Your Belief In The Past {Channeled}

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Yeshua: Let Your Love Outshine Everything
3.)  Your Belief in the Past
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  Finding Balance
6.)  Family Relationships in a Time of Change

Isis' Message of the Day -
Perception defines our reality
"The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend."
-- Henri Bergson

Our entire universe is energy -- vibrating waves of pure potential. The electromagnetic vibrations of our consciousness interact with the energetic potential that exists everywhere as the life force to 'collapse' the waves and create matter. So the patterns of our minds create the form of our world.
By simply observing a form, we influence it. We in turn are influenced by others. This challenges us to be more aware of the
quality of our being and the vibrations we transmit.

"There is no reality in the absence of observation."
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Greetings, we are here for you. You only need to call us. Know that we will answer that call whether or not you are able to see, feel, or hear us. We, of the angelic realm, work in conjunction with you. We do not intervene unless called. There are times when we are nearby and you do not ask for our help. After you call, allow us to work through you and with you. Sometimes you call, and then immediately go into thinking we will not help you and you stay focused on that. Allow us to assist. Do not limit what we can do to help, by demanding that we help you in a certain way. We also do not interfere if your soul needs things to play out in a certain way. However, that is rarely the case. Allow miracles to happen. Be at peace. Bless your hearts!
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *   *       

Yeshua: Let Your Love Outshine Everything
through Mercedes Kirkel
Greetings my Beloveds,
I am Yeshua, great being of the heart. I come to you tonight to share my heart-blessing with you, to share whatever gifts of wisdom, guidance, direction I can offer in opening your heart, in following the path of love, which is the path for all beings.
This is a time of great transformation, as many of you are aware, as many speak about. And it is so. Yet the great process is never changing. It is eternal. It is the one of following your heart, of opening to love. At this time, the energy is getting intensified for doing that. There is great support for doing that. So it is a time of opportunity for you to grow in your ability to love, to open to love. At the same time, because of the intensified energy, it is at times, and for some of you, more challenging to stay focused on your path. It is a testing time, as it is a blessing time. It is a time of using your strength, of calling upon your strength that you have developed, of nurturing yourself to be strong and continuing to do the things that strengthen you, strengthen your heart, strengthen you in living from the heart, in being heart-centered, heart-based. That is what I am always supporting in you. That is my great call, my great passion – to live as love, to love yourself, to love each other.
Truly, there are things that help you with this. To drop judgment is one of them. It is a serious thing, because judging is a tremendous barrier, a tremendous block to love. It hurts the one who judges the very most. It is an act of separation. It does not make any difference if you are judging yourself or if you are judging another. One of the primal acts of fear is to judge. So if you find yourself judging, if you notice that you are judging, return to your heart, return to love. And love yourself in that moment. What is it in you that is in pain, that is causing you to judge? Before you even think about the other person, look towards yourself. What is it in you that needs love in that moment, that would fill you with love, so that your love would expand out naturally to others? What is it in you that is in pain, that is hurting? Give love to that. 
If you are in fear, give love to your fear. Not to tell it it’s wrong, not to change it to the opposite – to truly love it. Love your fear, just like you would love a little child who was in fear. You wouldn’t lecture the child. You wouldn’t tell the child that they really should get it together and stop being in fear, that that’s not what this world is about. You would love the child. You would radiate your love to the child, and that would outshine the fear. That is what you are to do.
Always start with yourself. Whatever it is, love yourself fully. And then let that outshine whatever is in you that is less than love. Let that outshine whatever is around you, all of your relations. It is a process of becoming brighter and brighter, shining and shining. But it comes from your love, not from “shoulds,” not from telling yourself that this is the spiritual, the superior way of being. It is from love.
Love all the parts of yourself. If you are not in love, it is simply a sign. It is simply calling to you that there is something that is afraid or hurt. It always boils down to those two things, hurt and fear. Just as you would with a child, love yourself. Love the part of yourself that is hurt. Love the part of yourself that is in fear. Let that grow and shine, stronger and stronger. Then it will be natural to love others, because you are loving yourself. Through that love, your light of love becomes so strong, it naturally spreads to others. That is the process. It always begins with you.
