1-12-15 Michael


Be happy. This is a blessing and an order. Sri Sri


Matthew Ward - January 11, 2015

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Before we speak about recent events, we say that throughout this year you will see the pace and number of significant occurrences increase as vibrations heighten. Earth’s energy field of potential, which looks like perpetual fireworks, reflects the light’s accelerated momentum due to lightworkers’ efforts and our universal family’s stepped-up activity on your behalf.

Two “accidents” have been the cause of both grief and gratitude. It was not “good luck” that some individuals who intended to be on AirAsia Flight 8501 were not: Their time was not up. They don’t know that is why they missed the flight; they and all who love them simply are grateful that they did. As heartbreaking as it is for families and friends of everyone who went down with the plane, the soul contracts of all aboard called for their transitioning at that time. Had they not left by that means, they would have departed suddenly in some other way soon afterwards.

The same would have been true about the persons who transitioned after fire broke out on the ferry boat in the Adriatic Sea. In this incident, contracts of all except those few souls did call for longer lifetimes. The hundreds who were rescued aren’t consciously aware of that, nor need they be to feel grateful, and the same is so with their families and other dear ones.

The outrage in the United States about the shooting of two police officers in a patrol car is serving to bring a degree of balance to the outrage about police using excessively harsh tactics with African American males. You could think of this as an emotional pendulum that’s been stuck on the end where law enforcement is perceived as biased in judgment and treatment, and suddenly the pendulum darts to the other end. Feelings on both sides are justified indeed, but the pendulum has to move away from both perception extremes so balance can come in police actions and the public’s reactions.

The slaughter in Charlie Hebdo’s office and subsequent killings in Paris united your world in sympathy, compassion and condemnation of terrorist acts. If any aspects of such incidents can be described as “heartening,” then these are: The people of France are as One in fearless rebellion against savage efforts to muzzle freedom of expression and world leaders are demonstrating their solidarity; the Muslim assassins and all others like them are being seen as exactly what they are—brutal, tyrannical individuals acting upon a deranged ideology that has nothing whatsoever to do with Islam; and there is an international call to root out and cure the cause of that extremism. This vital move toward overcoming bigotry, resentment and fear of differences had to come so that unity in respect and appreciation of differences can take hold—that is the foundation upon which a civilization builds a peaceful, loving, harmonious world.

It may seem as if we speak of tragic events with emotional detachment—this is the higher purpose being served and that is that. That isn’t the case. We do honor all who are playing their parts in every divisive or abhorrent situation, yet it is deeply sad for us that gaining personal and planetary balance entails so much violence and sorrow within our beloved Earth family. Especially heart-wrenching are the massacres and kidnapping of children and other unconscionable atrocities. It is difficult for us, as for you, to see someone’s agony and view it as another milestone in the eternal cycle of shared lifetimes in physical worlds and reunions in spirit worlds. Please find a measure of comfort, as we must ourselves, in knowing that out of tragedies comes soul evolvement; out of horror come a more spiritually enlightened and compassionate society and, ultimately, Earth’s Golden Age in full bloom.

And, perhaps a tragedy seems greater when 12 or 100 or 400 die in the same incident, but every minute many thousands of souls are dying and this is sorrowful for everyone who loves them. We wish that all who are grieving could know that they and these persons dear to them chose their experiences to help each other evolve. They still would miss their loved ones, of course, but that knowledge could lessen the profoundness of their loss.

“You said in your last message that everything happening here is purposeful. I can’t see any purpose in ‘The Interview’ film or the backlash. How far will damage spread because North Koreans hacked into Sony’s computer system? Everything about this seems like a step backwards for the light.”

Everything happening in your world is purposeful! However, while some issues may seem to you logical in that context, others could be considered a far stretch, and the film and ensuing backlash may be an example of the latter.

