1-18-15 The Arcturians et al

Life springs from love. The origin is love and life seeks love. The goal of life is also love, and in between life is sustained by love. Sri  Sri



JANUARY 18, 2015

Greetings dear ones. We come to say that much is happening on your planet that cannot yet be seen with physical eyes. However, you are beginning to feel change in the energy of your personal world as well as on the universal level. You may begin to notice more camaraderie among those around you--a sense of oneness that did not seem to be there before. You may notice it within some group you are familiar with like a club you belong to or in family gatherings. You will notice more unity and less sense of separateness.

These changes are the result of the high resonating Light now pouring onto earth and available to all who are receptive. Every particle of Light feeds the consciousness of an awakening world. Many who were previously oblivious or blindly accepting of world conditions, now find themselves to be more aware and quickly growing weary of the constant bickering and adolescent behavior of so many self serving world "leaders". Seeing with new eyes, they are beginning to take note of those who serve only to feed their pockets. The eyes of mankind are opening and personal power is beginning to be reclaimed.

Thus, as society awakens, it automatically begins to move into its power. Even a small thing like signing a petition, helps to activate world energy into new directions. It is not about giving energy to some negative appearance, but rather it is about taking whatever human footsteps may assist others to notice, on their level of awareness.

You are in the midst of awakening to who you are, realizing that you are and never were less than those who hold power of some sort or another. Appearances will not change until you change them, for the outer manifestations you see simply represent the consensus consciousness of the majority which at this time is still heavily enmeshed in duality and separation.

The whistle blowers of the world are courageous souls, not to be reviled as many would have you believe. They are helping to awaken those who blindly accept everything they are told--the sleeping ones who have given away their power to those claiming to own it. Despite personal danger to themselves they speak words that need to be heard. Those who stand to lose personal power or wealth from this information would have you believe that these people are criminals. No, they are serving to assist the people of the world to wake up, open their eyes, and hopefully take back their power.

Do what you can each day to awaken others but never in a preaching or proselytizing way. It must be done with love and kindness and respect for the others belief system. Often it is not words, but simply your energy field filled with Light that helps to awaken another who is receptive. Speak the deeper truths only when guided to, when a person is ready to hear or is seeking truth, always trusting your intuition.

We wish to speak of trust--a very misunderstood word. Trust in its truest sense reflects a state of consciousness able to rest in awareness, living the experiences of each moment from center which often appears to the world as a doing nothing. In reality, doing nothing is to hold blind faith in some concept, person, or thing--which is often seen as trust.

Blind faith comes from accepting third dimensional concepts of God, angels, saints, or even the government without question, simply because it is what you have been told. Blind faith is ignorance dear ones, and represents the surrendering of personal power to an unknown something deemed to have power--it is not trust. This is not to say that the angels and Beings of Light are not there to assist you, but to assist you, not do the work for you.

Trust is the natural offspring of a state of consciousness imbued with spiritual truth and not dogma or rites and rituals handed down and accepted from generation to generation. Trust is the living out from and resting in a consciousness aware and knowledgeable of what is real and spiritually true.

Trust simply becomes natural at a certain level of awareness, but is never attained through forever looking outside of one's self, for no matter how much the teacher or path may be revered by society, at a certain point the spiritual journey must become a solo one, a shift to one own Center.

This is not to say that you will never be guided to some book, class, or teacher along the way but it is to say that you must always listen to your intuition, and when something feels finished, don't be afraid to leave it and move on. Many paths and teachings are only needed for a short while--steps along the way to be left behind at some point which then allows new and higher phases of the journey to begin.

Trust manifests as the student learns to withdraw energy and power from outside forces and place it where it is, in Divine Oneness. Trust is aware of what is, instead of 3D concepts of what is. The journey through third dimensional lifetimes has been a stepping and falling, stepping and falling but at some point growth begins to come by Grace and fear dissolves. The spiritual student finally understands who and what he is, and is able to rest in that awareness. This is Trust.

