10-27-14 You're 2 Large 4 A 3D World


Happiness depends only on your mind. When the mind is free of past impressions and future cravings, happiness is there.

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


You’re Too Large for a 3D World

by lifetapestrycreations

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Dear Ones,

In the past few days, many revisited areas that pushed their 3D buttons. Perhaps an employer said or did something that reminded you how uncomfortable your work place is. Perhaps someone brought up a painful subject in your personal life. For many, the past few days have felt the opposite of love and joy.

That is, until that moment when your pain disappeared. Almost as if it was your last 3D battle and you declared victory.

Many revisited 3D fears to determine if that fear remained part of their life. A fear that felt extremely real for minutes, hours or even days. Only to experience a sense of it clicking off in a way that cannot necessarily be described. A bit how you feel once you recover from a bad cold. You remember that you were uncomfortable, but cannot revisit that discomfort.

So it is you have moved fully into love, especially self-love. For you have declared to yourself that the fear you felt with others or in an environment is no longer calling you. Somewhere within your most recent pain, there was a click of understanding of, that - whatever that was - is not important to your new earth life or, others can swirl around in never-ending pain, but you are not interested in doing so.

You have also probably noted some sort of indicator informing you it is time to move on - that such fear is more about you fearing your future than holding onto pain. For if you felt fully comfortable with 3D fear, you would not have exited your cocoon or been interested in this channel or any new earth communications.

For many of you, the past few days have been about revisiting a specific 3D fear to anchor yourself, to stop the 'woo-woo' feelings often of new earth, but seldom of 3D. You were merely afraid of your new life and attempted to slow down the process of entering fully into new earth - to no avail. For you no longer are of 3D. 3D is no longer your comfort zone.

You are now or soon will be trying some new earth adventures fully aware that you wish to do so - instead of you think you should. Do you understand the difference? Many of you were pushing yourself into new earth because it seemed right, even though a large piece of you wished to remain in your known 3D environment - no matter how painful.

Perhaps this concept is difficult to fully grasp in your physical being, but your inner-being is cheering you on to your next glorious step into new earth. It is a bit like wishing you could return to the teacher and grade of the year before only to discover that you no longer fit in that classroom intellectually and you are too large for the desks. For even though we were speaking of physical largeness in that last example,  you are much too large in new earth terms to fit in a 3D world.

Does that mean you should leave your job or ignore those who hurt you the past few days? That is your choice for you are large enough in new earth terms to decide how you wish to live within your 3D parameters. Perhaps that particular employer now seems more like the Wizard of Oz than a mean ogre. Perhaps not. Perhaps the only way you will feel comfortable is leaving that 3D person behind. It does not matter, nor has it ever mattered. The only different between now and a few days ago is that you wished to test yourself one more time before fully embracing new you and new earth.

This you have done.

Some of you have moved beyond a hidden fear into new earth without fully understanding the major piece you moved through. Perhaps some of you found a new job or fell in love. Joyous occasions from an outer perspective, but fearful from within. What if he/she doesn't love me? What if my new job is more painful than my last job? 3D fears that you moved through with some pain.

For prior to the equinox and other recent Universal energy bursts, you were not certain of your role or direction. Is it this or that? Or neither? Now you know. Not necessarily in terms of a direct path, but in terms of self-love and self-worth. You know without a doubt that you no longer need to fear someone or something; that you are a powerful being of love and that no one can take your power.

It is almost as if you have switched off a pain/fear button. You remember the issue, but no longer feel the fear. You are at a different place emotionally, physically and spiritually.  And even if a place or entity tempts you to revisit that fear, you will no longer feel it to the depth you did just days ago. You have transitioned to new earth and self-love - fully and completely.

So it is you no longer need to be concerned about the fears of yesterday. For today is a new day on your new earth. You are on fire with joy and self-love. You are patting yourself on your back (and rightly so) for passing through fear, instead of accepting and moving to pain. And so it is we welcome you fully to new earth and self-love. So be it. Amen.


Heavenletter #5085 Lean towards Love, October 27, 2014 

God said: 

It is natural to think of others and on behalf of mankind altogether. World thoughts for survival have mis-distributed the idea of loving others as yourself.

“Kill or be killed” is not the theme of your life, nor is it the theme of most people’s lives, although this theme is carried along less dramatically in expressions such as: “Look out for yourself,” and “Get while the getting’s good” or “Take the biggest piece of pie” or: “Think of Number 1.”
These ideas may still be rife on Earth. For many years, life has been for survival, yet you are here for more than survival. “For the good of all” is something to remember. Unquestionably, you are here on Earth for more than yourself. You are here for Me.

Bear in mind it’s possible that a woman who spends a great deal of her time in spas and on beauty treatments, by her very beauty, may inspire others. Of course, it might be a sound idea for this woman to treat another woman to a day at a spa. Love is what We are speaking of here, after all.

Some people may spend their lifetimes seeking enlightenment yet seeking enlightenment for themselves alone, the way others might seek a fur coat or a new car. They are desperate to have enlightenment and may not be thinking of anyone else.

There is a big world, and good hearts are to encompass the world. Less self-centeredness is part of being enlightened. If all the money in the world could buy enlightenment and someone who has been a “me, me, me” person all his life becomes enlightened, could he continue to be self-centered?

My advice is not intended to become a rule to go by. It is not an ordinance. You are not meant to calculate a percentage. Nor is this meant to be a scale you use as judgment on yourself or others. On the other hand, why not remember that you are not the only person in the world and that your life is not the only life to nourish?

