10-14-14 Blossom et al

Desire is fever of the head, longing is the cry of the heart.

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Blossom Goodchild - October 12, 2014

Hello dear friends. Well, last week’s channelling certainly caused a stir! I have tried to get my head around the ‘Nothing matters’ issue. Yet, I have to be honest … I don’t quite ‘Get it.’ I have received varied emails … some ‘Get it’ completely and have felt they knew this all along. Whereas, others, like myself, simply cannot grasp it fully. Can we continue on with this theme? Many of us need clarification. Thank you.

Dearest Blossom and all who take part in these conversations … We join you in LOVE … for we CHOOSE to assist you in your Awakening. Each corner of your heart is being activated with each new concept we put forth. As you digest and rearrange thoughts, you allow that which you KNOW to be YOUR TRUTH to emerge.

We are aware that the opportunity to stretch the imagination may have caused conflict within the self. You ask HOW 'nothing matters' … when all around you are moments that definitely seem to matter! Yet … in the Grander picture … in the big scheme of things … they do not.

Why don’t they? It matters to us down on Earth how things are going and how people are acting out their play?


Because, we want to live in a world full of Love and Light … and right now there is a lot about it ... that simply isn’t!

That is what you desire ... correct?

Yes … So it matters to me.

IT matters to you …. Because you are assessing things from your view point.

Correct. So my view point matters to me. My view point is SOMETHING that matters TO ME. It is not ‘Nothing’ that matters to me.

Take a deep breath.

This entire source of Life … that which comes from the Highest … is LOVE.


This LOVE has CHOSEN to express itself THROUGH ALL THINGS … IN ALL WAYS … in order to KNOW itself.

It cannot KNOW itself in fullness … until every single possibility has played itself out … THROUGH LOVE.



Therefore, it matters not WHAT is played out … it has to be played out … in order for LOVE to be complete.

‘Does it matter’ … whether or not LOVE is complete?

It is not a question of it mattering … for it simply IS this way.

A few wrote in, simply not being able to understand that it does not matter about war, and how one treats another. I mean, how can the way one treats another … how can the fact that so many suffer through the hands of another’s choices … not matter?

Because … it is part of The Game.

It’s not a very pleasant one then!

Is it not? Are not your choices Blossom … THROUGH LOVE … allowing you to experience a pleasant side of ‘The Game’?

Yes … yet, I am not talking about me … I am talking about those who choose to destroy … and those who supposedly ‘choose’ to be the victims. The way one behaves towards another … how can this NOT MATTER?

Let us try and put this into a perspective in which you can see Light at the end of the tunnel.

I’m looking!  I’m looking!

As we spoke of …

All things came from LOVE …

All things are of LOVE …

All things shall return to the HIGHEST LOVE from which they derived.


That which is acted out … and upon … through thought … is simply an expression of self-awareness for each individual. They are in a game … whilst in the dimension of Earth reality.

Let’s talk about ‘The Game’ then. I have heard this mentioned many times ... That we are in a game.

Perhaps express it differently?  You are in a game … yet, you are also PLAYING The Game. YOU make the moves … YOU move up the board.

When you play a game … perhaps of chess … a move that one may make … with a strategy in mind … depicts how one continues on for the rest of that game. If one plays a move that does not serve … IT DOES NOT MATTER … it simply means that one has to ‘find their way out of it’ in order to complete The Game.

The moves you make determine whether you win or lose …THAT particular game …



Yet, are we not all trying to return to THE HIGHEST PUREST LOVE THAT WE ARE? Doesn’t it matter that we FEEL we are doing the right thing to ‘get home’?

No. It doesn’t matter.

Yet, it does matter ... TO ME. It matters to me how I behave and how I choose to ‘get there'. If nothing matters ... why are you choosing to assist us with your messages? I mean … if nothing matters … why bother? I’m not having a go at you here … I’m just trying to ‘Get It’. You ‘Get that’ right?


