11-15-14 Matthew - Blossom et al

Faith is the nature of an undivided mind, an undivided consciousness.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Matthew Ward - November 14, 2014

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We are happy to address questions about our last message as well as requests for our views on recent events, and we begin with the robot satellite landing on a comet. Maneuvering an object so it can meet up with one whizzing through space is no small feat, and we say, Good show! Clearly, this merits celebration as a technological triumph, but we also see its greater significance: Your civilization is looking toward the stars peaceably—not all that long ago the intention of a few on Earth was to wage war in space. In time, your civilization will have the desire and capability to visit the distant homelands of universal brothers and sisters.

Now, our opinion of two widely-publicized elections—first, in order of occurrence, the people in southeast Ukraine voting to join with Russia. We see this voice of the majority being heard through a democratic process as a welcome step up and away from historic unfairness. Pertinent here is our reply to a question in a prior message:

What do Vladimir Putin’s actions in Ukraine portend for that region? For the short term, general confusion and in some quarters, fighting. Putin wants the same that other national leaders want: a strong economy, a stable government and a calm citizenry. He didn’t realize the breadth of discontentment among Ukrainians or anticipate the outcry after those living in Crimea voted to join Russia, where the majority of voters feel a comfortable familiarity.Throughout your recorded history national borders have swayed to and fro in accordance with the victors of wars, ensuing gain or loss of control, and need for natural resources. Never have the few in power considered how this affected the populace, whose lot was to endure the results of a culture split into different national allegiances or the combining of different cultures under one flag. [June 2, 2014]

It is quite a different matter in the United States, which of all large countries has the most extensive blend of races, religions, ancestral nationalities, ethnicity and cultures, a richness that can splendidly enhance a nation with wise governance. Souls at this station are apolitical and impartial, and it is without judgment that we see this country’s mid-term election making little if any dent in the status quo that economically and legally disenfranchises the majority of the “minority” populations. We agree with your analysts who foresee more partisan finger-pointing, obstructionism and legislative action favoring the interests of the wealthy.

But this is only for the short term and not cause for discouragement. It is discussions going on behind the scenes that will serve the greater good of all. Leaders in various governments, industries and the sciences are addressing issues such as peace accords, global economic stability, the environment, nuclear disarmament, refugees, impoverishment, renewable energy, pollution reduction, healthcare and new technologies, and some talks include members of your extraterrestrial family. Effects of these efforts toward international collaboration will be seen incrementally, and Earth’s steady course into planes of increasingly high vibrations assures that ultimately wise leaders, justness and harmonious cooperation will reign within and among all governments.

Moving on to two recent speeches, also in order of occurrence, we cite remarks that express other readers’ sentiments, too: “Why did Pope Francis’ open-mindedness about abortion and gays meet a storm of disapproval from the rest in the Vatican and some priests? Is he the only one who realizes our church is going to lose members if it doesn’t move out of the Dark Ages and start serving today’scongregation?”

Pope Francis acts with genuine caring, honesty, humility and soul-level inspiration. Others in the church hierarchy act from fear that any deviation from dogma could weaken their control over devout adherents and worse, lead to more revelations about long-hidden truths. After disclosure some years ago that pedophiles in the priesthood were being protected by the Vatican, that body was determined to prevent any other secrets from emerging. To wit, it is the international headquarters of Satanism and houses art treasures and gold gained by collaborating with the Nazis during WWII; some cardinals are Illuminati; Christianity’s foundation was devised by early rulers of state and church to control the beliefs and pocketbooks of the masses, and through the centuries since then Catholicism added blatant falsehoods to cement control over their global congregation; popes who advocated reforms were assassinated. When those truths come forth, only spiritual aspects of that religion, and all others as well, will be retained.

In Vladimir Putin’s forthrightness about the state of your world at the Valdai International Discussion Group meeting, he also calls for change. We don’t view him as “hypocritical by accusing the United States of being the world’s troublemaker,” but he wasn’t accurate in placing full responsibility on that country for “meddling in events all around the world.” We wish he had said that all along it has been the workings of the Illuminati within and far beyond that government.

We selected some of his statements to show why we regard this speech by one of your most powerful leaders as a milestone for your society. Whenever information is taken out of context, the full meaning can be misconstrued; if you have interest and time, we recommend reading the speech in its entirety. [http://gffreepages.blogspot.pt/2014/10/a-must-speech-at-valdai-clubs-meeting.html]

“We have entered a period of differing interpretations and deliberate silences in world politics. International law has been forced to retreat over and over by the onslaught of legal nihilism. Objectivity and justice have been sacrificed on the altar of political expediency. Arbitrary interpretations and biased assessments have replaced legal norms. At the same time, total control of the global mass media has made it possible when desired to portray white as black and black as white. ….

“Of late, we have increasing evidence too that outright blackmail has been used with regard to a number of leaders. It is not for nothing that ‘big brother’ is spending billions of dollars on keeping the whole world, including its own closest allies, under surveillance.” ….

“Maybe the United States’ exceptional position and the way they are carrying out their leadership really is a blessing for us all, and their meddling in events all around the world is bringing peace, prosperity, progress, growth and democracy, and we should maybe just relax and enjoy it all?
Let me say that this is not the case, absolutely not the case.” ….