It is so simple. It does not require complexity. Your minds tend to be filled with complexity, but love is a great simplicity. Your mind can support love. But the complexity of your mind often overshadows your love. This is when you forget the beauty, the naturalness, the greatness of your love. Let your love be your center. Be rooted, be connected, be grounded in love. And then use your mind as a support for that, to help you, but not to dominate, not to rule. Let your heart lead. 
Let your heart lead. That will be your great joy. It may lead you in a very different direction than you have chosen with your mind. Trust it. It will not lead you astray. It will lead you to your joy, to your greatness. It will lead you in love. And it will lead you to God. This is the power that can transform your world. Your world is created through love, first and foremost. It is the greatest power there is. And as you love more and more, your world will become a reflection of that. That is part of the great power of this time. There is opening for so much love, and for so much change on the basis of that love. So many people, so many of you, are ripe. You are ready, and you can trust it. Allow the process.
It may be disorienting. That is alright. It may be scary. Love the part of yourself that is in fear. If it is too fast, ask if you can slow down, if you can take it in your time, to integrate. And take time to enjoy. As you grow in love more and more, as love becomes more and more who you are, your joy will grow. “Enjoy” means you will be-in-the-joy. You will experience the joy. That will be your process. That will be what will be characterizing you and your life. Allow it. That is a sign of your transformation, your evolving into a greater state of consciousness, a higher state. If it is not always the case for you, do not be concerned. There is purification for some, for many, at different times. That is a gift and a blessing. When the purification is complete, you will experience more of the joy. 
More and more you will learn that it doesn’t matter whether you are in the purification or in the joy. It is all a process of love. It is all a process of the manifestation of light. And it is all a process of growing your heart. Pain grows your heart in this dimension. As your heart grows and expands, eventually you will not need the pain to be growing in that way. But if that is what is manifesting, allow the process. It is a natural, growthful process, and will lead you to your higher self, your greater self, your multi-dimensional self that is growing into higher and higher dimensions. You can trust that process. It is of the heart. You know it when you experience it because you feel your heart. You feel the aliveness of your heart, the joy of your heart, the life of your heart. That is what you can trust. That is what will guide you. 
It is a path of the heart. The more you live it, the more you grow in it, the clearer it becomes. The more you are strengthened in it, the more you can hold the space for others to follow the same path, can support others. This is a marvelous time, as more and more people are joining in this path. And the path itself is becoming stronger, more attractive, easier, because of the numbers of people who are turning, who are choosing, who are walking, who are opening, who are following this path of the heart. All of you bless one another every time you make a choice to be with your heart, to love, to follow this path. So you are all supported and supporting each other. 
This is part of the time that has been called the unity time. It is a way that, yes, everyone, more so than ever, is supporting each other. You are empowering yourself and empowering others. More and more, you do not need the gurus, the leaders, the teachers to tell you how to go, what the path is, how to connect with the Divine. You are finding your own way, as everyone is finding their own way, and all are supporting each other. Yes, you can be helped by teachers, you can be helped by guidance, by wisdom, if that is what your higher guidance supports for you and tells you that this is helpful for you. If not, let it flow by. It was someone else’s path, not your own.
Now I ask, does anyone have questions for me, a question that you would like to hear me respond to? I would like to respond. You may ask your question at this time.
Q: Yeshua, I would like to ask, in this time of chaos… There is a tendency for the heart to want to impose order upon the chaos. It seems that sometimes that’s appropriate and others it’s more appropriate to let go and go with the flow. It’s my experience that the heart sometimes wants to hang onto things whose time is past. How are we to know? How do we discern?
Yeshua: There is joy in your heart when you are connected to your path. Even if there is a kind of pain, there is a joy in that pain, because it is truly the pain of connection to God. So there is a discernment that is important to learn, of what that joy is of connection to God at your heart. When you are wondering, “Is this the correct thing for me? Should I be continuing this or should I let go?” learn to read your heart. If you are in joy, it is correct for you. If you are not, it is time for change. And as I say, it is not the same thing as never being in pain. But you can feel if that pain is connected to the depth of connection to God, that fundamental core love and joy, even as there may be pain in the midst of that. So that is how you guide yourself.
