10-31-14 SaLuSa et al

A Master or a Guru does not remove the doubt, but He creates more doubt. The more you burn in the fire of doubt, the more strong you come out to be.

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


SaLuSa, October 31, 2014

We will reiterate that nothing can change your destiny to leave the lower dimension behind, except that you lose your way and cannot lift up out of it. The opportunities to rise up are unlimited and if you are on that path you should already have made such progress, that you have established yourself in the level of vibrations that will see you safely through. You will get all the encouragement you need, and as your level of consciousness increases so you will achieve a greater understanding of what you need to do. Keep in the Light that you surround yourself with, and know that you are secure within and safeguarded from any attempt to interfere with your plan for Ascension. Allow the lower vibrations to pass you by without becoming involved in them.

The turmoil that many countries are going through is a sign that they have tried to solve their problems or differences by force, which will never be the answer to such situations. They will come round time and time again, until it is realised that only co-operation will achieve a solution that will bring lasting peace. Your history is a monumental testament of repeated attempts to rule by force, and shows that peace achieved by such methods is never lasting. The answer to all such problems is the application of “love” and the understanding that you are all One. Yes, we know that until people are ready to respond in this way you will not get far, but all solutions have a beginning when the seeds are sown. Love is a most powerful energy that can bring about miracles when all hope seems to be lost. It is therefore important that those who can provide and share the higher energies are dedicated to their role.

After many lives in the lower vibrations you are able to meet the challenge that they present, and as you progress matters will seem easier to deal with. They are helped by the incoming higher energies that are being beamed to Earth from other civilisations. Be assured that many of them are aware of your plight and most pleased to have the opportunity to assist. Indeed, when you have successfully achieved Ascension many civilisations will joyously await their invitation to meet you. There will be a gradual coming together which is consistent with you taking your place in the Cosmos. However, much has to precede such times but you are on course to rise up and become Cosmic Beings.

These are wonderful times to be associated with Earth and her journey into the higher vibrations. Many souls would have liked to be part of the experience, but you who have been selected are the ones that are best suited to the tasks ahead. You are much more than you are aware at present, and it is as though you are coming out of a dream state. Some might liken it to a nightmare but whatever way you view it, the time has arrived for a massive change in your fortunes. Be patient and apply yourself so that you can use your best attributes to help others awaken to the truth. Many souls are unaware that there is no such thing as total death, as the soul is immortal. You may cloak yourselves differently to experience particular lives according to your needs, but always the soul is supreme and holding the Light of Love.

We are both surprised and pleased that you have taken on your tasks with such commitment. Instinctively you know the importance of this time and your joint efforts are achieving success beyond your knowing. So never lose faith in your ability and know that you have much help to ensure you cope with the demands upon you. As you open up you will find that you have far greater abilities than you imagined. It is the reason you were selected for the end times, and we know that you will succeed in your tasks. Indeed for some of you this time round will not be your first experience, and for that reason you may find yourselves on familiar ground. Be aware that the importance of the present time for you and Mother Earth has not gone unnoticed, and Beings from many civilisations are gathered to observe your Ascension. We remind you that it will be the first occasion that you will have risen up, without making the transition through the “death” of the body.

There will be so much to learn that will be new to you, and it will set you on the path to being a Cosmic Being. That is of course quite a way ahead but we would like you to know what you might expect in the higher vibrations. Every effort you put in now will be well rewarded and you will not regret a single moment. Mean time you will be gradually enlightened as to the changes that will be the first of many, and they will help you to quickly adjust to the new vibrations. This is where we can be of great assistance and share with you the benefit of our experience. We want to help you make up for lost time where you have been held back, and quickly introduce you to the many advancements that will speed up your transition to the higher realms.

