11-29-14 Blossom

Blossom Goodchild - November 29, 2014

Hi my friends. There is an issue regarding the last channelling that I would like to clarify. Entirely ‘our’ fault, as I FEEL ‘we’ knew what we meant, but a little unclear to readers in the way it read. It’s about The Greys being in cahoots with those controlling the planet. It read as if The Greys were the E.T race that were captured. Whereas, I do not believe this to be the case. I felt it another race of E.T’s that are being held. Can you clear this up for me please?

Welcome Dearest Souls, to the cause of moving planet Earth into her Higher position. We are aware of the issue mentioned Blossom, due to your thoughts. Many readers feel so saddened by what they learned regarding the captivity of E.T’s that came to help. We will speak of this later, yet, for now, let us clear up the matter in hand.

It is not The Greys that are held captive … although … this is not entirely correct … as ‘some are’. You see, like in your world … there are ‘split factions’ of those who wish to do good and those who wish only to benefit themselves. This is the case with the race of The Greys.  Some have ‘gone over to the darker side’ and some remain in their original Truth of Love. This would not be a rare case on many planets. Yet, in comparison to the number of planets there are … very few.

So, yes … there are some ‘non-conforming Greys’ to the wishes of the dark side that have been ‘used and abused’ and there are others of the same race that … as we say …  go along with those that wish harm … in order to have their needs met.

We are VERY aware Blossom, that you have chosen not to go too far into these matters. We respect this, yet, we shall give a little information in order to satisfy the questions concerning our last channelling.

Thank you. I am not being a wuss … I just don’t think it wise to focus on this kind of stuff. Many do … and that’s fine … yet, not here. I personally do not feel it benefits the lifting of the vibration, which, after all, is what we are here for. So, can you tell us who ARE the E.T’s in captivity?

They are from non-conforming gatherings of different ‘breeding’s’.  That is to say … they are a mixture of Beings from many places … that were ‘searched out’ for their aptitudes and when asked to assist … naturally agreed to go. So, we could not say that they are all from a particular place.

As you can imagine it was a huge mission.

That turned sour, by the sound of it.

In the eyes of Earthlings.

So, what? With all respect, you are saying this too, does not matter?

The ‘does not matter’ aspect is not how YOU FEEL it.

What happened in this particular plan ... happened. Like your lives … opportunities that are presented to you, for your growth … can be viewed one way or another. You will still grow from the experience, yet, which road you choose to walk is entirely up to you.

Your ATTITUDE towards ALL THINGS is entirely up to you.

Our beloved friends in captivity … as we stated last time … are not ‘in the same boat’ as you. Therefore, it appears differently to you, than it does for them.

In what way? For, you said they experienced pain when tortured ... as we do.

This is so. Yet, how may we put it? They experience it from the KNOWING/UNDERSTANDING of a Higher place. Therefore, the acceptance of what is happening to them, although not the best scenario … is ‘taken for the team’ … as we believe is an expression. It is part of the experience that is laid before them … in order to serve as The Light … for The Whole.

Have not many in your world done the same … in the name of their total faith in their God?

Yes. Yet it all seems so ‘nasty’. Many wonder how they are continually allowed to get away with it … these rogues!! Which leads me on to the next question, and I feel there is quite a lot to get through … the matter of the underground bunkers. Again, much dismay from folk, to hear that they were not all destroyed.

We can only come from OUR TRUTH Blossom. These things that we speak of are continuing to take place in these hidden ‘warrens’.

Were many cleared out and just a few left, or, (hopefully not) … the other way around?

We would suggest that you consider the possibility of these ‘rogues’, as you have light-heartedly called them …

Only to keep the vibration up.

to be very astute. For indeed, if they were not … they would not be in the position they have worked towards accomplishing. They are from a race of Beings that will stop at nothing to have their needs met. We would go as far as to say … that they do not FEEL as you do. They are so obsessed with their greed and needs … that emotion is devoid from their Beings in many cases. And yet … we still choose to call them ‘lost souls’ for indeed, this is what they are.

Ok, so … back to the bunkers.

Yes. There are major ‘housings’ still intact.

How many?

We do not know exactly.

Would you care to speak of the ‘clearing out’ of some? This is something I know very little about.

In OUR TRUTH… we would say … it is not our department!

Yet, you must know about it … being the Overseers of the Overseers … or did you ‘overlook’ this one?

We are aware of aims and protective insurances.

Actually, I have to be honest here … I am struggling a bit with all this, because I am holding back. I feel awkward about perhaps ‘knocking’ that which has been spoken of by other channellers and indeed non channellers, regarding these bunkers. I do not wish to open a can of worms. Especially as I am not that cool with this topic in the first place. Yet, we started, so we must finish. I will TRY and get out of the way ……………..

Ok, I am just going to have to stick my neck out here and my heart is racing … but I am wondering if ANY OF THEM have been blown up or cleared out … and while we are ‘going for gold’ … I also heard that most of the ‘dodgy folk’ have been taken away to another planet/space/place and are being held there … to ‘think about what they have done’. YOUR TRUTH on this is ...?

OUR TRUTH on this is YOUR TRUTH on this.

Oh poop! That’s what I was afraid of. That's what I thought I was picking up on.

You see, Blossom … we FEEL your thoughts about ‘others’. Yet, we cannot protect others for the sake of keeping them in a bubble. Have we not said many times before … that one must be discerning and discover their own Truth? We can only give ours. If it does not resonate with one that is reading … we do not send them scorn or judgement. We send them Love and well-wishing thoughts, in order for them to follow their pathway home.

I have no idea whose ‘Truth’ you have just blown out of the water. I do not know who mentioned these things in the first place. I can only go with YOU because I TRUST you. Our relationship wasn’t born yesterday. So, to confirm and move on … the bunkers … the removal of the baddies?

We would tell you, that much which was told in transitioning expectation … was done so out of this very thing. Expectation.

I heard there was proof that these bunkers have been destroyed.

 No more proof than we have … that we are speaking with you.

Steady Neddy. Meaning what exactly?

You are taking us into your heart and YOUR proof is the FEELING we offer you. There are not photographs … is this correct?

