1-16-15 SaLuSa et al

If you are unhappy, even the moon irritates you, sweet things nauseate you, and music disturbs you. When you are calm and centered inside, noise is musical, clouds are magical, rain is liquid love. Sri Sri


SaLuSa, 16 January 2015

It has taken a long time to reach this point in your evolution, but we observe a new energy rising that is taking hold on Earth that is bringing co-operation and peace. After years of wars and confrontation, the new energies are awakening people to the peaceful pursuit of ways to bring about a harmonious co-existence between all people. Now when war threatens there are still those that respond in a like way, yet at the same time many, many more pursue peaceful solutions. We will certainly do what we can to influence and aid those who seek peace and a total end to war and find a peaceful solution. The voices of those who are tired of death and the waste of your Earth’s resources through aggressive behaviour, are gaining power and influence that will lead the way to peaceful co-operation and statesmanship. It will take time to persuade some people that war only benefits the few who have invested very heavily in it. However, time will bring forth many truths and reveal those who are its beneficiaries.

On the one hand you are being assailed by the actions of a small minority who are set on bringing terror to you, whilst those who champion the cause of peace are working very hard to bring it about. There is of course karma involved in all of these issues and it makes it difficult for you to comprehend exactly what is taking place. Our presence will ensure that matters do not get out of hand but as you must have realised for some time now, the old energies have to be “removed” in one way or another. As you must also know by now, fear is your greatest enemy and aids those who are known as the dark Ones. They thrive on creating fear and without it they would lose their power to block the Light. Their time is nearly up which is why we frequently remind you of the need to keep your vibrations as high as possible, and deny them every opportunity to fuel their needs.

Changes are all around you and not least of all those that relate to Mother Earth. She is preparing for a great upliftment in her vibrations, and wide ranging changes that are already become apparent to those who study such subjects. Do not fear the outcome as unlike previous Ages when great floods, fire or catastrophes have occurred at the end times, as you are to experience a peaceful move into the New Age. It has been the intention of the Spiritual Hierarchy to ensure that you complete the old Age with success, and it has been largely down to your resilience and firm intent to come through this period with your heads held high. You have of course received every help and many souls from the higher dimensions have taken part. When you consider how much support you have been given, you get an idea of how important your evolution is viewed. Yet you will find it difficult to fully comprehend your success, as it has reached much further than you can imagine.

Your loved ones look on and are aware of how well you are doing, and there will be great celebrations when your time is up and you meet again. Naturally they keep up with your progress which they follow with keen interest. So Dear Ones please bear in mind that not only are your family and friends are aware of your progress, they often try to impress you with their messages and console you when you are distressed. If not already aware you will be surprised to find your loved ones quite fit and healthy regardless of their condition when they passed over. Furthermore, they will be very aware and as alert as they were when a lot younger. There is so much to look forward to that you should have no need to concern yourselves about those who have gone before. No one is looked upon as being superior to another soul and wealth is no factor at all, as money has no place where all needs are provided by the power of thought. It may also lift some people up to know that even babies that have passed over grow up quite quickly in Spirit, and most will meet you as adults. The power of thought upon Earth is effective, but rarely acts as quickly as it does in the higher vibrations.

If your progress had not been interfered with your evolution would have advanced much more rapidly, and instead you have been denied such an opportunity. However, once you are allowed to benefit from advances that have been withheld from you and kept solely for the use of the Illuminati, you will quickly make up for lost time. As we have previously mentioned, the most spectacular changes will be when you benefit from free energy. Your scientists already know many uses for it and machines and equipment have already been designed and successfully tested. The future is waiting for you and holds many surprises, all of which will enhance your quality of life.

So as you make your way through the last antics of the dark Ones, know that in reality you do not have long to wait before wonderful changes start to take place. For you no doubt it would be a relief to be able to live in peace and prosper in a society based on love and sharing. It is coming but first the dark Ones and their power bases and weapons of destruction must be disabled and removed. Many advances have been kept secret at your expense and new technologies are hidden from your eyes. For example there are underground means of travel where speeds are reached of up to 700 miles an hour, and they already cover a large area of the globe. These advances will eventually benefit you all, and the future holds so many surprises that at present you can only dream of them.

