t have to cling to anything because you are Everything. How little you knew. You could have been named King of a country, and yet have no idea of the breadth and depth of yourself and the full extent of what you ruled. Yet you will. Everyone will.


Sivananda Daily Reading

2 December

Posted: 30 Nov 2014 10:00 PM PST

Faith is the Greatest Thing 
Faith is shraddha. Faith is the greatest thing in the world. Even the greatest philosopher has faith as his stronghold. No intellectualism can prove good if it is unsupported by faith. The whole world stands on faith, is guided by faith.
Religion has faith as its root. One cannot prove God if he has no faith in God. And this faith is the outcome of samskaras (past mental impressions). Faith is guided by impressions of actions done in previous births.
Blind faith should be turned into rational faith through understanding. Bhakti (devotion) is the development of faith. Jnana (self-knowledge) is the development of bhakti. Faith leads to the final experience. Whatever a person strongly believes in, that he experiences and that he becomes.
This whole world is a product of faithful imagination. If you have no faith in the world, the world does not exist. If you have no faith in sensual pleasure, you will not get pleasure from sensual objects. If you have no faith in God, you will never reach perfection. Wrong faith can even turn existence into non-existence. Faith is the fundamental necessity for spiritual sadhana (practice).
Aspiration is a development of faith. The flame of faith burns as the conflagration of spiritual aspiration for moksha (liberation). The devotee longs to have union with the beloved - he has no sleep, no rest. He always contemplates how to attain the object of his love. He prays, he sings, he gets mad with his Lord. Divine madness overtakes the devotee and he completely loses his personality in the aspiration for attaining God. This is called self-surrender.
- - -
You must have an ideal to live for - otherwise you will be heedless, depressed and negative. Understand well before you take a step. Have a clear cut ideal and then have right attempt. Faith in God, faith in oneself, faith in the guru (preceptor), faith in the wise teachings, faith in all that is good and noble - this is the sap of life.


The Transformational Intensity of December

The astrology of December features Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, along with Eris. Mars and the other personal planets are changing signs this month, with Mars entering Aquarius early, just two days before the powerful Full Moon configuration of Saturday, December 6th, that highlights Uranus and Pluto in square, now less than half of a degree away and therefore quite active. This is one peak of their current thrust for massive and revolutionary change. At this time as well, Jupiter and Venus conspire to make a grand trine in Fire signs with the new planet Eris, past Pluto, that is proving to be potent in natal charts and in transit, representing a spiritual warrior for soul purpose. Therefore this month, we are celebrating this newly discovered outer planet archetype that seems to symbolize an implacable energy for embracing deep soul intention. What we can expect is a greater reliance on ourselves, and for making a stand for what, at the deepest levels of our being, we truly believe.

This energy for soul purpose combines with Uranus and Pluto, which are drawing near to the penultimate instance of their square alignment that will go down in the astrological records as the defining configuration of this decade. The trickster energy of Uranus in Aries brings surprises, as well as great intuitional awareness along with him, in addition to the unexpected event that can lead to an entirely new insight. The massively transforming effects of Pluto are also well-known for their compelling power of life purpose in motion. This month is therefore a time of great intensity and potential progress along the arc of our intended development. We are, all of us, leaving some part of the past behind us as we sail through a transformational month. When we have more or less prepared for the deep changes that accompany the revolutionary effect of Uranus andPluto in exact collision, an aspect that perfects mid-month, we are better off than when we resist this force for radical change.

The Sagittarius New Moon that originated this current lunation cycle took place on November 22nd, and this configuration itself stimulated the positions of Uranus and Pluto by sesquiquadrate and semi-square, so that all month long we have a strong dose of personal and societal evolution. The third major outer planet,Neptune, brings an otherworldly and idealistic point of view to the place he currently resides, in early Pisces, and is a factor greatly emphasized this month as well, being squared by the New Moon. Then, in another remarkable configuration, Jupiter is closely trine the new planet Eris until the end of December, becauseJupiter itself is getting ready to station on December 8th, remaining in the same degree all month. Since Erisherself moves so slowly, also staying in her spot, the 23rd degree of Aries, for the entire month of December, we have a partile or extra-potent trine between them from the timing of the Sagittarius New Moon onward. This brings a strong hit of Eris to consciousness, especially in the mid-month time frame when the Sun inSagittarius completes a grand trine with Jupiter and Eris. We will therefore be more fully tuned to inner awareness, and able to achieve a much better understanding of our deep soul intention, as a result of this quite powerful cycle that ends with the Winter Solstice and Capricorn New Moon of Sunday, December 21st.

The Winter Solstice itself is extraordinarily powerful this year, coinciding with the New Moon that takes place only a few minutes of a degree into the sign of Capricorn. This is always a very special time and this month even more so, as we look ahead to the turning of the year. Because Uranus and Pluto remain within one degree of exact through December, and beyond, we have before us an extremely powerful springtime leading up to their final exact hit in mid-March of 2015.
