1-15-15 Blossom & A Real Live UFO

Blossom Goodchild - January 15, 2015

Blossom Goodchild:

Hello again.

I wanted to get a channelling done ASAP to inquire about the video I sent out for your viewing yesterday evening.

My inbox was full of delight, joy and amazement this morning ... with just a couple of ' A possible hoax'. Yet, I needed to know from The Federation Of Light.

This is what they said .

Hello my friends. Straight to it, if I may? A video has been put out, of a Lightship and 5 orbs descending from it. First of all, are you there?

Welcome in Loving arms to you and your dilemma.

Indeed, it is a dilemma … for as you know, secondly I am going to ask … is this for real or is this a hoax?

We would say to you in all OUR TRUTH that this Light show is not one from which we would take our name upon.

In other words it is a hoax?

A very clever one at that … is it not?

Indeed. Ok … so, I was thinking about this, depending on what your answer would be. A part of me could allow myself to be annoyed at the prankster. Another part of me thinks … ‘Oh well, it certainly uplifted so many while it lasted' … judging by my inbox. So … to say to you … if a hoax can cause so much upliftment (only to be thwarted, once Truth discovered) … do you not see how uplifting a REAL LIGHT SHOW from YOU would be? You know … THE ACTUAL REAL THING. I was SO excited going to bed last night … imagining more and more of this kind of thing happening. I FELT it would make such a difference to the Planet and its Vibration. Just saying! Just repeating what I always say … ‘SOMETHING LIKE THIS … EVEN BIGGER MAYBE … FROM YOU … WOULD DO US ALL … THE WORLD OF GOOD!’

We accept that which you are saying.

No point in stirring it all up. We’ve been down this road too many times. Yet please, take note of how excited AND READY everyone was about this. Just before we move on, I would like to thank you for this answer. I, for obvious reasons, was a little apprehensive going into the questioning.

Yet, we can FEEL in you … your True disappointment.

Yep. Actually, after being so High about it, I now feel REALLY low. I shouldn’t be attached and to be honest … I had to do a long meditation before I began, as I was a little stressed anyway this morning. I guess this has just added to it. So, onwards to Brighter stuff!

And there is much of that to be had. We ask you not to let someone’s fun and games bring your Vibration down. For Each One of you KNOW that you are above allowing this to be. You can, without doubt … FEEL THE CHANGE IN ENERGY THAT IS STRONGLY TAKING HOLD UPON YOUR PLANET to the delight of many. You are aware that, that which is to come shall be so very heart lifting.

You stated the obvious to us … regarding the upliftment this particular video brought to one’s hearts … and indeed, we reiterate that there is more of the same to come … yet, in a position that is of TRUTH.

The facts are Blossom … this coming year shall divulge unto you … so much more of what you have been longing for and indeed expecting. So, hang onto your hats.

With all respect … My hat disintegrated a few years ago!!  

That feels better does it not? Your humour has a magical effect on yourself … as well as many.

Well, to keep positive I shall just say … I look forward to it greatly!

Would many of you not say that you are noticing a change in ‘who you think you are’? … For want of a better way of explaining.


You are allowing that feeling to get the better of you and so it should.

It is as if ‘The Calling’ you heart is responding to, is letting you KNOW that everything is really ready and about to step up in Vibration and pace. You are tired of having unresponsive …

Unresponsive what? We went blank there …  … Still nothing! … ... All ok?

Yes, all is more than fine. The delay in the communication is the need to find the correct vocabulary that befits that which we are trying to express.

You have been unresponsive to your faculties … in many segments of yourselves and this has led you to feel disappointment and disillusion. Yet … as the veil is lifting and these powerful Energies are entering in … you shall find your spirit Beings so very much more RESPONSIVE to ALL THAT YOU ARE … and this in turn ... allows you to bring forth gifts of untold treasures.

You shall surprize yourselves and each other over and over with that which you are able to access from within.

Again, we accent the importance … by choice only … of going inwards. The silence within you … the nothing - space that you travel to … whilst in meditation means you are able to contact the Higher part of yourself that is LONGING to be heard .




This indeed sounds exciting. Why now?

Because your Vibrational pull on Earth has reached a pitch that allows the Higher Energies to blend and create the change within you.

This change … when accessed within … will then allow the Change without … to materialize.

So, simply by meditation … this is how we bring all this about?

There is far more to you than meditation. Yet, in humour … we would also say …. There is only the need to breathe and you have everything you need.

You speak quite a lot about the breath … What am I missing?

The fact that it contains so much more than the automatic mechanism that you take for granted.

In what way?

In a way that ‘gives you life’. Is it not that if your stop breathing … your body ceases to function?


So, would you not think that such a mechanism holds far more secrets to its intense purpose than just breathing air in and out to survive?

Well,  I’ve only thought more about it through you talking about it and breathing deeply in meditation … yet, I still don’t quite get it.