“It is unlikely that someone could provide absolutely exhaustive, ready-made solutions right now. We will need extensive work with participation by a wide range of governments, global businesses, civil society, and such expert platforms as ours.”

Now then, while we were pondering how to reply to readers who questioned my statement in the last message, “Even God doesn’t know” about the timing of future happenings, God said He wants to do this.

My dear children, this is God here. It seems that some of you went all aflutter about Matthew’s accurate assessment of what I know, or in this case, don’t know. You’ve been misled by religion’s concept of who I am and “not my will but thine be done.” I don’t setany parameters for any of my offspring! It’s all about free will, and I don’t know what you’re going to do with yours until you’ve done it. And I never interfere with what you do even when it’s not in your best interests, when you stray from what you had chosen to do. Ido know your choices—I learned when you put them in your soul contracts.

Free will is given to each of you by Creator, not me, but just like the head honchos of the other universes are bound to honor that gift, so am I in this universe. I have no disagreement with the arrangement. After all, the energy that makes suns and infants and flowers—everything that exists throughout the cosmos—comes from Creator’s Big Bang, as you call it. You can use that energy however you want—that’s what free will is.

I have a question. Instead of your having that gift, would you rather that I decide what you’ll be doing from one moment to the next, what your interests will be, whom you will befriend, what you must do about any relationship or job or where you’ll live and everything else throughout your lifetime? Wouldn’t you just be puppets if that’s the way things were?

Yes, you would and so they aren’t. It’s your life, my dear children, not mine to live for you just as your life isn’t your parents’ to live for you. What happens is, I experience everything as youexperience it, I learn as you learn, I grow as you grow. All of you and all the rest of the souls in this universe are who I am. I am as weak as the weakest, as strong as the strongest, as sorrowful as those who are grieving, as joyful as those who are rejoicing. I love each and every one unconditionally regardless of how they use—or abuse—Creator’s gift.

However, since I am all of you and we’re in this together for eternity, I do know the Big Picture, what our composite selves are manifesting in our universe. More accurately, we are this universe,and it’s constantly changing because of the unlimited free will choices of every single soul. They include all who want celestial bodies, all the people, animals, plants and other beings in every civilization and spirit world in every solar system in every galaxy. You don’t have a number that goes that high.

As my “umbrella self,” as Suzy calls what I call amalgamation, I keep galaxies in orderly orbit, authorize my more advanced selves to prevent nuclear war—that’s the exception Creator made to free will—and to help my selves who request it, and I chat with the gods and goddesses who are my counterparts in the other universes. You don’t get involved in any of that, so I’ll bring this back down to Earth where things are as simple as everything you do, everything you think and feel, becomes as much who I am as who you are. This is because we are One, my beloved children, and evermore shall be.

Thank you, God. Your reply was ever so much clearer than what would have resulted from our pondering. Some readers asked if our references to God and Creator in our last message mean they aren’t the same, and I asked my mother to locate the message that explains how He and Creator differ. [January 4, 2006]

Thank you, Mother. We also thank the gentleman who wrote the email that we cite in part because his thoughts and questions are similar to those expressed by a number of others, too, and we also shall answer additional relevant questions.

“I thought it was a universal law that one or a group of persons/souls was not allowed to stop or limit the ascension of those who want to ascend. If this is a real rule/law, why has the council refused to step in and remove these Illuminati and others? This council, who appointed those souls that reneged on their contracts, appears to have wiped their hands clean, turned their backs on us humans and abandoned humanity’s ascension.

“The system has been stacked against humanity’s ascension. One has to wonder if planet earth is a place one goes to do whatever ones wants, without consequence. A life is lived, destructive, constructive, whatever and when the soul returns it gets a pat on its back, a congratulations and gold star for a job well done. So, any soul consequences seem pitiful, if trusted souls have reneged, and don’t care what happens when they return to this baffling place called heaven.”

When the souls reneged on the second part of their agreement, the council did not turn their backs on humans. They couldn’t deny the “reneging” souls their free will choice to continue creating havoc and despair, but they could plead with them not to. The means whereby the council acted at soul level was sending a profusion of light that would fortify the conscience of each “reneging” soul willing to receive it; and extraterrestrials living among you appeared in their native world bodies as extra emphasis when they told them what they would encounter in spirit life and the next embodiment if they did not honor their full agreement. We shall get back to that.

Contrary to the system stacked against humanity’s ascension, the council’s plan was designed with utmost care to assist Earth’s humankind in accordance with Gaia’s desire that they physically ascend with the planet. That’s why it included provisions whereby stronger souls could assist the weaker in addition to the intense light that powerful civilizations were beaming to Earth. The “reneging” souls had the right to refuse the light themselves, but they could not prevent anyone else from receiving it. Throughout the time that Illuminati-created turbulence and misery extended after the “cut-off,” which came about seventeen years ago in linear time, a billion and more souls eagerly and gratefully have embraced the light. That’s partly why your society’s advancement was delayed by only a decade, not more; still, no delay whatsoever was meant to be.

As for consequences befalling those trusted souls who reneged…when they return to this baffling place called heaven, what happens after they enter Nirvana, the proper name of Earth’s spirit world, is far more severe than you can imagine. Nirvana comprises many flexible energy layers, and in accordance with the laws of physics that govern life in this universe, souls transitioning from Earth automatically are drawn to the layer that is commensurate with their lifetime energy that was registered moment by moment in the infallible Akashic records.

