10-12-14 MARY MAGDALENE: Let the Feminine Lead

The Master is a presence that is unlimited, vast, infinite and all-inclusive. The presence of the Master in one’s life brings fulfillment to all other relationships.

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


MARY MAGDALENE: Let the Feminine Lead

Image By Giorgio Martini

Image By Giorgio Martini

Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On July 28, 2014

Question: I seek greater balance, understanding, and connection to the love and worship of Mother Creator and to add love to my own soul. Sometimes I’m in balance with that and other times the blocks seem overwhelming to be healed.

Mary Magdalene: That’s because you are trying to heal them. You need to receive them. That’s your gift in the moment—something that is difficult or painful, those times that aren’t blissful or easeful or whatever. At those times, you think, “Oh, this must be something I need to fix. I need to do something to make this go away so I can get back to that wonderful, blissful, easeful space.” But that is not accurate.

What you need to do is receive the gift of the block. That is the perfect gift being given to you in that moment. And for many, many, many at this time, the greatest fear is to open to that. Yet opening to that is exactly what you need. Usually it will be an emotion that you are ultimately opening to—some great fear, some great pain, some tremendous loss, anger—whatever it is.

Then you must become skilled in the pathway of traversing where you need to go when you open to that emotion. It is not enough simply to open to the emotion without skill. You need skill. This is what I was teaching, or doing my best to teach, through the first book of Mary Magdalene Beckons. The pain is calling you to the place within yourself that has become cut off from God. Learn that skill, that practice, that pathway. Then you can use the painful emotion to reconnect yourself from your dissociation, your divorce from God. That is where your healing will occur, rather than in the way you tend to be thinking about it at this time.

Questioner: It’s been a very mental training of learning “What is the lesson of this? How do I release this? What do I do?” It’s like trying to manage my own receiving. It’s very exhausting.

Mary Magdalene: Yes! This is the Masculine way. (laughing) What I’m inviting you to is the Feminine way, which is the organic way. It is not entirely organic for you anymore because you have all been cut off from it. If that had not happened it would be very natural for you. But now you must apply yourself to it. And that is the real healing—to heal the blocks that have been implanted within yourself to this organic process, which will lead you to that Masculine understanding. But let the Feminine lead. That is the natural way.

The French have this wonderful expression: “Cherche la femme.” There is great wisdom in that. Follow the Feminine. Follow your body. Follow your emotions. Let it take you to your wholeness within, your inner divinity, to the healing that needs to happen there. Then quite of its own accord, the understanding, the insight, the lesson will be there for you. It will be offered to you freely and easily. And you will be back in harmony, strength, and union.

This is the pathway. It will not exhaust you. It will energize you. This will be one of the signs that you are on the path. When something is exhausting you, it is a sign that this is not the way. It is like swimming upstream. It is exhausting. It’s trying to tell you to turn around. Go the other way.

I am not explaining the full pathway at this time, because I have done that to a great extent through the communications in the book. Begin with that. If that is not clear, get help from one such as Mercedes, who understands this now and can help others. It is a great support and one that is so needed. When you become strong in it, you will become a helper to others. You will become a teacher. This is how it will spread.

Questioner: Thank you.

Mary Magdalene: You are most welcome. Thank you.



Heavenletter #5070 A Phantom Lover , October 12, 2014 

God said: 