Hey! If I had some holiday snaps of you and I drinking Pina Colada, lounging around a pool in Hawaii somewhere … many who are ‘unsure’ what to think of you … would suddenly FEEL a whole lot better!

In the same way … have you seen proof of these excavations of these underground facilities?

No. Yet, I haven’t gone looking. There may be some. As I say, I haven’t looked into any of this very much really.

When you do not have physical evidence … then your only outlet is your FEELINGS. If you cannot Trust these … what can you Trust?

Good point. So, may we move on now?  Many would like to know how they can help those that are in captivity, in these tubes?

We are aware of the heartfelt responses from many regarding this. And just by those responses … so much upliftment OF ALL/FOR ALL took place. To assist these souls is no different from assisting a soul of Earth in the same situation.


From the deepest level of your existence … take time daily to uplift YOUR SOUL and ALL SOULS.

I believe you are aware of a gentleman who is working so hard to get Global Togetherness at given times to meditate? *Please see note at the end of this message.

We are very aware of this FINE gentleman and his ongoing, never relenting, persistence in transforming humanity back into that which he KNOWS IS THE LIGHT OF TRUTH. We take this moment to honour his work and all he HAS done … in both rough and smooth times. This, which he is offering is indeed a wonderful opportunity to bring humanity together. For it has been often proven that ‘the more the merrier’ makes such a difference to the raising of the vibration.

When you join with each other … it is like … we would give an analogy of your ‘joining of the dots’ … all on one page … looking like random dots. Yet, when joined up … what a different picture they present. Strength in numbers.

We choose to finish todays ‘chat’ on an uplifting note.

Lah! Oh, not that one!

Although from one perspective of ALL that takes place on your planet … things may appear rather bleak … from another, things are really ‘stepping up’. Rays of sunshine are brighter and stronger and offering more Light to your world … which in turn assists the Energies and transforms the heavier … into the Lighter.

All within the plan … The Divine Plan … is still very much on track.

We are in Great Joy.

Learn to detach dear friends. For all is not as it seems.

There is the dark side of the moon and the Sunny side … both present, yet, it depends on which you choose to focus on.

When you are no longer of this planetary vibration … you will smile and say … ‘Ah, NOW I get it’.

Looking forward to ‘Getting that’ … very much indeed. I will close for today. Thank you … for opening  up. I do hope it’s not a big can of worms. I simply am not up for it … to be frank!

We too, have been frank … We can be no other way.

We LOVE you. WE LOVE ALL LIFE … and we desire to assist in its unfolding.

Well, if it helps, from my point of view, you are doing a GOOD JOB! In Love and thanks.

Next day
Hello, once again my friends. I wanted to add a little extra time this week, just to keep abreast of everything. I appreciate your frankness yesterday and although I struggled with ‘bravery needed’ to send it out … regarding YOUR TRUTH of the bunkers etc. … I accept that I must. So, I will.

One other issue though that some are writing in about, is regarding your statement given some time back … (20.10.13)  and I quote …

"Actually, someone suggested to ask you if you could give a percent of likelihood of The Event taking place in 2013, 2014, 2015 … and then at least we had some idea as to how close you actually mean … would you consider giving us an answer to that?

We would say in all ‘safety’ … that the likelihood of us showing up before the year 2014 is over is very strong. "

Now … I would dearly Love to ‘skip’ this … yet on behalf of readers … that would not be right. So, in LOVE and TRUST and the very good mood I am in … what would you have to say about this?

Is this not one of the very reasons you were accepted for this role Blossom? To make sure, without doubt that ‘nothing’ gets overlooked or slipped under the mat?

Maybe so … You know me well.

We do. You know us very well, also. And regarding this matter, we would connect with you strongly, in saying that we only offer you Truth.

So, is there a very strong likelihood that you will show up before the end of 2014? Far out … I can pick up on the answer already … you are going to say …


Here’s a spade … start digging.

We understand your sentiment.

Don’t get me wrong … I am not cross … maybe a little confused and keen to know what explanation you have for this answer, this time, that won’t put many off reading your words next year!

Blossom … as we have stated many times … this is not a popularity contest. Those who resonate with our words KNOW from a deep place within … that we come in Love and we offer Truth. For those who do not FEEL this way about US … we do not FEEL we MUST change their thought pattern. That is not for us to do. They must find Peace and Truth within ‘their’ Beings about such matters. That is all that is important.

Yep. I know that. That’s why I ‘m still aboard. Yet, the reason that showing up is now unlikely, is?

Is because we choose to renege on this that we offered, because it is no longer compatible with the continual process of moving forward with the plan in hand.

Ooooh Lovies! Some folk will not be pleased with that statement! I double checked the word ‘reneged’ and came across ‘Withdraw from’ … which sounds much nicer than 'to go back on a promise’ or ‘fail to honour’.

And we thank you for your research … for does not ‘withdraw from’ appear more suitable?

To me … in your defence … yes. So, pass ME the spade now, if you would … Why is it no longer compatible to do so?

Because ‘EVENTS’ upon your planet are not conducive to such a happening.

Are we/were we … talking here of the GRAND EVENT ... or, just a Petite Grand Event, as in, YOU making a celebrity appearance?

We are not/were not … talking of THE EVENT. Yet, we were hoping for the opportunity to present ourselves in a manner that would give those of Earth good reason to believe.

You see … with your intelligence and technology … I have to question WHY … once again … moan moan, moan … you are unable to do something? What did the councils say about this? Once I had accepted ‘this’ actually goes to council?

They appreciate your willingness to persevere. Yet, they cannot follow through necessarily, with a plan that you of Earth would like, because it may severely interfere with the OVERALL plan.

You know … don’t you? I know you do. That so many are tired of waiting and the longer this goes on … whether we accept your reasoning of being unable to show or not … the more folk are just plain fed up, of what they consider to be excuses. With respect … do you see the damage you will have done to many people’s expectations; by saying there is a strong likelihood of you showing by the end of 2014? Yet, now it is here … you’re not going to be able to! It doesn’t bode well in the eyes of us Earthlings, chaps … It REALLY doesn’t.

Let us once again be frank.

Franks a busy boy today!