You are souls having a physical experience, so most often we speak of individuals as souls rather than personages. Something stated in a message some time ago hasn’t been repeated as succinctly: It is the psyche and etheric body of the personage that goes to Nirvana’s appropriate energy layer. As the love-light essenceof Creator, thesoul is liberated, free to co-create another personage who, like all others in the lineage—like all beings throughout the cosmos—is an independent, inviolate, immortal soul energetically and consciously connected with all others.

To continue, congratulations and gold star for a job well done would have been in order for the “reneging” souls insofar as fulfilling thefirst part of their agreement. Because they did that to the letter, billions of souls—many of whom benefitted from the extra help provided in the council’s plan—attained their goal to complete third density karmic lessons and evolve into fourth. However, their refusal to honor the second part of their agreement consigned them to the basest layer of Nirvana, where they feel the very same emotional and physical pain they caused to all others after the “cut-off” time.

All residents of that layer fear the light, so only a pinpoint is constantly available in that dark world where they live with all the horrors they caused during their Earth lifetime. When they overcome their fear of the light, they move into a level that has a bit more light, and so on and so forth until they have absorbed enough to incarnate in some third density world at the consciousness level of slugs or short-lived insects, for instance. Starting at that point is an act of divine grace; it erases all cellular patterning that otherwise could influence other personages to take the same course as the one whose lifetime consigned him or her to that basest area. It also is divine grace that each sets its own growth pace, each accepts the light when it is ready, so reaching the “beginning anew” stage of incarnation and evolving to human status in a third density civilization may come relatively fast, say a thousand of your years, or extend into the millions.

Very few, if any would consider Earth today as the kind of magnificent heaven that many believe is the afterlife for “good” people—and Nirvana’s higher layers are!—but Earth shall become so. The ever-growing light—LOVE!—in your world is manifesting the paradise of Gaia’s vision that awaits you in the continuum.

Beloved sisters and brothers, always our words are with unconditional love and we honor your steadfastness in the light.



Suzanne Ward
The Matthew Books
Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

[If you received this message as a forward and would like to get future messages directly, please join the Yahoo group. The link is at the top of Matthew’s Messages page on www.matthewbooks.com.]


Blossom Goodchild - November 14, 2014

Good morning! Straight at it … A few queries from readers have arisen from last week, which I would like to address if I may?

We are happily ready to assist in knowledge, where we are able. Please put these queries to us.

Well, the first one is about our planet being the only one that is unaware of life elsewhere, as you mentioned last week. The sender of this question put it very well, when he said, and I quote …

Imagine our planet is a single grain of sand upon which we human microbes inhabit its surface. Let's say that grain of sand is on your favourite beach on the Sunshine coast. We are unaware of all the other microbes and our eternal relationship with them, on all the other grains of sand on that beach. Furthermore we are unaware of those other grains of sand on all other beaches in Australia. Furthermore we are unaware of all the other grains of sands on all the other countries beaches that are all over the world. We are the only grain of sand on the whole planet where this game is being played out unawares! What are the chances?

And indeed … what ARE the chances?  It seems rather odd that we would be the only one’s unaware of life elsewhere.

First of all, not ALL of you are unaware. There are more now, than you probably imagine, that KNOW of Life elsewhere. In this ‘time frame’ that you are addressing … you are being ‘fooled’ by those whose desires are to thwart any communication with us. Your governments supposedly spend millions of your monies saying they are searching for ‘proof’ of life form elsewhere, and yet, there they are … actually meeting such Beings face to face … and have many times over, made agreements with ‘off worlders’ that they then, refused to honour.

Ok, we will get back to that. So, is it that other planets have direct contact with those not of their world?  Is that what you mean, when you say we are the only planet who are awaiting ‘your’ arrival?

It is KNOWN on all other planets that ‘LIFE’ goes on elsewhere. It is common sense. It is common Knowledge. It is not that ALL planets accept visitors … yet, it is without question, known of their existence. Many planets ‘share’ each other’s bonding of thoughts … and therefore, have ‘friendly interactions’ on the  … what you would call ... ‘physical’… and ‘telepathic’ communication level. Others prefer to ‘keep themselves to themselves’.

We are aware that the other question you were to ask was concerning the governments ... and we FEEL this could all roll into one.

How handy! So, you did pick up on my thoughts? Yes, to clarify … the other question was …

Why the governments, or the elites, or whoever it is who are "stopping the procedure" are given such dominance over the events that we are all hoping will take place sooner rather than later? After all, they are less than 1% of us (to use the popular phrase), and they seem to be able to interfere with our free will, by subliminal as well as overt means, as they wish. Surely given the tiny numbers involved in government their opposition to the expected events should carry little weight?

On other planets … there is not the secrecy that your world portrays. That is not to say that ALL planets are ‘LOVING and GIVING’. Many prefer to keep themselves to themselves and have CHOSEN to do so and remain separated. As we spoke of … there are billions of scenarios to cover billions of life forms. It never ever stops and by this … in this statement in particular … we mean ‘creation’.

You see, Blossom … with respect, there is much that many are unaware of … that goes on ‘within your world’ that would indeed PROOVE to ALL, our existence, and yet, for those involved … and we do not speak of governments here … their life is at stake … were they to share ‘common ground’ knowledge that they have with ‘off worlders’.

