10-10-14 SaLuSa

Beauty is a personal phenomenon. Something happens in you, an exclamation, a wave rising in the ocean that blows the mind away. If it were not personal, it could not be Divine. The Divine is always personal.

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


SaLuSa, October 10, 2014

We are as ever closely following your progress and pleased to note that so many of you are fully engaged in preparing yourselves for the continuing rise in vibrations that are carrying you into the higher levels. As we have previously informed you, because you are raising your vibrations at a rate that will carry you forwards to the point of Ascension into the next level, it need not be seen as a separate happening. You are flowing with the increases in vibration, and slowly but surely you are creating a crystalline based body with all of the advantages that come with it. You will ascend by your own efforts and dedication to bring harmony and balance to yourself. Clearly not every soul is capable of achieving such a level, but all will eventually find their ideal and perfect level. Already many of you are in total control of what is taking place where you are concerned. We encourage you to stay completely focussed on your goal at such an important time, and do not link your energy with anything that is of a lesser vibration.

There is always a risk that you will be pulled into other peoples affairs, which is alright as long as you keep yourself centred at all times. You can be a peace maker without getting personally involved in other people’s issues. You can still be a healer if that is your desire, but remember to close your aura at the end of a session. I am sure that you need little reminding of these precautions, but there is a need to be fully aware of any risk to yourself. Self-healing will continue but as time passes it will become less and less necessary. You will find that your body will “rejuvenate” itself in the course of time, and indeed we know that some of you already feel that your bodies are becoming more in balance regardless of your age. So you see that you are entering a period of notable changes that will also affect souls who are otherwise unaware of them. Ultimately all souls will find the right level that is necessary for them to carry on progressing and evolving.

For many souls this cycle will see the end of their need to experience in the lower vibrations. Once the lessons have been learnt you move on to a higher level, and so you continue to evolve where progress takes you higher into the Realms of Light. At present you are but a small point of Light, but it is rapidly expanding as you move higher and higher. Ultimately you will become an immense Being of Light, but for the time being it is sufficient to say that you have started that journey. Meantime you can start looking forward to an exciting time that will give you all manner of interesting experiences. Perhaps you will find the prospect of meeting your Space family the most exciting, and the opportunity of returning to your home planet. There is so much for you to explore and a whole variety of missions that you can undertake. Your future will be one that you choose, and it will be to spread the Light far and wide.

Some people on Earth have a certain degree of curiosity about their purpose for being on it, and are interested in life in general but find it difficult to know which sources of knowledge to trust. Generally speaking we would say simply follow your intuition, as it will lead you gently onwards to find an appropriate source of information. Clearly you can be overwhelmed by the truth and it makes good sense to gradually introduce it a level that will be acceptable to you. Also bear in mind that once you become receptive to receiving information, the more you will receive. All of you have Guides and Helpers who will “arrange” events so that you meet the right people, and also have enlightening experiences. These are all carried out with your knowledge and acceptance, although you may not have any waking memory of them. You are never left alone to seek without help, and even those souls who wallow in the darkness have help on hand as soon as they respond to the Light.

Sometimes in the depth of depression you can feel as though you do not have a single friend in the world, yet help is always just a thought away. In these emotional states you are very difficult to reach, but you are showered with love that will eventually lift you up. You may ask why you are allowed to experience such trauma and the answer is “for the experience” to enable the growth of your soul. It is such circumstances and the lessons to be learnt that bring about a rapid growth, that allows more Light to be attracted to you. You could say that the Earth is the place of the hard taskmaster, and that is generally true but it is also where you learn your lessons most quickly.

We look upon Earth and see souls at all various degrees of evolution, and how they mix and work with each other. Sometimes it leads to violent acts as there is a tendency for them to become very insular and selfish. These are observed by more advanced souls who can still learn lessons from them without getting involved. The interaction between different groups of Beings is all part of experience that enables you to evolve. Karma can be extremely complicated, but be assured that it works out perfectly so that all souls involved can benefit from it. You would in fact be surprised if you knew how much attention was given to karmic issues, to ensure all souls involved gain from it. You will no doubt be relieved to learn that once you have risen above the 3rd dimension, you will have effectively cleared your karma.

As your eyes are opened to the truth of your being even more questions arise as your level of consciousness expands, and there are always more knowledgeable Beings around you to give the answers. Even now if you can put yourself in a meditative state and clear your mind so that you are receptive, you can communicate with Higher Beings. Let them know what information you need, and you may get an immediate response, or it may come to you later at a time when you are not expecting it.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and always pleased to work with Michael for your enlightenment. May the Love and Light be with you always.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Tree of the Golden Light


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5068 What Is the Difference?, October 10, 2014 

God said: 

