11-23-14 The Arcturians

The only thing you must remember is how fortunate you are. When you forget this, you become sad.

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar



November 23, 2014

Greetings dear ones, we are here to assist in moving the energy of the world from the old (dense/heavy) and into the new (Light). It may seem as if the world is falling to pieces but no, you only see the storm before the calm. Hold your peace dear ones, while not getting too involved in appearances. Try to remember and live out from truth at all times and in all circumstances. This is how you practice.

The world teaches that living is easy when everything is "perfect" according to three dimensional concepts of perfect, and many still strive to attain the human sense of a "perfect" life. Even those who have attained what the world deems success, continue to seek "something" to fill an inner emptiness that can never be satisfied from without. However, in the beginning stages of spiritual awakening, failure and disappointment are vital for they result in a seeking and digging deeper for answers, which in turn brings soul growth. This is the story of the Holy Grail--they sought it unsuccessfully the world over and found it back home hanging in a tree.

Every soul longs to know and experience ITSELF, but when an individual is ignorant of this, he seeks in the outer world of things, people, power, money, and sex. It is not meant that lives have no joy, for the energy of joy is closest to the Divine. Embrace those things you enjoy, have fun and spend time doing what you love, but do not look to these things for that sense of completion that can only come through attaining a state of consciousness that knows it is already whole and complete.

Spiritual evolution involves knowledge and then practice, translating every appearance into the spiritual reality behind it until it becomes one's attained state of consciousness. This means realizing that everything you see, hear, taste, touch, or smell is a mind interpretation of a spiritual reality translated according to your attained state of consciousness and it demands walking the walk instead of just talking the talk.

Gaia is making many changes in order to clear and shift her energy and you are going with her if you choose. Much is going to change after the clearing of the earth is complete. However, it is very important not to live in the future while ignoring the present, for simply waiting for change will cause you to bypass many opportunities for spiritual growth. Just live each moment as it comes along doing the best you can, fully aware that you are having a third dimensional experience whether it is good or bad.

We speak today of gratitude for this is the time in which many will celebrate a special day for giving thanks. Gratitude in akin to love, for it is a facet of love.

There are some who reject the idea of gratitude choosing instead to stand firm in the belief that they are entitled to every good as well as the goods of others also. Actually as Divine beings, everyone is entitled to completeness and wholeness, but the ego sense of this truth (the belief that one must scheme and demand for ones good) reflects the low self-esteem and self-loathing that flows from believing in separation.

Gratitude in it's truest sense, is the joyous recognition of wholeness in oneness, but in the human scene is limited to the state of consciousness of the individual which often dictates who or what deserves gratitude. (belief in separation) Living from a state of gratitude in each moment leads to the deeper awareness and acknowledgement that life and everything in it is already complete and whole. I have because I am.

A mind filled with strong beliefs of duality and separation can only manifest duality and separation. Some days will be good, and some days bad. Because of individual past life experiences, every individual finds themselves more receptive to one or more of the particular world beliefs. This is why there are those who may experience more than the average of health related problems. Another may have continuous relationship issues and there are those who live with unexplained and irrational fears.

Specific struggles are the result of past live experiences that have programmed and then been held in an individual's energy field throughout lifetimes. These issues are now re-surfacing for many in order that they once and for all be cleared and released. As evolving beings of Light, you no longer need to drag these obsolete energies with you in the belief that they are personally yours--they are impersonal, comprised only of belief in them.

If you believe you have nothing to give gratitude for, then you will manifest exactly that--nothing. Each time you express gratitude either silently or vocally you are acknowledging I HAVE. As you let flow love and gratitude, you receive love and gratitude in infinite forms and variety, for there is only ONE and that which you flow is flowing to you.

What do I have? Look about you, see what you have, and start pouring. On a physical level, clean out your closets, garages, and shelves--get the flow going. There is someone who could use that item sitting unused. Hoarding is the consciousness of "I don't have, and never will have, and so I must hold on to whatever I can." This state of consciousness will serve to perfectly block any energy flow. Again, there is only ONE and you give to yourself when you realize that everything flows from one Infinite omnipresent Source and not from a limited personal pocket.

On the emotional level, flow support, love, and practical assistance, but always from a level of compassion and not sympathy. On the mental level flow forth truth and assist those ready and who ask to see what you see.

Expressing gratitude in every moment will develop within you a consciousness of "I have" which will then evolve into; "I have because I am". Practice by giving gratitude for every facet of daily living-- for a clean bathroom, a warm coat, a shoveled path or the ability to shovel that path. It is the small things, the song of a bird, the purr of a cat, the wag of a tail--signs of love and oneness welcomed, but often not given gratitude for.