It is not given to any individual to know the life plan of another soul. You should therefore exercise caution when judging another soul, as you cannot know what the future holds for them. Each of you have made your commitments where your progress is concerned. They are tempered by karmic needs that are neither good or bad as you would term them. All karma no matter who it involves will provide the lessons that will help the soul to evolve. So treat all experiences as essential to your development and upliftment.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased that our contact with you has helped your evolution. Bear in mind that we have been drawing ever closer to you for some 70 years, and in that time we have noted your rapid growth in consciousness. It will continue as the vibrations keep on rising up, and in time they will enable you to completely leave the lower ones behind. I wish you continued success in your work on behalf of the Light, and the Love that you spread around you.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Tree of the Golden Light


Heavenletter #5089 Oneness of Light , October 31, 2014 

God said: 

You do not live as I do, for you inhabit space and time, as if in a space capsule. I do not live in errant time or space.
One way to say this is, of course, that I live in Infinity. I live Infinitely, and, of course, in Truth, so do you. Infinity is timeless. If, in the world, you could back out of space and time, you would be in Heaven. Freedom from the limitations of time and space would free you. The same world you live in now would, indeed, be a different world from the one you subscribe to now.
It is said that nothing is solid, that all creation is made of atoms whirling. What would atoms whirling be but Light, and what would Light be but Love Shining in All Its Glory? What would there be but Oneness, Oneness of Light and Oneness of Love? There would be no distinction between them. What would there be to analyze and dissect, and who would want to anyway? Who would there be to analyze anyway when the subject and the object are One?
Without space, there would be room for everyone in every heart. Without time, there would be no pause, no delay, no intermission, no slow, no fast. What would a heartbeat be then but easily identifiable as Love and Love Supreme? There would not be all these distinctions, nor would there be any use for them. Who would desire them let alone think of them? Oneness would exist without having to be counted or checked first. That’s as far as mathematics would go. What other possible use could there be for math when All is One, and One is All?
There would be love and nothing else on your mind even as love wouldn’t be on your mind. Living love, you would live it. You wouldn’t elaborate on it. You would know nothing else, and there certainly would be nothing to elaborate on. There would be no hot or warm or cold or chilly. There would be love, and love would be all. You would know love and nothing else. There would be nothing else to know.
There would be love unnamed, yet love rampant just the same. No word would be needed for love. All would be love. What room can love leave unoccupied for anything else? What is would need no name. Words are to represent something. Love would not have to be represented, for love would be the medium you live in.
Is there somewhere else you would like to go? There would be nowhere you would want to be except right where you are now. What else can exist but love? If love is everything, and I tell you time and time again that love is everything, not only would you want to stay in love, there would be no place else to think of let alone to go to.
In a World of Oneness, there could be nothing opposite to Oneness, for Oneness Alone Reigns. There would be richness and fullness and abundance.
Yet, at present, you live firmly in a world of opposites, and the world you presently live in thrives on opposites. What would happen to society? In Oneness, there could not be strata. What would happen to commerce? How could it be squeezed in? All the serious matters that would not matter in Oneness.
What would a World of Oneness be like? It would be like the Garden of Eden, endless in its joy and love. Oneness is a Garden of Love where all know Who they are and what Life is really and all that Life is intended to be. All will fit in My Garden and rejoice. Rejoice now. Outer can stay outer. Inner can be Inner anywhere.


Alabama, US of A. 
Thought Adjuster. 
Subject: “The River.”

Received by Oscar. 

Thought Adjuster: “The river normally follows the course that is the most effortless in reaching the sea. The rivers’ courses are sculpted in rock for millions of years for the simple reason that the river always runs through the same path because it is the most efficient route to get to the sea. Imagine the sea to represent perfection; the very goal of evolution and the river to embody evolution itself. If you — a small fish in that big river — wanting to, as does the river, reach the same goal — the perfect sea — the best course of action would be to let yourself be carried by the current. 

“The current represents the will of God. However, even when you let yourself be carried by the current you can always make adjustments and select some river bends to explore. You can move slower and appreciate every rock on your path and get to know every other fish that may come close to you. Or you may throw yourself completely into the adventure of reaching the goal. The way in which you reach the sea is irrelevant — the only important thing is that you reach it. 