And there are practical things to be done at the physical that support this. Sometimes the unclarity is because there is not enough grounding in the physical. You may need particular healing support. Or it may be very practical things – getting enough rest, eating healthy foods that don’t have chemicals, that are grown in healthy, loving conditions, drinking pure water that is good for you, taking baths, all these kinds of things… Walking on the earth, connecting your feet with the earth, even your bare feet if you’re able, these can be very good things… Breathing deeply, having yourself grounded, even creating grounding in your life… For example, having form in your life – every morning getting up and doing some kind of devotional practice, meditation practice, connecting with Spirit, and doing it again before you go to bed, that can be very grounding. Every time you take food, taking time to breathe, to connect with Spirit… All these ways can support you.
Call on your strength, whatever it is, be it physical strength, emotional strength, spiritual strength especially. Ask your guides for help. If you are not sure, ask for clarity. Ask for it to be clarified for you. It may not happen immediately. Be patient. You will know. And you will be directed.
Know that the greatest gift, always, is your connection to Father-Mother God, to Supreme Creator. There is no barrier, there is no limit to that, ever. That is always available to you. It is simply your choice, your choice to remember, your choice to turn, your choice to rest in your heart in that embrace, your choice to do the things in your life that support that. God never leaves anyone. God is always here, always with you. You are God, in God, as God. 
This is the greatest joy. This is the greatest purpose. No matter what your circumstance, no matter how blissful, no matter how painful, no matter how easy, no matter how difficult, no matter how clear, no matter how confusing, all that is secondary if you remember – you are always with God. There is no separation. And in whatever way you experience that, be in God, with God, as God.
I love you as God, as myself. And I offer you all of my blessings. 
So be it. And so it is.
Copyright 2011 Mercedes Kirkel,  * All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my e-mail ( and website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from Mercedes Kirkel. E-mail:  *
Mercedes Kirkel is a channel and spiritual guide, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene, Lady Mary, Archangel Michael, Isis, Yeshua, and other beings of light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. She is currently working on a book entitled Messages from Mary Magdalene. 
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to, or contact her at  *        

HEAVEN #3858
Your Belief in the Past
June 18, 2011
God said:
Physical possessions are of the past. Even if you found a stone on the beach today, the stone is the past. Even if you bought a new dress today, the dress is already in the past. It is fair to say that all physical possessions are of the past. The past in whatever form it appears has held great importance to you.
No longer are you to hold on to the past. It never was for you to hold onto, and yet the past has held you in its sway. A glass, a spoon, all hold you to the past. Of course, it is not the past’s fault that you do. The past hasn’t asked you to make it so important that you let it impact your present.
I hear you. I hear you say arthritis runs in the family, and so you make an excuse for your arthritis. Your belief in the past may even have drawn arthritis to you.
You may say that as a child, for self-preservation, you were forced to lie. You may have had no choice then. You have choice now. Never mind what you were taught unless it is beneficial for you and the world now. There is nothing in the past that has to have a hold over you now. The past is over. Be you over the past.
The only way to free yourself from the past is to let go of it. Let go of your attachment to it. Any glass will do to drink from. No matter what crystal a glass is made of, no matter who once drank from it, you don’t have to be stuck to that particular glass. A glass is a glass.
A spoon is a spoon. Any spoon will do. It does not have be precisely this old spoon you are attached to. You can even eat with your fingers. You can drink from the bowl.
A river does not hold on to its past water. A river keeps moving. A river escapes the past because it is ever-flowing.
You may think it is hard to let go of the past. It is holding on to the past that is hard. Letting go of the past is easy, only you have difficulty and ease confused. It is holding on to the past that takes energy and requires effort. Letting go of the past is effortless unless you have convinced yourself otherwise. Letting go is lovely like putting your hands palm-side up. Palm-side up, you are ready to receive. Your hands are open.