Everything can be a source of gratitude, even the difficult experiences helping you to grow and evolve for without them you would not be where you are now. Look back and see how you have grown from some of your most difficult times. Everything is for spiritual growth even if some experiences do not fit a world concept of how things should be. Nothing experienced is ever forced, each is fulfilling their pre-birth contract set up to include whatever experiences are necessary for shifting to the next level.

It is time to stop complaining that this or that is not the way you think it should be and therefore there is nothing to be grateful for. All are on earth to grow and learn spiritually, realizing unconditional Love while experiencing duality and separation. No one is on earth to live a fat, happy, indulgent life of accumulation while doing nothing but desiring more.

An un-awakened society presents idols for you to emulate, idols of physical beauty, wealth, talent, and power. If you are to spiritually grow, you must cease buying into this nonsense, and realize that no one person, saint or sinner, has more God qualities than another. All embody the fullness of the Godhead but are only able to experience and express it after it becomes a living, breathing state of consciousness. The outer scene is always a reflection of personal and universal consciousness. As long as there is a belief in duality and separation, there will be those who have more, and those who have less.

Gratitude expressed silently, secretly, and verbally in every moment of each day is an activity of love reflecting the recognition of one's wholeness. Even if you are not experiencing what you consider to be wholeness at this time, realize that you are moving toward it and give gratitude for this realization. Recognize the outer for what it is and know that regardless of any outer circumstances you may be dealing with, nothing can ever separate you from your SELF.

We are love and one with you.

ONE Divine consciousness infinitely manifesting itself AS...

We are the Arcturian Group. 11/23/14


MARY MAGDALENE: Communing With the Cosmos But Finding Irritation in the Everyday

Hubbel Telescope Whirlpool Galaxy

Part 1 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On November 16, 2014

At Unity of Sedona

Hello beloveds. Thank you for being here. Thank you for opening your hearts to me, to Yeshua, to love, to light. Thank you for being here at this time and bringing your light at this time of upliftment and change on Earth, which requires all of you to do your part. And so you have come.


For some it has not been easy; perhaps for many. And yet you are here. And we are here. Not only me, not only Yeshua, many, many beings, who you may not be able to see or sense or feel—yet. You will, with time. All of you will. Whether that time is now or later, we are here.


And you are here. This great change is underway and you are all a part. I thank you for the work that all of you do in bringing your part forth. Each part is essential. Each part is precious. Know that about yourself, and know that about each other, as well. You depend on each and all, as do we all.


So I thank you from my heart, as does Yeshua.


I would like to hear your questions. What is in your heart? What is it that you would like help with, that you would like understanding around? Please ask your questions.


Question: It seems the higher I go in consciousness, the more I’m aware that I can soar to absolute bliss and then walk out into my lifetime and become extremely irritated with those around me, who I dearly love. So I’m wondering if part of this time that you’re talking of is resolving these little tics we still have that are almost like habits? Would you have any divine guidance of how to remain at peace and not allow small things to become irritations, how to just flow with the bliss 24/7, so to speak?


Mary Magdalene: You are one who has a vast capacity for communion with the cosmos.


Questioner: Thank you. I feel that.


Mary Magdalene: And your completion of this time period involves a kind of slowing down, in a certain sense, which may be very irritating to you personally. It involves experiencing your limitation, to the point of coming into complete love in that form, love of the limitation itself.


Questioner: I see. It’s not easy.


Mary Magdalene: No. And primarily it’s the limitation of yourself, because you are so enabled to be so big, so enormous. So to experience that limitation is painful.


Questioner: Yes, it’s very painful.


Mary Magdalene: Yes. Yet that is your completion work, to not only experience limitation but to find love in that place—love as yourself, of yourself, in limitation. Ironically that will be your freedom. When you find that love there will be no limitation.


Questioner: Oh, joy.


Mary Magdalene: (laughs gently)


Questioner: Thank you.


Mary Magdalene: You are welcome.


©2014 Mercedes Kirkel, http://www.mercedeskirkel.com, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit of authorship, this copyright notice, and Mercedes Kirkel’s website (http://www.mercedeskirkel.com) are included. To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and others, go to http://www.mercedeskirkel.com and sign up for the Into The Heart weekly newsletter.