Here is a key note …


Do you see the difference? That which you CHOOSE to do … makes all the difference as to how you FEEL and yet …


Yet, for each individual … being part of The Whole … the choices One makes can allow One to FEEL wonderful or to FEEL miserable … A choice. Yet, either choice …. DOESN’T MATTER … because whatever way one CHOOSES to FEEL ... is part of the experience of LOVE /LIFE.

I have to persevere here … if I may?

By all means.

These choices we make … how can you say, for instance … that one soul killing another … or torturing another … doesn’t matter?

Because it is part of The Game. A game that you all agreed to take part in.

It has been said that this game is all an illusion … and not reality at all. I can’t get my head around that either, just quietly!

Because you are IN The Game. When you are out of The Game … you ‘see it’ for what it TRULY is.



Anyone got a parachute? … I’m outta here! … Then why does it FEEL so real?

Because it is a GAME OF EXPERIENCE.

How could it be played, if it did not FEEL real? How could you experience, if it did not FEEL real?

So, are my FEELINGS real?

To you at this time … in this illusion. Let us speak more of this.

Please, be my guest!

 Look up the word ‘Illusion’ if you would.

‘An illusion is a distortion of the senses, revealing how the brain normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation. Though illusions distort reality, they are generally shared by most people.’


So, are you saying that although it FEELS real to us … … Because it is an illusion … our FEELINGS are distorted from our TRUE reality … whatever that may be ... if there is no one Truth!!! Anyone got a spade so I can dig myself in deeper … or indeed out?

Yes we are! You say that it is different for us, in the realms we reside … and we do not understand how it is to be living in your dimension. In many ways, this is correct. Our FEELINGS are real … for we are not in The Game.

Your FEELONGS are as REAL as you are able to perceive them ... within this 'illusional reality.'

So … do you go by ‘nothing matters’ in YOUR reality?


LOVE matters … TO ME … LOVE matters.


That matters!

How can we help you to ‘Get it’?

Keep trying! I just don’t ‘Get it’… that LOVE doesn’t matter.

Yet, EVERYTHING … as we said … IS LOVE … How IT chooses to act out … in all ITS different scenarios, does not take away the fact that it is STILL LOVE.

Yet … if nothing matters … one could say … I can do anything I like …  kill … maim … rape … and it simply doesn’t matter … IT DOES!

To YOU in YOUR reality.

Does it not matter to YOU that people do this then?

Not when you can see the WHOLE PICTURE … which you are unable to do!


Yes, I get that bit …

Therefore … in ALL its forms … it is BEING ITSELF.

EVERYTHING IS LOVE … and it MATTERS NOT how it chooses to appear … because IT IS ALL LOVE.

Now then … here’s the clincher … Doesn’t LOVE matter then?


That is the only answer we can offer you to that question.

Well, I don’t know if we have actually progressed here … I’ll absorb today’s information and see where it leads me. Mind you … it doesn’t really matter!!

Thanks Guys for ‘trying’ …. I’ll get there. Some already have … I never was at the top of the class!

That doesn’t matter.

Further down the rabbit hole we go! In Love and thanks. Until next time …

Always, we are in Love with you.

Later that day, I found myself in a particularly bad mood … A rarity for me … and I didn’t like it! Not really succeeding in trying to calm my thoughts, I said in my head ‘Being in this bad mood DOES MATTER … TO ME’ … and the immediate reply/thought was,  ‘Because you are CHOOSING to let it matter!’.
The penny dropped for me! Well , maybe a halfpenny! So I said … ‘I CHOOSE to not let this matter’ … and all I can say is … that a wave of Love came over me … and I ‘Got it’. Well, that bit!
I realized that by CHOOSING to let go and really accepting it ‘didn’t matter’ that I was in a bad mood … I got out of the way … and … how do I put this?... It allowed for LOVE to take over. That’s the only way I can describe it. So, I then applied that, to thinking about war and hunger etc … said the same thing to myself … ‘I CHOOSE not to let it matter’ … and had the SAME FEELING of LOVE … TAKING OVER … this time, on a global scale. In that moment … I GOT IT. Not sure I still have it … yet, thought I’d share, in the TRUSTING it may assist those who are on the same page as me … to GET IT.