The past wants to be let go of. The past doesn’t want to be any more to you than a drop in the bucket. The past wants to be free of you. The past does not want to be held hostage. The past does not want to be accountable for the present. Release the past. Have you nailed yourself to the past?
Do you hold the past accountable for everything that transpires now? I have told you to let go of the idea of cause and effect. You may well have been using the past as an excuse for everything in the present. You may say that the past caused your problems now. In that case, you are making your childhood responsible for how you treat the world now. You blame the circumstances of your birth, your upbringing, the wrongs perpetrated on you, and so you perpetuate them.
It is not in your best interest to contain the past to the degree that you do. The past may have become your fall guy, your stooge, the scapegoat you kick. Let the past retreat. It is the past.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  * *          

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, do not ever feel that any love that you put out, any friendship that you put out, any good word that you speak has gone unheeded or unneeded. It is held until that one is ready and willing to accept it.
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Finding Balance
by Eckhart Tolle
June 10, 2011
Question: How do we find balance between our individual will and the natural flow of life?
Eckhart Tolle: By living aligned with the present moment, you also align your will with the universal will, which you could call “the will of God."  You don’t have a separate will.  The separate will wants to enhance or strengthen one’s sense of self.  The separate will is concerned with the “me”, the “I,” the ego. But there is a divine Consciousness, the one Consciousness, there is an evolutionary impulse.  What we are doing here at every moment, is to align ourselves with that.
Non-resistance is vital because as long as you are in resistance to the present moment, you will be trapped in the little egoic will.  The egoic will needs to subside – that’s surrender to the present moment, and surrender to what is.  When you align yourself with what is internally, it looks at first almost like a position of weakness, and it can be misinterpreted as something that prevents you from taking effective action.  But the acceptance of what is, is totally compatible with responding to whatever the present moment requires.  Whatever wants to be created, manifested, done, at this moment – to be aligned with that, you need to first accept whatever form this moment takes.
Single out this moment only.  For example, when you are ill, you don’t say “I need to accept this illness, the fact that I am ill, that I am suffering from this” because that is a whole conceptual story.  All you need to accept is this moment as it is.  There is never actually an illness in this moment, there is only a physical condition.  There may be pain, there may be weakness, disability, discomfort.  Those things may be there, and that’s the only thing you accept.  This moment is as it is now.
If you are stuck in the mud somewhere, you don’t say, “Okay, I am in the mud, I have to accept it, and here I am – I’m not taking any action because I have to accept what is”.  This moment is already always as it is, and there’s nothing you can do about that.  That’s what you accept.  Then, action that arises has a different energy to it.  The will that flows into what you do is no longer egoic.  When you have not accepted this moment, the will goes against the Universe – that is what the ego does.  It is negative, it fights something that it says shouldn’t be there.  If you use negativity, you are trapped in ego.  The “little will” has to subside for the more powerful will to flow through and deal with the situation.  It creates, it is not isolated from the totality.  It is one with the totality.  When that operates, another word for that universal will is intelligence.  It’s only when you look at a situation, completely accept the is-ness of this moment, and then of course action may be required.
Once the opening is there, through acceptance, the next step that you take will be much more powerful.  There’s a Buddhist term “right action”, that can only arise out of the right state of Consciousness.  You have to get out of the ego first before you can have right action.  The Buddha was talking about that which flows from the awakened state of consciousness.  To surrender the little will is to say ‘yes’ to the present moment.  It’s not a big thing, just say yes to what is – because it already is anyway.  Why complain about something that is?  It’s insane, but normal.
To give up the egoic will, all you have to do is not complain about what is.  Be aligned with the isness – people, situations, whatever – this is already as it is.  It’s the inevitability of is.  Become friendly with what is, and you become intelligent for the first time.
With the simple act of surrender to the inevitability of the present moment, another energy comes.  You could call that universal will, you could call that intelligence, you could call that the creative solution to whatever the so-called “problem” is.  You could call that power coming in, that is greater than the limited power of your mind.  Or it may use your mind, and suddenly you say the right thing, if that’s what the situation requires.  Suddenly the words come – where do the words come from?  You don’t know what you’re going to say next.  They come from a deeper level because that intelligence uses the mind.