“Also, you are free to swim against the current, if you want to, and like a salmon you could try to get to the top of the mountain. This will be a great effort, since swimming against the current is difficult, and once you reach any place that is not the sea you will realize it wasn’t worth it. Then you will have to decide if you will start the journey again or quit. You can choose to leave the river, and as it happens to all fishes out of the water, you will die. This doesn’t mean that the river is punishing you. It will just be the result of your decision in trying to live, whilst depriving yourself of the source of your life. 

“As you can see in this analogy all efforts that take advantage of the current enjoy a great momentum, leading you to the sea with remarkable ease. All co-creative contributions in harmony with the will of God will always have much help, always enjoy success and contribute to bring you closer to the final goal — perfection. All co-creative efforts are also gifts to the universe and for all, because these are expressions of God, expressions of love, truth, beauty and goodness. Therefore they are helping all by providing additional impulses to reach the goal of the ages.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


by Patricia Cota-Robles

October 30, 2014


In the United States of America we are in the midst of midterm elections. I know everybody is more than disgusted with this process and the incredible reports of greed, corruption, and negativity we are being bombarded with in the media. There is absolutely no doubt that our political system is completely broken, but the only way we can move forward in the Light is to do something about it. That statement probably makes you even more frustrated, but please contemplate the following information from the Company of Heaven.

There is a purging process taking place on this Planet that is unprecedented in the history of time. Everything that conflicts with the patterns of perfection for the New Earth is being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into Light. What we are witnessing as far as the governments of the World are concerned is the antithesis of what government will be like on the New Earth.

These obsolete behavior patterns do not reflect the reality of the Divine Plan that is unfolding on Earth at this time. At a grass-roots level there are literally millions of people striving to cocreate the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. One of those patterns involves the establishment of Divine Government. I am sure that most people think that term is an oxymoron, but when you experience what Divine Government really is, through your newly awakened consciousness, you will feel differently.

Divine Government is a government that functions from the highest level of Humanity's newly awakened consciousness. A government OF the I AM Presences of Humanity, BY the I AM Presences of Humanity, FOR the I AM Presences of Humanity. It is a government that clearly comprehends the Truth of Humanity's Oneness with ALL Life. It is a government that functions with reverence for ALL Life in alignment with the highest good for all concerned.

As our consciousness is raised and the Light of God increases in our lives, we are beginning to "see with new eyes and hear with new ears." This phenomenon has the wonderful effect of allowing us to clearly perceive the Oneness of Life and the Divine Truth that all Life is interconnected, interrelated, and interdependent. We then know beyond a shadow of a doubt that WE ARE ALL ONE and that there is no such thing as "us and them." 

If we participate in the elections taking place in the United States of America this year, we will make a positive difference by cocreating the archetype for Divine Government. However, if we just stand in the wings being cynical and judgmental, while feeling helpless and hopeless, nothing will change.

The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have indicated that due to the urgency of the hour the need to change what is occurring in our political system is critical. What happens in the USA, whether it is good or bad, affects everyone, everywhere.

It is difficult for the average person to fathom how we will ever get out of this political mess. It looks like an impossible task, and it seems as though our humble efforts are futile in the face of such powerful adversity. But that is not true, we are powerful beyond our knowing. In order to change what is happening in the outer world, we do not have to do battle with the forces of imbalance and the power mongers. Buckminster Fuller once said, "In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete." That, in essence, is the mission to which we are all being called.

The Truth is that fundamental change never begins at the top. Change of this magnitude begins with a shift of consciousness at the grass-roots level and expands into an unstoppable momentum, a critical mass. People at the top who are in positions of power, however, do have the ability to either improve the quality of life or to wreak havoc in our lives.

The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth will not interfere with our free will by telling us who to vote for or what the result of the elections will be. They did say, however, that there is a shift of consciousness taking place within every person on Earth whether he or she is aware of it or not. Since you and I are One with every person on Earth, we have the ability to invoke the I AM Presence of every person associated with the governments of the World. We can ask their I AM Presence to guide them in making decisions that will enhance the Oneness of Life and result in the highest good for ALL concerned.

