10-26-14 Lightworkers Are Not Candy Dispensers

Lightworkers are Not Candy Dispensers - The New Age Trap

 Lightworkers are Not Candy Dispensers

You are all learning that processed sugar is an addictive substance and that it is damaging - even poisonous in its effects on the human body.  It feeds any number of viral diseases, cancer and inflammation, and it creates an imbalance in the glucose balance, commonly leading to diabetes and other deadly diseases.

If you had known when your children were born that the substances in processed foods, including baby formula, contained deadly poison, would you have fed it to them, creating life-long addictions and health problems?  Would you have eaten these products yourself?

Now, let us carry the analogy to the New Age sayings, philosophy and teachings that have held sway over the spiritual community since the 1960's. The conditions before the rise of the Flower Child were dark. The secret government was taking hold behind the scenes, plotting assassinations and economic disasters in the move to take over all political and social systems.  It was becoming obvious in the U.S. that the Vietnam war was a corrupt, unjustified fiasco, and the population as a whole was feeling the damage as their wounded warriors and flag-draped caskets came home by the thousands.

Like other dark periods in history, a new religion took hold in the spiritual community.  It took root, for the first time in mass consciousness, that God loves his children, that we are souls who incarnate on Earth, and that Light and Love are the fundamental energies of Life.  This was a tremendous step toward laying the path to Ascension, by helping many to rise out of the nihilistic "God is Dead, and We're Alone in the Universe" philosophy.

And so, the simple and optimistic belief system of the "New Age" became a popular rallying cry.  It went something like this: "Everyone is beautiful. God loves you just as you are.  There is good in everyone; you just need to accept them and allow their light to shine.  Forgive others for all damage done to you and you will be blessed with not having to feel the corrosive and debilitating emotion, anger.  So-and-So really loves you, s/he just doesn't know how to show it. Love others and it will come back to you tenfold.  We are all God's children, all deserving of Love."

It was a great relief from the threatening, guilt-producing rigid rule-bound teachings of traditional religions, and it went a long way toward opening hearts and minds to encourage attitudes of tolerance, peace between people and nations, and resistance to material enslavement to the status quo. Hippies knew how to make love, not war.

There was a problem with the way the philosophy was applied, however.  Drugs entered the scene as an integral part of the rebellion against traditional values, which were associated with hard work, suits, 9 to 5, and sobriety.  It was an unfortunate turn toward taking pride in being "irresponsible" by former standards. The genuine rebellion against control by dark forces was co-oped and derailed by the dark side itself.  

The drug culture took a toll on mental and physical health, and continues to threaten the well-being and safety of many young people.  Marijuana was promoted as the safe and fun "recreational drug," and was made available through the CIA and other dark underground arms of secret control, along with cocaine, heroin and other deadly substances.  The drug trade has continued to fund the cabal's black ops operations across the globe, and those whose lifestyle included drug use were lulled into blindness about their own complicity in turning over their lives and their minds to support the cabal.

Only recently, the New Age has regained its traction and begun again, this time with a genuine emphasis on environmental and health issues. The resurgence of the idea that all people are good and beautiful carries with it a serious flaw, however.  It does not teach us how to defend ourselves against the dark ones - the fairly large percentage of psychopaths and damaged abusers who have been so successful at taking advantage of modern-day flower children. Lightworkers are famous for being the victims of all kinds of family and relationship abuse, and struggle to apply the forgiveness principle, while injuries remain unhealed and confusion reigns. 

What is wrong with this picture?  We have been taught that being loving and kind is the opposite of protecting yourself, because to decide someone is destructive to you or downright dark would be judgmental and bad. We are then left with no way to extract ourselves from painful relationships, and no acceptable way of understanding why people do bad things or hurt others.  The fallback explanation becomes colored with sugar-coated ideas about how the abusive person can't help it, or doesn't mean it, or is not aware of what they are doing (because it is unconscious, and therefore not under their control).

What a dead-end trap!  You are damned if you see clearly, and damned if you don't.  Either way, you are encouraged to drop your natural inclination to be repelled by ordinary bad behavior in others, and see it rather as a small deviation from their better, inner loving self (which may show itself rarely or never at all).  Because everyone is beautiful, inside.