* The Federation Of Light speak of LOVE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmsCqVjqSss.

Website: Blossom Goodchild
An audio version of Blossom's channelings can be found


Heavenletter #5072 The Drum of Time Beats, October 14, 2014 

God said: 

A sense of time gets you mixed up. You receive contrary messages. Haste makes waste. True enough. And slow but steady wins the race. True enough. But there are also other messages conveyed:
He who hesitates is lost. Strike while the iron is hot. Get going. Let’s get the show on the road.
So much of the frazzle in the world comes from the urgency of time.
What would it be like if you did not have to battle with time? Time is hard to please. Hurry hurry. Slow down, slow down. Stay within the speed limit. You’re running out of time.
There is the concept of cause and effect, that one thing is a consequence of another. This certainly seems so on Earth. Drop a cup, and a cup breaks. Human life is overwhelmed with concepts of time, fast and slow. Thoughtless, thoughtful. Careful, careless. The drum of time beats. Cuckoo clocks do their thing, and even alarm clocks were invented. Time marches on and drags you with it and often trips you up. It is not easy to be so obedient to time.
Beat the clock. Life seems to be by the clock. Turn the clocks back. Turn the clocks ahead. Time fosters illusion while it gets you out of breath.
A day off is a wonderful thing, and sometimes it gives you an experience of timelessness. No pressure. Wouldn’t timelessness be nice?
As it is, there are deadlines. As it is, time pounces on you like a leopard. As it is, time pressure raises your blood pressure, and you don’t know how to reach equanimity, or, if once you do, you don’t know how to keep it with you.
Is time energy? Certainly, time saps your energy.
How lovely it would be to get off the time track. Not have to catch a plane or train or bus. Not to have schedules. No having to be on time or out of time. No appointments that run your life. No being ahead or behind, for time and space are variations that rule you. How you would love to be free, yet there are time constraints that have their way with you.
Imagine Eternity. No time. No time schedules. No calendars. No tick-tocks. No being on time or early or late. No waiting rooms. No appropriate times. No clocks ticking. No bells knelling the time. Perfect freedom.
You might be lost without time to get lost in. You might miss that whip cracking over you. You might get nervous living without time’s directions. Getting up when you want. Going to bed when you want. Eat when you’re hungry. Of course, you would still have dishes to wash in a timely fashion.
In the world at large, it would be a fantasy to be without time. Time has been a hanger-on for a long while. Time really has you where it wants you.
Imagine, spending one day of your life at the beach without a sense of when you ought to leave. I say you ought to stay until you want to leave. Maybe you want to spend one night at the beach. Be lulled by the surf. Oh, yes, but even the ocean whose beach you lie on has tides. Even the Ocean is regulated. Hut, hut, says the army.
What would you be if you were not harking to time as it is known in the world? You further wonder what you would amount to if you didn’t adhere to time.
Without ever-hastening time harrying you, you might find the Truth of you, that you are a Timeless Being, and there are no time warps. All of Eternity is one moment, and the one moment, that one division of  time, exists now. Despite the rules of the world, there is no time to run out of. There is Eternal Eternity, and it is yours right now.


forever can be small

OCTOBER 13, 2014

We of the Arcturian Group come to wish you peace, joy, and kindness to each other in these times of strife and confusion. We know that many are suffering, but we see great awakenings through the experiences. There are many who have always lived fully within the third dimensional belief system who now surprisingly find themselves questioning their core beliefs in ways that are allowing them to awaken. They are reaping the benefit of the increasing Light flowing on earth even though they are not aware of why change seems to be happening within.

As Light flows from the increasing number of evolving energy fields, it adds Light to universal world consciousness, exposing and dissolving areas of shadow in the process. This is how the world is awakening--each small awareness of truth/Light helps to dissolve the illusion and adds to the whole for there is only ONE. Very soon, there will be enough Light in world consciousness to shift it. This is what "the shift" means--a transfer of energy domination.

