World Transformation Through Social Evolution



Conversations With Monjoronson, #38 – Social Evolution - Jan 13, 2012

Lessons to be learned from disappointments
How do the individuals in the borderland live?
Many on Urantia are unsure of afterlife
The ultimaton particle
The Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street movements
Celestial participation in our social evolution
What comes next developmentally?
The Declaration of Independence as it applies to core values
What is the paradigm shift we are looking for?

TR:                Daniel Raphael
Moderator: Michael McCray (MMc)

January 13, 2012

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we once again gather in your loving presence, 
grateful for this opportunity to meld our consciousness with spirit so that 
we can co-create a better future for Urantia. We bask in your light, ever 
thankful for all that you have made possible, our meaningful lives and 
spiritual growth. Amen.

MMc: Good morning, Monjoronson. How are you this morning?

MONJORONSON: Good morning. Oh, it is a fine day in Paradise! The sun always 
shines and emanates around all of Havona, so that we live in the perennial 
light of God. It is an experience that you will awaken to early in your 
morontial lives, as you bask in God’s light and love, of the Creator Son 
who creates the worlds on which you live.

MMc: Do you have anything that you would like to dialog about today, before 
we start with some questions?

MONJORONSON: This one is a bit lethargic, so let us proceed with your 
questions, please.

Lessons to be learned from disappointments

MMc: Okay. We have recently published all of the questions and answers that 
had been withheld, but I don’t feel that everything is completely settled 
yet. Is there something to be learned from the fact that even though there 
were reports that you would incarnate before Christmas you did not arrive?

MONJORONSON: Yes, there are numerous lessons involved in that failure. 
First is that readers must believe in what I say. I said many months and 
years ago that my arrival would not be according to a schedule, or set by 
time. It would not be predictable by any mortals when that would occur, and 
that it would not be revealed by myself or my team and associates, until I 
had arrived incarnate on your world. One of the lessons from that is that 
the word of a Divine Being is sure, it is steadfast, it is not wavering. 
Once it is stated, you can predicate your decisions upon that. The second 
lesson is that the readers were undiscerning of that truth, and that there 
was some misstep in their thinking, which caused them to arrive at that 
conclusion. The third part is that Divine Beings are unwavering, but true, 
steadfast, predictable and that their word can be counted on. You do not 
live in a fickle universe, managed by a fickle God, or that the companions 
of God in Paradise are fickle either. Truths of the Creator Sons are as 
unwavering as that of those from Havona and Paradise.

Circumstances do change on material worlds, in the material dimensions, due 
to decisions that are made by those beings, which affect the developmental 
plans for those worlds. This causes delays in the arrival of Avonal Sons, 
for instance. It also prepares the way for their earlier arrival, when 
mortals prepare their own consciousness and the consciousness of their 
world for the arrival of a Divine Being. Humans, mortals, have tremendous 
control in participating in the development of those plans. That is why 
when one wills to do God’s Will, and lives their lives in alignment with 
God’s Will, then they are preparing the way for the earliest developmental 
plan that is available. Your world is fraught with many difficulties; large 
sections of your population hold a vile consciousness, which is contrary to 
the Divine Order of the Father’s outworking on your world. This creates an 
eminent delay.

My arrival is not predicated upon the right and perfect thinking of a small 
group of people, but in preparation for your entire world. The work of some 
of your people to uplift the global consciousness of your world, to 
participate in the conscious evolution of this world is primary to my 
arrival. It is increasingly important that numbers of population of earth 
begin to participate in this conscious evolution. Again, we all shouted a 
“Hooray!” that mortals had begun to participate intentionally in the 
conscious evolution of their world.

Do you believe that there are any other aspects that were not covered by 
myself in my statement?

MMc: Well, it’s difficult as a human, reading the transcripts and dealing 
with our day-to-day [life], we are asked to be both discerning and 
open-minded. The difficulty comes in trying to balance these two-paired 
opposites. Would you speak a little about that?