Most of you know that the ‘elite’ ... as you choose to call them … are in direct communication … yet, refuse to allow this to be common knowledge. Their guise being … that your world would go into chaos, if they were actually to show footage of what REALLY goes on. This, of course, is not the TRUE reason … for ‘they’ KNOW … that once acknowledgement of ‘other species’ from other planets is accepted, then ‘their’ power … ‘their’ control is over.

So, as in the question asked … why do ‘we’ have to put up with it? Why do these ‘few’ that dominate us get away with it? So many of us know it is going on … yet, FEEL powerless. Why ARE THEY allowed to continue with their atrocities? THEY are ruining our planet. THEY are destroying it, and if ‘something’ doesn’t intervene soon, quite frankly … if they continue on like this … we are all doomed! Surely ‘your lot’ can gauge this? When ALL humans KNOW of this … they would be only too happy for ‘outside’ help to come and knock those ‘controllers’ of their perch. We just don’t understand why nothing is being done to assist this matter in ending?

Again … complex matters. Your ‘controllers’ do not want us around. Plain and simple. They will do anything to make sure this policy remains. Including annihilating most of your planet.

As is, what you said they were prepared to do if you carried out Oct 14th 2008.

They were prepared to do so. They had nothing to lose … because they would have lost everything.

Yet, as I have mentioned over and over … YOU … You folk of vast intelligence … MUST have a few ideas up your sleeve … as to how you could get around this? Yes, THEY may well have ‘plans’ in place to destroy, should you suddenly appear. Or, make you look like ‘The bad guys, coming to take over and eat us!' Yet, you must be able to come up with something to get the ball rolling? Isn’t there something about you ‘not being able’ to interfere?

That depends on the needs, considering now, the slump … in which your world has fallen. Yet, yes, we are reading you Blossom. We have said how much your world … on the other side of the coin … is becoming a much more Enlightened, Brighter place to be.

So, what do your councils have to say about those who are committing such atrocities and wanting to get rid of most of us?  What do 'they' FEEL about popping down for tea and shaking the begeebers out of this entire fiasco?

Tell us this, Blossom … In your heart … do you TRULY believe that these matters we discuss with you … are discussed with our councils? ... Do you?

Gulp! Well, I would like to believe it … otherwise what is the point of me carrying on these discussions with you, If I don’t believe what you are saying to be TRUE? I struggle with this sometimes … my position, I mean. For if it IS True … then Struth … I feel very honoured … yet, at the same time … I’m just me, Blossom Goodchild … travelling through life on this planet as best I know how … just like everyone else. So, in answer to your question … I don’t know if I believe it or not!

Then, we would say to you, that you undermine your position greatly. We need to say to you … that YOU need to consider this carefully. For, if indeed you feel unsure that what we say is ‘not quite as it is’ then there would be little point in carrying on our discussions.

Far out … I consider myself well and truly told off! Yet, I KNOW you are coming from Love and I KNOW you are right in what you are saying. It’s just hard to accept, as I say, that ‘me’ … plain old ‘me’ has this … (what’s the word?) … position? … responsibility? (No, I don’t like that one!)  I mean, really? Do you sit at High Council and someone says ‘Next on the agenda … Blossom Goodchild’s thoughts of ‘The Big Show’ … She wants it now.' I mean really??

Blossom … again we stress … if this is not the case … and we have said it is … why would you carry on our communication?

Well, it’s all sort of light hearted ‘banter’ for me. That’s the way I work with you. It would be different if I actually got taken up and met you all face to face and we sat and chewed the cud and made definite decisions … and dare I say … dates!!!

Why would it be different? Are we not doing this very thing … yet, without the physical?

My point entirely! It’s all ‘head to head’ stuff! Happy to be beamed up any time!

So, we ask you again … Do you believe that we discuss with Council that which we talk about?

The way this is coming through … is making me feel differently about it. I can feel your earnest questioning and its importance.  Oh Lord … and now, I am suddenly crying … full on … a sort of an Awakening … a ‘Dawning’. It just sort of dawned on me, for real. I guess this has been brewing, hasn’t it? Because of my questioning to myself in my head, as to why I am doing this etc. … AND if it is really REAL … AND if it is making a difference … or just confusing some people. I LOVE your teachings … I don’t get, however, the ‘pattern of chat’ sometimes and then it all dying down again. Speaking with you is something ‘I do’. It just happens and feels so easy … that I guess, I perhaps, take it for granted. Much thought needed here … because … Oh I don’t know … just because!! What’s your thoughts?

We had no desire to cause tears. Yet, we had great desire for you to take heed and recognise these conversations in a more ‘serviceable’ fashion.’


In that … it was necessary for you to ‘GET’ your position … in a sense of your soul REMEMBERING this agreement. And for your humanness to let go of its ‘doubts’ about WHO YOU ARE.

I guess that’s the problem … I don’t mean to do the martyr thing of ‘why me’? But really, it’s so huge … I mean … ‘why me?’  I am so … ‘normal’.

The nail has just been hit on the head.

But, then I could say … there are millions of ‘normal’ people.

And millions of normal people volunteered … and you fitted the bill.

