11-14-14 SaLuSa

Your friends tie you to the world, to matter. The Master ties you to the Divine, to the Spirit.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


SaLuSa, 14 November 2014

Nothing will be allowed to stop the onward march of the Light until it embraces all aspects of your lives. By then the dark Ones will have been left behind, having determined their future by their previous actions. All souls will find themselves exactly where they are meant to be, both by their actions and intentions. No one can avoid the consequences of them, but mistakes will not necessarily prevent you from ascending. It is your intent that matters, and sometimes with the best of intentions you may still make mistakes. If you have made the decision to follow the Path of Light, you will be helped along the way and unless you are distracted and go astray should reach your goal. Progress is determined by your level of vibrations which at a certain point will result in your Ascension.

We continue to follow your advances into the New Age, and are closely monitoring the activities of individuals that are the dark Ones. In some ways they are at their most dangerous when they are fighting a losing battle, but we are sufficiently in control to ensure that they cannot impeded or halt progress. Your destiny is mapped out already, and before very long you will know without doubt where your future lies. Slowly but surely our representatives upon Earth are taking up positions that will ensure success. In doing so we have been able to ensure that events are going to favour those working for the Light, whilst stemming or preventing those in opposition from interfering. Such actions are permissible now that you have sufficiently advanced to clearly indicate your intentions to follow the path of Ascension.

To individuals that are of the Light we would ask that you keep to your paths, and do not waver or doubt the outcome. You are already on the path that leads to success and as time passes it is rapidly growing, and more souls are awakening to their tasks. Most Lightworkers are part of what we would call the silent majority, who ceaselessly carry on with their work regardless of what goes on around them. Their strength comes from being a powerful Light force that is awakening many other souls around them. You have suffered trials and tribulations for many centuries, but now you are to reap the rewards of your efforts. The Light is increasing exponentially and is having a worldwide affect. The changes may not yet be apparent, but in time it will be obvious that a new energy has taken hold on Earth.

The media is still very much controlled, but your Internet has become such a vast size it is a mine of information and you can learn so much from it. The dark Ones are of course aware of it and place false information upon it, but you should be able to identify those sites that are of this type. You already have many named sources and sites that you know you can trust, and that are well known. The dark Ones will attempt to confuse you with false information, but with care you will be able to identify them. In fact there is an overwhelming amount of information available, and you can note those that are of the Light.

On Earth many incidents occur that are encouraged by those that set out to mislead people. False rumours are circulated and confusion results, but by now you should be able to identify such happenings for what they are. Anything of the Light will stand strong and last the test of time, so trust your intuition where anything else is concerned. You will occasionally make a mistake but learn from them and move on. The test as to how you are doing is to what degree you can stand oblivious to whatever is going on around you. Stand fully centred and firmly on your path, and you will not be affected by any attempts of the dark Ones to put you off. As time proceeds you will find that matters will become much easier to deal with, and less likely to cause you any problems.

As you approach the year end your thoughts will turn to what you may expect from the New Year, and we can tell you that it will be notable for the progress made to bring Ascension into being. There will be revelations that explain the way that you will move into the changes that will be becoming evident. As the influence of the lower energies becomes less effective, you will progress quite quickly and without their influence. It will be a time of joy and happiness as your true history is revealed, and your future assured.

Because of our efforts and the Lightworkers more and more people have an open mind where we are concerned, yet many are uncertain or even scared of the prospect of meeting visitors from other planets, and fear that we have ulterior motives. However, with the coming of the Space Age minds have been awakened to the existence of other life. Some sources such as Science Fiction depict us as rather frightening beings that are only interested in taking over the Earth. Rest assured that no such threat exists and you are closely protected by us. At times other civilisations have ventured as far as your Earth, but we stop them from interfering with your future. The end times have already been determined and exist in the “Now” ready to manifest. You do not need to worry as this cycle has a “happy ending” as decreed by God.

As the changes upon Earth continue to take place it would seem as if the end had arrived, but we assure you that you are firmly in the early stages of the New Age. Much work has to be carried out to remove vestiges of the old ways, and introduce the New Age benefits. Many of these already exist but have been held back until the right time arrives when they can be announced. You already have a vision of what they are and they will provide you with advances on many fronts such as transportation. You will be propelled into a future that will overcome the need to use up the Earth’s resources.