MONJORONSON: That is a good question, and the answer is quite simple: When 
one is discerning, one looks to the history of those facts that were 
presented. When one is open-minded, one looks to the future. Applying the 
discerning mind to open-minded events means that you will allow them to 
come into your world and to withhold judgment or opinionation until after 
they have occurred. Then you will reflect upon them and discern, weigh, 
sort and sift what matches that discerned history, and what does not. When 
one is discerning about past events, you are able to, with the Spirit of 
Truth, the Christ presence in you, you are able to discern those things 
which are real and authentic, and will perpetuate themselves into the 
future. This is the foundation of truth upon which you would rest the new 
developments that come into your world, and discern them based on the 
truths that you are aware of. It is also exceptionally important­perhaps 
even primary­to the whole process that you are discerning of your own 
thinking, that you begin to discern those passions, those wishes of yours 
that a certain event or development would come into being. What did Jesus 
say about that? You must throw down your most cherished wishes to allow the 
truth to come forward­to paraphrase him.

How do the individuals in the borderland live?

MMc: Thank you. I am still troubled by the thought of individuals living in 
the borderland.


MMc: How do these individuals live?

MONJORONSON: They maintain their living through their consciousness. The 
consciousness that exists in you as material, living mortals, exists in 
those who have passed, but who are not accepting of an afterlife that is 
positive and in the light of God. Consciousness is far more existent than 
most mortals realize. We have touched on the reality of consciousness as a 
non-material, non-dimensional, non-temporal existence, and that it does not 
fade from the larger reality upon the death of the individual. This 
consciousness can be dormant, as in the sleeping survivors; it can pass on 
to the morontial in the reconstruction of individuals. It is existent, 
[but] undecipherable to mortals. Consciousness is subject to your will.

When individuals, who do not believe and who have not willed themselves to 
pass into the morontial realm by doing God’s Will in the material realm 
they subject themselves to a suspended consciousness in what you call the 
borderland. It is important, [and] Jesus was most emphatic about choosing, 
educating his followers to do the Father’s Will, to consciously “will” to 
do God’s Will in their lives, and that to will themselves to follow that 
guidance that he provided in order for them to occupy the mansions, which 
he alluded to. What is also primary to the passing into the morontial realm 
upon your death is the conscious awareness of your existence.

Many, if not most, of the beings in the borderland have never been 
conscious of their existence; they have never been reflective of their 
living in the world, to reflect upon their actions and decisions­or have 
done so, but made no decisions about that. The ones in the borderland are 
curious exceptions in the mortal existence and in the mansion world 
existence. They are in need of education, even awareness of their existence 
and the choices that they have in that existence, to move on. When one is 
aware, there is no going back to ignorance. When you, my friends, make 
these individuals in the borderland aware of their existence, and aware of 
their capacity to make a decision to move on, they are subtly informed that 
[at] that moment, they can make a decision to change their whereabouts, and 
move from the borderland into the morontial realm.

MMc: So consciousness is what enables them to “live” but the fact that they 
are not completely aware, traps them before they can get to the next phase 
in their existence?

MONJORONSON: Yes, this says so much about your life as an incarnate being, 
with consciousness and awareness. It says so much about what you can do to 
affect your afterlife, here in this mortal, material realm. This is one of 
the most important facets of material existence - to become aware of your 
existence and the choices that you have in this world. Very few people 
choose the way of evil when they become aware that God is benevolent and 
has provided an afterlife, which is beneficial, helpful, joyful and filled 
with light always.

Many on Urantia are unsure of afterlife

MMc: It seems that there is on Urantia a paucity of people that understand 
that there is an afterlife. Most people are unsure. This is one of the 
reasons that they hang on so desperately to living through those last two 
weeks of life, living on medical care, to try to sustain that life. They 
are afraid that the end of this life is the end. Would you like to speak to 

MONJORONSON: That is unfortunate. It is part of the legacy of the 
Luciferian debacle, that there was ingrained in the consciousness of 
humanity that the afterlife was non-existent, that this is all there is, 
and that you should live your life for yourself and consider nothing else. 
It is perhaps one of the most evil depositions instilled in the human 
genetic code, and in the consciousness of mortals in time. It was easy to 
believe and easy to be accepted, and so it was ingrained quickly into the 
genetic, hereditary code of mortals at that time, which now still persists. 
It is an unfortunate development. That is why we are going to such great 
lengths to tell you about the borderland existence and the importance of 
your awareness and capacity to make decisions effectively about your 
current life, which have a legacy for you in the afterlife, in the mansion 

The ultimaton particle

MMc: In your recent discussion about consciousness, you said, ”As your 
scientists are able to isolate their work with this particle, they will 
realize that it is totally susceptible to consciousness.” Were you 
referring to the Higgs particle or the ultimaton?