All of you are ready for this, dear ones. All of you are spiritually aware on levels enabling you to begin living, moving, and having your being in true Trust. It is only the world's continued dependence on concepts and beliefs that keeps it in bondage. Trust lifts the burdens from your personal back and removes the mental drive to "do, do, do", which is the focus of intellectual thinking as well as can be found in many metaphysical teachings.

The metaphysical protocols were necessary in the beginning, and are still important for the newly awakening, but you are no longer beginners. You have completed that phase and are ready to shift from the "do, do, do" mentality into "Be, Be, Be". Now it is about growing beyond the metaphysical (taking a bad picture and making it into a good picture) and moving into mysticism (the conscious realization that in reality nothing needs changing).

Rites and rituals serve their purpose but for most of you, are finished. The journey is now about a consciousness shift transferring power from the without to the within-- whether the without be "good" or "bad". Every belief in some power outside of yourselves must be let go of, and each letting go helps release you from any bondage to it. Know that even "good" appearances are concepts.

Letting go of something does NOT means you cannot or will not ever again enjoy the finer things of life, nor does it mean you cannot take part in some religious ceremony or service. It simply means that you no longer imbue these things with a power they do not have, whether over you or for you. You begin to see the reality behind all appearances and understand the truths being represented through rites and ritual, knowing that in and of themselves they have no power.

Because the outer is an expression of one's state of consciousness, as he shifts from a consciousness of duality and separation into a consciousness of truth and Oneness, he will find that the outer forms begin to manifest in new and higher ways. Never fear the loss of something, for if you carry the substance of it in consciousness it will re-appear, often in some new and better form. For example; An attained consciousness of wholeness and completeness often manifests outwardly in simple things like finding the perfect parking spot but can and does also manifest as the right partner, job, or new order and peace in your life.

Mind is the interpreter of one's state of consciousness translating it into forms appropriate for each individual. If living alone represents wholeness for someone, their attained consciousness of completeness will not manifest outwardly as a partner. Likewise, a consciousness imbued with concepts and beliefs of duality and separation must appear as experiences of both good and bad--duality.

This is the purpose of the physical, emotional, and mental clearings you are experiencing now. Even those awake and evolved still carry cellular memories from past lifetimes lived fully in a consciousness of duality and separation and these need to be released and cleared.

You are ready.

We are the Arcturian Group 1/18/15


Lady Nada:  Being the Master You Are


I come to you today with great pleasure and anticipation of things to come.  It is a very exciting time to be alive on Planet Earth, as you have no doubt been told many times before.  We understand that you might have felt dubious about those claims, because it seems as though Earth is "going to hell" as you might call it, judging by the number of sudden violent incidents, and the newly revealed criminality at all levels of government, politics, religious institutions and finance.  

If you were only to pay attention to what you can see and hear around you, you might believe it to be the "endtimes," or the prelude to World War Three, but I can assure you this is not the case.  You have a saying about it being darkest just before the dawn.  It is true, of course, but the darkest times have already passed.  What you are seeing now is the "mop up" activity being carried out on all fronts.

We will give you the psychological explanation for why a few people (for their numbers are very small relative to the entire population) are responding with such vehemence.  Those of you who have read Kathryn's book, "Who Needs Light?" have seen the explanation about what drives "The Children of Darkness."  If you have not read that chapter, we suggest that you do.  It will spare you much pain and inconvenience in your own lives, and will help you to understand the psychology behind the dark ones who are now at the forefront of all the chaos you now see in the human world.

You see, we encouraged the creation of this book for just these days, when a clear explanation of what you see before you will be of great help to keep you focused and dedicated to your path of Ascension, regardless of the distractions around you. Now is just such a time.

The dark ones who are in charge of global financial systems are having a melt-down, you might say, a veritable hissy-fit, because their most clever and carefully plotted schemes to take over all the world's wealth, thereby enslaving all the world's people, have been thwarted at every turn, in a way they could not have anticipated.  They had become arrogant in their belief that they could maneuver and wield their power at every turn, in every arena, because they were able to pay off presidents and kings, popes, bankers, senators, journalists, generals and foot soldiers, all who would do their bidding, no matter how distasteful the result might be.  