We will ensure that when the time is right you are made aware of the new technologies, and they will be introduced to you. However, you will understand that there are those who would wish to keep them for themselves, and we have to first remove them so as to prevent interference with your progress. All these things will take time, but at least you will be aware as to what awaits you in the near future.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so pleased that the time has arrived to release information as to what the future holds for you. Keep strong in your faith and know that we are with you. I leave you with our love and blessings.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Tree of the Golden Light  


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5166 Make Peace with the Past, January 16, 2015 

God said: 

Mistakes happen. They are passing things. You are not to culture them and ruin your day because of them. You misinterpreted something. You have to let it go. A mistake was made. Apologize, and now you let it go, and you stride on. You are a strider. You move ahead in life. You get going in life. You step out of the past. So, you made a mistake. Wash your hands of it. Say Mea culpa once and forget it. The past is not to be an albatross around your neck. I know you. You hold yourself accountable, no one else. So far so good. Give yourself parole from servitude to the past now. Do not sentence yourself to regret and sorrow. Make your peace with what is past.

You are not always what you want to be. You are not always your hero. Part of you is a mistake-maker. Pardon that part of you. Guilt is not part of you. Guilt is a sorry add-on, and you are not to add guilt to your self-prescribed list of crimes. Even if no one else forgives you, forgive yourself. Forgiving yourself means to let whatever the mistake was go into the trash. That’s where disappointments in yourself have to go. You can’t store anymore past regrets. In fact, it’s time you tossed away those certain mistakes and even the possible ones. Give them a farewell if you must but get them out of your sight. To recollect them is like collecting flies. What would you keep them for? If you must atone, atone to the past by moving forward now.

That which is to be tossed aside, toss aside. Leave mistakes where they lie, or sweep them up. Let them disappear. They serve no function now all these mistakes except to laden you. Ladle yourself with the goodness you have done. Good grief, think of all the times you made no mistake, and when you arose to the occasion. Your mistakes were accidental. They were not deliberate. They were hasty. You were not looking carefully. You made assumptions that were not true, or you couldn’t see.

Here is what you must understand. Mistakes do not belong to you. You are not to keep them. You do not foster them. Errors you have made are not pets to keep. Throw away your mistakes up into the air or down a pit. It matters that you are done with them. Mistakes are always of the past, and the past is to be let go of. Have nothing hanging over you. Acknowledging a mistake is like smoking a cigarette. When it is finished, you squash it with your foot. You do not collect the cigarette butts.

You made a mistake. Not the first. Do not accumulate mistakes. Do not let them take your attention away from where you are on your way to. You are on your way to Me, and you get closer and closer. If you come to Me by car, sometimes you get a flat tire. It is temporary. You try to fix the flat tire. If you are able to fix it, it is no longer a flat tire. If it can’t be fixed, you abandon it. And this is what you must do with all mistakes you have made -- abandon them and get on with life. The mistakes you have accumulated are nothing but thoughts. You have better thoughts to think. Think them.

Look at the orange ball of sun that today sets in the sky. Notice the rustling of leaves that the wind makes. Notice the freshness of the air. Let the tune you sing be pleasant. Who in their right mind would put their attention on mistakes? Most likely, no one is counting your mistakes but you. Discount them. Uncount them. Be done with them. Mistakes are not to be worms that gnaw at you. You are sorry, and now you move on. This is what you have to do with the past. Lift your feet up and make new marks in the sand. You have good to do. You must not put a stamp of Mistake on your forehead and keep yourself in bondage to regrets. That you are on Earth is not a mistake. You march forward now. It is never a mistake to put one foot forward. Keep walking.


Michigan, US of A, January, 2015. 
Teacher Ophelius. 
Subject: “Vulnerability — The Condition for Attraction” 

Received by Chris Maurus. 