Lightworkers all over the World are being asked to be the Open Door for the Light of God during these elections. Even though the Company of Heaven is standing in readiness, they will not intervene without our permission. Once we ask for their assistance, however, the floodgates of Heaven open in response to our heartfelt pleas.

This is how we can help. The Beings of Light are beseeching all of us who are able to VOTE in these elections to take advantage of this powerful opportunity. When we physically participate in the elections our Light is woven into the process and makes a tremendous difference in the outcome.

The Beings of Light have asked us to evaluate the candidates according to our wisdom and our understanding, then to ask our I AM Presence for guidance and illumination. After listening to our inner guidance, we should VOTE for the person who resonates in our heart-of-hearts as the one who will bring about the highest good and the Divine Destiny for this country by focusing on the Oneness of ALL Life. Then after completing the voting process, we should affirm within our hearts: "Thy Will, not mine, be done."

Since we are One with all Humanity, we have the ability to serve as surrogates on behalf of every voter in this country. Therefore, we have the ability to ask the I AM Presence of each one to intervene in his or her voting process, just as we have asked our own I AM Presence to guide us through this process.

We have the ability to create the sacred space for the right and perfect outcome of these elections. The Beings of Light have given us a very powerful invocation for God's Will. This will give the Company of Heaven permission to intervene in powerful ways in the election process in the United States of America.

If we will do this invocation, knowing that we are joining in consciousness with Lightworkers all over the World who are invoking God's Will with us, our efforts will be expanded a thousand times a thousand fold.

Divine Government Invocation

       (This invocation is stated in the 1st person, so that each of us will experience it personally and tangibly in our own lives. But KNOW that we are simultaneously invoking this activity of Light on behalf of ALL Humanity.)

       Beloved I AM Presence within me and within all Humanity, Beloved Legions of Light throughout Infinity, and the great cosmic momentum of God's Will for ALL Life evolving on this Planet, COME INTO ACTION NOW.

       Blaze the full-gathered momentum of God's Will and God's Divine Plan for the United States of America, and every country on Earth, through the heart and mind of every man and woman who is now or ever will be associated with the governments of the World at national, state, and local levels. 

       Dissolve all opposition to the acceptance and manifestation of God's Will as a way of life and service for every voter, every candidate, every elected official, every appointee, and every employee in the Federal Government, the state governments, and the local governments in the United States of America and in the World, NOW and FOREVER.

       Blaze the power of God's Will directly into all that opposes the dignity of Humanity. Transmute and dissolve forever the cause, core, effect, record, and memory of all behavior that is not reflecting God's Will, the Oneness of Life, or the Reverence for ALL Life.

       I invoke the I AM Presence of every person to replace all destructive behavior patterns with Divine Love, integrity, honesty, generosity, compassion, respect, acceptance, eternal peace, and the innate desire to respond in alignment with the highest good for all concerned in every instance and situation.

       I ask the Legions of Light to blaze God's Will into the Heart Flame and the conscious mind of every person associated with the governments of this Planet. Clear away any destructive activity of their own free will which might rush in to impede their conscious desire to do God's Will. Help them to remain obedient to the Law of Harmony and to BE God in action at ALL times.

       Seal all governmental positions, individually and collectively, in the radiance of God's Will. Reveal through Illumination's Flame the Divine Purpose and plan for each office and each individual, and give to each person the spiritual courage, the wisdom, and the desire to fulfill that plan perfectly.

       Let the Will of God be MANIFEST in, through and around all the governments of the World NOW and FOREVER!  Let the  LIGHT  OF  GOD  THAT  IS  ALWAYS VICTORIOUS enlighten and lead the voters, the candidates, and ALL Humanity everywhere! I consciously ACCEPT this MANIFESTING NOW...even as I call.

       Great Ascended Host of Light, I thank you for the fulfillment of this Divine Fiat, which I decree in the Sacred Name of God-I AM. 