They had become experts in the psychological brainwashing that numbed their minions to the suffering they were causing, and convincing everyone involved that their actions were either justified and righteous or inevitable. The power of their grip on the imaginations of the people was indeed far-reaching, but they did not anticipate the effect of the intense waves of Light and Love being sent from our Great Central Sun.  It has washed over the planet with increasing intensity since 2012, gradually awakening more and more of our Lightworkers, who then turned their gaze toward the travesties around them, with the conviction that it was time to change the unfair and destructive systems.

This awakening of the brave hearts of the Light Warriors has had a tremendous effect.  It has created a slow and steady uplifting of the vibrations on Mother Terra - carrying the power to change darkness into Light in a way you have never known was possible.  Of course, the dark ones in charge did not want you to understand or experience your own power.  As long as they kept you insecure and fearful of their power, you would not know of the powerful weapon you literally held in the center of your being - the Power of Light, which can overcome all darkness.

This awakening has created a dilemma for the dark ones.  Their arrogance is based in inflated ego, delusional thinking that grows out of fear and abuse - for they are abusive to one another, of course.  As such, their "power" is illusory and insecure.  They are, ultimately, the most insecure beings in the Multiverse, bereft of Love, Compassion or warmth, and thus bereft of real strength.  Hence, they tend to be unbalanced, volatile and utterly self-centered in their responses - the antithesis of Light, the absence of God.

You see, you have felt paralyzed by the "shock and awe" they have deliberately and relentlessly laid out before you, causing you to be frozen with horror and fear.  Everywhere around you the clues and propaganda constantly displayed itself, in violent movies, video games, "reality" television, advertisements, books, and especially "news" stories.  All were designed to overwhelm you, swamp you in your predictable human fight-or-flight response.  This fear response in turn creates a powerfully numbing effect when it goes on day after day, from childhood onward. Thus, you have all been emotionally beaten into submission, unbeknownst to your conscious mind.

This is the reason we have been working so hard with you in recent months, Beloveds.  We see the residual effect of the relentless beating you have taken as a result of your just being present here on Earth.  When you add to that the lingering effects of difficult or abusive experiences, you are left struggling to free yourself from an overwhelming quagmire of feelings that weigh on your mind, undermine your self-esteem and destroy your health.  It was designed to convert you to darkness.  You have all experienced yourselves, as Kathryn called it, as "a raw nerve."  We wish to help you wrestle these feelings to the ground and heal the aftereffects of this lifetime here and now.

We invite you to use the tools we have given you to free yourselves completely.  You will need to work hard on yourselves, as we do.  You will raise your awareness, learn to take complete responsibility for your own feelings and thoughts, and grow in Light as you go forward.  It is the advancement you came here to achieve.

Let us address an issue many of you have encountered in your spiritual work.  You have learned of past lifetimes which might have involved traumatic events and you fear that those events have compromised your ability to heal and elevate yourselves in this lifetime.  I want to assure you, nothing could be further from the truth.  You have all experienced healing time between lives, and you came here to experience an echo of those times which would bring forward those feelings in such a way that you can heal them now, given the issues and people in your life in the present.  You do not need to uncover past traumas; you have all the information you need in this life, if you look honestly and clearly at the feelings you experience now.

It is a fair and reasonable system we operate under, even though you may have felt victimized or put upon by the people and events of your life.  I assure you, life is not unfair when you adjust your vision from a close-up view of the details of this present life to a wide-angle perspective that includes your soul education and enlightenment.  This is the most important element of your life experience, after all.   

I will offer you some new information about the current state of the Universe, however.  It has been a difficult time for the Company of Heaven because of some major events you may not be aware of.  The Universe is expanding at a great rate.  Our Creator/Source continues to create as a matter of Being - He/she cannot do otherwise.  As the Universes already in place expand and become elaborated in their complex interactions, other Universes are created and ready to be populated, with stars, planets, beings of every imaginable sort, and ever-changing possibilities.  We of the Company of Heaven are Co-creators with our beloved Source, the Beginning of all Beginnings.  

All of you, in your Higher Selves are intimately involved, each according to his special talents and abilities, in the creation, evolution and management of new worlds, new Universes.   As new worlds are created, new responsibilities and opportunities for service to the Whole present themselves.  