You and the Universe become one, and as such it creates through you as this form.  That’s the beauty of it.  When the unmanifested flows into this world, it assumes form.  Most thoughts that people have in the unawakened state are repetitive old thoughts, conditioned thinking, conditioned by the past.  All you can rely on then is what you have accumulated in the past, you deal with things through conditioned thinking.  When the simple act of surrender opens your mind, it can then be used as an instrument.  Then, a thought may come in that is original and fresh and new.  That is the birth of form.  The birth of thought creates the birth of form.  The Universe uses you as a vehicle or a channel through which to create.  You are one.  It can use your mind, and become thought, words, physical things.  That’s the way in which the mind can actually be a helpful tool – alignment with the greater Intelligence, the One Consciousness.
It all starts with the present moment, and your relationship with the present moment.  Friend or enemy?  Are you allowing it, or are you fighting it, resisting it?  That’s the end of ego – because the ego needs resistance.  The ego survives through complaining, it survives through denying, or wanting something else.
The present moment is the teacher.  Work with that – that’s all you need, really.  That’s the end of the “little will”, which isn’t all that powerful anyway.  Whatever it creates, creates more problems.
It seems so simple, and it is simple.  And yet, because of the many thousands of years of habit-patterns, often people tell me “It’s so difficult to be in the present moment and allow it to be”.  Of course, the opposite is true.  Life becomes difficult if you don’t.  What you accept is the form of this moment.  No more.  Then, see what’s needed.  You are not truly intelligent until that happens.
Sometimes holding that space of simple Presence activates other factors that then come in, seemingly, from the outside to change the situation.  You have activated the intelligence of the totality.  It’s not necessarily coming through this form.  That is why people speak of synchronistic things happening, suddenly a helpful factor comes in, suddenly the right person appears, the right thing happens.  Almost miraculous when you don’t know that it’s natural, it seems like a miracle at first because most humans are not used to that.
When you hold Presence, sometimes the change may not happen through your action.  There are many situations where action at this moment is not possible.  Sometimes there’s nothing you can do, however you can continue to be present.  Then, a greater intelligence is activated.  Very often you will find change happening in the situation.
This greater intelligence is not the conceptual intelligence that you can measure with IQ tests.  It is non-conceptual intelligence.  Conceptual intelligence is the ability to retain information, analyze, compare, and so forth.  It’s a tiny fragment of what intelligence is.  There is a vastness of non-conceptual intelligence.  Our destiny is to be in that way, so that our whole life is to become a work of art.  Not just be confined to that state of consciousness when you do your creative work.  Any creative thing has a spark, an aliveness, a quality, a newness, a freshness.  You connect with non-conceptual intelligence in the alert Stillness within.  Everybody has that, as their essence.  That is true intelligence.  To what extent you are connected with that could not possibly be measured through any IQ test.  Ultimately, you cannot measure creativity.
Very often, the form of the present moment seems like a limitation on your life, something that is impinging on your freedom.  The body could become ill, you may find it hard to move.  When something drastic happens, if you can learn to accept it, a little bit of spaciousness comes into your life.  You say, “this is what is”.  A little bit of space just opened up, and you’re no longer just a resisting entity.  Then, you realize that you are essentially formless space.  In other words, you find inner peace.  At first it is very gentle in the background, in the midst of any situation.  That peace is powerful.  It can become so powerful, that is obliterates almost anything.  Peace is the formless in you.  By accepting the form, the formless within you opens up.  This is how something seemingly bad – a limitation – becomes an opening for realization of who you truly are.
© copyright 2008-2011. Eckhart Tolle . All rights reserved.  *        

Family Relationships in a Time of Change
Julie Redstone
Beloved Ones, family relationships are going through a healing process at this time, initiated by the presence of greater spiritual light on Earth and brought forth by the process of purification.  This light reveals areas within the family that need to move into greater wholeness.  Sometimes, this is accomplished in an atmosphere of love and trust.  At other times, issues that have lain dormant within the family may suddenly rise to the surface and intensify, leading to overt conflict and discord.