Heavenletter #5112 This Is How It Is, November 23, 2014 

God said: 

Look into My eyes, and you look into a reflection of Myself. It is a moot question as to Who is looking into Whose eyes? Whose eyes are reflected?
I am saying that We are One. Who is who and which is which is a circle that goes round and round. We can call it a dilemma. We can call it an insoluble puzzle, yet what difference does an explanation make? Let’s just accept that We are One, one soluble solid Oneness. We cannot be separated. Even as I speak of We, no matter how fragile a Human Being as you may see yourself, I am you, and you are I.
This how it is. This is how it’s always been.
So when We speak of My being close to you and your being close to Me, what are We speaking of but the closer than close of the Oneness of One.
It seems hard to believe that We are One when you see human beings as foolish or even cruel, debasing themselves and, therefore, the whole of creation. If man is a travesty, how can he be One with Me? How can I say so? And how can you believe Me? I do say so, and I do see so. When all the cover-up is dispensed with, then you and I are irretrievably without exception -- One.
You probably say: “Good Lord, there seems to be an enormous amount of separation rather than Unity.”
That may well be how it seems, and yet I say staunchly that separation is untrue, and Unity is true and viable.
Man wears a façade. Beneath the façade lies the Heart of God, the Wisdom of God. Like a recalcitrant child, man likes to try out different ways of doing things. At one level of consciousness, he sees himself as powerful. At another level of consciousness, he may regret his thoughts and actions. At another level of consciousness, he knows better. Ultimately, when all is said and done, and façades are gone, Oneness triumphs. Because someone wears a disguise doesn’t mean that he IS his disguise.
Whatever layers of add-on’s cover up the Truth of you, they cannot take the Truth away from you. They fool you, however, because judgment sees it differently. Ah, if everyone could see the God in Everyone, wouldn’t that change appearances dramatically! When only Truth can be seen, how could human eyes be deceived?
In the world, there is one pair of eyes, there is one beating heart, there is the One of All, and that includes Everyone as One.
There is a place where Truth and only Truth is seen and known. This is Reality, not all the nonsense that passes for reality and is mistakenly called true when it is as far from the Truth as can be. The opposite of Truth is seen and spoken and left like that. That’s how it is in the world.
Are some human beings off-track? Are they on a wild-goose chase? Certainly. They may believe they are accurate and justified, and, yet, they have pulled the wool over their own eyes and others’ eyes as well. Not Mine, beloveds.
When your eyes are fully clear, you will be seeing fully as I do see. And the time will come when all will see as I do, and you, too, will see and be seen as you truly are without all the black marks against you.
This time is not far away even by the clocks of the world. In terms of Infinity, where there is no time, the time is already here. You are a seed with the honest-to-goodness full potential of a seed. All a seed needs is to drink in nourishment, go toward the Sun, and then the seed will grow. You have been growing. Now you grow to the full height of your Self/My Self. And you do so by letting error go. You empty out error the way you bail out the water from a leaky boat and so you secure yourself as the Oneness you truly are.
Welcome, beloveds. Welcome.


Sivananda Daily Reading

24 November

Posted: 23 Nov 2014 02:23 AM PST

Most Important Sadhana 
Man is a mixture of three ingredients. These are the human element, the brutal  instinct and the divine ray. He is endowed with a finite intellect, a perishable body, a little knowledge and a little power. This makes him distinctly human. Lust, anger and hatred belong to his brutal nature.
The reflection of cosmic intelligence is at the back of his intellect. So he is an image of God. When the brutal instincts die, when this ignorance is rent asunder, when he is able to bear insult and injury, then he becomes one with the Divine.
A thirsting aspirant is one who practises self-denial. He always tries to feel that the body does not belong to him. If anyone beats or cuts him, either his hand or throat, he should remain quiet. He should not speak even one single harsh word - because the body is not his. He starts his sadhana (practice) saying: "I am not this body. I am not this mind. Chidananda rupa shivoham..." 
One harsh word throws a man off balance and a little disrespect upsets him. How weak he has become, despite his boasted intellect, his high position in society, his degrees, his diplomas and titles.
Bear insult; bear injury. This is the essence of all sadhana. This is the most important sadhana. If you succeed in this, you can very easily enter the illimitable domain of eternal bliss. Nirvikalpa samadhi (super-conscious state) will come by itself. This is the most difficult sadhana. But it is easy for those who have burning vairagya (dispassion) and true yearning for liberation.
First you must become like a block of stone. Only then you will be established in this sadhana. Now nothing can affect you. Abuse, ridicule, mockery, insult, persecution - none of these can have any influence on you.
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Life is God in expression.
Life is joy.
Life is the flooding bliss of the spirit.
Life is the fight for fullness and perfection.
Life is a battle for attaining supreme independence.