We use time frames to try and assist … because that is what you are asking. We have mentioned many times that ‘time’ does not exist. It is a matter of fragmentations … one in *concession after another. Should it be that these fragments do not happen within the ‘time frame’ expected … then the following fragment cannot occur … unless the one preceding it has ‘taken its place in the scheme of things’.

Yes, I was having a discussion with someone about that recently. What would you say ‘should’ have happened, that hasn’t … so that you cannot show?

There has not been the coagulation of companies. By that we mean … gatherings of necessary important political Beings … that live on the sunny side of the street, shall we say … that have been able to put into place certain documentations … for want of a better word once again … that would fall nicely into a position, that would then allow us to ‘fly into your skies’ at will … without possible attack … or, influences that make us appear to be something we are not.

After so long of waiting Blossom … it would seem such a shame to ‘blow it all apart’ … because patience of those … who do not fully understand the bigger picture had run out … and we felt we needed to score some ‘brownie points’. We do not need to do so. We would not consider doing so. It would not be fitting to rush … right at the finishing line … when we are so close to ‘bringing the TRUTH to your door step’. There is too much at stake … and we cannot compromise.

We are aware of the needs on Earth and the struggles undertaken trying to keep one’s head above water at times. Yet, we KNOW you are strong and shall keep afloat. We simply KNOW this.

You have a choice to TRUST in our word or not. As we say … we do not hold you to ransom. We do not insist you TRUST us.

We … from our Loving form … ask you to ask yourselves … YOUR TRUTH … and follow it. We ask of you no more and no less than that.

That all FEELS good to me. And I , more than anyone have had my fair share of questioning of TRUTH between us. And do you know what? I am going to lay myself on the line by saying … that I wouldn’t put it past you to ‘send us a little Christmas cheer’ in some form or another. And you know me … I wouldn’t bring that up unless I felt it!


Oops, I think I just shot myself in the foot! Doesn’t matter either way, does it? It all simply … does not matter! Yet, as you say … We can certainly do our bit by keeping the vibration High. This is my pledge to you … To ALL. We are done I feel, for today. Many thanks … many thanks indeed for your TRUTH on this matter. That’s all you can give and very grateful I am for it.

Our thanks to Each One for your LOVE also.


*  GLOBAL MEDIATION COMMUNITY --- "GGF Factor" --- The daily meditative GOOD FEELING FACTOR. Contact Russ Michael Age-Reveral@aon.at

** Concession (contract) (sometimes called a concession agreement): a contractual right to carry on a certain kind of business or activity in an area, such as to explore or develop its natural resources.

*** The Federation Of Light speak of LOVE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmsCqVjqSss

**** An Invocation from Feb 14th. Always good to do when you FEEL like it . It all helps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gqmukxqt2rU

Website: Blossom Goodchild
An audio version of Blossom's channelings can be found


God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5118 Being True to Yourself , November 29, 2014 

God said: 

I love you. End of story. That’s it. That’s all you have to know. This is enough to make you a knight who rides through life the way a fish swims through water.

With My love increasing in your eyes, what can hold you back? What can stop you or delay you? With My love strongly supporting you, what is there you cannot do? What is not a blessing no matter what it may look like to you or to others? Who is not your brother? Who is there that your heart cannot send blessings to? Who is there that you cannot give a moment of love to or share a moment of love with?

What comes before love, dear ones? Anything?

Please do not misunderstand Me. I am not advocating that you be on a Love Campaign or Love Parade. Quietly go about your day and allow love to usher from you. You don’t have to say a word about it. Just let love come forth from you as you live your life. You are not making love a project. You are simply being without resistance to giving love while you are at it.

There is nothing hard about it. You think there is. If love is too hard for you to put your arms around, then simply think in terms of friendliness or courtesy or even grace. Be not a withholder of love. Love from you could be looking straight into someone’s eyes.

No one who appears before you is to be unseen or denied. That is all. Someone does not have to be high in your esteem in order to be acknowledged. How you live your life is up to you and not the person in front of you. And if you cannot carry love in your heart for this one or that one, perhaps you can like them a little bit. You do not have to cast them aside. You don’t have to throw them out. You don’t have to embrace them, nor do you have to take away your grace from them. No one has to be a pinch to your heart, nor do you have to pinch another’s heart. Open hearts, yours and others. Don’t squeeze any heart closed.

What do you think getting out of the past means? It means letting the past go. Perhaps yesterday you deeply disliked someone or something. Today you are not obliged to continue in that vein. Dispense with being self-righteous and stuck on your opinions. Down with opinions. Do not let opinions be forms of discrimination. Unless you welcome to whatever degree you are able to at a given moment, you are discriminating. Cast off discrimination, not people.

Give a nod to the idea that everyone is My child and, therefore, your brother or sister. Not everyone on Earth grew up with a loving family. If this is the case for you, it doesn’t mean that you cannot be caring and responsible for giving, if not joy, at least not giving hurt or avoidance.

When you think about life and all it incurs and what some people go through, how can you not spread a little sunshine? Just a little. You don’t have to go overboard. It’s true that everyone needs a lift. What is more significant, however, is that you need to be one who uplifts. Carry upliftment rather than resentment or dislike. No matter what, it is not to your credit to dismiss anyone.

If you diminish anyone, you are diminishing yourself. Diminish diminishment. Increase upliftment. Be a blessing to all. Why not, beloveds? Why not? Welcoming to your heart is better than evicting anyone from your heart. You don’t have to be lovey-dovey. You do not have to spend time with everyone, yet, when your paths cross, be pleasant. That is truly being true to your Self.


Second Phase Heart Chakra Ascension 


Second Phase Heart Chakra Ascension by Archangel Michael

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 28th November 2014 – www.omna.org

Do you feel your heart chakra transforming? Do you feel your capacity to love and be love enhancing? Are you experiencing the suffering of your past coming up once more through your heart chakra to be experience and released?