We are now in the midst of a tremendous expansion in the Multiverse.  This has presented opportunities for us as Ascended Masters to take on new responsibilities, and at times has challenged our abilities, just as a CEO of a multinational corporation might find it difficult to manage all facets of the organization simultaneously.  Like the CEO, we assign important tasks to our trusted colleagues and rely on them to oversee various elements of the business.

Such it is with Source, and with the Company of Heaven.  During this recent expansion in the Multiverse, the most intense period of creation taking place during what you have experienced as the past 20 years or so, there was a reshuffling, realigning of responsibilities that required many of us to be everywhere at once.  In the process, some were stretched beyond what you might call their "comfort zone" - especially the younger and less experienced souls.

You see, we are really very much like you.  Yes, we have greater Vision, more information, more power to manifest as we elevate ourselves into higher dimensions, but we still experience a similar challenging climb up the ladder to higher elevations of soul growth as you do.  It has been a time of great challenge for all, and during this time, the dark ones were able to move quickly to solidify their power on Planet Earth while we were working hard - and successfully - to contain their reach across other parts of our Universe.

We have ultimate faith in the power of Light to overcome all darkness, but for a time on the surface of Earth, the dark ones took hold in the imaginations and hearts of all humankind in a more toxic and deeply-rooted way than we anticipated.  The influx of Light you have experienced in past months was expected to wash away the dark ones' hold on all, in both the physical and psychological realm.  Unfortunately, their overweening confidence in their own power led them to unprecedented acts of brazen and impudent assault on God's Lightworkers, as a challenge to God himself.

You have felt these currents of battle, have you not?  We do not do battle in the 4th dimension in the same way you experience on Earth.  Light Warriors need no hardware or technology to overwhelm darkness, but we do abide by Universal Law, which forbids violence in our response to the dark ones.  However, the acting out of their destructive intentions was aimed at destroying humankind's connection with God and with us, and to create an atmosphere of despair in which they could tip the balance in their favor.  It was their intention to turn Planet Earth into their own Playground of Evil.

Creator/Source, whom I call Father, was outraged when he saw the extent of the inroads the dark ones had managed to make in a short time.  We were all alerted by Kathryn when she made her stand in defense of the fair application of Universal Law to protect our beloved humankind who have been so badly mistreated by the dark ones.  Other Lightworkers raised their voices as well, to plead for intervention, even while understanding that our hands are tied when it comes to interfering in certain cosmic events.

Since the difficult realization that humankind would require more assistance from us, we have stepped up our energies, pouring Light and Love into your atmosphere, and interceding where we can to assist you all in your daily lives.  With the approval of Source, we are now able to move more actively in your behalf to protect and shore up the work you have done - as Sananda told you - "We have your backs."  

We are actively accompanying all our Lightworkers, adding our energies to theirs in all their endeavors in service of bringing comfort, Love and Light to you all.  With Father's nod of approval, we were unleashed, so to speak, in a flood of creativity and excitement, escalating the intensity of our activities to assist our beloved brothers and sisters of Planet Earth.  With a reshuffling of responsibilities came a new rush of enthusiasm and commitment, just as you have felt in your own work.  We are on fire!

You are feeling the wave of Light, are you not?  It is carrying with it the foreshadowing of all the blessings to come - the abundance, the sense of brotherhood, and the promise of Paradise on Earth.  Join with us, Dear Ones, so that we may join with you, for this is the way of Heaven - you must take the lead.  We cannot offer our help unless you ask, nay, demand our presence in your lives.  Together, we work as One, a well-synchronized organism of Love and Light.

We are sending you help now in the form of a new leader.  You will be hearing of his presence shortly, and I know you will be delighted with his Light, his power and intelligence.  He is a Son of God, sent directly to you as a walk-in to assist you at this time in preparing the world for the return of our beloved Sananda, the one you knew as Jesus in his lifetime here.  He is eager to walk among you again, and will do so as soon as the conditions on the surface permit.  In the meantime, help us by lifting your hearts to connect directly to Father and to us, the Company of Heaven.  We are in service to you and all of Creation, the rich and diverse Multiverse that is our Galactic home.