Intuitively, it does seem true that everyone has a beautiful center somewhere underneath even the most toxic anger, arrogance, and coldness.  We know in our hearts that God loves us, regardless.  Are we not trying to live that way too? Don't we not need to learn unconditional love and forgiveness in order to ascend?

Well, yes, but that is not the whole story, is it?  Must we blind ourselves completely in order to deny what is right in full view of everyone - that there are many around us who are anything but loving and kind.  What are we to do if they are in our lives, and they cause us terrible pain?  How do we forgive and go on as if nothing happened? 

There is much confusion in the Lightworker community about what freedom really means, what rights the individual still has, and what unconditional Love really looks like in practice.

There really is a way out of this dilemma.  That is to recognize it is not possible for a fully-functioning person to simply forgive and forget and welcome the abuser back into their life.  It is not only emotionally impossible, it is exceedingly impractical and foolhardy. Abusers make lousy partners, in any capacity.  

A few simple realizations allow you to remain intelligent, perceptive, and loving of your Self, while protecting your precious Self from harm, and the disorienting imbalance that results when you put yourself at the mercy of unfriendly others.

1.  Souls are beautiful, but childhood training and cultural abuses often leave actual persons, in their human bodies and brains, with unexamined residues of anger, feelings of superiority, resentment and paranoia.  These are decidedly un-beautiful and sometimes dangerous qualities.

2.  You are not responsible for loving everyone in the world into being a nice person, especially not those who see your sweetness as weakness. Sometimes you will have to keep a safe distance to save your own life. Send love from afar, but don't bring them home to dinner.

3.  Seeing darkness where it exists does not make you judgmental. It is the normal use of your God-given intelligence: good judgment. "Judgmental" means arrogant and condescending, so don't do that, but when you leave it behind, don't leave your common sense with it.  God sees darkness for what it is and does not encourage or excuse it.  It is what it is, and we will all hold ourselves responsible, under God's benevolent eyes, when we do our review, whether it is now or later. Taking responsibility is the same as holding others responsible when you acknowledge we are all equal.

4.  Taking the attitude that you "forgive everybody" is a superior position. They are abusive and unrepentant, but you are angelic.

5.  Denial is not forgiveness.  Refusing to hold someone responsible for the abuse they have inflicted is not forgiveness - it is fear, and blindness. Only after you have acknowledged just how painful the experiences were to you - usually to the innocent child you were - and you have held the abuser responsible, stopped the abuse completely, removed the cause of the pain from your life, and helped the child/victim to heal by understanding it was not their fault, only then should you consider forgiveness. Only then is it real. 

Of course, there is an inverse relationship to these truths.  Not all Lightworkers are victims.  Some are passive-aggressive, because of their lifelong suppression of normal anger.  This sort of bad behavior (notice I didn't say bad soul, or bad heart, just bad behavior) is often excused as "freedom of speech" or "expressing an honest opinion."

Thus, vicious verbal attacks can be redefined as "expressing true feelings," disrespect and rudeness are to be tolerated and indulged, because after all, everyone has the right to express their inner beautiful self, even if it hurts you or annoys you or robs you of your peace.  It's just your opinion.  Since everyone is entitled to their own perspective, everything is relative. 

In this world of blindly sugar-coated "unconditional love and forgiveness," not only is there is no right or wrong, there is not even any measure of what would constitute decent treatment, fairness, justice, or finally, truth.  Is it any wonder so many people are feeling confused, at sea, and victimized?  Does it not strike you that these so-called "New Age" teachings are a perfect tool to suppress our normal, innate tendency to rebel against oppression and other bad treatment? 

Lightworkers are not candy dispensers.  These over-simplified ideas are as toxic as the hidden high-fructose corn syrup in our foods, and as sophisticated as any black-ops brainwashing tool.  Give up your judgment, and you will go to Heaven???  Who will benefit from your naiveté?  Certainly not you.

Let us instead embrace our rich sensory abilities, our intuition and our inner knowing.  We always know when something hurts, and we are entitled to say "ouch" and put a stop to the abuse when someone misuses us.  Children learn to recognize injustice by the time they are three. Why should we have given all this up in order to pretend we cannot see darkness in ourselves or others?  

How were we convinced that there is something awful about believing our own intuition and acting on it - those of us who are the most intuitive on the planet?  What sort of world will we create if we cannot stand up for what we believe in, because all we believe in is avoiding the supposedly unholy response of anger, even if it is only momentary?