In previous messages we have stated that the entertainment field has been an Illuminati stronghold because what they provide influences public opinions and actions. The prominence of crime, war and other violence in films and games is to inure society to those kinds of behavior and motivate unstable individuals to mimic it. The entertainment manipulators create “box office stars,” put them on pedestals and reward them with exorbitant payment and various awards; that exalts a few souls above all others and widens the disparity between the “haves” and “have-nots” in your world. Reasoning minds see those negative effects as well as the positive inroads in the industry, but what is not in the public eye is the Illuminati’s darkest camp in the entertainment field—Satanism, sex slavery, pedophilia and pornography.

All of those seen and unseen situations are devoid of light, and Earth has reached energy planes where everything in low vibratory levels is disintegrating. What has been going on back stage, so to say, is moving onto center stage where the play that’s unfolding can be viewed by the public.

Backlash from the film is keeping the spotlight on “cyberspace war.” Whatever is designed for positive use can be directed into negative means, and your advancement in computer technology is a prime example. On one hand, medical breakthroughs can be shared worldwide, communication is swift, whistleblowers have a forum to publish their findings, and an abundance of information not reported in mainstream media is available on the Internet. On the other hand, the Internet is used to disseminate false information and some individuals illegally enter computer systems to release proprietary data, introduce viruses and disrupt business operations. Your national leaders, who know the benefits of sharing valuable information, are seeing the need to protect their countries’ interests by working together to prevent hacking globally. Any issue that initiates or enhances cooperation across borders is to be welcomed.

We don’t see Sony’s experience leading to “all our private information and communication can be used by anyone and there can be widespread power outages” that is causing some concern. If that results in some cases, it would be temporary. Wrongful use of anything, be it information or technology or a natural resource, emits low vibrations and activity at that level cannot be sustained much longer.

Our colleagues in Nirvana cannot verify that the complex hacking process originated in North Korea or elsewhere. It could be the work of black ops agents in the Illuminati-controlled faction of the CIA—they are here and there around the world—or a malicious, perhaps vindictive, individual or group. But whoever the responsible person or persons are, they did not intend their efforts to aid the light by producing the positive effects we mentioned.

“President Obama finally has done something ‘light’ in my opinion, with that executive order. It’s absurd that our government has blackballed Cuba for 50 years when right after WWII, we helped Germany and Japan get back on their feet. There wasn’t even a war with Cuba! Why is there opposition in both parties to what Obama did?”

President Obama’s executive order that opens the door to normalizing the country’s relationship with Cuba evoked that reaction from members of Congress who routinely oppose what he does, but a few who responded angrily did so on an emotional basis more so than political. Their hearts and minds are rooted half a century in the past, which precludes their seeing that resolution of a longstanding issue is in the best interests of both countries’ peoples. This step toward living together respectfully and cooperatively also is evidence that behind-the-scenes efforts are coming to fruition in consonance with ever-increasing vibrations.

Dear family, you may tire of our attributing everything to vibrations, but they are the “fabric” of this entire universe! Everything in existence is energy vibrating at one rate or another, and the light increases as the vibratory rate accelerates. Every thought, feeling and action emits vibrations that accordingly manifest situations and their outcomes, and the amount of light in individuals determines how far along—or if—they are on the ascension pathway.

Let us clarify any misunderstanding that ascension is in conjunction with transitioning from physical life to life in spirit. Ascension is an evolutionary process and entering Nirvana is automatic ascension in location only. Persons who advance from third to fourth density spiritually and consciously during Earth lifetime enter Nirvana’s fourth density residential areas; persons who don’t achieve that status prior to transition enter at the lower density of their lifetime energy registration. Nirvana does offer opportunities to attain a higher density status, but that doesn’t come automatically. Many residents prepare via specific studies and the aid of more evolved souls to strengthen character frailties so the next personage in the lineage is better equipped to evolve during the physical lifetime.

It may be helpful if we remind you of density’s two definitions, scientifically speaking. One is mass or the location of a mass. Earth is third density in mass and fourth in location; Nirvana is fourth density in mass and location. The other definition is soul evolvement status. Gaia, Earth’s soul, always has been fifth density regardless of what density her planetary body is in; and Nirvana’s residents range from second to fifth and higher in some cases.