We say then … that the breath has secrets to reveal to you. Listen to the sound of your breath. Allow it to take you beyond your worldly knowledge and impart knowledge that your soul longs to engage with.

Even when carrying out daily tasks … give thanks for your breath. Be aware of it … take moments to expand within it … and contract into the Love that breath is.

Wait a minute … breath is LOVE? I’m laughing because I know you want to say …




If you become in tune with this KNOWING … if you make yourself fully aware … at all times, that you are breathing in LOVE … so, that KNOWING this becomes as automatic as breathing itself … you will feel a change in who you are.

Who you are … LOVE … will then be responding in every breath taken with itself. Raising you to a Higher level of self. SIMPLE.

I suppose it is … So, we just have to KNOW that. Right?

KNOWING is the key to all that your soul self-desires to BE. When you KNOW that YOU ARE LOVE … when you KNOW that every breath you take … you are absorbing more Love … imagine then, the blending of the two and how it will lift you up … JUST BECAUSE OF THAT KNOWING.

OK. I will work on that. Can’t help but think back to the beginning of this conversation and the hoax thing. I guess a positive way to look at it is … that one day … as you say … we will KNOW … that what we are seeing cannot possibly be a hoax. It will be so TRUE … SO OUTSTANDING … SO REAL. So, you’re absolutely sure it wasn’t from you?  I have to laugh … I don’t really want to let go … I so wanted it to be TRUE.

We state categorically Blossom … that this little intervention … this little game … was devised to thrill … yet, not by us.

Let’s check on that … When you say ‘not by us’ … you mean by The Galactic Family in general?


Oh poop! Hey Ho! So, it’s now up to me … in my choice … to keep my Vibration High today and continue forth in the expectation that one day … I won’t even have to check in with you about something like this … because we will simply KNOW it to be TRUTH … due to the enormity of it.

Meanwhile our Earth friends … our souls of Light that have so valiantly remained in their Truth … even during times that Truth has been distorted and swayed … we THANK YOU.

We THANK YOU … for BEING the ones on the ‘main deck’ … who have to weather all storms … yet, do so … with your heart so securely fastened to YOUR TRUTH … for you KNOW that the still waters and the beauty and the tranquillity that is to engulf you … is on its way to you … through you … as you … for you.

Be not downhearted at another’s ploy to fool you … Send Love to that soul … that should do ‘the trick’!

I know. I know you’re right ... Thanks for all you give. Thanks for all you are. Although I was hoping you would say it was not a hoax, I am grateful for the Truth, yet, a little disappointed … none the less.


Then, I do hope it comes quickly.  Bye for now. In Love and thanks. xxx       

Website: Blossom Goodchild
An audio version of Blossom's channelings can be found

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Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5165 Life as a Picture Book, January 15, 2015 

God said: 

Beloveds, I have heard you say to Me:

“God, when I look back on my life, it is, as You say, like something I read about or made up. The place where I was born and where I have traveled and even where I am now seem imagined and very far away in time and space, as if they were no more than thoughts. I have a sense of not having been anywhere ever, or knowing where I am now even as I sit in my chair. It’s as if there is nowhere to be. In one sense, this farawayness seems like progress while, at the same time, I feel lost at sea. Is it boundaries I cry for?”

Beloveds, most certainly you are missing the comfort of boundaries. You are, in a sense, dislocated. It’s like memories are all so far away in the distance that you are no longer attached to them. It’s like memories are thoughts you pluck out of nowhere and have nothing to do with the present-day so-called you.

You suppose this means you are not attached, yet it seems you are attached to the attachment. It is as if your memories are not really connected to you, and yet they are the memories you have, and when you think of your mother and father and brothers and sisters all gone, you are so sad. You know what you want is impossible on this level, and yet you still wish you could have everything back on Earth again as it used to be even for a few minutes.

Beloveds, your family was never real. Life was always something made up. You were reading a picture book, and you thought you yourself were in the book too and that the picture book was real life on Earth. Yes, you thought you were somewhere and that there were places like Tinsel Town and corn fields to be when there is no place at all.

You feel like you should be happy now, yet feeling unconnected is not happy for you. Now you begin to think that you have felt disconnected all your life from everyone and everything no matter how much the people and the events meant to you. You may have always been an outsider wandering in the wilderness even when the wilderness was your sense of aloneness. And now you tell yourself that you are going through a hard time.

Go through this if you must call it a hard time, and then walk on air and get over here to Me, even as there is no here and no there. Stand tall with Me. Align with Me. Rise to your natural state of Oneness until there is no I, no God out there at all, and not you either, simply Oneness, simply Light, simply All That There Is and Nothing at All as you have wound yourself up to be.

You have desire mixed with fear. You really do want to lose yourself, yet you fear being lost. You wonder how you can find yourself again, for now you find yourself so far away from yourself as you have known yourself to be.