We wish to speak of truth which manifests as does everything, through the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels--truth as an Absolute as well as truth the ordinary. When we speak of truth in theses messages we are referring to the Absolute--Divine Truth.

In Truth, there is nothing but omnipresent Divine Consciousness which in the human scene is interpreted by mind and seen as material. The third dimension views life through a filter of separation as well a belief that everything is either good or bad (duality). More often than not, one's individual belief system has been simply accepted without thought from the world consensus consciousness.

It is a very important to remember that thoughts you may have are not really yours until you accept them as your own. The thoughts and beliefs of world consciousness are floating around always available to be claimed as truth or not. Allowing uninvited thoughts to simply flow through without giving them any importance is a reclaiming of your power and movement into truth. Resistance to unwanted ideas or thoughts simply gives them a power they do not have.

In the human scene, truth is determined by whether or not you honestly state what you know or feel to be correct. It also represents consensus opinion on particular topics as dictated by the "experts" or those in power. Living out from third dimensional thinking causes some individuals as well as businesses and governments to feel no obligation toward honesty or truth if and when it does not suit their personal needs or agenda--reflecting the belief in separation.

As mankind evolves ever more deeply into the realization of all within the One, it will begin to understand that the words and actions of ordinary daily life are important because what one says or does to another, he does to himself. Fear, whether recognized or not, is the root cause of dishonesty and lying--fear of lack, limitation, rejection, failure, punishment etc. and can only be eliminated through Truth.

Fear stems from third dimensional experiences and teachings from past lives as well as this one. Many of these experiences were horrendous, causing long lasting impressions within cellular memory and energy fields. These old cellular and emotional energies are what you are now in the process of clearing. Some of the more intense energy clearings, can leave you feeling exhausted and depressed. Know that there is nothing wrong, you are evolving, so do not claim these feelings as having any power over you which will simply pull them back into your energy field.

Children speak the truth until they are taught not to through fear or punishment. Many adults believe that being right makes them important (more loveable) and so say or do whatever it takes to be seen as always right--a reflection of the belief in separation from Love/Self. Frequently individuals are simply ms-informed and speak from ignorance but as with all actions, the intention behind the words give them their energy. Untruths spoken innocently carry the energy intended by the sender which is to be truthful. We do not refer to malicious gossip.

Gossip and criticism are facets of duality and separation which reflect self loathing and create the need for a person to see himself as better than others in order to feel any acceptance or self love. These activities not only humanly (never in reality) hurt the person gossiped about, but also come home to rest in the energy field of the sender for again...there is only One.

With evolution comes the inability to speak untruth for personal gain. The spiritual student becomes increasingly aware of that gentle tap on the shoulder whenever he is tempted and begins to understand that his spiritual leash has become very short.

Divine Truth is an Absolute--that which IS, always has been, and ever will be--held infinitely in place by Divine Law. The Absolute can never be known or understood fully with the limited human mind which is why over eons of time, man has repeatedly created Gods in his own likeness reflecting whatever qualities believed to be important at that time.

The goal of all souls, on all planets and dimensions as well as on earth, is and always has been, to evolve into the fullness of the realization ONE, thus becoming the One. The soul has always been perfect, but through its journeys of experience, has not remembered this and so has struggled lifetime after lifetime in the process of awakening. It is the spiritual journey and purpose of life to eventually realize one's Divinity and live out from that state of Consciousness. Divine Truth is first grasped and interpreted intellectually until over time it moves to deeper levels and becomes one's reality--his state of consciousness. Each soul's journey takes infinite forms and paths and experiences, which is what you have all been doing.

Books, classes, and teachers can only assist up to the attained level of consciousness of the author or teacher. This is not to say there may not be the perfect book, class, or teacher for you at a given time, but always use your intuition when deciding if something is right for you. Just because something is popular doesn't mean it would be right for you. You may actually be beyond a particular teaching or teacher. There will always come that time in which you will begin to be taught from within for this is where Truth resides.

