11-17-14 There Is Only Going Forward


Everything in this creation is a sign of celebration.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Heavenletter #5106 There Is Only Going Forward, November 17, 2014 

God said: 

My children are often looking forward fervently to what comes next in their lives. This is good. A good way to get to the future that you are eager for is to simply let go of what has been. I am referring to the past you attach yourself to.
Some of My children are gripped to remorse, regret, rue of past actions or non-actions. In any case, too many times, you have too many regrets and thoughts and actions you would redo if you could, if you knew how, if there could be a way. The only way you can go back and erase or add to the past is by letting go of it and simply moving forward. There is no back-tracking. There is only going forward.
Turn back the pages of the past. Leave them behind. You cannot nourish your life on regrets. When you regret and regret and repent, you bury yourself in deeper. Then regret and all become a mainstay. Honestly, when you regret, regret once, and be done. Otherwise, you are a slacker in life. You pull yourself from behind. Rue and regret are a Never Land that keep you from entering the present.
Know and know well that I release you from the past. It never was. You have a recollection of an imaginary time. I relieve you of guilt. Guilt is a shackle, and I free you from it. It is not noble to feel guilty. It is a waste of time and energy.
Do you know what else guilt can lead you to? Anger. Anger can be seen as your own sense of guilt pasted onto someone else. Being responsible and guilty are two different things. Feeling guilty is like cutting off your feet to fit the bed. Feeling guilty can be a projection of your resentment towards others or a passage in your life. There is one recurring theme that I bombast you with, and that is to let go of the past. In order to be free, it is essential to let go of the past. Unless you let go of it, you perpetuate it. You can’t have it both ways. If you want to be free, you have to let go of the past. Guilt is not your obligation. Guilt is too long an interim step. Leap out of the past. Leave whatever you have accrued behind you, and don’t look back. This is the law of the land. I write this commandment now:  Don’t look back.
Looking back is folly. It doesn’t get you ahead. Repenting is looking back. Apologize once to the world and to yourself, and then get on with life. Guilt is one of the biggest wastes of time there can be. Life is fluid. In Truth, in every moment you have to release the past. Do it speedily. You cannot do it too fast. So-called time is of the essence when it comes to leaving the past to be the past and for you to move ahead. I say it is essential to let go of the past, or, otherwise, you are stuck to it. You can’t go forward and look back at the same time. It is one or the other. You can only have one focus at a time. Onward! There is no virtue in going back. There is no virtue in hanging on where you once were or thought you were.
Letting go means to let go of the idea of past action. Let go of the idea of karma as karma is understood in the world. The past is not intended to be a ball and chain around your neck. That leads to folly, and you have better things to do. You have work to do for Me. You have blessings to give and eyes to lift. First, you have to lift up your own eyes.


Teacher: The Beloved One. 
Subject: “What is God’s Will?” 

Received by Lytske. 

The Beloved One: “In your early morning musings, the question about the will of God made its appearance on the screen of your mind. Many things, of which humans are barely conscious, happen daily, but the most important thought, which rarely appears on any of these minds on this planet is: ‘What is God’s will for me today?’ And therefore, also, very little deep thought is given to this further, most simple question: ‘What is entailed in the doing of God’s will?’ All mortals adhere to a belief system, albeit they may or may not be aware of their beliefs, as it is easier to let others do their thinking for them. The majority lives as if there is no tomorrow except when worry looms on the horizon, or when awakened from their slumber. 

“Others awaken when they start reading books with spiritual content and hopefully take a small step to independent thinking. Their conversations take on a different hue, and perchance they look for a guru of some kind to help open the door of their minds. Hopefully a continually growing thirst to know more about spiritual matters will appear. They are those who will be encouraged by their Guardian Angels to have these human charges step out into the greater beyond, where insights arrive and liberated thinking takes over. 

“The further group of humans are already question marks from early childhood, as in their little minds they mull over what the meaning of life might be and who might be the Maker of heaven and earth. Those, who are not overly burdened by old superstitious beliefs, will retain their questioning natures to develop a personal relationship with God with the help from their Spark from God within. No child who makes its first conscious moral decision is left behind; all receive their guiding Fragment of God. 

“However, not all start listening or question why things happen the way they do. It very much depends on parental guidance and the experiences of life that help shape a young person. When their budding will is sufficiently developed in a moral direction, the child begins to awaken more and starts wondering about the meaning of God’s will. This independence of thought is to be encouraged, as the child becomes increasingly more conscious of the mystery of the All That Is, and learns about God’s unconditional love and forgiveness. 

“Therefore, the next step in the thought process is the beginning hunger for a personal relationship with the Creator, and this heralds the search to find this Source of all life. 