To continue our clarification, during this unprecedented time in the universe there are exceptions to the law of physics that governs ascension, and the misunderstanding may derive from what we have told you about souls whose original contracts are amended. Persons whose experiences exceed the severity of some contract provisions may petition at soul level to leave this lifetime before completing remaining provisions. Divine grace honors these requests by permitting the individuals to either experience the rest of the contract choices in Nirvana or be given full credit for completion. Either way, they evolve into fourth density during their stay there.

Personal ascension has been going on at an increasing rate ever since the planet started ascending 70-some years ago. Almost all persons who responded to the massive infusion of light at that time and advanced from third to fourth density spiritually and consciously transitioned to Nirvana some time ago. A multitude of souls who were born during more recent decades also transitioned after attaining fourth density status; all whose contracts were amended to permit early entry to Nirvana have it; and many persons in your society today have advanced to that status. All in all, several billion souls have evolved during Earth’s ascension process to date, and her journey into successively higher energy planes assures that many more will do so.

One last word about vibrations. We have mentioned before the importance of words, how their vibrations affect the persons who use them and all who hear them. Experiments performed by Masuru Emoto are evidence of this, which you can see in the Water and Words part of this site http://www.masaru-emoto.net/english/water-crystal.html. Dr. Emoto came from a highly evolved civilization specifically to endow your world with those scientific discoveries, and when he transitioned a few months ago, he was welcomed by a throng of souls who know that he fulfilled his mission with grand success.

Beloved brothers and sisters, you light up your life and the lives of others by speaking kindly, and the ripple effects of your words are immeasurable. We journey with you in spirit and unconditional love.



Suzanne Ward
The Matthew Books
Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

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New post on Welcome to Brenda's Blog

CEO is Your New Role

by lifetapestrycreations

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Dear Ones,

New energies are streaming to earth daily - some more noticeable than others, but a continuous stream because you and earth have transitioned beyond 3D. You have crossed the bridge and are now learning to live on the other side. So it is that the Universes are providing additional support as you learn to live in your new environment.

What you have not yet realized is that the you of this lifetime has accepted a new role for your totality. You are the CEO (chief executive officer) or president of your totality.

Many of you are clamoring for information of how best to re-create global corporations and institutions and yet disregard the piece that has been part of you since the beginning of this transition. All begins at the micro level and evolves to the macro level. So it is now.

First, you encouraged many of your segments in other parts of the Universes and/or earth to join you in a coalition of love. Second, you adapted or are adapting physically to the new you including DNA, cellular and blood changes. It is now time for you to assume the role you have prepared for for eons - that of CEO of your totality.

Many of you are tired for you are afraid within yourself to delegate responsibilities to parts of your totality - most notably your 3D segment. You believe you should monitor all segments at all times. An extremely exhausting exercise that produces little other than exhaustion.

It is time for you to let go. Know that your segments are fully prepared for whatever role they selected with little or no monitoring.

As the new CEO of your totality, you have stayed late and awoke early to ensure that every segment is doing what they are supposed to do. Allowing you little time to play or do what gives you joy.

So it is you have reached a crossroads about how you wish to live the remainder of life on earth in this lifetime. Do you wish to fly with the eagles and play on the green hills? Or do you wish to put on your business suit every morning and require detailed reports from every segment?

Of course it is your choice. Maybe you have always wished to be a hands-on CEO and such is fun for you. But if you are exhausted, irritable and as you say, "uptight" you are not playing in the sunshine as your inner-being wishes.

Many of you are thinking that you do not know how to let go of such a nebulous piece of your totality. AH. Yet, you felt fully comfortable releasing fear. Do you not see the humor in your quandary? You were courageous enough to let go of your 3D life - to climb that mountain. Yet, now that you have discovered a slight bump on your green hills, you are declaring that such is not possible.

You are doing so because you were fully comfortable with your fears, but this powerful CEO role is beyond your beliefs about yourself. You believe that even though you climbed your mountain - never deviating, never stopping - this new role of CEO is beyond your comprehension and power - for you are just you as you were in the 3D world.

You are NOT just you. You are a glorious god/goddess of the greatest power. And now you are assuming one of your new power roles - that of CEO of your totality.