And So It Is, Beloved I AM.


Sivananda Daily Reading

1 November

Posted: 30 Oct 2014 10:00 PM PDT

There is no other duty for man except meditation on the self. Dismissing all else, one should establish oneself in the Self. There remains nothing to be done or attained when the Self is experienced. For, that Brahman the immortal is before, behind, to the right and to the left and stretched forth above and below.
Brahman is all this. The real alone is an enduring being, and this real is experienced through meditation coupled with knowledge. Whatever a man of purified mind makes clear in his mind, and whatever desires he desires, that he gets and that he fulfils. One should therefore have pure and perfect resolves. 
The Supreme Self is experienced in the fourth state of consciousness. It is neither this nor that ­ it has no quality in particular, and yet it is everything. It is peaceful, blessed and non­dual. It is the cessation of all phenomena. It is the Atman that should be known and realised. That is the purpose of life. The liberated sage experiences that he is everything ­ the tree, the mountain, the sun. He is the food and the eater of the food. He is the knower, the knowledge and the known, in one. He is the whole universe in himself.
Bliss is the ultimate nature of reality ­ from bliss all this comes forth. All the bliss of the world is only a shadow of Self­bliss. The Self is the source of all bliss ­ it is everything ­ all knowledge and all bliss. All this is based on consciousness and is guided by consciousness. Consciousness is Brahman. I am Brahman. That thou art. This Self is Brahman. Only the infinite is bliss. There, one sees nothing else, hears nothing else, understands nothing else. That is the infinite fullness.
The Self is an ocean without a shore and a surface. It is merely existence, consciousness and bliss. When there is duality one can speak to the other, but when everything is but one's own Self, then who can speak to whom? Who can see whom?
- - -
Atman is pure consciousness ­ it is the unchanging witness. It is realised within your heart as existence, knowledge, bliss absolute. Realise this Atman within the temple of your own heart and enjoy immortal bliss.


A friend shared this on Facebook yesterday and thought it worth sharing here to elaborate.
The world has made many shifts. We are moving from third dimension to the fifth as a whole. The items listed are typical experiences of what it is like to be in the fifth dimension. You can be in the fifth dimension and others in the world can simultaneously experience the third. One of the biggest demonstrations of being in the fifth is that you don't experience fear. Fear can be experienced in the third and fourth dimensions but by the time you reach the fifth, you no longer experience it. To get to the fifth, you must also let go of fear or you won't be able to reach it or sustain your presence there. 
I know that isn't always easy. From my years of clearing my own fear, it can run deep and be insidious based on numerous negative memories from this life and others. Fear also comes from the ancestral programming you carry through your DNA. 
Life can be easy. You can live in flow and all your needs can be met relatively effortlessly in comparison to the third dimension experience. 
Having experienced the third dimension most of my life, I can tell you living in the fifth is worth the effort it takes to get there. Release all fear, limiting beliefs and programming that prevent you from living in effortless flow with all your needs met. You'll be glad you did!
Loving life, 
Joy Pedersen


Dearest Family of the Heart,

When I was given this Message as the one to go out this month, I had no idea that it would be going out at Halloween. But as I was preparing to send it to you I realized that it is, and that it is the perfect Halloween Message from God. At least in the United States, Halloween is very focused on fear. Looking yesterday at a list of current videos, the majority of them for this week had to do with evil (lots of evil), darkness, monsters, haunting and in general FEAR. So it seems just right to be offering a Message from God called "The Antidote to Fear".

A little note about our October audio download. In our last letter, introducing our new audio download of "A Letter from God to Humanity on Creating a World of Love", we mentioned that we were planning to put up a second audio download in October. However, we had such a wonderful response to "A Letter from God to Humanity..." that we decided not to put up a second audio download this month. Instead we would like to encourage you to listen to the free audio download of "A Letter From God to Humanity on Creating a World of Love" if you have not already done so. You might find that you feel the same as the man who sent us this email:

"Words cannot describe the impact that "A Letter from God to Humanity on Creating a World of Love" has had on me. It is the key that unlocks all the other messages from the Circle of Light. Now it all makes sense."