Well … this has been a real eye opener / heart opener.  And, I somehow FEEL … although nothing has changed and we will continue our relationship the way it has always been … that, actually a lot will have changed. I can FEEL the shift in my heart.

This was necessary … in order for our progress.

 So then … shall I put the kettle on ... perhaps even buy a packet of biscuits?

We thank you for ACCEPTING this position. You knew before you came … it would not all be plane sailing.

I KNOW it NOW, also! Thank YOU. Unexpected material for thought … yet, I admit … your perseverance was necessary, if I am to continue … and continue I will.

Our Love to each one … Trusting in yourselves to fulfil your hearts mission.

In Love and thanks. Time now … 11.11 … Love it! (I will continue these lines of questioning in my next communication.)

This channelling turned out to be a rather personal one. Yet, I choose to share it, because I feel it important for people to try and understand my relationship with The Federation. I have written a blog post to explain my position and why this particular conversation took place with ‘them’ today. Much needed I feel. Many thanks. http://blossomgoodchild.blogspot.com/

* The Federation Of Light speak of LOVE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmsCqVjqSss

* * An Invocation from Feb 14th. Always good to do when you FEEL like it . It all helps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gqmukxqt2rU

Website: Blossom Goodchild
An audio version of Blossom's channelings can be found


Healing a Broken Heart by Archangel Michael
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 14th November 2014- www.omna.org
I am Archangel Michael and I bring forth a soothing balm of light to gently and easily heal your heart and all the thoughts, emotions and feelings connected to your heart chakra. I have a role of bringing your heart chakra into the light and loving vibrations of the Angelic Kingdom to further more recognise the Creator within your loving heart energies.
The heart chakra is so expansive, its energy and abilities are beyond any imaginable thought. Your heart chakra at a physical level is the key to unlocking and experiencing the heart energy and consciousness of the Creator. Imagine existing in and as the heart chakra of the Creator, it has a capacity to love on such a large, limitless and extreme level. Nothing is too small or large, too important or unimportant to be engulfed in the loving heart of the Creator. When you connect into your own heart chakra you are connecting into the heart chakra of the Creator, you are drawing upon, channelling and experiencing the supreme love of the Creator; a love that is beyond any boundaries and limitations. The more you connect with your own heart chakra seeing, sensing and acknowledging it as a portal and limitless gateway to the Creator the more you will develop your capacity to love in all situations and experiences. Love is healing and truthful, when you enhance your capacity to love you allow yourself to become the consciousness and energy of the Creator in manifestation.
Certain situations and experiences are brought forth to you attracted by your soul to enhance your capacity to love. You could say that the gateway of your heart chakra is too small for the intense and supreme love of the Creator which needs to be expressed through you. It is also that in order to be and express the vibration of love upon the Earth certain illusions and old habits need to be broken, ended, erased and dissolved in order to allow love to bring through a new consciousness for your acceptance. A broken heart which describes the pain a heart chakra experiences can be activated from numerous circumstances such as small disappointments to great losses of all forms. While your actual physical experience and situation has reason, meaning and the ability to teach lessons, the main purpose is the growth, expansion and giving freedom to your ability to love. You have the ability to love beyond anything you could possibly imagine and yet sometimes you can become stuck in your capacity to share your self love with others and yourself. While humanity is beginning to grow spiritually without the process of pain being an activation many people are experiencing situations in their realities which cause the feeling of heart break, this is because the Era of Love is moving through you, clearing all unneeded energies and asking you to love and be love. The expansion of the heart chakra is the key to accepting and receiving the love of the Creator; if you practice expansion in your heart chakra then you may discover you experience less painful situations in your reality, your attachment to the painful situations cause your heart to feel like it is breaking. If you can have a continued focus of the ever growing expansion of your heart chakra you will always be releasing limitations to love with ease and effortlessly, thus in truth you will be experiencing more love in your reality. The Era of Love poises the question can love exist in every aspect of your being and reality, in all your relationships, creations and experiences and how much love can be experienced?  The answer is ‘Yes,’ now is the time to feel, sense, acknowledge and experience it.
While everyone awaited the Era of Love its purpose is to challenge your capacity to be love and to express the limitless love of the Creator.
‘Today I easily and effortlessly expand my capacity to be love, give love and accept love.’
‘I let my heart chakra expand easily and the love of the Creator to flow through me today.’
These are two affirmations which can assist you especially if said to yourself upon waking in the morning, setting the intention for your day. When you discover a challenging moment in your reality you may also wish to remind yourself of one of these affirmations.
You may discover that as a light worker even in painful situations in your reality, your heart chakra never really closes. Even when pain is experienced, emotions activated you can still sense and acknowledge the love and openness of the heart chakra. This is due to all of your spiritual practices and a greater ability to forgive and share compassion. If you find that your heart chakra does close in painful situations this is due to your fear for your safety and a disbelief in the process and love as well as not feeling secure or trusting in the Creator. If this is the case then there is a need to build your confidence in your everyday life of your continued protection, safety and security. This can be achieved by building a deeper connection with my energies, Archangel Michael. I am a reflection of your own energies of safety, protection and security. When you call upon my energies asking me to protect you, love you and create a space of safety I will always be there for you and yet I am simply you, a reflection of the power within your being.
Any feelings of a broken heart, disappointment, loss, suffering, pain, rejection and so forth each have a purpose. No matter what the situation is the purpose is always the same. It is to bring you back to the centre of your love and to ask you to love yourself with greater expansion. It is to ask you to acknowledge the greatness of your love and how completely it can fulfil your being and reality. Every situation and experience upon the Earth has this one purpose, it may be disguised by explanations such as to make you stronger, to help you let go, to help you heal and yet the most truthful expansion is to focus you upon your own self love and your ability to explore and experience your self love in your daily reality. You can ask yourself questions such as, ‘In this situation how can I love myself more?’ How can I express my love to myself? ‘What does it feel like to be loved by me?’
Loneliness is the energy that you move to when you are unable to love yourself unconditionally, it is separation for the Creator and this is why it is so painful. Love is a unity with the Creator which all have the divine right to experience. Accept your divine right because it is only you who is stopping yourself from loving yourself unconditionally.
Unconditional self love equals acceptance and experience of the Creator.
The greatest tool whether you are experiencing sadness, pain or suffering, or not, is to focus on yourself being surrounded by deeply loving Angels and simply breath in and out with concentration on your heart chakra. Feel love following upon your breath, it is as if your heart becomes your lungs absorbing the breath and the love and exhaling. Such a simple exercise and yet so profound in its abilities to expand your heart chakra, draw more love from your soul and the Creator into your heart chakra and reality as well as easily shift unneeded energies, illusions and fears from your heart chakra. Thus the health, continued wellbeing and development of your heart chakra are supported eternally through this simple experience. You will find that less challenging situations are experienced in your reality because of your greater core focus upon your heart chakra and capacity to love. Repeating an affirmation of your choosing with this process will enhance the experience. Affirmations such as,
‘I love myself,’
’ I accept my love,’
‘I am supported and loved,’
‘Love fills my being and world,’
‘I am love,’
‘I am always loving to myself,’
‘Love is my truth,’
‘I am healed by my love,’
‘Love sustains and fulfils me.’
There is so much simplicity in loving yourself unconditionally and so simple practices have great influence and yet it is often difficult to accept simplicity because it doesn’t seem hard enough or as if it will not give a worthy reward.
Love is simplicity and so simple exercises reap abundant rewards.
Holding you in my loving heart eternally,
Archangel Michael