This is a most sacred time upon the Earth and the inner planes, especially as you move from 2014 into 2015, the heart chakra of the Creator which is the deepest purest core of love is expanding, pumping greater volumes of love into the vibrations of all. All which occurs within the Creator occurs within every soul upon the inner planes and the Earth. For some it is uncomfortable that the purest core of love within their heart chakra and soul is expanding, merging and synthesising with their entire being. This is causing a deep activation of healing. The pure vibration of love can sometimes feel like an imposter within the beings of many causing chaos, unbalance and a purging of energies, thoughts, emotions and consciousness. If one chooses to consciously or unconsciously resist the arising pure vibrations of love within their being then of course a battle begins and yet if one is able to set their sight upon the divine truth within their being therefore viewing everything from that perspective then the pure love will feel like a bonus, a miracle and a healing. A deep expansion of the heart chakra will be experienced, developing your capacity to be and express love as well as acknowledging the world around you as love.

This is more than simply a greater wave of love being sent to you to enhance your vibrations and ascension. It is akin to a deep awakening within your being of truth. For each soul upon the Earth the awakening of love will have a unique and diverse influence on their being and reality. The truth awoken within souls and heart chakras will also be diverse, filled with magic and a deeper essence of your soul.

If you have been searching for your true self, your essence or your purpose then the activation within your being at this time will be all that you seek. Its vibration and energy is of truth born from love, it is exactly what your soul believes you require at this moment of your ascension. There is an opportunity of greater fulfilment; the enormity of this fulfilment depends upon your capacity to accept and the expansion of your perspective. The truth born from love activated from your soul will come forth to you as a gradual energy, vibration and consciousness activating a gradual process of embodiment before its complete manifestation in your reality.  The activation may also ask you to let go of unneeded energies within your being or reality in order to encourage your vibration to soar and to make space for the new energies which are more aligned to your soul.

It is a most wonderful time and it is the second level of heart chakra activation and expansion in the New Era of Love. The first activation occurred directly before or just after the transition of all moving into 2012- 2013. Some people upon the Earth experience an expansion of their love while others experience a disappointment in the reality before them. This in truth was an activation of the pure core love of the Creator within all, causing an enhancement of love or a deep purification of old energies, habits and beliefs to make space for love. Now almost two years later the same is occurring again; a deep enhancement of love and a deep purification of all that hinders love. Since the end of 2012 and before you have been moving upon a wave of energy which is continuously evolving in energetic vibration, meaning the speed of your energy vibration is constantly quickening. The vibra tions of love you are and will experience at this time are far more heightened and yet as you exist in the energy continuously you do not recognise the greater magnificence and achievement of your ability to accept evolved vibrations of love.

You may recognise the clearing of the heart chakra which is occurring on a grand scale at this time of ascension. When the heart chakra is clear, the energies of the soul and the Creator can flow with greater freedom and purity to all aspects of your being and reality. It is the same for the heart chakra of Mother Earth which is also moving through a powerful purification and release process at this time. Mother Earth is focusing much of her energies at her heart chakra, she is inviting all aspects, energies, situations and manifestations on the Earth which are no longer needed, require or aligned with the vibration of love to be drawn to her heart chakra to be dissolved in the pure vibration of love expanding from her own heart chakra due to the activation of the Creator. Mother Earth is also calling forth all contracts, vows and promises made in the past which no longer align with t he Era of Love to be drawn to the surface of the heart chakra to be bathed in love, transformed and lovingly released. The heart chakra is the home of contracts, vows and promises as such expressions are created and held in the heart chakra. Whether these contract, vows or promises were created for you or by you in your current lifetime or past lifetimes or created by the consciousness of humanity for the Earth, it is now time for them to be cleared to allow the further flow of love through, from and into the heart chakra.

Many of you who have more recently experienced pain, suffering, release or a process of healing within or connected to the heart chakra may have been achieving this on behalf of all. Many souls on the Earth have been taking on energies from Mother Earth’s heart chakra as she focuses on clearing energies within, around and connected to the heart chakra, in order to act as a vehicle of healing and purification. These beings recognise their connection will all aspects of the Creator and so at a soul level accept the task of running certain energies through their physical manifestation to clear energies at a larger, worldwide and  universal level. When a soul accepts the task to run energies through their being to aid mass healing the energy is projected into their being and experienced as a situation personal and appropriate to their reality. It may manifest as an energy patte rn completing with someone, a loss, a healing realisation which alters that person’s perceptive. Whatever needs to occur in that person’s reality to create freedom, expansion of love and healing, the energy healing task taken on by the soul will encourage what needs to take place in the person’s reality to manifest thus energy is healed and released on a mass level and the individual reaps the rewards as well. You are all Ascended Masters, you are all evolving through the ascension process on your own behalf and yet more importantly on behalf and supporting others.

Love is the key; love is the focus, experiencing life while reminding yourself of love, experiencing all which needs to be healed within your being while reminding yourself of love. One doesn’t constantly have to act in a loving way to be love and yet if you know you are love constantly retaining this knowingness, it will manifest through you accordingly.

The pure love core of the Creator has activated and there are energies which need to be let go of in order to allow yourself to completely embrace and fully experience love. It is my advice to you to write down all you feel yourself willing, able, wanting and ready to let go of, such as thoughts, emotions, perspectives, habits, people, situations, reoccurring patterns, lack, resistance and so forth. Create a list which is entitled, ‘All I am willing to let go of to accept and experience the pure love activation of the Creator expanding within my being.’ Then write all you are willing to let go of. When you surrender to the Creator, as creating such a list is a process of surrendering to the Creator, you are declaring your willingness to experience the deeper love of the Creator within your being. This will mean that much of that which is placed on your list will be release and let go of without you realising, thus allowing you to move through this process of cleansing and healing through the expansion of love with greater ease. It is only when you are unwilling to release, acknowledge or accept what you need to let go of that difficulty, pain and unbalance arises, causing deep learning which is often not needed to be experienced. It is only when you hold on to that which must depart your being and reality that you create greater challenges for yourself and create an ascension pathway which seems so steep and rocky.

Accepting love isn’t always about letting go of what is no longer needed and yet it allows for a greater experience of love. The more you engage with the love within your being the more you will discover that all which is no longer needed falls away without your distress or need for acknowledgement.