“It is the grandest moment anyone can experience in this mortal estate to find a Spark of this Source living and working within themselves. It is like ‘a home-coming’ to finally experience and live that life.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


Sivananda Daily Reading

18 November

Posted: 17 Nov 2014 04:41 AM PST

Dama - Sense Control 
Dama is self-restraint. It is control of the senses. It is a vedantic sadhana (practice). It comes after the practice of sama (restraint of mind). It is one of the sad-sampat (six-fold wealth). It does not allow the senses to run outwards. It gives strength, peace and concentration. It develops will-power. It helps you to disconnect or shut off the mind from the senses, and the senses from the objects. It corresponds to pratyahara (sense-withdrawal) of raja yoga. An objector says, "Why should there be practice of dama when the mind is controlled by sama?" It is a double attack on the mind. The mind operates in conjunction with the senses; the mind will be subdued easily and effectively if you practise dama also. It weakens or thins out the mind.
There is also a deliberate order here. Without viveka (wisdom), vairagya (dispassion) is not powerful. It is viveka that weans the mind from sensual objects and directs it towards the Absolute. So viveka comes first. If there is dawn of viveka, vairagya, serenity (sama) will come by itself. It is easy to control the mind if the senses are also controlled. So dama comes after sama. If you practise dama, uparati (satiety) follows - you are disgusted with sensual objects. Serenity and restraint of the indriyas are increased if you have titiksha or power of endurance. When you possess the above qualifications naturally you will have faith (shraddha) and a balanced inner life (samadhana). If you are endowed with viveka, vairagya and six wealths, a burning yearning for liberation (mumukshutva) will automatically follow.
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Sensual pleasure is the womb of pain. The cause for pain is the pursuit of pleasure. Sensual pleasure is imaginary, illusory, fleeting and tantalising. Abandon pleasure and rejoice in the eternal bliss of the Atman. He who has destroyed desire is really a harmonised, peaceful and happy man.


You’re a Beacon – Not a Rescue Boat

by lifetapestrycreations

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Summary of Brenda’s November 14, 2014 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman:  For seconds while talking with others, you'll likely smell, taste, see, feel or otherwise sense a different time, dimension or frequency. You'll probably be concerned that you 'spaced out' during the conversation, but know that your 3D segments maintained the conversation during your explorations. You're practicing to flit from time to time or place to place as easily as you now drive an automobile.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for  www.LifeTapestryCreations.com:  "Time Slips and Exploration

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.


Dear Ones,

World peace and contentment are your end-goals, for that is new earth. But such is not happening tomorrow or the next day. It is a process you are fully enmeshed in and with.

Those of you impatient with this process must understand that you are only responsible for you. Even though you have heard or read this phrase over and over, it is time to understand what it means throughout your being.

If your spouse or neighbor chooses not to follow their heart, they will remain in pain. So it is that many parts of your world continue to vie for the greatest place of fear. Such is to be expected if you accept that this transition is a unique global process. No amount of prayer or good wishes will deliver someone to the light.

Perhaps that makes you angry for you are comfortable controlling others - from your children to economics. And with that control, you have the right, in fact the need, to tell others what to feel and believe.

You cannot save the world - or more to the point for this conversation - shift the world to light.

You are only responsible for yourself. Anyone else - including your children, loved ones, community members or country - are outside your bounds of responsibility and control. You negated that control when you exited your cocoon.

You fully understand you are not to control others. But surely that does not mean others are to be allowed to die or suffer if you know what is right or wrong? You do not.

You only know what is right or wrong for you. Information relayed to you via your inner-being for those newly awakening - and you inner-being and various segments once you have reached that level of self-knowledge.

You do not need to waste time and energy feeling you are not good enough or worldly enough to create world peace and love.

The only light you need to foster is your own - as is true of all entities throughout the globe when it is right for them to do so.

Now you question why you need to be so callous as to not defend those in need? For your life is good and getting better. Why should you not share that abundance with others? Ah, such is the difference between old and new earth.

In old earth, you were wiser, better, braver, wealthier than others, so it was your responsibility to even that score via sacrifice in terms of money, physical life or emotional concern. You played savior for those less fortunate than you. Which was well and good when control and capability levels were touted daily.

A new form of sacrifice, if you will, is now required. You are to allow others to discover their power so they know with every fiber of their being that they are as powerful and capable as anyone.

You are the god of you - no one else.  You are not a world savior - you are your personal savior.

Some of you feel the need to initiate global activities. That is well and good if generated from your segments and inner-being. It is not appropriate if you feel sorry for others - if you believe they are not strong enough, smart enough, capable enough or good enough to care for themselves.

Allow others to tell you what they want or need instead of deciding for them. When your child tells you he or she is cold, wet or hungry, you respond. But would it not be silly, even counterproductive, to feed a child who is not at all hungry?

You have trained for eons to care for those labeled less responsible, wise or capable than you. But those labels shifted with Old Age society. Less than a century ago, women in many parts of the world, were not allowed to travel without an escort - now they are encouraged to become active military combatants.

So it is your understanding of labels is evolving.

Human beings - including yourself - are much more capable than you have been led to believe.

You, as a group, are shifting the skill set of earth and all those entities who wish to participate. You are creating new earth one beacon at a time. Even though you sometimes feel as if all is futile, your beacons are now bright enough to be noted throughout the Universes.

Dimming your light to help someone by moving into their path or arena does not increase your light, nor theirs. He or she will have less need to find their inner-power if someone is rescuing them. And you move yourself off track.

You have heard such thoughts numerous times. The piece you have not yet fully grasped is that new earth is not limited to those of light. All of earth are now of new earth.

Some revert to old patterns for reasons you cannot and do not fully understand. Perhaps they are helping another to turn on their light in response to their fear or chaos. You do not know what anyone is thinking, feeling - or what actions are right for them.

You are a new earth beacon shining brightly in the dark that guides others to shore - when and how they wish to do so. You are not a rescue boat - as so many yet believe.

Stop playing god to anyone but yourself.

Other entities, including humans, can accept their power/light when they wish. For you to decide when that should be is of old earth. They will do so when it is right for them. No sooner - no matter how much you want them to. Or no later - no matter how much you feel they do not understand the light.

Allow them to be. You are not a global savior. You are your personal savior. So be it. Amen.