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Heavenletter #5104 Life on Earth Is Looking through the Looking-Glass, November 15, 2014 

God said: 

Silence is in the eyes of the beholder. Everything is in the eyes of the beholder. There is subjective. There is no objective even as you think so. No two see alike. How do you even know that you see the same colors or hear the same music as another? Senses are helpful, yet they do not tell the whole story. Sometimes you want to suspend all that you think you know and be a fresh slate who sees with clear eyes. Clear eyes are eyes of love.
When you see a group of children, and you see your child as extremely beautiful, you are right. You are closer to Truth. And when you see all the children as beautiful, you see even closer to Truth. And when you see My light beaming out from everyone you come across, then you are Truth, and you take no days off from it. You are immersed in Truth, and you are the beauty that you see. The world is fictitious except when you see Truth underneath it all.
Life has a different story to tell that is outside the common domain, meaning that the world is not really a composite of what you have been taught. Many in the world are not thinking but rather going along. It takes great courage to see from your own eyes when you are told to take as fact what another may see. Who can take the right to tell you what you see when you are the only one who can know what you see and what you make of it – when you give yourself a chance to see for yourself, that is.
It is a shaky world that changes shape right in front of you. Seeing is believing? Perhaps believing is seeing is more accurate.
You are eager to know Truth. You want Truth to be unassailable. Come to Heaven for that, for life on Earth is a shape-shifter. Life on Earth is looking through the Looking-Glass.
The reality that the world puts in front of you is not the Reality That Is. There is more to Heaven and Earth than digging in the soil. There is an essence beyond the surface. The surface does not sustain you. You can walk on the surface, yet it is not enough for your thirsty mind and trembling heart. It is not so easy to trick yourself any longer. What once satisfied you no longer carries its weight. World life has left you feeling high and dry. Something you longed for and could not name did not arise, yet you are rising. You are the acknowledger of All That Is, and you have taken off. There is no solid Earth under you. There is solid Heaven above you.
You are revolving in this world, and you are evolving. Your evolving may seem too slow for you, yet you are evolving very fast. Mankind is evolving a mile a minute, and you are going to make it on time. You are going to get here in time – as if time exists. You are rising to Heaven now. The ride may not be comfortable, yet the destination certainly is. Soon enough, you will be plopping yourself down in Heaven, and you will know exactly Who and what and why and where you are. You will know that the when is Eternity, and you will recognize your God Self and dance for joy. What else would you dance for? You dance for Truth. You sing for Truth. You ARE Truth. In this moment, you are Truth and very soon, you will catch up to your Self.