Information, answers, explanations, and ideas that result in "aha" moments for you are the fruits of your own inner work and will often manifest when you least expect, when you are doing something as mundane as washing dishes but are at the same time quiet and receptive. Issues of life begin to be seen from new levels of understanding and a truth you may of read and pondered but never fully understood may suddenly become simple and clear.

Divine Truth is all that IS, and is infinite. There is an old Eastern saying that says that if you can encompass IT (the Absolute) within your mind, (which many think they do) then that is not it. Absolute Truth is every spiritual idea embodied within Divine Consciousness, ever present but interpreted by the mind in the human scene according to individual and world consciousness.

To try and live the Absolute, before attaining that state of consciousness is a mistake many serious spiritual students make. To throw away your medications before you have attained the consciousness of your completeness and wholeness as a Divine Being, is a very human action. However, when something no longer resonates with you, never be afraid to let it go. Holding on to some facet of your life just because it is what you are used to, is a block to your awakening. You are required to live out from your highest attained state of consciousness, living the truth you know while moving ever deeper through practice and study.

The act of transition or death, does not bring a sudden realization of Truth as many believe. You are your state of consciousness and therefore take it with you. All are taught and guided lovingly on the other side just as here.

Evolution is the process of an ever increasing awareness of who you really are, dear ones. Evolution is a process that does not suddenly culminate overnight unless you have done the work getting you to that state of consciousness in previous lifetimes. Try not to become discouraged and feel you are making no progress if life seems mundane and ordinary.

Do not compare yourself to others, do the best you can remembering always that you are being guided and are never alone. If you succumb to the weight of some human burden, resist the temptation for blame or guilt but simply pick yourself up and continue. You will soon discover that the sky did not fall down when you make a mistake nor do you have to go back to the beginning of your journey. Failure is a concept within third dimensional thinking. There is no such thing as failure in reality, only learning experiences.

You are loved dear ones, very loved and honored greatly for your efforts and work. All is proceeding according to plan.

We are the Arcturian Group 10/13/14


Teacher: A Mentori Spokesperson. 
Subject: “By Your Choices, Decisions and Actions.” 

Received by Lytske. 

Mentor: “Since you again made yourself available, I shall place some words to be offered to the community at large on the screen of your mind. As usual, I adapt my lesson to the words which made the biggest impression on your mind during your meditative reading of The Guiding Light Within. You seem to be especially taken by the concept of how choices, decisions, and actions can bring you closer to the divine Spark that lives and works within you as a special Gift from our Creator Father. This divine Spark resides in all moral peoples on this particular planet since the time of the bestowal of the Creator and Ruler of our local universe, who after completing His mission here, also gifted you his Spirit of Truth. 

“The question still begs to be asked: ‘How many mortals will take advantage of the Guiding Light within them to change the present atmosphere of fear on this planet? Dear friends, I have news for you: It begins by each individual who dares to break out of the collective slumber this planet is threatening to further drift into. Each will be held responsible for their personal awakening. When one truly starts to listen, there may seemingly be an alarm bell going off and one begins to question, whether the time is ripe for a new day to dawn upon the horizon of one’s mind. It is so very easy to follow the crowd, however, it takes much more courage and spunk to start thinking about the direction this new day is going to take. 

“Truly, the simplest way will always be to take into confidence the Divine Spark living within you, and hand over the day to your Thought Adjuster, saying, ‘It is my will that Your Will be done.’ In all honesty and sincerity you must allow the Pilot of your little life-boat to take the helm of your heart for your highest spiritual good and for the well-being of the planet and the evolution of the whole universe. Consider yourselves to be adding to the fulfillment of the Creator’s divine plan for the evolution of your souls. 

“Everything you undertake and accomplish in this earth-life is having consequences elsewhere. Your planet is not alone in the cosmos. It belongs to a vast organization of millions of planets in this local universe alone, but at present she is presenting a very sick picture compared to her sister planets. It is the teamwork of all involved who abide by the will of God to begin to fulfill His divine mandate in this foundational life, which is already on the way to become perfect. In doing so, each individual choice, decision and action adds not only to the eventual completion of your planet into Light and Life but also to the culmination of completed stability of this universe, which again adds to the greater universes beyond. 