It is the property of spiritual light to separate light from darkness.  As part of this process, painful truths that may have gone unexpressed or been suppressed are now raised to awareness so that they may be dealt with.  Under such circumstances, it may appear that once peaceful relationships now become difficult or that formerly minimized aspects of discord now assume a more central place.  Maintaining an understanding of what is happening is important in such situations, for the perspective one holds deeply affects the choices one makes about how to manage the situation.
It is not always the case, however, that conflict is the result of light’s increasing presence.  Each human being contains a range of potential responses to life situations, including relationships within a family.  As light increases, it also awakens and gives greater potency to the heart and to its deeper feelings.  It does this as the energy of the soul assumes greater prominence in life.  This can mean that family members, without knowing how or why, suddenly become more gentle and softer with each other.  It can mean that things that were once sore spots can now be overlooked.  The opening of the heart can open doors to greater acceptance and closeness.  It can create understandings where none seemed possible before. 
Where light in one meets growing light in another, the potential range of responses that each brings to a relationship can initiate totally new ways of responding.  In fact, this can take place based on changes in one person alone who no longer responds to situations according to old patterns, but according to the new values and potencies of the vibration of light.  Within a relationship, this is good news, for it often only takes one person to not respond in the old way in order for the other to sense the subtle energetic cues indicating that the old response in the other is gone, and that a new way of being has arrived. 
By contrast, where negative energies in one are met by negative energies in another, there can be anger, conflict, judgment, and in extreme situations, a decision taken to create distance or, in the case of couples, to end the relationship.  This flaring up of difficulties can occur, even in an otherwise peaceful relationship.  When it is held in the context of purification, it can lead to the greatest potential for healing if those involved can speak honestly about what is taking place.
Change within families during this time of purification is not uncommon.  Value differences among family  members may become exaggerated, leading to a need to review and recalibrate the relationship. Where one partner within a couple, for example, is less open to a conscious spiritual life while the other is moved even more to pursue this direction, such differences can either create estrangement or become the springboard for efforts to accommodate the situation in a way that allows for maximum growth. 
As a way of promoting growth, it is always useful to ask when situations arise: What is the forward movement that could take place here?  What could this present moment or interaction turn into that would serve the purposes of greater wholeness and light?  Even in the presence of anger and conflict, even in the presence of a seemingly intractable situation, this question may be asked.
Such a question implies a purposefulness within Divine intelligence that infuses each unfolding situation with healing potential.  This is especially true to the degree that one aligns with the positive purposes of God and light and does not become involved with negative energies.  Holding to Divine purpose means that one looks for the way of love and healing that could potentially reveal itself within any given situation.  Patience and trust are aspects of such love.  In support of these qualities, prayer is helpful, as is asking the following question: How may I be a vehicle for greater love, no matter what is going on around me? 
Beloved Ones, hearts are opening everywhere, spurred into greater activity by the intensification of spiritual energy on the planet.  At the same time, negative energies are being released that are needing to be acknowledged and purified.  Within the present moment, it is important to look for the heart-opening possibilities for oneself and for one's family, and to know that one’s own capacity to love is not dependent upon another.  It is dependent only upon one’s trust and faith that it is possible to live a life in God and in love, and one’s commitment to such a purpose.
Julie Redstone is an emissary of the Realms of Light and the founder of Light Omega, a spiritual center that has been given a mandate to assist with planetary change through making available the ancient teachings of light. 
Julie's work in collaboration with the Realms of Light is to bring through both the concepts and energy that are needed so that a new consciousness and way of life can be anchored and established upon the Earth. This new energy is not meant for those of any particular religion or form of belief, but belongs to all.  It is simultaneously an energy of the heart and an energy of awakened consciousness that can recognize Divine reality in and through the mind, heart, and body.
Julie serves the mission of the Christ as does the center that is Light Omega.  This mission serves all of the Earth’s inhabitants in bringing into awareness knowledge of the One Creator and of the One Heart that dwells within all. 
Julie Redstone's websites, * *  *  *   *           

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