You, Beloved Humans, are not the isolated race of beings inhabiting this small and insignificant planet alone on the edge of your galaxy, as your scientists would have you believe.  It is a solar system and a galaxy teaming with life, and you are a crucial lynch-pin in the great whirling expansion of worlds taking part around you.  You, behind the Veil, are a part of the most exciting dance imaginable, destined for worlds unknown and experiences unforetold.  

It is my great pleasure to tell you of these things, and to speak to you of the great Love we feel for all of you, and to be with you in these magical times of growth and celebration.  I too will walk among you again as Sananda's partner and feminine counterpart, as I did in our life together long ago.  You feel us coming closer, don't you?

Hold onto your halos, Dear Ones.  The time for the great explosion of Light is near.  Prepare yourselves well in the days to come.  Reach deeply into your own hearts to clear away all doubt, all frustration, all despair and anxiety, for these are the emotions of your dark history.  Walk with me into the Light, and let your hearts sing with the joy of being alive, awake and at peace with your Self first, and with those around you next.  You will help us to lead the way into the New Day on Planet Earth.

I am your Nada, in service to the Great Plan and to all humankind.

Transcribed by Kathryn May, January 17, 2015, 8 pm, New York


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5168 The Silken Coverlet, January 18, 2015 

God said: 

All of life on Earth can be viewed as a metaphor. Life is symbolic. Therein lies the tale.

Life in the world is like an overlay, perhaps like a bedspread but such a bedspread, the weave and colors and intricacy beyond belief and yet seen in diverse ways. This bedspread is made of the finest silk, embellished with diamonds and rubies and emeralds and other stones from the Earth including stones you may kick as you walk along. Among the threads appear straw and various greens and flowers from the Earth and all manners of things, pictures of sun and rain, hills and dales, images of trains and planes and light and dark and bright and muted and things never seen before and endless repetitions of what is seen much of the time, and, yet, the bedspread, as intricate and overwhelming as it may be, is only a coverlet. No matter what it is woven of and no matter how beautiful it is or how uproarious it may be, it is a coverlet that can also be lifted off.

In Our metaphor, under the coverlet lies a sleeping place that you lay your head on, and what dreams may come. And, beyond your wildest dreams lie greater riches. We can call this beyond the Source of All.

The coverlet is beautiful, yet there is greater than this. You have an idea of what is greater and beyond, and sometimes you have glimpses of the True Reality, and, always, by the very nature of life on Earth, you come back to the coverlet and prance upon it.

We could consider the Earth a trampoline you bounce on. What is the trampoline bouncing when it bounces you? There is more to you, too, than the eye can see, and, yet, the trampoline supports you. You spring on it. You also have a suspicion that you are greater than has been acknowledged by the world or yourself. Certainly, you have been underestimated and have underestimated yourself. The Truth of you is beyond the physical senses.

It is like you are a magnificent oak tree, and you haven’t quite noticed that you grew from a seed, and within the seed, lies…well, everything that is not a thing at all but, rather, a growing point of Infinity and Vastness and Eternity and Love that lying over the horizon of what is called practical life, and yet what is seen or not seen is vague and ephemeral and the hand cannot touch, the mind cannot grasp, only the heart can connect to the mysteries of life beyond the senses and which defy the senses.

Beloveds, you are a vessel on Earth. You do not even come close to what you carry. You are here to upturn the world and remove from the world all the imagined burdens and propensities. You are a heralder of what is called the new world. It is not really a new world. It is the world as it has always been. We could say that cataracts are removed from your eyes so you see the world now brightly in its true colors, colors beyond which you have ever seen, colors that defy gravity, colors that whisk away the coverlet so you can witness the greater underlying beauty.

There are all kinds of miracles. One of the miracles is that you have not yet seen all that, which, in truth, a coverlet cannot cover. The beauty of Earth is a marvel, and what the coverlet covers is mind-boggling and Earth-changing. What lies before you, even as there is no before or after or then and there. A majesty of treasures is already yours, not within the grasp of your hand or your mind, but within the reaches of your heart and finally to clear-sightedness where all is revealed to you and you reveal yourself to yourself and find yourself, and I cry out Hallelujah.


