10-21-14 Patterns In Your Life

A Satguru is one who makes you aware of yourself, who gives you the knowledge of who you really are.

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Heavenletter #5079 Patterns Recur in Your Life. That’s What Makes Them Patterns. , October 21, 2014 

God said: 

Whether you see it or not, you do know how to call difficulties to you, how to keep them and, even escalate them. This is how you do it:
You think about the difficulties often. You gnaw at them as a dog a bone. You resent the difficulties that you see encroaching on you through others. If others would only be easier to get along with or would understand how difficult a situation or situations are for you, life would be a lot better and easier for you. Certainly, it seems that way. Certainly, you see so-called others as reprehensible and yourself innocent. Is this not the case?
One way or another, beloveds, if there is a pattern that recurs in your life, there is something in you that can change. Must change. There is something you are seeing and a way you are reacting to what you see that keeps you shackled in a kind of bondage. You are bonded to certain ideas and perspectives you hold as inviolable. In one way or another, you hold onto something that you see as the inalienable truth of the matter.
So long as you call your approach to the matter as true, the situation, as you perceive it, takes this as an invitation to stay. You hold on to it. Let go of it, and the world can only react differently to you. Dear Ones, you are mistaken in some way. When you are self-righteous and can’t let go of seeing as you do, you tend to keep that which you say you don’t want close to you. You nurture it.
You play a part in the situation. If you have a hot potato in your hand, it is your hand holding a hot potato. Until you drop it, you are victim to it. It is hard sometimes for one who perceives himself as a victim to let go of being a victim. Self-righteousness makes you hold on to being a victim. Even if something isn’t right, even if it isn’t right to the whole world, so long as you keep the rights and wrongs of the situation close to you, you keep the situation yours.
When a light bulb goes on in your mind, a little light comes in. It makes a difference when you keep the light and relent your grip on the difficulties. Relent your grip on the difficulties, and the situation will change. What has to change in the situation is the way you see it.
If you see a tiger, you are the one seeing the tiger. Perhaps you are really seeing a kitty-cat. So long as you see a tiger, it is a tiger you respond to. Others are not the only ones misinformed, beloveds. Better to dissolve the tiger villain in front of you.
Whether it is a diamond or a piece of coal you clasp, you are not the owner. You may keep a diamond or a piece of coal close to you, and, so, you presume you own it. So long as you presume that certain difficulties are yours, something in you keeps them. Perhaps your sense of ownership keeps them.
Perhaps it is a cool summer’s day and you feel a chill. If you feel chilled, you will put your coat on. What if you feel chilled, and the temperature is actually 80 F, and you still feel chilled, you are the one feeling chilled. So long as you believe that what you sense is accurate, regardless of what the case may be, you will wrap your coat around you. You can only act on how you perceive. The way you see certain situations may not be helpful to you.
Come, have a change of heart and give it a try. Go beyond your conviction that you are right and that there are no two ways about it.
In this upcoming moment, there are people who will see something differently, and this is to their betterment. They are giving more than lip service to changing their perceptions. I propose that when you let go enough, when you calm down enough to see through the walls you have built up, you will naturally see differently. Your perception will have changed.
Prove no one guilty based on your perception. Face asking yourself what you can possibly do to change the affront of the situation that you see so stubbornly with your eyes. What can you do? You, not someone else. You? That is the question to ask. What can you do?


Alberta, Canada. 
Teacher Sandalius. 
Subject: “Divine Feminine – The Investor of Vitality.” 

Received by Renée. 

Teacher Sandalius: “Great forces are at work on this planet, which is the bestowal world of our Creator Son, Michael. His local Universe of Nebadon, is named after His Creative Partner, Nebadonia. She is the Source of divine feminine energies, and referred to in the christian bible as the Holy Spirit, also in other religious texts and scriptures by various references, including Divine Mother Spirit. 

“Much confusion exists in the interpretation of these various texts with regards to the origin, function and responsibilities of the Mother Deity. She reigns alongside Christ Michael as his Partner and the Parent of the various orders of angelic beings and administrators, councillors, guardians, midwayers and mortals of the local Universe. She is the source of feminine creative energies which ‘spark’ and initiate life on the planets of evolution in the space-time realm She occupies. She is the Giver of the vitalizing divine spark which catalyzes the life plasm brought to the evolutionary spheres on orders of Christ Michael in conjunction with the Life Carriers at ‘times deemed appropriate’ in this local universe of Nebadon. 

“There will one day be some ten million inhabited planets in this local universe. Nebadonia is the Divine Mother Spirit for all the inhabitants of Her Universe whose human children alone number in the trillions. She is intimately aware of each and every one of her human charges and concerned and involved with the intellectual and spiritual development of all of Her free-will-personality-bestowed offspring. Her Creator Son-Partner, Christ Michael, is the ‘Co-creative’ Divine ‘Co-Parent’ of the evolutionary children and known to most on Urantia as Jesus of Nazareth, the historical personality written about in the Christian scriptures and other religious texts, who lived and taught spiritual law and morally correct living, through the course of His brief but productive and significant mortal bestowal mission some two-thousand years ago. 

“Feminine principles of divinity are fundamental to creation and ensure the healthy development and expression of caring and compassionate individuals and societies. 