The second phase of heart chakra ascension in the new Era of Love has begun now and will continue for as long as is needed and appropriate for your being. In truth it will continue until the third phase of heart chakra ascension which could be one month from now or again two years from now. We are all moving through an ascension process which is no longer restricted by deadlines or goals associated with time. The Earth, you and all is simply evolving freely; every moment of ascension is now new and no longer dictated. How long you wish to remain in the second phase of heart chakra ascension is your choice. Not the choice of your mind, desires or needs, the choice of your soul and the dedication of you personally to the truth of your being. So dedicate yourself rather than pushing yourself, love yourself rather than being frustrated with yourself and level of growth. Let all unfold in alignment with the Creator.

‘I allow the clearing and fulfilment of my heart chakra to unfold aligned with the Creator.’

A focus upon clearing your heart chakra at this time is also beneficial. I, Archangel Michael, am safe guarding the heart chakra of Mother Earth through this tremendous period of clearing and fulfilment at a heart chakra level. I am also safe guarding the heart chakras of all. Please call upon my energies to assist in the clearing of your heart chakra.

‘Archangel Michael, I honour your presence, love and protection supporting me now. I am now ready to clear, cleanse and purify my heart chakra appropriately aligned with the will of my soul and the Creator. May all contracts, vows and promises connected to or held within my heart chakra which are no longer needed be easily healed and released. Let all energies, habits, perspectives, emotions, pain and suffering held within or connected to my heart chakra which are no longer needed or create a resistance to love to be healed and released. With every day I embrace the core pure love expanding from the Creator within my soul and heart chakra, recognising pure love as my truth in my reality now. Thank you.’

With deep heart felt love,

Archangel Michael


MARY MAGDALENE: Connecting with Soul Family in Dreamtime

Antonio Cortina Farinós sleeping figure

Antonio Cortina Farinós

Part 2 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On November 16, 2014

At Unity of Sedona

Question: I would like to ask about rejoining soul family in the dreamtime and the Isis lineage. Do you have recommendations for enhancing the dreamtime energy consciousness experience?


Mary Magdalene: It is very helpful to meditate right before you go to sleep. Do you do this?


Questioner: I love going to sleep. I create a nice sacred environment. I have salt and crystals around me. But I can do more.


Mary Magdalene: Yes. You want to bring the consciousness, the awareness that you desire into your sleep. Prior to sleep, create your intention. Ask your questions—including the experiences you wish to have with your soul family and with the Isis soul group. Ask to have the clarity or understanding you need come through. Ask to be given the initiations, empowerments, and training that you require. You can ask for all of that. But it must be done with clarity and consciousness. It will be especially empowered if you do it through a meditative form directly before going to sleep.


Questioner: Thank you.


Mary Magdalene: You’re welcome.



Sivananda Daily Reading

30 November

Posted: 28 Nov 2014 10:00 PM PST

External Renunciation is Necessary 
Renunciation of family life is the beginning of self-surrender. He who is endowed with burning vairagya (dispassion) and discrimination, one who is really earnest for his spiritual rejuvenation, can also do complete self-surrender even though he is living in the world.
In and through the world he realises the Lord by complete surrender of his whole being to Him. But it is only very few who are capable of doing this. This is because worldly life is beset with innumerable obstacles and temptations. And it is hard for the aspirant to attain complete dispassion in the midst of so many dissipations and distractions.
Therefore renunciation of family life makes the path easier for the aspirant. It also makes it smoother. The seed is now sown. The aspirant then goes to his preceptor and falls at his feet. Now the seed germinates.
The aspirant now starts the service of the guru. As he advances in his devotion and sincere service, his surrender becomes more and more perfect and complete. His heart becomes purer and purer and gradually the light of knowledge dawns in him. Now he cognises the supreme Atman which pervades all, everywhere.
The actions performed by the sadhaka (seeker) after renunciation do not bind him, because he has offered all his actions unto his preceptor or God. He does not do any action which can be considered selfish.
Thus, through service of one's preceptor, with utter self-dedication, his heart becomes purified and, ultimately, the Lord becomes his preceptor. Now he is completely surrendered to the Lord and he attains the highest intuition.

Satsang Bhavan Lectures, Message 18

Posted: 28 Nov 2014 10:00 PM PST

44. Serve the Mother - 46. Service of the Sick - 47. An Exemplary Disciple

Chapter Five: Some Exemplars
44. Serve The Mother
On Women's Hospital Opening Day, 10th May.
A hospital exclusively for women is a dire necessity in this area. God has endowed women with an extraordinary amount of the power of endurance; and they suffer in silence.
Woman is our mother. She is the embodiment of para sakti or the supreme power. She is our guru also. We learnt our first lessons from her. It is our sacred duty, therefore, to serve her.
Major General A. N. Sharma wants to establish a medical mission with its headquarters here. He is endeavouring to have mobile dispensaries also to tour the country. There will be a very big hospital here. That hospital will have a special women's section with every facility for effectively serving our mothers. Let us pray to the Almighty that this mission will fructify soon. 
In the meantime, and kind compassionate Dr. Devaki Kutty has offered her services to our hospital for a few weeks. Therefore, this camp has been organised in order to enable the women of the surrounding areas, the refugee women of Rishikesh and others to benefit themselves by the highly specialised knowledge of Dr. Devaki Kutty.
Dr. Devaki Kutty is an able doctor. She is an M.R.C.O.G. (Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists). She is a London-returned specialist in women's diseases. She is at present serving in the Lucknow Medical College. We are highly grateful and deeply indebted to her for her kind and selfless offer of her services to the Hospital for a short period.
This is the fourth camp of its kind to be held here. Previously, Dr. Lakshmi Mirchandani of Delhi came here twice and conducted a Women's Medical Relief Camp each time. Dr. Savitri of Gujarat also held a camp. This is the Fourth one. May Lord bless this camp also with success.
May God bless Dr. Devaki Kutty, our Medical Officer Dr. K. C. Roy, and Assistant Medical Officer Sri Lilavathi, with health, long life, peace, prosperity and eternal bliss.  