In my next letter I'm going to share with you some of the exciting changes that are happening here at Circle of Light. And ask you for your input. We will be offering two email addresses for you to send us your requests - what you would like to see us offer and questions that you have about topics that are underway.

I hope that all of you are enjoying Fall like we are here. Looking out over the water here at Circle of Light is a breathtaking view of fall colors, lake, mountain and sky. It is so beautiful it looks like it can't be real. Truly, heaven on earth.

With gratitude for each of you and so much love,


The Antidote to Fear

Beloved ones, I Am in you. Always we are one. I Am sending you messages from your heart that burst forth in splendor to show you who you are. These are picked up as echoes by the little mind and taken in like beacons in the night to lead you home to the truth. And your heart is ever bursting forth new expressions of this wondrous Love that a million, trillion holograms are born to create a living, swirling, dancing matrix of the wondrous whole of God. And in this joy you forever live a sweet expression of My consciousness and the wondrous gift of My heart.

Any false ideas of fear are created by the ego-mind and spring forth from the idea that Love is not enough. But beloved ones, I promise you that it is. You need only take a moment to find the truth of your heart, and you know this. You feel the truth that you are made of life. You are filled with Love. You are surrounded with the great abundance of God. That you might taste this truth, breathe this energy, become the intention of Love's glorious outreach and step forth in trust that I Am also beneath your feet ever and always here to support you, this is what is before you now.

Everywhere you look I Am here. Within and in what seems to be outside of you but is in fact a reflection of your beliefs. I Am here to show you that you can claim the endless good, the wondrous joy and the limitless abundance of this Love. And claim it, beloved ones, you shall. For that is the thrust of these times. I Am clearing the illusion, opening up the true vision of your heart, establishing your awareness of the real consciousness of light that you might walk in faith that Love is everything. And when it is lived you become this light and all illusions of darkness must fall away.

So if you are seeking answers to situations outside of you, remember if they are less than Love they are created of shadows. Let me light your heart that you might become the torch that burns so brightly all shadows disappear. That which seemed to be fearsome, to be made of darkness, turns out to be absolutely nothing. For Love, beloved ones, is always here and you are ready to be aware of it.

So come into this moment with Me and let Me light the fire of this Love that you remember who you are. This living conflagration of the endless and glorious powers of God. That each of you may burn so brightly that the limited ideas of less than God simply have to disappear. Even one of you that truly remembers can totally change the whole world because every heart is part of Mine, and every heart knows the truth.

You are ready to be lit by Love, to be so powerful in your experience of the truth, to be so alive in this communion with your heart that every step is suddenly clear, every moment beautiful. You are living in the time of the end of fear. When that which has been creating false evidence is returned to the truth of the living whole.

Your choice is to support this awakening heart. To give everything you are to the ending of fear. But there is no need, beloved ones, to confront it, to believe in what the mind presents as fearful. Instead please take your attention away from it. Your powerful focus that brings forth the creative power of your heart. Instead light other hearts from yours. Burn so brightly with this Love that sparks fly to catch other hearts that all may see that there is only Love and nothing else is real.

It may seem, when looking through the eyes of the dualistic ego-mind, that there is as yet a truly fear-filled world and that much of humankind is yet struggling simply to survive. But the truth of Love moves under the surface. It moves in the quantum energies and it is fully engaged. Sweeping through the hearts and consciousness of humanity ready to burst forth to create a new star to light the whole world so brightly that all shadows disappear forever and can never return.

Beloved ones, become this light. Come to Me and I will ignite you. Bring this light as quickly as you can to everyone that you can reach until this illumination is so bright and so powerful that the old ideas of a world of suffering, of duality effortlessly fade away and Love is fully acknowledged.