MONJORONSON: I was referring to the ultimaton. It’s been called the - the 
ultimaton and the adamantine particle­it is the particle which can have 
mass or not have mass, dependant upon the signature given to it by the 
Architects of the universe and by the Will of God. It is influenced, of 
course, by the consciousness of God to out - form the physical 
manifestation of the universe at all levels and all dimensions. It is used 
in the other dimensional realities, which The Urantia Book describes. It is 
primary to all that exists in the world. You, quite literally, live in the 
“soup” of God, the consciousness of God that is manifest in these particles 
all around you. Your material universe, the finite­I would say the material 
universe, rather than the finite universe, as there are huge swaths of the 
finite universe, which are not material yet­that you live in the 
consciousness of God, it is manifest in the materiality of your body, and 
the air that you breathe, and even in the vacuous, emptiness of what you 
call “space,” which is not empty, but thoroughly filled with the presence 
of God.

They will, in years to come, as your scientists become much more thoroughly 
acquainted and knowledgeable about this particle, they will be in awed 
wonderment about what they are working with and what they are becoming 
aware of. It will be at that time, following decades, even centuries ahead, 
that the fullness of these immature thoughts of your scientists will begin 
to develop into a complete awareness and appreciation of the material and 
non-material, the spiritual and the material universe. There will not be 
the ignorance about the complete existence, the reality of the universe, 
but an awareness and appreciation for how it was so infinitely, Divinely, 
brought into existence and the pattern and order of it, that affects all of 
the universe that you see and do not see.

The Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street movements

MMc: Wow!

The Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street and similar movements, at face value, 
would seem to be very dissimilar, but at the core, I think all of these 
movements represent peoples’ dissatisfaction with what they see as the 
denial of one or more of the three core values we have been discussing. 
Would you like to comment on this?

MONJORONSON: Yes. It is very much like the blind man examining the 
elephant, that one sees the tail and describes it as thus and so, and one 
describes a leg, and one describes the trunk, as so on. What you are 
observing is the human behavior in social structures, which express 
themselves only to the limit that they are able, within those social 
structures. If you live in a dictatorship, you would be in tremendous awe 
to be given the rights that Americans and Europeans enjoy, the democratic 
rights and privileges that those citizens enjoy in their countries. Yet, 
within those maturing democracies, there is dissatisfaction by citizens 
with the capacity to be self-determining of their lives, that they are not 
granted sufficient rights and privileges in their democratic countries to 
fulfill their needs as they see them­not speaking about desires, but needs.

The hierarchy of needs is from the very lowest of simple survival­which 
means taking your next breath, having enough food to eat and to keep you 
for a few days­to be secure enough that you can live more easily and exist. 
There is survival existence of maintenance and sustainability. When one 
individual, or a whole society, has satisfied their needs, they begin 
yearning for more, and more, and more, until they are completely in total 
self-determination of their environment, the environment that affects them, 
what some call the “affective environment.” That is why many people in the 
United States, a highly developed, prosperous democracy, yearn to have 
millions of dollars. They feel that this will provide them with the 
capacity of self-determination, that they can use this money to open 
opportunities to satisfy old needs­whether they are houses or cars, or 
corporations or bank accounts, or whatever that may be­yet, most of you 
know, that money is only a tool, that it is a means to an end, rather than 
an end in itself.

You here, in the United States, look to the people who are participating in 
the uprisings and demonstrations of the Arab Spring and pity them that they 
do not have the rights that you are dissatisfied with. You, in your own 
lives, wish to have more, to participate more, and more effectively in your 
governmental processes that affect you intimately in your life. And as you 
look to your life in the future, you feel as though your nation is out of 
control, in that those who are in control are unaware of the domination 
that they are having over your personal life, so it is all relative. Your 
social existence is evolutionary, as well as developmental. Your societies 
must evolve in order to begin to satisfy the burgeoning needs that come to 
the surface in your life. Those of you in developed and maturing 
democracies are feeling this need for greater control in your life. You 
must interpret this need for control in words that make more sense to your 
democratic process. Do you understand what I am saying?

MMc: And what would that sound like, if we were to interpret our wish for 
control in ways that made more sense to our democratic process?

MONJORONSON: That you would have more participation in how those decisions 
are made, which affect your life.

Celestial participation in our social evolution

MMc: Very good. I believe that you said that you­the larger “you” ­ were 
working on changing the culture so that people mattered more. Am I correct 
in believing that there is some output from on High in changing the way 
that we think?