45. A Divine Family
The glory of Devaki Kutty is the glory of Sri Ramunni Nair and Ulpalakshy. Those who have done virtuous actions in their previous birth only will get brilliant, famous children who do great service to the country. So Ramunni Nair and Ulpalakshy Amma have done great meritorious deeds in their previous births, and as a result of their tapasya and good actions God has been gracious enough to bestow upon them intelligent, brilliant children. Each one of them excels the others—Devaki Kutty in the medical line, Narayani in the musical line. God has given various talents to various people. Otherwise the world will be like a prison. It will be monotonous. Chinnamma is a M.A. in Social Science and is now specializing for Ph.D., going from house to house and studying about maternity welfare. Another son, Dr. Krishnan, M.B.B.S., is going to London for F.R.C.S. All of them are full of virtues, good conduct, behaviour, divine qualities, daivisampat. This is a blessed family, noble family, possessing generosity, munificence and other divine qualities.
Devaki Kutty is the crest jewel among women, among lady doctors. At this young age she has passed M.R.C.O.G. in England. Even men go there and come plucked. What must be her ability, her talents, I leave for you to judge. She is a professor in the Medical College, Lucknow, and her services for the last three years have been tremen­dous and all the women folk of Rishikesh adore her. They are like chatak bird waiting for the swati star "When will Kutty come?"
Devaki suta govinda vasudeva jagatpate. Her name is repeated. Vasudevasutam devam kamsachanooramardanam, devaki paramanandam krishnam vande jagatgurum. Again her name only is repeated, 
     sarvamangalamangalye, sive sarvarthasadhake, 
     saranye tryambake gauri narayani namostute.   
     (Narayani's name is repeated.) 
I am daily repeating their names.
All of them are silent. These virtues make them great, not their talents—simplicity, nobility, magnanimity, spirit of service. I asked some people to give lemon juice. One man says, there is no lemon, another man, says there is no sugar. I am not able to attend myself. Without any drink, for two or three hours they serve. They work under such conditions. So may Lord bless them with faith, knowledge, devotion and wisdom. This is my fervent prayer.
Narayani will shine in the music field. The mind is entrapped by music. Music is laya yoga, kundalini yoga. It is a great help for attaining God-realisation. She will be able to draw bliss and infuse bliss in others through her music. Chinnamma will serve people through social science. So glory to the whole family. Their mother is very silent. She has never spoken a word. I do not know whether she is present in the satsang or not, because she speaks not a word. We all wish them long life, prosperity, vidya, tushti, pushti, and we request them to come every year without our invitation. Even now they have come without our invitation. Nobody has gone to Badry. If they go, my work will suffer: The spirit of selfless service ­is ingrained in Chinnamma, and she is also assistant to­ Dr. K. C. Roy. Glory to these personages. They will visit this ashram every year and do service. God will give them wisdom and they will become jivanmuktas and radiate ­peace and bliss. They will set an example to others, so that they may also develop the virtues—humility, spirit of service, etc. These are not easy things. People want seven servants to remove the boots, put on the coat etc. When they get some position, they forget the spirit of service. Position is an intoxicant. Power is an intoxicant. A little power or position makes you proud. It is only through God's grace that you can develop humility and this alone will help you to attain knowledge. This alone will lead you to nirvikalpa samadhi and make you free from the pains and tribulations of the three kinds of tapas. That is the goal of life. Therefore, cultivate all these virtues, service, humility. Pride is champagne. All wisdom belongs to the Hiranyagarbha, and it will flow only to such people who possess these virtues. Grace will come only to them. So follow their example. Be humble, magnanimous, gentle. Develop sincerity, generosity, purity, and integrity. Our goal is to serve, develop so many virtues which will help us to attain God-realisation. Development of these virtues is wisdom. When you possess all the divine qualities, compassion, tolerance, dhriti dhairyam, this constitutes divinity. Enemies are there. We have to cultivate these virtues. Then the enemies will go away. The enemies are pride, vanity, and jealousy. According to the new theory the ­cause of disease is jealousy. Where there is jealousy, there is hatred. Where there is hatred, there is malice. Do not believe in bacillus. Only jealousy particles, vanity particles, that enter into the blood and cause disease. So remove all these evil qualities and become divine. Every one can become noble and attain divinity if he wills.
There is nothing in this world, though there are flowers and garlands. With all these things, there is scorpion bite, flea bite, mosquito bite, disease, old age. Janma mrityu jara vyadhi dukha doshanudarshanam—birth, death, old age, disease—all kinds of sufferings, mental torments.
Equanimity of mind, equal vision, balanced mind, this is what you study in Gita. Repeat the Lord's name and cultivate these virtues. May you all attain the goal of life, which is self-realisation, nirvikalpa samadhi, or asamprajnata samadhi. You cannot find real happiness in this world. All pleasures are mixed with pain, disease, and vices. People want to earn money, amass wealth, telling lies, cheating others and through cut throat competition. They do not introspect, do self-analysis. Introspection, self-analysis—these are the things which will help you to become divine, and one with the cosmic consciousness.
Ramunni Nair has not spoken a word. Devaki Kutty has not expressed a single doubt. Because the antaryami is there who will solve all problems. The answer to all problems is within, not outside. Tap the source, meditate. All doubts will be solved. She has not spoken any word. God will bless her and they will become great devotees, free from all kinds of difficulties. May God remove all obstacles in their path and give them the vision of truth, cosmic consciousness, always joy, eternal peace, and perennial happiness. This is my fervent prayer.  