“No social group can survive or thrive without the devotion, dedication and direction supplied by the mindal attributes of the feminine personality which are complimentary to the mindal qualities of the male personality. 

“All individual mortals are gifted with a unique personality at the time of their birth on their home planet. The procreative process necessarily involves the joining of the complementary forces of masculine and feminine creative energies and each aspect contains qualities which ensure the species can survive, adapt, progress and learn to live intelligently as individuals within the social architecture of family and community. 

“The overcoming of prejudice which disqualifies and prevents females from full equality status and rights within their community is tremendously important for the progression of your planetary culture to a sustainable and healthy one. The cost of failure to educate females is far, far greater than the cost of educating them. Only with the full participation of female members of society, with equal citizenship rights and access to all available resources including education and inclusion in family, government and judicial decision-making, can there be any hope of advancing the quality of life on Urantia.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


Dear Morning Messages family,
Morning Messages is very happy to be co-sponsoring the 5th annual Global Oneness Day on Friday, October 24th.  Read on and you will see why!  

We Are All One - interrelated, interconnected and interdependent - but how do we manifest this timeless truth in our daily lives?  This is the subject of Global Oneness Day. 

This year, about 50 leaders from around the world including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Marianne Williamson, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Neale Donald Walsch, Ken Wilber, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Jean Houston, Ervin Laszlo, don Miguel Ruiz, Doreen Virtue, Larry Dossey and many others are adding their voice to Global Oneness Day. Tens of thousands of others, perhaps 100,000, will join together around the world to call on humanity to live in alignment with our true nature, our Oneness. 

Learn about Global Oneness Day: 

If we are going to live as One, we will create new education systems, new media, new forms of governance, new economic systems and so much more.  We will create a world that works for everyone and all life forms.  Have you dreamed about this?  Do you desire to leave your kids a world they are worthy of?  Are you willing to join with others in a powerful call to action? 

This year, there will be Keynotes from global leaders, panels regarding Caring for our Earth Home, Spirituality & Global Oneness, World Leaders, a New Bottom Line for Business, Ubuntu, Transformational Entertainment and so much more. 

Global Oneness Day is an "Earth Day" for an awakened humanity.  It is a day to educate and to celebrate but most of all, it is a day to come together with people worldwide to call for a more sane, more compassionate, more sustainable, more enlightened world.  If you align with this vision, please join us and invite your friends! 

We are all One with the Divine, each other and all of life.  Let's live this way!   

Join us on Global Oneness Day, Friday, October 24th.  You can register now here:https://vg165.isrefer.com/go/G1D2014Reg//pblack 

Blessings In Oneness, 
Peggy Black 

P.S. If your organization would like to sponsor Global Oneness Day and help promote this day contact Jewel Alexander at jewel.alexander@humanitysteam.org for more information. 

P.P.S.  To invite a friend to Global Oneness Day go to: http://www.globaloneness2014.org/invite/ 

Morning Messages P. O. Box 199 Felton, CA 95018 


The Power of Good Words

A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit.
All the other frogs gathered around the pit. When they saw how deep the pit was, they told the unfortunate frogs they would never get out. The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit.
The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and simply gave up. He fell down and died.
The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and suffering and just die. He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs asked him, "Why did you continue jumping. Didn't you hear us?"
The frog explained to them that he was deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time.
This story holds two lessons:
1. There is power of life and death in the tongue. An encouraging word to someone who is down can lift them up and help them make it through the day.
2. A destructive word to someone who is down can be what it takes to kill them. Be careful of what you say. Speak life to those who cross your path.
The power of words… it is sometimes hard to understand that an encouraging word can go such a long way. Anyone can speak words that tend to rob another of the spirit to continue in difficult times.
Special is the individual who will take the time to encourage another.


Sivananda Daily Reading

22 October

Posted: 20 Oct 2014 10:00 PM PDT

The Sadhana That Hardens 
(A letter was on Siva's table: a great European yogi had written to Siva requesting him to invite him to India. This was needed to obtain a passport.)
What a big show of themselves do these so-­called saints make. Flying from this country to that country: everywhere they go, parties, receptions and farewell parties, again. It is not?
Some of them should be received with a unique honour. Instead of flags and festoons adorning the reception entrance, people should hang old shoes and broomsticks.
We should not wait for the thing to happen actually. We should train ourselves. I have done so. I have beaten myself with shoes severely. This I used to do especially on birthdays ­ just after returning to my kutir after the meetings where people will praise me, glorify me, deify me, I will go into my kutir and beat myself nicely with a pair of shoes: "What are you? You wretched flesh-­blood­-excreta made body? Do you want garlands? Can you not wear torn clothes? Do you think that you are great? Do you want to be prostrated to? Now, take these garlands."
Suka Deva was tested by Janaka like this. He was a great jnani. When he went to Janaka for instruction, he was made to wait outside the palace uncared for, without food, without shelter and without any honour. Then he was attended upon by the ladies of the court and the Maharanis. In these ways Janaka tested Suka Deva's tranquility of mind. Suka was above all these things. He had preserved his equanimity all through. Such should be a sadhaka.
I have heard this said of St. Francis of Assisi also. He used to call his body 'Mr. Ass'. What a tremendous vairagya they all had.
Even this occasional shoe-­beating is not enough for me. I should give this body a dose of this hardening-medicine at least once a week.