I am going to count noses now of all present here with Me now. I count One.

Remember when you were very young and how your father would take away your nose and show it to you as the tip of his thumb glimpsed through his fingers? This was a delicious moment, and you would squeal, “Give me back my nose! Give me back my nose back!” You knew your nose was intact at the same time as you felt incomplete and had to have your nose back, or you knew not what.

This childhood game is stilled played in life one way or another. All of that which is on Earth is a game. We can call it a game of Now you see Me, and now you don’t. Decide. Come, merge with Me.


Illawarra District, Australia, January, 2015. 
Teacher Samuel of Panoptia. 
Subject: “Thrown Off the Deep End” — Part Two. 

Received by George Barnard. 

Teacher Samuel: “It’s good to have a break, to spend some time in total silence, quite alone and as if in a dark forest or on a deserted beach. We follow on now from our earlier talk about life on an evolutionary planet, in your case a decimal planet, a rebellious one as well as the very planet on which our Michael completed his last bestowal. On top of all that, your home planet is often referred to as an irregular planet. What does it mean for the planet to be irregular? 

“It means that your planet has not progressed in the normal way. In straight language it states that the planet is abnormal. And in many places it means that its citizens’ behavior — whilst it may be classed as normal — is in fact quite over the top. Yes, you might call it that. Your countless generations of humans and Angels having lived through the Lucifer rebellion, the Caligastia betrayal and the Adamic default are still recuperating, needing more time to shake off an insane past. Will you give yourself the time to escape or actually face this lunacy? 

“You are left with many races, some pure, some blended and with little evidence of the Adamite to be discovered, but are you seeing all as your brothers and sisters and as equal in your eyes as in the eyes of God? As the years go by, more and more of you are meant to accept others as they are, not as you would prefer them to be. Open your eyes, your ears, your hearts and learn to understand them. Once you understand their ways you will admire them. Once you see what they are about you will respect them. 

“Soon you will not be far away from loving them, because whatever race or color they are, they want happiness, a place to live, a job to do, a family to feed and educate. You will see them just the way you are. You will see them to be your siblings in every way. It will take time but you can do it. At such a time or even before, you will inaugurate a ‘new deal’ for your planet by respecting her more, by tending to her needs, her flora and fauna and by vastly reducing your greed-stoked digging, your insatiable burrowing and voracious tunneling. 

“Yes, we speak of your most ravenous mining efforts that so maim your world. We address you about what you take from the ground, refine and bury back under the ground in your vaults. 

“An unwelcome crisis will come, make no mistake, yet beyond its time you will organize yourself to with great care select those who must lead you. Essential to this exercise will be the accurate recording of your past, a cessation of your falsifying and re-inventing historical records. Fear not a downturn, for good times will follow. 

“It will surely be of my personal delight to in time discover that Urantia was progressing as did the Panoptian world of my years. This is Samuel. Aaron and I send you our love.” 

George (smiling): “Thank you. We’re famous and irregular, but you give us heart.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


Sivananda Daily Reading

16 January

Posted: 14 Jan 2015 10:00 PM PST

Man of Self-Control 
Men of self-control become sinless and fearless. They acquire great results. Every sort of excitement is effortlessly controlled by self-control. The enemies of the self-controlled man are seen by him - they are lust, anger, desire - as if they dwell in a separate body.
The self-controlled man becomes desirous of liberation. He quietly bears present joys and sorrows and griefs; he is never overjoyed or depressed by prospective ones. He is devoid of all vindictiveness and guile. He is unaffected by praise or censure.
A self-controlled man is well-balanced. He has good manners, purity and fortitude. He is a perfect master of his passions. He is devoted to universal benevolence. He never feels animosity for anyone. He is tranquil, wise and cheerful.
A self-controlled man is endowed with intelligence. He gains universal reverence. He fears no creature and in return he is feared by no creature.
Overcoming lust and anger, practising the vow of brahmacharya (celibacy) and becoming a complete master of the senses, the holy one patiently waits. Practising the austerest of penances and observing the most rigid of restraints, he lives in the world and calmly waits the time. He is like somebody who has a body and yet seems to know that he is not subject to destruction.
- - -
Meditation is freeing the mind from all objects and thoughts of sensual enjoyment. If this is done then God-realisation comes of itself. God will enthrone himself in your heart and meditation will come of itself. If you bring a light into a cave which has been dark for thousands of years, the darkness will vanish at once, by itself. You do not have to strive to drive the darkness away. If you attempt to put your hand into a pot which is filled with dust and dirt, you cannot. But if you empty it, then you can easily put your hand into the pot. Even so, if you empty the mind of all its dust and dirt, God will enter into it in the twinkling of an eye.


A mind that has become no mind, and has come back to its source, is meditation. - Sri Sri