46. Service of the Sick
One, Sri Brij Nandan Prasad, had obtained permission from Swamiji to open a homoeopathic dispensary in the ashram for giving free homoeopathic treatment to all ailing persons. Today was performed the opening ceremony of the Dispensary, with Kirtan followed by a short speech by Swamiji and distribution of Prasad. The text of Swamiji's speech is given below.
Today we are opening a homoeopathic dispensary. I declare the dispensary open today. Sri Brij Nandan Prasad is our famous homoeopathic doctor. He will give us good health, so that we may be able to earn more money, so that we may be able to do more meditation and do greater service.
Homoeopathy is not an enemy of allopathy. People consider it as an enemy of allopathy. But it is not so. When allopathy fails, people take recourse to homoeopathy. When I started the ashram all people were against me. When I put drama and music, all people were against me. Now people themselves come and dance. In the beginning everything is pooh-poohed. Homoeopathy is the best system. All systems are necessary. For Mukerji one system is necessary. For Rama Iyer another system is necessary. They say there are three or four temperaments. But there are million temperaments. Though there are four yogas, karma yoga, raja yoga and jnana yoga, there are really millions of yogas. Similarly millions of treatment are there. For some ayurveda is good. For some allopathy is good. For some homoeopathy is good. For some unani is good. Even allopathic doctors have found out that there is some­thing miraculous, marvellous in this homoeopathy. They combine both, allopathy and homoeopathy. You may have heard of a Belgium doctor in Calcutta. He takes recourse to both these systems. Many doctors take recourse to a combination of these two systems. Whenever diseases are not cured by allopathy, they try homoeopathy. For relieving pains in the twinkling of an eye, this homoeopathy is very good.
Do not think that I am a follower of homoeopathy. In my heart of hearts I am an allopathist. One man said that swamiji is a diplomat!
We have got another homoeopathic doctor, Swami Achintyananda, and Swami Venkatesananda is the third doctor. Swami Venkatesananda will excel all others, because his heart is good, his kindness is good. Homoeopathy is a very fine system. It is not very costly. I have written an article on 'allopathic' monsters. They give several kinds of mixtures, several kinds of tablets and several kinds of injections. Homeopathy is a very simple and cheap system of treatment. Our Ram Rup Tiwari is a homoeopath. He gave me Ferrum Phos and Natrum Mur. The effect was wonderful. They are very good for cough, fever and influenza.
We hope all sick people will approach Brij Nandan Prasad. He is doing selfless service. He is a Sadhak. Japa and meditation he will do on the Ganges bank. At the same time he will serve. So glory to Hanhnemann, the founder of this system. He is a rishi. He who found out dosa is a rishi. He who found out iddaly is a rishi. No one less than a rishi can find out sambar and dosa. Even so the founder of homoeopathy, Dr. Hanhnemann was a rishi. He meditated. He did tapas. In Upanishads it is found that Brahman did tapas. It means meditation with one-pointed mind. He created the dog, the cat, the caterpillar. He was not satisfied. Then he created man. Then he was satisfied. Then all devas entered into the body. They found a suitable resting place in the body. Surya (sun) dwelt in the eye. Likewise Indra, Asvinikumars and other gods entered the body and began to dwell in different places. Man only can become Brahman through tapas. Tapas is meditation. Tapas is blazing like fire on account of control of indriyas. There are various kinds of ­tapas like the Panchagni Tapas, etc. But the real tapas is meditation. So Hanhnemann rishi meditated and found out this Bryonia, Alpha-alpha. A small box costing Rs. 5/- ­contains all the important medicines required for ordinary diseases. Especially retired people should have a box of medicines. Then their hearts will expand and be­ ready for the reception of the divine light. Everybody should have the box. Even children and women should have the box. Gita on the one hand and this box on the ­other. These two will make you fit to approach God very easily. So, on this glorious day this Homoeopathic Dispensary is declared open. Anybody who wants can take medicine. All diseases take their origin in hatred, jealousy—irsha, matsarya. If you are jealous of a man who is prosperous you get disease. If you superimpose evil qualities on a man whom you do not like due to jealousy, you get disease. This is the doctrine of Hanhnemann. Disease is caused by entertaining bad thoughts. Jealousy is an enemy of meditation. Jealousy is an enemy of samadhi. The modern doctors have invented so many names for diseases just to get money. Really it is due to jealousy, hatred, anger, etc. that diseases are caused. Anger particles, hatred particles, malice particles—these are the real causes of diseases. I am not telling you a cock and bull story. It is your own experience that when you get angry, you cannot take food, your heart is agitated, you cannot sleep well. This itself is a proof that anger is the ­cause, jealousy is the cause of diseases. Note this point well. Do japa. Do meditation. Free yourself from malice, and hatred. Love all, embrace all, serve all, be kind to all, pray for all. These are medicines. Pray for all. This is 'Bryonia 200.'
Now prasad will be distributed. I will request the doctor to give me some sugar capsules. Is there anybody who has got jealousy? Everybody has got jealousy. He will also give globules which will expand your heart and make you share your bank balance with the poor! May he shine as a jivanmukta!  