I am the Creator, and We can say that you are the Experiencer of Creation. We can also say that you create along with Me. Creator and Experiencer, Experiencer and Creator are One. Two edges of the same sword, so to speak, except the sword is Love, and there are no two edges. Hold your Greatness and Humanness in Good Stead.
Would you, those who see themselves as across from Me, defame what I have created? Would you defame the Creator, the Created, and the whole process of living Life? All is not as you think. All is not as you see.
All My Children are Heroes of the Day. There is no least of you. There is no one who comes last despite what you believe. There is no fol de rol. Think of it, lives portrayed on Earth, and you are part of it. You are swept up in the Adventure of Adventures.
You are at a Feast, and you eat a Fabulous Meal. All of life is incredible in its Exquisiteness. Food is as delicious as the Queen’s Banquet, and all are guests everywhere.
Sorrow is an illusion, as if love can be lost or less than I say it is. 
The world loves miracles, and every minute of life is a miracle. I cannot say this enough. There are no lesser or greater miracles. All is Divine, and all is God. There is no one Who is not God. I am God, the Creator. There is no distance between God and the Created. All the apparent differences come as functions of language. It is Grammar that is fraught in the world. There is a structure of thought in the world. There are many structures of thought in the world held in the grips of language.
Man is a creature who speaks, and I, God, have spoken. In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was God.
Words come out of human mouths, and words are interpreted. Language is interpretation of All That which is love and often mis-worded.
We can say that life which is the Highest Poetry is reduced to Headlines in the Newspaper.
Life is your Coming-Out Party. It is your debut to yourself and the way to your Self which is the same as My Self.
Yes, all of life is a Grammar Lesson. Subject and predicate. Imagined nouns and verbs and objects and objectives. Life is a play on words.
You are far greater than the words you speak and your emotive reactions to the Picture of Life you see. You babble a lot. You think you know what you speak, yet you don’t fully know the Reality of Life in the Universe.
Hark the Herald Angels, for you herald the angels that you ultimately are. You wear a costume, and you have disguised yourself and forgotten who You are. You have forgotten the wordless words of yourself. Nevertheless, you burst forth in song. You are the Glory of God, and, even as you babble and bobble, you have forgotten. Remember now.


Chicago, US of A. 
Teacher Prolotheos. 
Subject: “What Does it Take to Unite the World?” 

Received by Valdir Soares. 

Teacher Prolotheos: “True and absolute unity can only be found in the Trinity, in which the diversity of three existential Persons of deity is perfectly unified in one God. To understand unity, consider that there is no need for unity where there is no diversity, and diversity is made of units. In God, and in God’s creation, both diversity and individuality are real. In your quest for unity, make sure you will not destroy individuality, but look for commonalities among you. The vital questions for our message today are: What will unite your world? Which commonalities should you seek? Here are some of them… 

“Contemplate first how your origin unites you all in civilization. Families, tribes and nations are all based in a common origin. Ancestry is the most powerful unifying element of the human race. However, when this is viewed in a restricted way, it is also the greatest divider among you. To unite the world you must value foremost the most distinctive origin of all: God. The day on which most humans will realize their common, divine ancestry in the One God, represented by their diverse deity concepts, will be the day when you start the human brotherhood based in the fatherhood of God. 

“Next, think of how many goals could unite you in your endeavors. Common goals are capable of uniting you beyond blood. Having common goals is not simply having the same goals. Same goals can be pursued separately, but common goals require your cooperation in their pursuit. However, first the individuals need to espouse the same unifying goals, and then others will join in their worldwide pursuit. Many different goals are capable of unifying human beings, but to keep them together it is necessary to unify them in the supreme goal of doing the will of the God, both as individuals, and as a group. 

“Lastly, consider how experience unites you with others, and how common experiences may unite the human race. Unfortunately, they usually are experiences of suffering that unite people, and most often, large unifying efforts come about in times of war. Natural tragedies and noble causes as to minimize the suffering of a particular group of people or nations, also bring about unity among the peoples. Still, the experience which should unite all peoples on Urantia, is the most basic of all – the experience of living. All peoples should basically enjoy good conditions of living, with equal access to employment, housing, health, education and leisure. 

“Therefore, my pupil, Urantians already have the resources capable of uniting them – your common origins, common goals and common experiences. Now, use these resources in a global and equal manner to unify you as the human race. Not with seasonal campaigns, but with a program of a global government, with real political and economic power to gradually bring social equality among the nations, which will extinguish poverty and wars that today constitute your most backward features. Realize, once and for all that you are all brothers and sisters, children of one and only loving God. I am Prolotheos, your Teacher and Tutor on High.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


Sivananda Daily Reading

11 October

Posted: 10 Oct 2014 02:19 AM PDT

Root Out Attachment 
Atman is Brahman or Absolute or infinite or supreme being. It is existence absolute, knowledge absolute and bliss absolute. It is eternal, perfect, pure, self-luminous. It is self-delight and self­-knowledge. It is bodiless, formless (nirakara) and attributeless (guna-less). It is all-­pervading, all­-full, imperishable. It has neither beginning nor end. It exists in the present, the past and the future. It is svayambhu (self-­existent). It is the source for the body and the mind, prana (life), indriyas (senses), vedas and the universe. No one can deny it because it is the Self of all beings.
Selfishness retards spiritual progress. If anyone can destroy his selfishness, half of his spiritual sadhana (practice) is over. No samadhi or meditation is possible without the eradication of this undesirable, negative quality. Aspirants should direct their whole attention in the beginning towards the removal of this dire malady by protracted, selfless, disinterested service.
Never say 'my body', 'my wife', 'my son', 'my house'. Attachment is the root cause for the miseries and sufferings of this world. Discipline the mind carefully. The old habits will creep in ­ destroy them at the very root. Lead the life of mental non-­attachment. This is the master-key to open the realm of Brahmic bliss. Non-attachment is dispassion or indifference to sensual enjoyments.
It is the mind that creates the ideas of 'I­ness' and 'mine­ness'. It is the mind that links the body and the jiva (soul) and creates intense deha adhyasa (body­-consciousness) and the man thinks, "I am the body". If the binding link in the mind is destroyed, you can remain wherever you like ­ you can roam peacefully, in any part of the world, unattached, like water on the lotus leaf. Nothing can bind you. The whole mischief is wrought by the mind.
Introspect. Look within. Try to remove your defects. This is real sadhana (practice) ­ you will have to do it at any cost. Intellectual development is nothing. But the former needs a great deal of struggle for many years as many vicious habits have to be rent asunder.
Keep up the unbroken current of meditation. Avoid mixing. You will soon get over body­consciousness. A little more drastic sadhana is needed for a month - unbroken silence. Do not allow inertia or laziness to overpower you.