Gently remind yourself that life spent with your whole intent on yourself isn’t what you are here on Earth for. You are here to serve and to serve Me. Serve Me by serving more than yourself.
Ah, at the same time, you are not to sacrifice. Sacrifice is not admirable. Giving with a glad heart in joy is what I’m talking about.

In the world, it is not always easy to comprehend the line between selfish and sacrifice. You are not here only for yourself at the same time as you are not here only for others. You can’t really live life unless you are part of it.

Consider the theme of sharing more like a subliminal idea. Your question in every activity is not to be: “Am I being selfish or unselfish?” Have the concept of generosity at the back of your mind and not in front, for you want your words and actions in life to come spontaneously. Life is not meant to be contrived. Basically, life is your reward. It is not necessary to be concerned about so many things.

No need to have to think about life in terms of going within or in terms of going in an outer direction. In time, you will know in and out as the same.

Well, you won’t stay out all night, and you won’t meditate all day, doesn’t that sound right! Lean toward love, and you will be fine.


Michigan, USA. 
Teacher Ophelius. 
Subject: “The Connection between Centers.” 

Received by Chris. 

Teacher Ophelius: “Today we would like to focus on the heart and mind centers and the important connection between the two. Like any good functioning system, there needs to be a strong conduit where energy flows freely from one center to the other. The heart and the mind are the two most essential centers within you for experiencing the world in a healthy way, for if the conduit that connects one to the other is weak or broken, these two strong centers can begin to operate independently and when this occurs, the world is experienced differently from the intention of Spirit (the Creator’s Will), which may skew the perception of mind and allow the heart to over-react, causing confusion. Building a strong communication conduit between the heart and mind is key to healthy soul development and survival value life experiences. 

“This connection between the two centers is like the wires between an amplifier and a speaker. All three components are essential to produce sound waves, yet if there is a short in the circuit between the amplifier and speaker, there is an interruption in the flow of electrons — the signal is unclear, broken, noisy and unpleasant to listen to. If you do not know how to repair the circuit, you will most likely shut down the system to avoid the unpleasant sound of a dysfunctional system. 

“This, my friends, is how many people operate in their lives when there is an unhealthy balance in the heart and mind centers because of a breakdown in communication. The heart is where Spirit speaks and that message is intended (willed) to flow freely into the mind where decisions can be made and actions taken to produce an experience that is progressive — the path to perfection. When the two centers act independently because of poor communication, they over-compensate for the loss of free-flowing energy. 

“The heart (the amplifier) builds up to an emotional overload because it has nowhere to release the energy (electrons) and the mind (the speaker), having no balanced input from the heart, begins to “listen” to the only messages that are coming in — from the material world and from the inner critic: the ego. When the mind begins to depend on these alternative energies (from the material world and the ego), it begins to “burn-in” those neuro-pathways in the brain and then it becomes more and more difficult to again listen to the heart. 

“How do we “re-train” our brains to again listen to the heart? By flexing our spiritual faith muscles and clearing out the mind from all the noise and interference from the world — by silencing the inner critic and focusing our minds on the voice of the Indwelling Spirit. Communicate with the Creator through stillness, prayer, gratitude, acceptance, patience and love. Build the conduit by slowing down and experiencing life in a new way. “Smell the roses.” Notice the beauty that surrounds you. Begin doing those things that you would “imagine” a loving Creator would want you to do and experience. 

“It is like riding a bicycle. Using training wheels will give you the momentum to get your balance and once you “feel” that balance, you can discard the training wheels. That “balance,” my friends, is the evidence of a strong conduit between the heart and mind. Be confident in that balance and enjoy the ride of life! 

“Peace to you, 
“The Circle of Seven.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” — Teacher Ophelius.


Sivananda Daily Reading

28 October

Posted: 26 Oct 2014 10:00 PM PDT

Am I The 'I'? 
You say, "This is my body" ­ this indicates that you are different from the body and the body is your instrument. You are holding it just as you hold a walking stick in your hand.
In sleep you exist independent of the walking stick in your hand (body). In dreams you operate through the astral body without having any concern for the fleshy body. Through ignorance you have identified yourself with the physical body and mistaken it for the real 'I' which is ever­-pure, all­-pervading, self­-existent, self-­luminous and self­-contained, which has neither beginning nor end, which is changeless, beyond time, space and causation, and which exists in the past the present and the future.
Prana (vital force) is not 'I'. It is the effect of rajas (energy). It is inert. It cannot welcome a man while you are asleep, though it is flowing. It increases and decreases. You say, "My prana" ­ this shows you are different from prana. It is your instrument only. You can control the breath by pranayama. The controller is different from the controlled (prana). Prana is not 'I'.
Mind also is not 'I'. It gropes in darkness. It borrows light from a higher power. It gets puzzled and confused. During shock and fear it becomes insentient. It is the effect of satva. It is your instrument. You say, "my mind" ­ therefore mind is different from 'I'. It is full of changing ideas. It has a beginning and an end. You can control the mind and the thoughts ­ the controller is different from the controlled (mind). It is as much your property, and outside of you, as your limbs etc., or dress, chair, etc.  In sleep there is no mind, yet you wake up with a feeling of continuity of consciousness. There is no mind in delirium or coma, yet 'I' remains. Mind is a bundle of thoughts and all thoughts are centred around the false egoistic little 'I'. The root thought of all these thoughts is the 'I' that is full of vanities.
Talking of myself, I always speak of 'I'. The sheaths in which I am happy, old, black, a sanyasi (monk), etc., are incidents in the continuity of the 'I'. They are ever changing and varying but the 'I' remains the same ­ unchanging amid the changing.