How will we know the difference between love and abuse if we don't use our radar and believe in it?  How will we protect ourselves if we never disapprove of anything, and we are not willing to remove anything or anyone from our lives for fear of appearing "judgmental?"

This, Dear Ones, is a diet of cotton candy, coated in syrup, an invitation to perpetuate darkness and abuse.  It is not loving.  It is mindless.  Rise up!  Raise your vibration out of this quagmire of sugar-coated lies and feel the pure joy and freedom that comes with clear Vision.  There is nothing you can't look at now that you are an adult.  Your heart is big enough to encompass everything that is, not just the rainbows and flowers.  You are born sturdy and loving, but love does not require blindness; just the opposite.  You cannot truly love if you pretend you don't see the person you are supposedly loving.

It is time now for us to claim our brilliance.  Being free to protect yourself and others from a position of real power and intelligence creates the space in which genuine love can blossom. Standing up for what you truly believe in - justice, fairness and truth - and manifesting it in your own life leaves you energized, inspired and fulfilled. This is the perfect culture to nurture and sustain unconditional love.  Forgiveness comes more easily when you are not feeling oppressed.  Be fearless and uncompromising in your integrity.  This is the recipe for a truly happy life.  It is also the path to Ascension.

Kathryn E. May, PsyD, October 26, 2014, 3 pm, New York


Knowledge prepares us to dive into devotion. Only Divine love brings fulfillment.

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar



Sivananda Daily Reading

27 October

Posted: 26 Oct 2014 03:00 AM PDT

Body is Not 'I' 
This is a world of diversity. Intellects are different; faces are different; sounds are different; religions are different; faiths are different. Colours are different; faculties are different tastes and temperaments are different. But one thing is common to all ­ every one of us wants nitya sukha (eternal happiness), infinite knowledge, immortality, independence and freedom. These things can be attained by knowledge of the Self alone.
Everybody wants happiness that is not mixed with sorrow and pain, but he does not know where he can get this Supreme Bliss. The best means to acquire this knowledge is by the enquiry, "Who am I?". This has the potentiality of producing the quiescence of mind which will enable it to wade through this ocean of samsara (cycle of birth and death). It demands a sharp, subtle, pure intellect, bold understanding and gigantic will. The commonplace 'I' that everyone is glibly talking about and relishing acutely every moment of his life, from the babbling baby to the garrulous old man, must be clearly understood.
The physical body is not the 'I', it is the product of food ­ it lives on food and dies without food. It is a bundle of skin, flesh, fat, bones, marrow, blood and a lot of other filthy things. It does not exist before birth or after death. It lasts for a short intervening period. It is transient. It undergoes changes such as childhood, youth and old age. It has six changes -­ existence, birth, growth, modification, decay and death. It is not of one homogeneous essence; it is manifold, insentient, inert. It is an object of perception, like a chair or a table. You continue to live even when hands and legs have gone.
How can the body be the self­-existent, eternally pure Atman, the knower, the silent witness of the changes that take place in the body and in all things, the inner ruler of all?
- - -
You have learned that body and mind are not 'I'.
You have learned that prana is not 'I'.
The world is unreal, this thou hast understood.
Thou hast understood that Brahman alone is real.
Now meditate on the formula 'I am Brahman' 
Lose thyself, unite with him.
Rest there peacefully, joyfully.  
This is the proper place, the abode of the pure.


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OCTOBER 26, 2014

Greetings dear ones.

In these present times of confusion for so many we see great light shining forth. Much is happening that you are unaware of for chaos is acting to bring forth a change of consciousness for many who otherwise would not be open to change. The human condition fears change, finding a sense of security in sameness regardless of how uncomfortable, painful, or outgrown it may be.

Those experiencing chaotic situations have for the most part, all given permission before incarnating to be a part of some experience that may be needed to help to shift world consciousness. In doing so they are completing personal karma as well as serving to help awaken and shift world consciousness. Not every chaotic experience is pre-planned. There are times when a soul becomes so overwhelmed by life on earth that he forgets his pre-birth contract and lashes out in ways harmful to others and self.

We wish to once again speak of love, to examine the energy of love as Oneness because an understanding of Love is the foundation of ascension. The world in general is confused about love and manifests this outwardly through concepts and beliefs based in personal systems. We have said many times that love is the connecting energy of ONE manifesting as the many and is ever present, whether recognized and accepted or not.