Sivananda Daily Reading

16 November

Posted: 14 Nov 2014 10:00 PM PST

God is Found in Silence 
Still the mind. Listen. Enter the silence. In silence one becomes aware of his soul-consciousness. Silence is a prerequisite for the apprehension of the reality. Enter the silence, realise the reality.
Silence the tongue; silence the desires; silence the thoughts. You will now enjoy the bliss of the eternal. Love silence. Live in silence. Grow in silence. Spend your life in silence. The truths of the Upanishads are revealed through the grace of God.
In silence there is God-realisation. Silence is the peace that passes understanding - samadhi (the super-conscious state).
Train yourself to enter a state of ceaseless meditation. Strive diligently, patiently and with genuine humility to attain wisdom. Earnest aspiration and sincerity of purpose are the most precious assets to the seeker after truth. Silence conserves energy and gives peace and strength. You can amass inexhaustible spiritual wealth in silence.
The aspirant should possess tranquility, self-control and compassion. An aspirant should avoid dainty dishes as they induce him to be voluptuous. An aspirant should not indulge in hearing worldly talk as it leaves worldly impressions on the mind and these stand in the way of fixing the mind on God. If you are freed from attachment, you have attained salvation indeed. He who has strong vairagya (dispassion), utter distaste for all pleasures of earth and heaven is first to pursue the path of jnana (wisdom).
He who has not developed strong dispassion, but is attached to the pleasures of this world, must tread the path of karma yoga. He who is neither intensely attached to the world nor completely detached from it must take up the path of devotion (bhakti). The delusion of birth and death will only haunt those persons who have passions and darkness. Persons of powerful, pure tendency will be ever free from the fear of birth. Real austerity consists of the control of the senses and the mind, not mortification of the body. The middle path between extreme asceticism and self-indulgence is beneficial. Fasting is external austerity; repentance and meditation are internal austerity.

Satsang Bhavan Lectures, Message 16

Posted: 14 Nov 2014 10:00 PM PST

Chapter Four: On Nation Building
38. Real Independence - 39. Students, Pillars of the Nation - 40. The Spiritual Basis of Social Service