I am SaLuSa and enjoy giving you glimpses of the future that are soon to become your reality. So much awaits you that will lift you up into a completely New Age.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Tree of the Golden Light


Heavenletter #5103 Your Picture of the World , November 14, 2014 

God said: 

There is beauty waiting for you just over the horizon. The real goods are on their way to you. Good fortune is on its way to you. Privilege is yours, whatever form it takes. You are being chosen to rise to New Heights in Humankind. In Heaven as on Earth, you are blessed to be a blessing upon all.
Here is your purpose -- to serve God. Serve God and you serve All. The range of service is large. There is no limit to service even as you may not finitely know what your form of service is. With or without thoughts of Me, you have been serving Me. With awareness or without awareness, you have been serving Me. Sometimes you serve so humbly, you have no idea of the Vastness of your service. Of course, you don’t, for you do not yet know yourself well enough. You may well have dodged around yourself, perhaps preferring to see yourself on the periphery when you are My right arm. Regardless, you give your service, and I am served. You are served, and the whole world is served.
The world is turning over a new leaf. This is not a big production for the world. The world can as easily go left as well as right. It depends upon the direction you lean toward. The world holds not a chance of falling back into old ways when you set the world a-right. You are a balancer of the world. A seal may hold the world on its nose. You hold the world in your heart, and you serve Me and the world and everyone in it through your heart.
Your heart is well-disposed toward uplifting the world.
What I must say a few times over is that you do not make the world become as you want. You cannot adamantly go out there and do it. How you do it is with the leanings of your heart. Intention is powerful, and you intend powerfully. Easy does it. You are not a big reformer. You do not have to make a list of priorities of what must be changed. Just easily, even lazily, feel love in your heart for the world, and then the world of itself can only rise. You who uplift the world are also uplifted. You and the world dance in sync. You and the world are dependent upon each other.
At the helm of the world is your heart. Your heart is the hand that turns the ship of life on Earth. You are the engine of the world. Or you may be considered the mechanical crane of the world. You move the world here, and you move the world there. The world rises to the height of you, and you rise to the height of the world. You must know now that you are the outrigger of the world. You have a say in a wondrous way.
All you have to do is to be favorable to the world. If the world were a coloring book, you are coloring in the pictures. You have beautiful vibrant magic markers you choose, and, voila, there is the beautiful extant world before you in such radiance that you rise as light as air. What wonders to behold. As if with a pedal, you raise the world to new heights. You, whatever you may think you are doing, are raising the world with a flip of a switch. The switch you flip is your feelings and picture of the world.
You have a movie reel, and you play it, and the world learns its part, and the world excels in following your ideas.
If you want a peaceful world, picture a peaceful world. Your pictures are that powerful. Picture a world of goodness and mercy, and, behold, it will arise. Instead of storming about the state of the world. bless it. Instead of rigorously trying to overthrow the world, picture a world you would love with all your heart, and that is the world that shall appear before you. The world has been amazing how it has absorbed your slings and arrows. Now the world looks for a new appraisal from you, and it will follow your thoughts. You can’t get off the world – while you are here – so be its cheerleader and so change it without fanfare, and My Will be done.


Alabama, US of A. 
Thought Adjuster. 
Subject: “News and Information.” 

Received by Oscar. 

Thought Adjuster: “How is it possible that the media has the power to decide what you should be worried about and what is important? Due to the business model of the news corporations, they know that bad news sells best. A public that is afraid is a captive audience to the media. It is not a mystery to these organizations that during times of crisis people pay more attention to the news. 

“For this reason, when there are no natural disasters, the media has to come up with artificial disasters to keep the interest of its audience. The world is always at the brink of global collapse. There is always a new enemy somewhere in the world that could affect our personal safety. There is always a new scandal that should be brought to light. It is no wonder that most of the population is under the impression that day-by-day this world is getting worse. 

“Now consider what would be the role of the media in a world established in Light and Life. When wars and power struggles are ancient history, what would the news shows, radio, television and the internet report? In such a world only natural crises would be relevant — hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. The media would be a service to keep people informed about real situations that could affect their well-being. The second main function for the media would be to distribute information about new discoveries and ideas to improve human knowledge. 

“A media that plays these two roles would indeed be performing an educational and much-needed function in a material world. This would be a function that really contributes to the development and progress of a civilization by making sure that the best of human thought finds its way to the minds and hearts of all. This is the role that communication media should aspire to in a mature world. 

“You have been conditioned to believe that you have to be informed, as if it were a matter of life or death. However, nothing is being said about the quality and relevance of such information. In reality your life is in the hands of your Father. Nobody can take it away from any of you, unless you decide to renounce it. So why would you want to be aware of so much bad news? Why would you be so concerned? 

“Sometimes the reality of this world has very little to do with the personal reality of a human being who trusts in a good and loving Father and considers himself or herself to be a true child of this Father. Everything you need for eternal life has been given to you already and nobody can take it away. Live your life with faith, courage, enthusiasm and hope, leaving the outcome in the hands of God. As long as you are trying to reach perfection with all your heart, you will be contributing in a positive way to your family, your community, your nation and your civilization. 