Often you desire to improve yourself. You perceive a need to receive accolades from outside you, for you see accolades from the world as building you up. It is gratifying to receive accolades from the world. May you receive them. You have My blessing to receive them. They are lovely frosting on the cake, and how you like the sweetness of frosting. Of course, frosting is something layered on top.
Accolades from wherever they may come help to straighten your shoulders and keep your head held high. This is your natural posture. May you receive all the appreciation that the world has to offer, yet the essential accolades are the ones that you bestow upon yourself.
Your own reception of your self-worth is worth a hundred-thousand times more than any medals in the world. Your own recognition of your worth is what you must have. The more you require an illustrated picture of your worth from others, the more dependent you are upon the pictures other paint.
As you come to loving yourself as you are, then the more connected you are to My picture of you.
My picture of you doesn’t come and go. It’s dependent upon nothing but the Truth. It does not waver. It does not go up and down. It is solvent and assured. The world often attends to your ego. In any case, the world makes itself more important than it really is. What you think of yourself matters more than the highest projection from the world. Know thyself for all that you are worth.
I know you best. Learn from Me. Depend upon Me that My faith in you is True, the Eternal Truth, which is the only Truth there is. You must know by now that I do not curry favor from you. I do not look for you to honor Me for My sake. Honor Me for your sake. Unlike the world, even as much as I desire deeply your attention, I do not trade My attention for yours. I do not make deals. I am Truth.
The fact is that Who you really are is already established, and nothing can change it. You are My beloved when you are in the world’s favor and when you are not. It is important to Me, however, that you know your worth. It is yours. It is Mine. It is also the world’s worth. The world’s belief in you is not necessary nor are the world’s accolades necessarily in your best interest. You don’t have to chase after it. Your belief in your worthiness is essential to you, to Me, and to the Consciousness of the World. The world’s off-hand estimation of you can lead you down a garden path and leave you high and dry according to the errant world’s whim.
Does not the world you live in have many ideas backwards? The only ultimate Truth in the world is Oneness. The world at large is made up of so much multiplicity and even duplicity. The world confuses you and plays switcheroo with your heart and mind.
It’s vital that you stick with yourself which is the same as sticking with Me which is the same as sticking with Truth and getting down to a straightaway path in life.
Peripheral is not essential. At the same time, while you are living in the world, you are living smack in the world. Do your dance in the world and remember Me. Have fun, and remember Me. You and I --We can go on joyrides together. Never do you move in the world without Me. I am by your side. Enjoy Me, and enjoy My joy in you.    
While you live in the world, you go down a two-way street. It is as if you do have your feet in two boats. Steady does it. One boat is unsinkable. The other tends to be a phantom lover. 


Sivananda Daily Reading

13 October

Posted: 11 Oct 2014 10:00 PM PDT

Brahman of Vedanta 
Brahman cannot be approached by argument. He is unknowable. He is without any limiting adjunct. He is the source of the world, vedas, body, mind and prana (life).
Brahman is the only abode of eternal peace and purity. He is the instrumental and material cause for the universe, though He Himself is causeless because He is beginningless and endless. He is one without a second. He is attributeless. He is free from birth and death.
Brahman is absolute, infinite. He is the Supreme Being. He is the highest Self. He has no attachment; He has no connection with anything - He has no connection with bodies, minds, etc. This is his supreme yoga which ordinary mortals can hardly understand.
Brahman dwells in every heart. He is boundless, unfathomable and immeasurable. There is neither subtle desire nor craving nor sense hankering in Brahman. He is an embodiment of purity. His name or symbol is Om. He is the silent witness of the activities of the world and the activities of all minds. He is imperishable.
Brahman is absolute consciousness, the indwelling Atman. He is the one great indivisible bliss - satchidananda. He is awake when people sleep at night. He is the passive spectator of this world show or cosmic bioscope. The aspirant finds full and eternal satisfaction in Brahman. All his desires melt away like mist or snow before the rising sun.
There is something behind life, matter, energy, mind that is the ultimate reality   it is eternal and unchanging. The finite mind cannot solve certain problems of life and the riddle of the universe. On account of egoism we perish in our vain researches and experiments. But our boasted intellect has failed to satisfy our yearnings and equip us with real knowledge that will dispel our ignorance and give us real peace of mind.
We bow our heads before the inner ruler who dwells in the chambers of our hearts, who is the source of matter, life, energy and mind, who is immortal, eternal, bliss absolute, knowledge absolute and existence absolute. May He now give us real enlightenment. May He grant us that highest knowledge of Self through which alone we can get full knowledge of all secular sciences. Our silent salutations to that highest self, the Brahman of the Vedanta.