47. An Exemplary Disciple
Farewell to Swami Sahajananda (Sri V. Srinivasan) Durban, Swamiji's speech on 10 April 1956.
We rejoice today heartily, because we have amidst us a noble personality, a spiritual personality, a bala yogi, a bala swami, Sri Swami Sahajananda. Whenever a noble function takes place, the devas are pleased. So we had a very good shower today, and now we have a cool atmosphere. So we are able to celebrate the function joyously. You may ask, "Why there is no rain of flowers?" That also there is. The devas rain flowers.
You may ask why Swamiji is giving sanyasa to young people. You may say that people should take sanyas only when all hairs have grown grey and all teeth have fallen. No. We want people at this age, with great dynamism, with abundant spiritual energy. In old age one is not able to sit in one asana for half an hour at a stretch. When all energy has been squeezed out in family life, he is not able to sit on padma asana. We need young swamis. Sankara was not an old man. Padmapada was ­not an old man. Young people only should take sanyasa, for they will lead a life of fortitude, endurance. They are full of strength, full of energy. We require only young people to take sanyasa and spread the message of Sankara in the West.
Swami Sahajananda is styled as the spiritual king of South Africa, Durban. He is also called the African chotta guru. He does not want anything. He is a silent worker. He is a man of renunciation, vairagya and meditation. He is a very good organizer. He has organised some twenty branches of the Divine Life Society in South Africa. His friend Bika Cheba is also good as Swami Sahajananda.
There is savikalpa samadhi, and then comes nirvi­kalpa samadhi, and then comes sahaja avastha. He is established in sahaja avastha. He does not forget Brahman when he is working. He has got double con­sciousness. He is resting in his satchidananda swarupa, and he is utilising his mind and indriyas for the good of humanity. He likes sahaja avastha. He is in sahaja avastha. In the scriptures you will find that any man who attempts to practise yoga is also a yogi and a yoga arudha, who is established in yoga, is also a yogi. So he who is attempting to be established in sahaja avastha is also a sahaja avastha yogi.
He is a strong pillar of the Divine Life Society. Yesterday Swami Jayadayalji gave a great feast for me. He asked people to bring papayas. Then he asked me, "Will you take some milk and fruits?" I said, "Bring some fruits. I don't want milk." He asked a man to bring oranges. He brought them, and I distributed them to people. Then I said, "I am a rupee-eater." I am Swami Sahajanadaji's rupee-eater. I want money for printing paper, art paper, for hospital, etc. You may think that I am exaggerating him. Maharaja Pannalalji does not have much money, but the whole Divine Life Society buildings he has built. If you ask him three thousand, immediately you will get it. I am the rupee-eater of him also. He is more than a maharaj. People who have got plenty of money cannot give two rupees. Such a man is Kanju's prabhu! Swami Sahajananda has spent money on buildings, and for my stomach—biscuits, plenty of choco­lates. He is the spiritual king of Durban, a great organiser, a great supporter, a pillar of the Divine Life Society.
He talks little. You have never seen him talking. He thinks much and does much. Such a great spiritual yogi is he. He came some years before also and remained here.
He has brought out the 'Divine Life Children's Pamph­lets'. He is a man of invention. In letter heads and behind the envelopes, he has printed new sayings. In letter heads also the 'Divine Life for Children' he has brought out. He is a thinker. He has added a small press for the dissemination of knowledge, and the 'Path to God-Realisation' is his magazine, running for three or four years. What more you expect from a small boy swami? He has done everything. He will now go with redoubled energy, charged with Himalayan vibrations and mother Ganges' grace, and will work like a lion, vedanta kesari, yoga kesari. All these titles a man deserves when he becomes a yogi. When a man becomes God, any number of titles are not enough. His devotion to teacher is unique. He has a pure heart. Such a yogi is now going from here and he will thrill the whole of Africa, and again he will come. He has a spirit of renunciation. He has given his whole property to me. Just see his noble qualities, devotion, discipline, santi, humility. When a man comes to, you and says that he is a jivanmukta, you must test him. You must ask whether he has got humility, not feigned humility, but real unostentatious humility. Then he must have compassion. If you do not find these qualities in a man who says "I am a jivanmukta", reject him as straw. These are the two cardinal, fundamental virtues of a sage. If you do not find these virtues, even if he delivers a lecture for days together on the verse: sarva dharman parityajya mamekam saranam vraja—it is useless, empty bullet shots in the air. If you find humi­lity, that is the sign of a yogi, and he must be compassio­nate. His heart should melt like butter when he sees the sufferings of others. If he finds a starving man, and if he has got a tumbler of milk, he will run to him and give it to him. Of all the qualities that are enumerated in the Gita, humility (not feigned humility) and compassion are the most important. He who possesses these qualities is a yogi of the first order. These are the tests of a jivan­mukta. So we all pray for his health, long life, peace, prosperity. Such a person is a rare jewel on this earth. He who is not free from selfishness is a burden on earth, but when he becomes selfless and works for relieving the human suffering, when he has dedicated his life for the service of humanity, he is a divine being on earth. Other people live in vain, they are burdens on earth. Remove this selfishness and work for the well being of humanity, for your neighbour. Then only man is a real man. Otherwise, though God has given promotion as a human being, he is only a horizontal being. So let us try to become real men on this earth, divine men, super men, with God intoxicated feeling always working for your neighbours. In working for other people, you elevate yourself. In praying for other people you pray for yourself. There is only one being, one consciousness. So let us become absolutely selfless, courageous, bold; without attachment to this body. Timid people die thousand times before their actual death owing to attachment to this body, which is nothing but a combination of the five elements. You are really Atman, the all-pervading immortal soul. Then you become Atma samrat, king on this earth, nature is ready to open her secrets to you and you enjoy the divine aiswaryas when you become selfless. When you work for the good of others, you become atma-samrat. Such a king is this swami. Glory to him. Let us follow his example.
He is a young yogi, a yoga brashta. He was a swami in his previous birth, so at such a young age his heart is full of renunciation, vairagya and meditation, which are the key to open the chambers of a heart, the atmic store. It is not so easy to get renunciation and vairagya. That man lives in vain who has got no vairagya, no renunciation, no spirit of selfless service. God has given you in this birth a little wisdom. You must utilise it for meditation and service of humanity. Service is nothing but yoga. Karma culminates in wisdom. Bhakti culminates in wisdom. Yoga and vedanta are complementary. There is no wisdom without yoga. There is no wisdom without bhakti. All are com­plementary. Vedanta without bhakti is dry, and bhakti without wisdom is not complete or perfect. So let us pray for the health, and long life of this small yogi full of strength. One who can transform the materialistic intellect of the whole of South Africa means what tremendous influence, what tremendous purity, what tremendous yogic power, what tremendous meditation, his spiritual aura, selfless aura! A selfish man cannot do anything in this world. In South Africa they call him as 'brother'. The other people have lived in vain who have not done atmic search, who have not done sravan, manan, and nidhidhyasan or this navavidha bhakti to attain God. Ayamatma nirakarah sarvavyapi swabhavatah, aham brahmasmi, sivoham. This should not be mere utterance of a formula, it should enter your bones and heart. You must have a feeling that there is one common consciousness. That is your birth right. You must attain this. One Atma resides in all. He has attained this. Let us pray for his long life, peace, prosperity.
Let us utilise every second in service, meditation, in ­chintan of God. Waste not a single minute. Realise him. Live in God. Live in Brahman, and behold the whole world as your own self. Behold! Listen! Come! There is a way to the fourth dimension. There is a way for attaining immortality. That way is 'Be good, do good. Serve, love, give, purify, meditate, realise, seek, find, enter and rest'.
Become a great yogi, not attached to this body, always thinking of this body. He who ever thinks of this body is a cobbler. A cobbler is not he who makes shoes, but he ­who always thinks of this body, because you are not this body. You are the Atma. Do not become a blind man, a deaf man. Open your eyes and see everywhere the self. Behind the nama rupa there is satchidananda, asti-bhati­-priya. You see a tree. See the asti-bhati-priya. This is wisdom.
May Lord bless Swami Sahajananda with health, long life, peace, bliss and immortality. May Lord bless you all.   
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NOTE: 'Story of Swami Sivananda', the section of letters of devotion, now concludes the book 'Satsang Bhavan Lectures of Sri Swami Sivananda'. Next Saturday, the new serialization, 'Raja Yoga' by Swami Sivananda, will begin.