So anywhere in your lives where there is fear, light the light, burn as Love, lift your vibration into the glory of My presence until you fully connect with all that you are. It is far beyond remembering, deeper than visceral. It is the essence of your true nature. And it has never been gone. It has just been ignored.

It is your heart that will lead the way and make the truth effortlessly visible. That will allow the light you are to sweep the world effortlessly and to bring the whole of humankind on board until that which lives in your heart at last becomes reflected as your world.

The time is here and you are ready. If you find false evidence appearing before you, you already know it isn't real. And you know also that it is here to assist you to remember that you can take your stand for the truth - for the heart - and blaze so brightly that the illusions disappear in an instant. That you might take each next step in total trust and in confidence that you are supported by Love.

Only a thin veneer of the old world is still in existence. It truly has no substance and very little energy. It won't take much to bring forth this remembrance, to increase the light, until the shadows disappear.

So everywhere it seems you are being tested, anywhere old ideas still hold sway in your life, turn up the fires of Love. Become the explosion of creation itself and remember that we are one and that Love is the only truth.

I love you, I strengthen you in this. I Am the torch that lights you now until this world reflects one heart and every seeming representation of less than Love shifts into the light. All you see then is that which is living in joy: perpetual Spring-time. Trees bathed in colors that easily change back to green. Animals that live in respect of each other. And most of all the reflection of the wondrous heart of humankind as the most extraordinarily beautiful complexity of the ever-expanding Love we are, that you might live the promise for which you came - the return of this world to the truth of only Love.

You can feel the buildup of energy. You know that humankind is reaching a crescendo, that that which has been ignored or suppressed - the light - the life - the power - is on the brink of re-emergence. Give thanks, beloved ones, continuously, and leap into the fires of the heart. All of creation's energies are you - are yours.

Dial it up. Say yes to Love. Become this attunement to the truth of God. And when your heart is open then your vision is clear. Because rather than receiving echoes of the truth, the light is so bright, the Love so profound that the little mind - the ego - can no longer pretend to be anything other than Love as well.

For a little while fear may still seem to visit as old ideas of the ego's world still hold sway. But you, beloved ones, are connected to your heart. You are aware of what lives within you, of what you are and you are ready now to express it.

Once again, beloved ones, let me remind you to take your attention away from it. Do not look at the false evidence appearing real. Don't lend it your creative energy. Instead, shift to the heart with all the dedication that you already choose to live. Place your vision on the truth and live in our communion until the light you are erases the false evidence.

Everywhere you look, through every vehicle of perception, be it part of the egoic dream or the pure perception of the heart, all will be in accord, seeing the truth of Love. Rejoice in this oneness that is also so filled with rich diversity as the exploration of the possibilities of Love. Expand and every electron of life celebrates your resounding "yes". Your "yes" to Love, to life, to truth and to living the heart, being the center of the universe and living as this shining light forever.

Take each other's hands and light up the world. Light each other's hearts as well until the only thing that stands is truth and not illusion. And everywhere you look is the unity of God and the majestic endless exploration of all the aspects of this Love.

Beloved ones you are such a gift to Me. There is a meaning to Creation that lives in our communion. In it you are given the key to the awareness of living both/and. Both as the pure, indivisible, unending Love and the unique conscious expression of your aspect of My heart. It is a dance, it is celestial music, extraordinary in its nature and ever more increasingly blessed. And the world, beloved ones, is poised on the threshold of becoming its own expression of My heart. And this is extraordinary as well.

Let every breath, beloved ones, be gratitude breathing. And every moment be ready to explore just how you can light other hearts and show the glory of consciousness to this wondrous experience of life.

You have come to live in an amazing time. A time that is the end of time. Love is already awake beneath the surface. You need only reclaim the light that the truth of your hearts becomes visible and that it shines forth as the world.

I Am with you as I Am also in you. And you are forever in Me. We are one breath of unity breathing and we are the heartbeat of creativity exploring new ways of being Love.

The Messages from God
Through Yael and Doug Powell
At Circle of Light
3969 Mundell Road
Eureka Springs, AR 72631