So it is time for you to understand that your segments are as powerful as you - for they are you. You do not need to monitor their activities. Your segments have also been preparing their new earth roles for eons.

Is it not logical that CEO has a much different definition now than was true even if you were a CEO in the 3D world? This title can now be defined as an entity who brings all segments together at specified times to report what those segments have learned to expand the knowledge of the totality.

Your CEO role is somewhat like that of a 3D administrative assistant. You schedule segment meetings and gather and process the information so that the totality has more knowledge for your next expansion - and the next and next.

It is not about punishment, pay raises or ensuring that next quarter's profits are larger than the quarter before. Your CEO role is about increasing your totality's knowledge and experiences. And reporting that information to your new earth community. Which in turn reports information to the totality of earth. Which in turn reports that information to the totality of the Universes. So that the transition you are in the midst of creates a new earth and new you of love and joy.

Financial resources are no longer the indicator of power. Instead, power is knowledge applicable to this transition and beyond. That is not to say that financial resources are bad, merely not the power indicators of yesteryear.

Allow yourself to know deep within you that you no longer need to control anyone - including yourself.

Even though you are CEO of your totality, such a title no longer means control - but freedom. Freedom for your segments to do what they do best and gives them joy. Release the reins of power and fall into the peaceful stance of fun and love. Allow yourself - including all your segments - to be.

Your new 3D segment finds great joy in being of the 3D world - the very world you that tires you. What is your personal segment's joy? What areas are you wishing to explore once you give up the heavy reins of self-control?

Go play and all will be well. Remain tightly in control, as you learned in the 3D world, and you will experience exhaustion and yes, boredom. So be it. Amen.


Alabama, US of A. 
Thought Adjuster. 
Subject: “About Original Thinking” 

Received by Oscar. 

Thought Adjuster: “Most mortals usually choose to follow the common ways of thinking — those used by the majority. This is the reason why problems tend to remain unsolved for a long time and their solutions are usually sluggish processes. It is easy for people to get used to things — even when it may be something totally inappropriate. As examples one could mention slavery, the great disparity among the rich and the poor, and the mistreatment of the female of the human species. At various moments in history many individuals have considered that these things are not appropriate, but they generally discard their thoughts because these thoughts go against what the majority considers to be correct or traditional — just the way things are. For this reason, the examples mentioned above still exist in this world in one form or another and your society has not been able to overcome them. 

“Few among you are able to look at a problem that has existed ‘forever’ and decide to do something about it. It is easy to assume that if a situation has existed for generations, a solution would be impossible to find. However, I can assure you that the three problems mentioned could be corrected during this generation in a definitive way if only all of you decided to make it happen. The great difficulties are not related to the implementation of the solutions. The hardest part is to move the minds of the majority from the old ideas into new ways of thinking. This means to abandon tradition to venture into unknown territory, and this is something most of the population in this world fear deeply. The most powerful tool to keep human beings under submission and in slavery is the fear of change. 

“However, the Divine Spark within each and every one of you never ceases to inspire you to create new and original ideas and thoughts. This source of creative impulses never dries up — even when you suppress, censor or plainly ignore these impulses. Open your hearts and minds to receive this inspiration and dedicate some minutes of your time to examine it and to search for ways to express it, because expressing what arises from your soul is expressing God through your being. 

“Do not let your originality be smashed under the weight of tradition and group-think. Take any problem you feel inspired to solve and find a way, without being concerned about how big and difficult the problem appears to be. Think about how many problems are related and how one problem may contain the solution for a different problem. One example is the epidemic of obesity that the richer nations in the world are experiencing while the peoples from other nations do not have enough to eat. Those who are eating more than what they really need would be healthier and happier if they gave away their surplus to those who have not enough to eat, solving two problems with one solution. Is this revolutionary? Is this the product of the mind of a genius? No, the only extraordinary and revolutionary thing would be that someone decided to do it.”

Edited by Linda.

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5162 The Great Wondrousness, January 12, 2015 

God said: 

You may have thought that you are at the mercy of the world with all its laws and by-laws, its hustle-bustle, its manners, with so much for you to learn in the ways of the world.

