12-11-14 The Deepest of the Deep


Even the detached and reclusive mind can be captivated by the charm of the Divine.

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Teacher: The Beloved One. 
Subject: “The Deepest of the Deep.” 

Received by Lytske. 

The Beloved One: “This subject title really captured your attention and it has kept your mind busy ever since you read it in a recent transmission. In fact, it was your Master Michael who spoke these words about the deepest of the deep. Whenever you hear or think of these words, there is a response from deep within you. You wonder what on earth is meant by this saying: ‘The deepest of the deep’ and how it ‘returns your calls.’ 

“It has always been that whenever a soul calls out from the depths of its being, there will always be a still Voice answering from an even deeper dimension, because there simply is nowhere where God is not. The Creator is so very deeply connected with everything in evolving creation because it is His energy that flows through everything. When there is no energy there is no life; for spirit energy and gravity lives and moves in and through everything. For without it life could not express itself. 

“Think about this for a moment and then think further about how it is that mortals can only become immortal once they accept that the Creator is alive and well. How actually is it possible to think that there is no God when creation calls everywhere and sometimes roars to quite unmistakably make its presence known? 

“Your mortal thoughts are so incredibly limited and you forget there is a wider cosmos beckoning you to come and explore; not only your inner boundaries but also the outer limits of your existence. How come you keep yourselves busy with all your visible mundane things that so insistently occupy your minds? There are far more invisible things to be explored. It is only a very small amount that is being discovered via your most powerful telescopes and yet these discoveries are still keeping the majority of you earthbound and in fear. 

“This fear of the unknown keeps you earth-bound and enslaved to material shackles. Come, do wake up, your earthly life is meant for spiritual progress and therefore too important for you to merely be shackled to what is visible! Even then, it is seen through the eyes of the beholder, for what one sees, is often passed unnoticed by another. 

“Dear ones, you all have such brilliant minds, given to you by the greatest Inventor of all minds, or do you think that a mind is just a random gift to be squandered? Here again, each one will personally have its own accounting to do, as the mind is your greatest value not to be underestimated, but instead it stands in danger of being poisoned, at times almost beyond redemption. 

“You may think that this is another warning from on High, but no, I am calling out from the deepest of the deep in each of you hoping for some response. Time on earth is truly of the essence. However it is totally your call as to how and when you respond to your ever-so-patiently-waiting Still Voice from God within. Do make the effort and undertake that journey of exploring your deepest of the deep. You might discover the Joy of Life waiting for you to become your forever personal Companion.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #5130 The Dancer of the Universe, December 11, 2014
God said:
Sing a song for Me. It can only be a happy song. None of these slow-moving lofty songs for Me. Give Me something hearty and spirited. Not a moody piece, well, unless it’s a happy mood. Let’s get some rhythm going here. Let’s make it a knee-slapping song, one you want to get up and dance to! Enough somber serious music. Let’s have some élan! Something that will wake everyone up. Let’s have happy day music, some get out of bed music. Let this music accompany your day without a chance that you can get it out of your system. Let’s get a beat and unusual musical instruments and instrumentation. Give Me something you’ve never given Me before.
I am not a stiff-backed God. I am not always so serious as I’m made out to be. I’m a fun-loving kind of God. Not exactly a straw-hat guy who does a tap dance, no, not that, yet, nor am I a slow pokey kind of dance God, nor do I do wild acrobatic tricks, though I could, I could. I could dance My dance on and off-stage. I would be an unforgettable dancer.
If I were a boat, I would be a sailboat who sails through life. I suppose I might be thought of as a steamship or luxury liner. I might like to be a ferry boat or even an ark. A canoe sounds good to Me too.
If I were a car, I would be a humble sort of car. No Lamborghinis for Me.
If I were a TV, I would be a round one that could be seen from wherever you happen to be.
If I were a book, you would find some good laughs in it. The book of Me would be a page-turner and My pages well-thumbed.
Well, what would I not be?
If I were ice cream, I would be every flavor in the store. Of course, I am ice cream flavors not even thought of yet.
I AM God, and there is no image that gives the whole picture, yet, the fact is, I am the Whole Picture. I go from A to Z. No, actually, I go beyond the alphabet. I am the Whole.
I am the Seven Seas, and yet I am greater. I am all the Wonders of the World put together. I am Every One of You all wrapped up in One. Not wrapped up exactly. I am One, and you are One with Me. That makes Us One, and Only One. I am not Two, I am One, and so are you.
This will be a shorter Heavenletter today cuz I am taking a long view, and I invite you to come sing and dance with Me all over the world. We’ll dance on the horizon where the sun meets the sky. We’ll dance on ski slopes. We’ll dance on the beach. We’ll take Our shoes off. We’ll dance on the waters, for We – I – I AM the Dancer of the Universe, and I AM the Singer of the Universe, and I AM the Revealer of the Universe and the Creator of My Beloveds Who dance with Me in Infinity and have a good time.
Will you come with Me and catch a few stars and roll on the Moon and enter the Sun and make it shine and do a Sun Dance and a Rain Dance, whatever We want.
We may never stop dancing. Why would We when it is so much fun and so companionable? Why would We stop when We love so much and We have the beat and love it and love what We do together and can never be apart anyway.
I change My mind. This won’t be a shorter Heavenletter. It will be one without an ending as We dance on to Infinity.




Sivananda Daily Reading

12 December

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 10:00 PM PST

The Disciple's Duty 
People want to have contact with an avatara (divine incarnation) without being endowed with the proper qualifications. Even if an avatara appears before you, you will not be able to recognise him. You have not got the eyes to see him. You will take him for an ordinary man.
It is only a saint who can recognise a saint. Only a Jesus can understand a Jesus. Even if you live with a saint for a considerable time, you will not be able to fathom or know him.
A beginner on the spiritual path should have various upa-gurus (assistant gurus). He must prepare himself gradually. He must get spiritual instructions from them. He must follow their instructions strictly. He should make himself fit to approach a Brahma Nishta guru (a guru who is already established in Brahman). He should practise meditation and he should see the Lord in meditation.
An aspirant should develop various satvic (divine) virtues. These are all enumerated in the Bhagavad Gita, chapters thirteen and sixteen. These are virtues such as humility, fearlessness, freedom from anger, a forgiving tendency, tranquillity, self-restraint and so on. He must also practise yama (self-restraint) and niyama (discipline). This is his work. The guru will not do this.
But nowadays people want to practise a comfortable yoga, lying in an easy chair. They do not want to practise any vigorous tapas (penance) or sadhana (spiritual discipline). They expect everything to come by the grace of the guru. They even seem to expect him to place Self-realisation before them, like a ready-made betel leaf - so they can just take it and swallow it easily!
All saints and yogis are ready to receive you with outstretched hands and love - if you have the real eyes to behold them, if you have the real heart to unite with them, if you have the real earnestness and longing to be in their company, if you have a real thirsting for God-realisation - and if you are really hungry to eat the sweet divine manna of the illimitable domain of bliss of the self.