MONJORONSON: Yes, most definitely. As part of moving your world into the 
days of light and life, there are two essential venues that we work [in]: 
One is in the minds of individuals, and the other is in the social 
consciousness of your societies, how your social structures are put 
together and the ethos of those social organizations. As you know, we are 
very busy and involved in uplifting the minds of individuals and through 
many means we’ve spoken of that. What we are doing now is to begin 
influence upon the social organizations­and by “social” I also mean 
political and economic and corporate, and so on­wherever human activities 
are centered, to give a greater appreciation for people, for individuals, 
to value them, to increase their value. It is important that the value of 
people and individuals begin to be incorporated into the ethos and policies 
of organizations.

We could not do this, of course, if it were not developmentally timely to 
do so. That is why I spoke just recently, a moment ago, about the 
development in western and maturing democracies for a need by individuals 
to have more control in their life. When you give individuals value, how do 
you do that? You do that by improving the quality of their participation in 
the events and decision-making processes and policy decisions that control 
and dominate your societies. The activities of the Occupy Wall Street and 
the other occupy activities are directly related to this. These are 
individuals who, while enjoying the privileges and benefits and rights of a 
matured democracy, yearn for greater opportunity to express their 
potential. They understand their value, as a person, and they want to 
express that and develop that in their society. If you are a very 
intelligent, cultured, educated individual, and you are out of work, your 
wish is to place yourself in an employment situation, or accept or create 
an opportunity in which you can begin to live more fully and wholly, to 
express the potential that is within you.

Your nation, as other democracies, is bursting at the seams with incredibly 
intelligent, educated, cultured individuals who have no means of even 
partial expression of their potential, and many of them have no hope of 
ever doing so. Frustrations of this population are very much like the 
frustrations of the French Revolutionaries, during the French Revolution. 
They were hungry for bread; they wanted and needed to be sustained, just as 
you, an educated, cultured and intelligent individual. The bread of life 
for them is to experience the expression of themselves in society. You take 
food for granted; you take your democratic rights and privileges for 
granted. Now what? There is no answer to the “Now what?” in your society at 
this time. It is very important that in our process, that in our planning 
and development, of moving your societies into the next evolutionary step, 
that this be done peacefully.

There quite literally is no room any longer for violent revolution, but 
silent and powerful evolution, conscious evolution of your social 
processes. This is where the Most Highs are highly active. In many ways, 
your corporate structures, your corporate environment is far, far, far 
ahead of the almost primitive democratic processes of your government. This 
is not to isolate the process of government from the populace of your 
nation at all, for you are “one,” ­ one is not separated from the other, 
but your culture has moved ahead of the democratic process upon which this 
country was established, in ways which far exceed the government’s capacity 
to satisfy. There is a need for a violent evolution to go on, even a vocal 
evolution to go on, a deliberate and intentional evolution to go on, but 
not a revolution. In planetary management, when a planet develops to this 
state of existence, where it is fully inhabited and there is a global 
communication network, and the education and literacy level of populations 
is fairly high, there is a tremendous need for side-stepping revolution, 
which would move your populace backwards into greater military or tribunal 
control. This is not a tolerable situation for us, as we have invoked the 
planning process that is moving your whole world population into its 
evolutionary stages, one culture at a time.

We hope you realize that your democratic nations are a democratic culture 
that we are working with. We have little overt capacity to amend those 
nations where there is tyranny, where there are dictatorships, military 
tribunals, martial law and autocratic control. We work with individuals in 
those situations, to lay the seeds for sprouting, for a “new spring,” such 
as what you see in the Arab Spring. These are all timely developmentally 
and we act instrumentally in urging and pushing the next evolutionary step 
into existence. When you think of social evolution, think in terms of 
paradigm shifts, not just developmental growth in your world, in your 
nations, but innovative, evolutionary changes that appear to traditional 
people to be quite radical, but which are a natural development of the old 
paradigm and its necessity to be birthed, to be brought forward by God 
conscious individuals. So I hope you are beginning to see that the 
development of a global consciousness that is God-centered and of the light 
helps bring about the social evolution of your world, of your nations and 
cultures and societies. When you see these developments, such as Occupy 
Wall Street, and the Arab Spring, you are beginning to see the necessity of 
the birthing of the next paradigm, and these will be made known to you 
easily within the next five years, if not much, much sooner.