I ask of you to make a new world based on its true destiny.

You may think that your life is destined and that you are at the world’s mercy. You may think that if you’re lucky, life is pretty good. If you’re not lucky, life is not so good.

No one is blind to the difficulties that can occur in life, nor are you, at the same time, to discount the great wondrousness that may also await you in life. The world may offer you many treasures that you don’t see, or, if you do see, you turn away from, for you hear not the call to adventure. You would like a new life, yet you hesitate about taking a new step. You may be too comfortable following the path most traveled.

Yet each day is new, and you are new in it. It is good to relax, yet relax does not mean that you and everything are to stay as they are. You cannot always set the pace of your life and the twists and turns of it. Every day has a new yield.

We can compare life to the seasons. We can compare life to the flavors of ice cream. We can compare you to the stars. Some of My children are like fixed stars who don’t want to go anywhere, and some of My children are like moving stars that want to make discoveries. Regardless of your proclivities, there will be times when you stay put, and there will be times when it seems you can hardly keep up with life.

Truly, at the same time as you may well desire life to stay the same, secure, and confident of, you may well desire life to shift and grow and show you new territory. You would really like life to be salt and pepper and wild herbs and something more that you haven’t yet been before. Life is, indeed, a mix.

Your garden may be a field of lavender, or your garden may have every color in the rainbow, yet it’s a good bet that all of your garden has green in it. Who can say what your garden must be like, for gardens, like life, seem to have their own personalities, and, yet, all gardens grow to the sun.

You may like all people to be the same, or you may like people to be new and different from what you have known before. Life will present all varieties before you. You adapt to life yet you are not a chameleon, nor are you a hopping toad.

All this is to say that life is bountiful, and you want to welcome life as it presents itself to you. It is all, all of it, life. Sunshine or clouds, life is life. Rain or snow, life is life. The great thing is that you are immersed in life, and you make the calls. When you’re happy, whatever the weather, you don’t mind. When you are happy, you don’t mind climbing flights of stairs. When you are happy, what gets in your way? When you are happy, you can sing any music you choose, and love it all.

I am making a case here for you to enter into all of life as it presents itself to you. You might prefer chocolate to vanilla. That’s fine, yet your preferring chocolate does not preclude your enjoying vanilla. Beloveds, relish the privilege of life as it comes to you. Life is a once-in-a lifetime occurrence. I am not saying to make the best of life as though life is dismal. No, not at all. I am asking you to relish life as it comes in all its flavors, for relishing life is the natural way to live life in the world.


Sivananda Daily Reading

13 January

Posted: 11 Jan 2015 10:00 PM PST

Avoid Extremes 
The mind always wants to be doing something. When it attaches itself to the objects it cherishes, the mind feels amused and happy. There can be attraction without attachment. You can be attracted to a beautiful rose, but you are not attached to it. Attachment comes after possession and enjoyment.
Attachment, love, ananda (bliss), all go together. You are attached to your wife and children and so on. You love them because they give you ananda. As this world is illusory and as, through this illusion, pain appears as pleasure, you must cut asunder all worldly attachments ruthlessly. Direct your love and attachment towards the reality, towards Brahman, towards the substratum which lies at the back of all objects, which is the witness of all activities taking place in the buddhi (intellect).
It is difficult to divert the mind which from early childhood has fallen into the pernicious habit of seeking external pleasures and which continues to do so unless you give it something superior to be amused with. Intellectual pleasure is far superior to sensual pleasure. So too, ananda (joy from meditation) is far superior to intellectual pleasure. Spiritual bliss gained from Self-realisation, is infinite, immeasurable, unbounded. It is anandaghana (a solid mass of bliss).
Keep the mind in a state of moderation. The mind likes always to run to extremes. It runs either to extreme joy or extreme depression. Extremes meet and bring about a reaction. In excessive joy the mind cannot be calmed. Hence let the mind always be calm and cheerful.
- - -
Ghee (clarified butter) has two states - solid and liquid. So it is with the mind. In the waking state it is solid and in the deep sleep state it is liquid. In the solid state it is limited and gross. This is why it has finite experiences. In the liquid state it is limitless and so the jiva (soul) experiences the homogeneous and limitless bliss. In the deep sleep state there is no ego, no desire, hence it experiences the limitless bliss of the Atman.