Love does not come and go. It can be denied and resisted, but is ever present, like it or not. There are those who believe they can withhold or give love and third dimensional concepts of love can be manipulated, but this is not Love. Love is Omnipresent Divine Consciousness and when through ignorance or free will choice an individual ignores this, he experiences the manifestations of separateness .

You are creators, creating your own experiences according to either an enlightened or ignorant state of consciousness. Love/oneness cannot be escaped, for it is the reality--all there is, interpreted physically, emotionally, and mentally according to one's belief system.

Examine carefully any lingering beliefs you may still hold regarding love and recognize outside influences from the media, friends, habits, or experience that may be contributing to whatever concepts you still hold. Ask yourselves; " What am I believing that makes me feel this way?" For most there will need to be deep and honest examination in order to discover it .

Gratitude is a facet of love, the reflective energy of love's outflow. Practice giving gratitude for every thing in your life, as even the smallest outpouring of gratitude helps you move beyond concepts and into the flow of love. Allow yourselves to receive, knowing that you are worthy to receive. Love cannot be put into a box to be opened only on certain occasions--occasions that require some material sense of love worthiness.

Love is the omnipresent energy of One Divine Consciousness. Often when someone commits some egregious act against another, the "victim" will declare; " I have forgiven this person.", while within, still holding an attitude of self righteous indignation toward the act and the person. This is perfectly understandable in the third dimensional consciousness of duality and separation, but you are no longer in this state of consciousness and must begin to live out from the higher sense of what you know. Truth must be lived, not just talked about around a dinner table.

Please understand that we are not saying those who commit crimes shouldn't be held accountable, for that is the level they understand, but we say that you are evolved enough now to view these things from a different standpoint.

Forgiving and acknowledging the Divine Light of every living thing is not work for the faint hearted, it is extremely difficult to let go of self righteousness when ms-understood or victimized. However, the more you integrate truth, the more you will start to see through human appearances and recognize any remaining third dimensional concepts you may personally hold. Life becomes becomes easier because the experiences of the world no longer resonate with your energy.

Take time to examine your belief system carefully and honestly. Compare any concepts you may still be holding to the truth you now know about Love.

Karmic situations between individuals can once and for all be brought to completion through Divine Love even if one of the persons involved does not choose to participate. First recognize that the other person is a Divine Being even if they don't know or care to know this themselves. Then send them light and consciously intend that any negative energetic cords that may have been created between you be lovingly and permanently removed. Many old karmic relationships are coming to conscious awareness at this time because it is necessary to move beyond them if you are to evolve.

Karmic bonds are easily recognized when there is some person or persons in your life that you constantly feel out of sync with, don't like, or resist in some way. Many times they are a relative, the result of pre birth choices made by both to activate and then clear old energetic residue . Energetic cords can also develop through too much "love" and attachment to another, and these also must be cleared. Most energetic bonds develop and may strengthen through lifetimes and have been carried with you into this lifetime. It is time to now clear them leaving you free to evolve.

You are ready to fine tune beliefs about love, moving beyond the concepts of a society enmeshed in the belief that a person's good is outside of them in persons, places, or things. This does not mean you cannot have healthy happy relationships, but means that real relationships come only after one moves beyond "needing" a relationship through the realization that they are complete with or without another. These partnerships happen by choice of both parties, carry mutual respect for the individuality of the other, and are never based in neediness, judgement, insecurity, or the belief that one is half of a couple.

Love is the natural outflow of a consciousness that realizes its wholeness and completeness by virtue of Oneness, dear ones. In this state of consciousness you stop looking to others to complete you. You cease allowing yourself to be validated by outside opinions. You come to know that in reality, you are complete and whole and world opinions are irrelevant. You know that you can never be separated from who and what you are--EVER. This does not mean ignoring common sense or human faults that need looking at, but means that within your heart you begin to identify with your true Self rather than the ego self.

A realization of LOVE allows you to freely love the world because now you are able to see through the outer pictures. Now is a powerful time and a deeper realization of Love is the bottom line of ascension. No more labels, no more holding back while deciding who is worthy of love and who is not. This does not mean that you must feel an emotion of love for the transgressors of the world, but it does mean that there must come the realization that those souls not yet awake, are also Divine Beings. Visualize a diamond in the heart of each and every person you meet or become aware of even though it may be a very small one.