“The ‘life-time’ of creative evolution is endless, therefore think with pride of how your fine choices, decisions and actions may ‘roll on down the line’ with their far-reaching effects.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.

www.1111angels.net  11:11 Store


Omara:  The Last Roundup
Omara: (Ohara is with me)

Every day has brought you closer to building the "dream team" you desire, to help you accomplish the wonderful projects ahead.  Those of you who have big plans for helping others are feeling the sense of increased trust, enthusiasm and inspiration that is ignited when you speak with others about your dreams for a better world.

It is very important now that you move ahead with your plans, with creating the network you will need to execute your plans, which will require careful planning, organizational skills, diplomacy and great imagination to bring to fruition.

Many of you have dreams of helping others in distant countries.  You may have a special connection to the land of your parents' birth, or a past life locale.  In those cases, you will need a good working knowledge of the language and a close partnership with the local people and their leaders.

Above all, do not design a plan for any project if it does not draw on the wisdom and participation of local leaders, elders and elected officials.  Remember: a gift is not a gift unless it fits exactly with what the other person(s) would specifically ask for.  Without their specific request, you are not giving them what they need, but what you want to give.  This is not a gift - it is an ego trip.

Secondly, do not expect to be celebrated as a hero.  Give what you can, but do it anonymously, especially where money is concerned.  Go to help out, join hands and roll up your sleeves, but do not be the one who offers the huge check for the local media to photograph. Your gift of concern and friendship will have a much deeper impact than a hit-and-run pot of money dumped in the laps of those who may or may not have the expertise or willingness to use the money wisely.

Many of you have asked over the years, "What is my path? What am I here to accomplish?"  We remind you now:  You have already done what you came here to accomplish.  You have raised your vibration; you have participated in a family life; you have made friends and developed relationships in every area of your life.  This is why you are here, Beloved Ones, to get to know each other, and when you can, to bring out the best in one another.  As you have done that throughout your life, you have learned which ones are trust-worthy, which are still asleep, and where you feel most comfortable being your authentic self.

We have strongly encouraged you, with daily messages and constant encouragement, to take this opportunity to dive deeply into your own less-than-conscious mind, to uncover any and all residue of unfinished business - leftover feelings of resentment, impatience or anger - to identify their sources in this life, find a way to accept and forgive all feelings, no matter how distasteful it might seem to you to see them in yourself.  

This is the final challenge, Beloved Ones.  We are helping you with the massive shifts in energy which are taking place in the Cosmos and within your own DNA makeup.  You are now prepared in your physical and etheric bodies to adapt completely to the 5th dimensional plane of existence, but there is one necessary shift on your part to complete and hold the process.  You must be an active participant in the final phase of your rehabilitation from darkness into Light.

We have told you about dark thought forms.  They are all the negative feelings from irritation to anger to rage, including jealousy, depression and anxiety.  All these are on the fear spectrum - the feelings that energize and strengthen ego defensiveness.  These, Dear Ones, are the feelings you are responsible for in yourself.  You are the shepherd of your own feelings and thoughts.  They are yours to keep or leave behind.  We have given you the level playing field, the energy of Love to surround you and ease your way out of the old hallucinations and illusions.

Be scrupulous in your examination of your own feelings and thoughts.  Measure and scrutinize the atmosphere of your inner world, with an attitude of good humor and loving acceptance.  They are just the teachings you came into adulthood with.  They are not a measure of who you are.  They do not have anything to do with your worthiness or intelligence.  They are just ideas, nothing more.  

Do not become attached to ideas in any way.  If you discover an idea floating around in your brain, question it. You don't have to believe something just because you think it.  It doesn't matter who taught it to you or how much you believed it at the time. It is only a collection of ideas. Compare it to your old marble collection or the socks that no longer match.  An idea is only as good as its usefulness in the present, and even then it must be seen as simply a convenient tool, to be discarded when its time is past.