“Rid yourselves of that heavy load of concerns and anxieties promoted by external agents and rest in the Source of all life and all knowledge that already dwells within your heart. This is the prelude to true freedom.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


Sivananda Daily Reading

15 November

Posted: 13 Nov 2014 10:00 PM PST

Rise Above the Two Moods 
In vedanta there are only two kinds of moods - joy, exultation or exhilaration and grief or depression. Now there is joy and five minutes later there is depression - the currents alternate. They belong to the shad-urmis (six waves, i.e. grief, delusion, hunger, thirst, decay and death). People of gloomy moods attract gloomy thoughts from others and from the akashic (etheric) records in the psychic ether. Persons with hope, cheerfulness and confidence attract similar thoughts from others - they are always successful in their attempts. People with negative moods of depression, anger and hatred do positive harm to others - and great damage in the thought world.
Try to eradicate depression through prayer, meditation, counter-thoughts of joy, chanting Om, self-enquiry and singing divine songs. There are various causes for depression - cloudy day, associating with evil persons, indigestion, influence of astral spirits and revival of old impressions of depression. When you get into a talking mood - practise mouna (silence) at once. When you are in a mood of hatred, develop the opposite virtue, love, and the mood will pass quickly. When you feel selfishness arise, do selfless work. When you are in the mood of separateness, mix with others - through service, love, kindness and forgiveness. If you feel lazy, do some active work.
A liberated being is free from all moods - he has become their master. In Atman (self) there are no moods, there is only pure consciousness. Identify with Atman and you will easily destroy all moods. However, there is one good mood - the meditative mood. When this manifests, immediately give up reading, writing, talking etc., and begin to meditate. Watch for this kind of mood - when meditation comes by itself, without effort.
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Laugh and smile. How can a mind that is dull and gloomy think of God? Try to be happy always. Happiness is your very nature. The spirit of cheerfulness must be cultivated by all aspirants.
With the growth of the mind, the pains will increase. But with its extinction there will be great bliss. Having mastery over the mind, free yourself from the world of perceptions in order that you may be of the nature of jnana or wisdom. Though surrounded by pleasurable or painful objects which disturb the equilibrium of your mind, remain rock-like, and receive all things with equanimity.


The Visionary and Transformational Last Quarter Moon

Friday morning's Last Quarter Moon in Leo is quite powerful, a fitting configuration for the transition into the December cycle that is rapidly approaching, and that will feature another instance of Uranus and Pluto in perfect square alignment, the sixth of seven exact hits this mid-decade. While Uranus and Pluto have been doing their recent dance since June of 2012, the issues that this important aspect symbolizes, on both a personal and a cultural level, and resonating with their conjunction in the volatile1960?s, are getting more intense with the experience of the past few years. The stakes as well are getting higher, as a glance at the headlines shows. In addition to the intensity of their square closing to within two degrees, so that we really feel them, they are each aspected by Mars, Jupiter, the Sun andMoon in this quarter Moon configuration, heightening the impact of their dynamic interaction. Because these powerhouse planets in combination stand for radical change in our own best long-term interest, and because they are located in the Cardinal signs of Aries and Capricorn, their impact on this decade — which I am referring to as "the Turbulent Teens" — is monumental. As the next installment of their square alignment draws near, and the month of December looms, we are all called to find within ourselves an appropriate response to the evolutionary quest to which we are summoned. 

Another factor that makes this quarter Moon especially significant is that as the Moon conjuncts Jupiter in Leo, the Sun nears a conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio. These two "social planets" are therefore in their own temporary square alignment, with the Sun and Moon conspiring, greatly adding to the significance of this mid-November timeframe. Mars also remains within orb of his conjunction with Pluto, while Uranus closely squares the Mars/Pluto midpoint. The Moon and Jupiter highlight Pluto in Capricorn, with the Sun and Saturn triggeringUranus. These aspects are subtle, and yet still an important factor, emphasizing an urgent requirement for personal and societal transformation.

With the expansiveness of Jupiter in the mix of energies swirling about us now, and also the antithetical pull to caution represented by Saturn, we have an interesting stew indeed of cosmic forces inclining us in the direction that we ultimately need to go. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, exactly semi-sextile to Uranus, to the minute of a degree, and in sextile with Pluto, is another factor here, representing the lessons of our wounded places and the pain of leaving behind what might seem to be the most familiar parts of ourselves. There is also a powerful component of soul work at play in this configuration. This is because the Sun and Moon also closely aspect the new planet Eris, which seems to symbolize an implacable warrior energy for exploring and acting in accordance with soul intention, your own deep inner purpose as you are coming to understand it. This means that you have an additional tremendous force backing you up, as long as you can indeed move forward in the direction corresponding to your deepest desire for who you truly are, at soul-level, and for the person that you will eventually become. 

The Sabian symbols for this quarter Moon configuration are quite interesting and refreshing. For the Sun, at the 23rd degree of Scorpio, we have: "A bunny metamorphosed into a fairy," for which Marc Edmund Jones gives the keyword TRANSITION. This is an obvious symbol of leaving behind our less-evolved animal nature in favor of transcendence. For the Moon, in square, at the 23rd degree of Leo, we find: "A bareback rider," which brings the same symbolism into view. Jones relates this to "uncompromising courage in the everyday business of living, and a carefree assurance in meeting the problems [we encounter]." Indeed we will need all the strength of our courageous hearts, tuned to the maximum, to undertake the vast and comprehensive changes that our souls contemplate, with also the assurance of our faith in the cosmos to somehow guide us through to a successful conclusion.