You are ready to go deeper in your understanding--living, moving, and having your being in real Love.

We are the Arcturian Group 10/26/14


MARY MAGDALENE: The Book of Love

Image by Antonio Canova

Image by Antonio Canova

Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On July 28, 2014

Question: Can you talk about The Book of Love and your part in that, since the actual book is still to be revealed?

Mary Magdalene: It will be seen if it is to be revealed. It was one of the forms of empowerment, as the gospels were intended to be. It is hidden. There were things that were done so that it would be most likely that the teaching would survive. It was understood—by Yeshua, by me, by those in the inner circle—that there would be a long period of time of struggle, of a kind of conflict, even warfare you might say against what was being brought forth. So it went underground.

It requires a certain level of love and consciousness to be held for this book to be useful and not be destroyed. There is work that must be done amongst humans first, amongst those who are awake, amongst all of you, amongst all the light workers, amongst all who are available, all who heed the call. It is the work of inner union, inner marriage, this inner love of the Masculine and Feminine.

This work will manifest in your outer world, absolutely. But the work is essentially done within each one. When this work is done within, it reaches out and connects with others who are doing this work. It forms a network. When that network is strong enough, then it will be possible for this book to surface and to do its work.

It is not a given. It depends on all of you. It would be most wonderful if that were to occur.

Questioner: Will there be a physical manifestation of that book any time soon, within the next year?

Mary Magdalene: That depends on you. It is more likely it will take more time. But it is not fixed.

Questioner: Thank you.


Heavenletter #5084 If Life Were an Orange …, October 26, 2014 

God said: 

Lean back. Forget about what’s on your mind. Let your mind be free and your heart full. Life is not an ogre that you must run away from. Life stirs your heart. Let life stir your heart clockwise, not counterclockwise.
Life may keep you on your toes, yet life succors you. You may often feel that life is after you, and you wish life would mind its own business and be on the sidelines. The truth is that you are on the sidelines. You just haven’t learned this. Although you do set up your life and point it in certain directions, life isn’t for you to boss around. Life is not meant to be a call to arms. Life accommodates you as much as it can. Even when you feel steamrolled or railroaded, life isn’t steamrolling you or railroading you. It’s just that life has a different agenda from yours. In a manner of speaking, you are not meant to take life personally.
If you did not take life so personally, you would not be so fraught about life. There doesn’t seem to be any end to what you take on to worry about in life.
Life flows, beloveds, yet not always merrily merrily down the stream as you would like. What would you do with your life if you were not fighting it? The idea of fighting life seems preposterous, for then you board up your life. Put down your fists. Stop gritting your teeth. Life may be a challenge, yet it is not for you to challenge life. It is not for you to be life’s opponent. Use your energy otherwise. Don’t always be batting the ball back, nor are you always to be running away from life as though you are a fugitive. Give life a chance. It’s not for you to ram your way through life. You paddle your own canoe no matter in which direction life takes you. Ride the waves! Be a good surfer in life in the world. Be active, yet don’t fight holy wars in your name.
You are going to get through life. If life were an orange and if you only eat the peel, you might think that an orange isn’t as pleasant as you had heard oranges were supposed to be. Go a little further, and the sweet juice of an orange will fill you with its sweetness. An orange is more than its peel, and life is more than what occurs in it. Give life a chance. You don’t yet know where life is taking you. This is how life is. Life is always taking you closer to Me.
Life doesn’t always do your bidding, that’s for certain. Yet, honestly, do you really know what your bidding is? If life handed you a menu, would you know what you would want or only what you don’t want? Oh, of course, in general, you want health, wealth, and happiness. You want freedom, and you want a mate of your dreams, yet what do you want to have happen now in the stream you find yourself moving in?
Life is your responsibility because how you react to life may impinge on what occurs next. Life is not quite so simplistic that it will unilaterally bounce off your responses, yet your reactions make a difference. Sometimes your reactions to life keep it stuck where it is. Hang fire when it comes to life. See into life. Ride the rapids. While you’re racing along, be a good sport.
You don’t yet know what is around the corner. The world could be waiting for you and meet you with a happy: “Surprise!” Why not?