Ophelius: “Today I would like to speak about what it means to be ‘vulnerable.’ The context for which I speak of is the vulnerability of the heart. All meaningful and lasting relationships are formed when the heart is in this condition. Only when the heart is open, trusting and willing to be tested can a spiritual connection be formed and bonded. Relationships are spiritual by nature, and it can be no other way, for it was created this way and is a part of the mechanics of life in the universes. Vulnerability, therefore, is the condition of the heart that attracts the connection. 

“There are many of you who are ‘walking wounded’ for having once left your heart open and vulnerable to another only to become hurt, disappointed and disillusioned by the reality that love means something very different from one heart to another. From that painful lesson, you put up walls and fortresses around the heart to protect it from the pain of rejection and in doing so, your future relationships suffer by keeping all others at a distance. 

There is a saying on your world, ‘It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.’ There is much truth in this statement because there is eternal value in the ‘love’ and also is there value in the lesson of love lost. It is in the loss that you can find the understanding that love is not universally understood and that there are many layers that shroud its more pure form. It makes sense then to seek for it again in a more pure form or at least in a form that is closer to your own understanding of love. Yet, love can never be understood in a more pure form unless the heart is again made vulnerable where it can attract a more mirror-like connection.

“Salvation is nothing more than opening the heart in trust and faith to God and allowing yourself to be vulnerable by peeling away the protective layers that you have built up along the journey of your life. Think about those lifelong friendships you have — Do they not have a high degree of trust? These are friends you can talk to about anything without fear of judgment or rejection. Why is that? It is because the connection you have is bi-directional, open and trusting and it is very vulnerable because the loss of a friendship like this would be emotionally devastating. A trusting relationship like this has fewer layers that divide it and so the understanding of love between the two is more agreeable — there is greater synchrony. 

“The more spiritual growth there is, the greater is your understanding of love — for they are one and the same — The more you love, the more you grow, for this is a part of your purpose in life — to learn how to love. Learning how to love brings you in greater synchrony with God’s pure and unconditional love. Ascension therefore, is the journey to become perfect and god-like and it can only be achieved by your ability to learn how to love as God loves. This requires vulnerability of the heart, my friends. Without it, your relationships remain on the surface — they are illusions. To love with a pure and open heart is to be ‘real,’ and only those things that are ‘real’ go with you into eternity. 

“Peace to you, 
“The Circle of Seven.”

Edited by Linda Abell.

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” — Teacher Ophelius.


Sivananda Daily Reading

17 January

Posted: 15 Jan 2015 10:00 PM PST

Discipline of Speech 
Tame your tongue - it is an unruly devil. Sacrifice, gift, austerity, the study of the sacred scriptures, truthfulness - all these will help you to develop virtuous conduct. Practise austerity of speech. Whatever you speak must be truthful and beneficent.
Do not utter anything that will give annoyance to anybody. A thoughtless man who has not controlled his organ of speech and who speaks at random, is entangled in the foolishness of his own words. Therefore be very careful when you speak.
Speak little. Think twice, think ten times before you speak. Weigh the words carefully, before they come out of your mouth. Speak only words which can do good to others. Always be polite and courteous. Never speak in a harsh tone, never hurt the feelings of others.
Do not talk much. Become a man of measured words. God has given you two ears and two eyes. But He only gave you one tongue, so that you may hear and see more than you speak. Lingual diarrhoea is a terrible disease.
Words exist for the transmission of ideas. Words and ideas are inseparable; they are like fire and its heat, or like ice and its coldness. Be careful in the selection of your words. They can produce violent disturbance in the feelings of others. Speak only those words which give happiness and comfort to others.
Think more. Do much. Speak measured words. Let your tongue never utter an unkind word, or a harsh word. Let it never speak sharp criticism. An undisciplined tongue is a sword that cuts others' hearts. It produces a wound that will never heal, even in a lifetime.
Observe silence. You will have abundant energy. You will conserve your energy this way. You will enjoy peace of mind and good health. You will be able to turn out more work. Silence is soothing for brain and nerves.
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Your goal is God. Your centre is God. Your ideal is God. Turn back to God and realise everlasting bliss. Resting on Him you will be saved. As the lamp cannot burn without oil, so too, you cannot live without God. God is within you all the time, inspiring you, lifting you up. Withdraw. Aspire. Meditate. Realise.