Yucatan: Activations, Anchoring and Connecting Sacred Sites.  Preparation for The New Atlantis 


I have just returned from an exciting, astonishing, wonderful week.  There is so much to tell - I will be writing and doing the radio show this week.  I apologize for my abrupt departure, but I assure you it was necessary, and well, amazing.  I can't wait to tell you all about why I was away from the radio show.  I do apologize for no notice, but you will understand.

Below you will find a message from Sananda and a lovely description fromMarlène about our trip to the Yucatan, completed yesterday, Jan. 10, 2015.

Here is Sananda:

Beloved Ones,

It is I, Sananda.  I have spent the past week, along with my brothers Ashtar and Raphael, accompanying our "boots on the ground" (Kathryn, Marlène and Mary) as they criss-crossed the entire Yucatan Peninsula.  Together, we activated the electromagnetic connections between and among the ancient pyramids, which operate as Galactic transmission centers, creating a network of powerful energies which will be of great assistance in the transmission of higher dimensional energies to all of Planet Earth.

There was much more to the healing and activating work, but I will allow Kathryn to rest a bit before we ask her to continue her work with us.  

I will be sending you a written message through Kathryn to tell you of the extensive, and I might say, exhaustive work these three Divine Feminine Masters have accomplished on behalf of humanity.  I will also speak on the radio show onwww.BlogTalkRadio.com/ChannnelPanel on Wednesday evening at 8, EST to give you details and descriptions of what we did and how it will affect your lives now.

We apologize for taking your dear Kathryn away at the last minute so that she could not be here for her Wednesday radio program last week.  We asked that the three women join us, and within a day they were on the airplane to the Yucatan.  We will include all of you in our news and discussion if you would like to join us on Wednesday.  We are joyfully celebrating the remarkable success of the Mission Accomplished.  It was effective beyond our greatest expectations, and we are very excited about sharing it with you.

With all my love,
Your Sananda

And here is Marlène:

The New Atlantis Anchoring on Earth:

To our Beloved Family of Light who accompanied us in spirit this week:

I would like to thank you all for taking part in this wondrous trip to the Yucatan. Our particular assignment was accomplished as we, individually and as a group joined hearts, manifested with the power of our soul and light as we connected PAST-PRESENT-FUTURE with our Inner Earth, Surface and Galactic Brothers and Sisters. 

We trav
eled east, west, north and south over more than 1300 miles, connected Five Sacred Sites, from Coba to Tulum (Uxmal and Tulum embracing the feminine energies of Venus) to all four corners of the Yucatan, Merida its capital representing humanity and finally Isla Mujeres, where the Divine Sacred feminine energies were anchored, connected to the center of Terra through our Great Central Sun and to our Galactic Realms. Most of all, the healing and the merging of the masculine and feminine energies as one.

All four earth elements were represented in the physical and anchored light into Mother Earth. The elements and their representations are as follows: Fire-represented by the pyramids and carried by Marlène. Water-represented our Cetacean, Merpeople and aquatic families and carried by Kathryn. Earth-representing kingdoms and carried by Mary. Air-representing the connectivity between fire, water and earth elements.

A special thank you and gratitude to my Sisters Kathryn and Mary for accepting this «last minute assignment». Their Light, Power and devotion made it all possible. And to our Soul Flames, Ashtar, Sananda, Rafael and the Company of Heaven for being by our side, speaking their words of love, inspiring us and whispering in Kathryn's ear, «We knew you could do it».

Our collective assignment has and will make a huge impact on Earth's Light and on what is to come in the very near future. Hold the Light, always.

In service to Source and the Great Plan
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sacred Sites, city of Merida and Isla Mujeres are connected in orange.
Uxmal site was visited and also represents the cluster of pyramids from Mayapan to Balanchen.