MARY MAGDALENE: Opening Your Throat Chakra

Configurations_clouds_and_the_sun1 By Nan deko

Part 7 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On November 16, 2014

At Unity of Sedona

Question: When I feel my heart opening, sometimes I’ll start coughing. I have the feeling that something isn’t so open in my throat chakra. I would like to know what that’s about and see if there’s something I need to work on.


Mary Magdalene: This is something that many people experience, though it might manifest in different ways.


In general, when there’s a blockage at the throat chakra, it’s a sign of suppression of your voice, your expression, your speech in some form or other. Many people have a history or past where they were told, perhaps as children, to be quiet and to not express themselves in some way. It could have been from parents, or school, or from many “corners.” So that may be involved.


Regardless of where it came from, the healing can be done in the present. It’s not necessary to return back to the source or even to understand the source. The source may not even be in this lifetime. It may be from previous lifetimes.


You can do all the things that are available for any kind of healing. First and foremost, I recommend that you pray. Ask for healing, for clarity of anything you need to understand about this, for guidance of what you need to do relative to this. That would be most valuable.


With the throat, in general, you can simply practice expression. Practice speaking up, when you notice yourself holding back. Or perhaps it involves a different type of expression. Perhaps it’s about expression of your work or your creative energy, your creativity and creative force coming through. You can practice those different forms of expression and see if that changes your experience.


You can certainly receive healing from others relative to your throat and your throat chakra.


Questioner: I’m very creative. I write and I speak, often too much! But there’s this other part, this kind of divine voice that comes through. It feels like it’s that voice that wants to be expressed. And I do want to express it. It comes through often. But I think it’s asking for more.


Mary Magdalene: It may need more space. It may need some setting aside of some of the other forms of expression, so that there is openness for this voice.


Questioner: Yes. I think I need that. Thank you.


Mary Magdalene: You are welcome.



Sivananda Daily Reading

19 January

Posted: 17 Jan 2015 10:00 PM PST

Fear is a great human curse. It is your worst enemy. Fear assumes many forms and blights many lives. But a calm mind brings courage. Then you will face the trials and difficulties of the spiritual path without fear. Fearlessness is a divine quality. What is fear? It is an imaginary zero; it is maya's deception. It is a mental delusion. It is a negative modification that arises in the mind-lake when one forgets his real, divine nature. It is a whirlpool that emanates from the chitta (mind) when one has lost his power of vichara (enquiry) and discrimination. It is the dark wave that proceeds from the ocean of antahkarana (mind) when one has intense attachment to the body.
Friends, there is nothing to fear really. Fear is due to acceptance of suggestion. Victory over fear really means victory over the thing that we fear. We attract to ourselves the very things we are afraid of. That is the universal law of nature. You need not be afraid of anything else in this world save fear itself.
Auto-suggestion helps a lot in removing fear. Assert the truth of being. Assert, "Nothing in the three worlds can make me afraid. I am absolutely fearless. My will is strong and irresistible." Make friends with the threatened experience, or the things you do not like. The raja yoga method is to repeat the formula: "I am courageous" or  "OM courage". In the morning meditate on the virtue of courage.
The devotee's method is to pray to God with faith and sincerity and to make perfect self-surrender: "O God, make me fearless. Grant me the virtue of courage. O Mother, take thy son in thy lap. Thou art fear; thou art courage. Let me see thee alone in all these forms". Feel the invisible helping hand of the ishta devata (your own deity). Have strong faith. Real strength lies in fearlessness. Remove fear of all sorts.
The vedantic method is to enquire: "Who am I?". Identify yourself with the inner Self. Assert: "I am the embodiment of courage - I am immortal Atman - I am not this perishable body. Who is to fear whom when all this is the Self?" This will destroy fear to its very root. How peaceful and strong are they who have victory over fear. May we all shine in divine glory, radiating courage all around. May the divine splendour, the brahmic aura shine in all faces and remove the darkness of fear, ignorance and terror. May we all attain that state of absolute fearlessness - brahmi sthiti (the state of Brahman). May we become one with the fearless Brahman.