And so, Beloveds, look now at every "opinion", attitude or belief you hold.  Do you still need it? If you are truly anchored in your heart, nothing you say will sound like an "opinion."  It will simply be a deep conviction of basic Universal principles, gently and graciously applied.  You will not find yourself in debates or arguments about what you believe or what someone else believes. It will not matter to you what others believe.  

Actions are to be addressed, yes, especially if they are cruel, intolerant, hateful or destructive.  You must of course protect yourself and those you love, but if you find yourself acting out of fear, stop and reconsider. For instance, the fear mongering about ISIS and its supposed "threat to your way of life" is just nonsense.  ISIS is a profit-oriented, Western-inspired cabal. They have managed to recruit desperate young men to do their dirty work, once they have been brainwashed into radical beliefs, but it is anything but a homegrown movement.  Eliminate the cabal and the "rebels" will return to their families and their more heart-centered beliefs.

Ebola is a patented bio-weapon.  The U.S. holds the patent for it.  There is no vaccination that will protect you, but you may very well contract the disease if you submit to being "immunized".  There is a cure, however.  It is nano-silver, similar to colloidal silver, which is also effective in eliminating the disease.  If you wish to help, join the effort to make these substances available to those who are affected or in danger of exposure.  No one needs to die of this primitive man-made concoction.

You see, these are dramatic examples of the difference between those who act out of fear (and ignore the truth), thereby putting themselves into the care of the cabal,  and those who accept the truth and look for a real solution.  Be the "warriors" for Light, Dear Ones.  This means you apply your energy and inspiration to creating solutions, calmly and joyfully, and with Love in your hearts.  All challenges can be overcome, all difficulties resolved in the loving company of your beloved human traveling companions.

Be fearless, be loving, and be joyful as you do your final housecleaning within.  We have created the environment and given you the tools to complete the job.  We have pointed out the small excavation that needs to be done inside yourself.  We promise to stand with you, lovingly cheering you, embracing you and covering you with kisses as you carry yourself through the last mile of this marathon challenge.

We are filled with love and admiration for your courage and determination.  Accept our love as we fondly accept yours.

We Are One.

Your Omara, together with Ohara, Prime Creators

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, October 13, 2014, High Falls, NY


15 October

The Riddle of the World 
You yourself have made your life complex. You have entangled yourself in this quagmire. You have multiplied your wants and desires. Every day you are forging new links in the chain of bondage. Simplicity has vanished. Luxurious habits are daily developed. People are dying of starvation; there is depression and unrest everywhere. There is devastation by earthquake. The divorce courts are increasing. One nation is afraid of another nation. Life has become a matter of uncertainty. It has become a mass of confusion and bewilderment; it has become stormy and boisterous.
You can escape from these troubles and difficulties if you lead a life of dispassion, self-restraint, purity and selfless service, if you develop cosmic love, if you make a habit of developing the right point of view, right thinking, right feeling, right action, with the right mental attitude and if you practise meditation and devotion.
If you have no sustained vairagya (dispassion) you will find no improvement or progress in spirituality. Vows, energy, austerities and meditation will leak out like water from a cracked pot. You have spent eight hours in sleep and the rest in idle gossiping, telling lies and deceiving others. How can you expect spiritual good or immortality if you do not spend even half an hour in the service of God, in singing his name and in divine contemplation?
Is there pain or pleasure in this world? If there is pleasure, then why do young educated men retire into the forests? If there is pain, why do young men run after wealth, position and women? Mysterious is maya (illusion)! Mysterious is moha (delusion)! Try to understand the riddle of life and the riddle of the universe. Acquire viveka (wisdom). Have satsanga (holy company). Enquire into the nature of the Atman. Study the Yoga Vasishta and the Upanishads. Then you will have a comprehensive understanding of the problems of life. There is not one iota of happiness in this world.
- - -
Real freedom is from birth and death. Real freedom is freedom from the trammels of flesh and mind. Real freedom ­ is freedom from the bonds of karma. Real freedom is freedom from attachment to the body, etc. Real freedom is freedom from desires and from egoism.