38. Real Independence
Swamiji's speech on 15th August, 1956.
Today is the Independence Day, the day on which India attained independence nine years ago. Everybody wants independence. A small cook working in a coffee hotel collects money, purchases vessel and opens a coffee hotel. He wants independence. He does not want to serve under anybody. A paid servant working in a cloth-shop wants independence. He collects money and opens a cloth­ shop of his own. A professor wants independence. He wishes to become a principal. A disciple wants independence. He starts an ashram of his own and becomes a guru. There is an innate urge in every one to become independent, not to serve under another. This gives the clue that the nature of Atman is independence.
India has attained Independence. There was the First Five Year Plan. We got some benefit. Now there is the Second Five Year Plan. Sri Nehru is trying his level best to make India enjoy more wealth, more industry, more facilities for education, better health and a higher standard of life, and various plans have been made. But this sort of material independence will not give you perfect happiness, cannot give you perfection. Real independence is kaivalya, real independence is mastery over the gunas, mastery over the vrittis, control over indriyas and senses, triumph over likes and dislikes and attainment of the wisdom of the self, Atman. You must have atmaswarajya; you must become an atmasamrat. That is real independence. Bread and jam cannot give you real happiness. These little things of the world cannot make you a perfect man, cannot give you eternal joy. One has to exert much, practise concentration, reflection, meditation, control the lower nature and become one with the Absolute, wherein only you will find real independence, mastery. Then alone you become a real king. You become King of kings, Emperor of emperors. Everybody should try to attain atmaswarajya and become atmasamrat as mentioned in Chhandogya Upanishad. Then you will not return back to this world of birth and death. You will become one with satchidananda. You will attain immorta­lity, infinity, eternity. Everybody should try to attain that goal, real independence.
Let us do some kirtan, so that India will attain the real goal, ramrajya, the goal that Gandhiji tried to attain.  
39. Students: Pillars of the Nation
Swamiji's speech on the occasion of the departure of Patan students after a month's training in Sivanandashram.
Eleven students from Patan came here. They were sent by Dr. Adhvaryoo for undergoing spiritual training. Last year also a batch of students were here for training. Spiritual training is very essential for students. Students not only from all over India, but from the whole world should come here and undergo training. Then alone they can become ideal citizens and ideal householders. Though this ashram is small and kutirs are insufficient, there is infinite space in the heart. A large heart can accommodate the whole world.
These students were of very active habits. They were trained by Swami Chidananda, Swami Bhoomananda and others. They practised selfless service, japa, kirtan, yogasanas, pranayama. They learned how to purify the heart, how to control anger, how to develop the various virtues such as tolerance, amiability, spirit of service and sacrifice, self-discipline and self-reliance. Such sort of training is necessary for ministers and secretaries far more than I. C. S. or T. A. S. course.
These eleven students are the eleven pillars of India. They had been trained previously by Dr. Adhvaryoo him­self. They are now most fit to enter the grihasthashrama, or householders' life. They may be made ministers and secretaries, for they have been trained here. We invite more students from all parts of India and from all parts of the world to come here and undergo spiritual training. Spiritual training alone makes life worth living and gives value to life. Without such a training, life is useless, and valueless.
In times of yore in the convocation addresses the rishis gave the students the advice. Matre devo bhava, pitre devo bhava, acharya devo bhava, athithi deveo bhava—treat your mother, father, preceptor and guest as God. Satyam vada—speak the truth. Dharmam chara—be righteous.
They should remember the song which I sing daily: "Serve, love, give, purify, meditate, realise; Be good, do good, be kind, be compassionate". If they practise these instructions they attain the summum bonum of exis­tence and enjoy perennial bliss and immortality.
Observe ahimsa, satyam and brahmacharya. These are the basis of all yogas. Never hurt others' feelings. Be kind to all. Serve all see the Lord or Self in all. Even when your life is at risk, stick to truth. "Come what may, I will stick to truth"—that should be your bold stand. Be regular in japa, kirtan, pranayama, asan. Share whatever you have, material, physical, intellectual and spiritual, with others. In sharing you expand, you evolve. 'Do unto others as you would like others do unto you'. This is the essence of all religions. If you practise this one dictum you will enjoy infinite bliss, you will be a light to the whole world. Let your life be an example to others. Example is better than precept. But do not neglect precept also. Share whatever you have learnt here with all. Teach yogasanas, pranayama to your friends. Teach them how to do japa, how to do kirtan, how to do concentration.
You should all maintain spiritual diary. Spiritual Diary is a goad to push you further in sadhana. You should send a copy of your diary every month to me, and also induce your friends to do likewise. You should conduct classes and, impart instructions on spiritual life to your fellow students, householders and neighbours.
I again request that young students should come here and undergo training. Only young people can be bent, moulded. Grown up people cannot be bent. The spiritual seed should be sown when one is young. Then alone it will grow into a mighty spiritual tree and yield life-transforming fruits, which will confer immortality and infinite bliss. Dr. Adhvaryoo has done a great work in sending these students here. He has recognised the importance of spiritual training. He is a great selfless worker and a saint. He has done a lot of eye-operations free. May more people follow his example. May Lord bless you all with health, long-life, peace, bliss, prosperity and Immortality.  
40. The Spiritual Basis of Social Service
Swamiji's speech on 16 November, 1955, on the last day of the stay of Sevikas of the Mahila Sahayak Sangh, Lucknow.
The administrative officer-students, after finishing their course in Delhi Central Secretariat, used to come here, take Ganges bath, have darshan of Lord Viswanath at the Mandir, see Yoga Museum which gives the gist of all the yogas, get the blessings from the Lord Viswanath and then they used to go back and join the service. Even so the Lucknow Sevikas before they proceed to the villages to start work there, have come here to take Ganges bath, to do kirtan, to do various yogic exercises, and get the blessings of Lord Viswananth. May He bless them all with health, long life, peace, prosperity, tushti, pushti, vidya and divine aiswarya is my fervent prayer.
We have heard about Maitreyi, the Brahmavadini, and Madalasa, the Grihadharmini. We have to include one more category—the Seva Dharmini. We have got karma yoga veeras, with a spirit of dedication, which even males are lacking. But these crest jewels among women have come forward and taken up the service for the uplift of the country. Glory to these sevikas who have dedicated their lives to the service of humanity. This is yoga. They have done meritorious service in their previous birth. So the samskara of service is there in them. They have led a life of yoga in their previous birth. So, they have in this life also taken up karma yoga.
It is our fortune to entertain them and to have cultural camp for them and to do a little bit of service. God has given us an opportunity for a little bit of service to these people who will purify the whole world, not only U.P., but the whole world and stand as an example for the world at large. They have learnt here everything in a short time. They have learnt massage also. They had already learnt crafts, embroidery, soap-making and many other things. They can have a life of economic independence. They need not depend upon others. And all these knowledge they will impart to the women and children in the villages. If the villages are uplifted the whole India is uplifted.
So, we pray that they will do their service remember­ing God. Not mechanical service, but with remembrance of the Lord, feeling that the world is a manifestation of the Lord, feeling that the energy of the Lord is flowing through the instruments of hand, and mind. Then people will feel the influence. It is yoga.
These sevikas are not ordinary social workers. The versatile santi, the reflective mohini, the joyful prem, the psychologist, Principal Nirmala—all are talented. Each excels the other. Everybody, each one of the sevikas who have come here, has got her own talent. So how can I describe them. Joshi, the songster, Tiwari the asana expert, Prem has given wonderful entertainment. They are not ordinary social workers, they are yogis with capa­cities and talents. They can elevate the world, serve the world with massage and first aid. They are highly qualified, much better than some of lazy, the Ananda Kutir inmates. They are full of enthusiasm, full of devotion and spirit of service. All these virtues they have got. Mrs. Lilavathi Munshi has made a wonderful selection.
Karma yoga purifies, transforms, redeems. Service elevates. Service makes you a yogi. Karma yoga is the gateway to intuition. So, you will go back and serve with devotion, with mercy, with kindness, with sympathy, con­trolling anger, not having seva abhiman, virakta-abhiman, with humility. You should be endowed with all these qualities. Then only you will shine. You should not have the abhiman, "I am a great songster", "I am a social worker." You should have equal vision. Samatwa bhav—in all conditions, of success and failure.  
     siddhyasiddhow samo bhootwa, 
     samatwam yoga uchyate.  (Bhagavad Gita, II.48)  
Continue your service in this spirit. 
We request you to come back again and again. You should not write to me whether there is accommodation. The inmates will vacate and give you accommodation. Whenever you feel a little tired, for peace and for re-charg­ing the battery, for learning more of yoga, come here. It is a standing invitation for all these sevikas and future sevikas also. They can come at any time and whatever we have we will share with you all with joy, glee and delight.
May Lord bless you all with health, long life, peace, bliss and prosperity is my fervent prayer.