MMc: As I’m looking at the Arab Spring and the Occupy Wall Street 
movements, I can see that this theme of valuing individuals coming out and 
being expressed in both of those areas, certainly they must be expressed in 
much different ways, because in the Arab Spring, obviously, that we are 
dealing with a situation where the people there do not have the benefits of 
democracy that we have here in this country. I can see what you mean by 
revolution in our country, by revolution setting us back, it would not be a 
good idea for us to have revolution. We need to move to the next level, and 
that next level is? As you say, corporations, businesses move much more 
rapidly than our government. In businesses, they look at their employees ­ 
at least at their valued employees ­ as valuable assets. In government, not 
so much. So, it seems to be where we need to move to, to the value of the 
individual. Can you help me here in making that next step in my thinking?

What comes next developmentally?

The question I had is basically, what comes next? What, developmentally 
comes next in at least the United States? We need to expand the 
individual’s ability to be fulfilled, to grow, within government, the 
person’s ability to participate in government? Is that going to be the next 
developmental step that America needs to take?

MONJORONSON: As I listen carefully to your words, you perhaps, when you 
talk about participating more directly in their government, you are talking 
about a direct democracy, and there will almost never be a functional 
direct democracy that comes into existence until the days of light and 
life, many centuries ahead. What our desires are is to improve those areas, 
those three fundamental values of sustainability, in the lives of every 
individual person, and that is to improve the quality of their life, the 
quality of their living. This surely does not necessarily mean more money 
in the bank, or bigger houses, or fancier cars. Secondly, there must 
develop an increase in the equality of life among all people. This does not 
require that everyone be given a house with 2,000 square feet, and that 
they have two cars in the garage, and so on. Equality in sustainable terms 
means that everyone has equal access to the opportunities and resources to 
improve the quality of life and living. These two things together provide 
for growth and development, the unfoldment of potential that lies within 
each individual to the extent of their capability.

A person who is treated inequitably, who has an IQ of 85, because they have 
an IQ of 85, does not mean that they want to stay in the limitations of 
their life, but they want to express the capacity to grow into larger 
dimensions of existence. The same can be said of a person with 185 IQ; they 
have the same needs, and that is to grow into the potential that they wish 
to express, and in order to do that, society must offer them opportunities 
for involvement and development of that level. This only explores the 
dimensions of intelligence; it does not explore the development of a 
well-balanced and developed emotionality of an individual, which is 
necessary for a sustainable social existence that allows an individual to 
grow into their social potential. I offer that second area for the 
comparison between these two.

The emphasis in all our work is to improve the quality of life and living 
for individuals, as we know from millions of years of experience of 
managing planets and moving them towards the days of light and life, that 
as people’s lives increase in quality, that they begin to explore the 
quality of their own being, and become curious about the quality of their 
relationship with the infinite and the Divine. It is all just as Jesus 
expressed in his life on earth, to improve the quality of a relationship 
between the individual and God. That is why he made that huge paradigm of 
spiritual belief that God is no longer outside of you, as was taught in the 
Hebrew religion, but that God is within you. The dimensions [of] that in 
thought and action are huge, and the possibilities that people begin to 
include that within their thoughts and their lives, helps them to approach 
the Divine in their ascendant career. Therefore, our work that we do with 
you is to assist you to improve your way of life, the quality of your life 
in all dimensions, all realms, all parameters.

The compromise on your world is that your world is over-burdened by a huge 
population, which is out of proportion to the capacity of your planet to 
give everyone an equal quality of life. Therefore, some of you have many 
resources and many do not. Those who do not have many resources are not 
able to grow; they do not have equal access to opportunities, and life is 
quite miserable for them. Were your world population to be halved to 3.5 
billion, you would then be at the maximum this planet is capable of 
offering a reasonable life to, with potential and growth equal to those of 
other people. I do not want to get into specific developments that we are 
involved in ­ these will be revealed to you in time, during your lifetime, 
and particularly in the next few years­and in a few years, I mean from this 
year, to the next 20 years or so. You will live long enough to see your 
world and the social evolution of your world, engage this next paradigm in 
a very powerful way. Social change in your world is moving so rapidly that 
it cannot help but engage this paradigm change soon ­ and of course, that 
is developmental as well. There is no timetable for that. We approximate 
its approach within the next 3 to 15 years. It could take longer; it could 
begin earlier. It is completely developmental and the plans of God cannot 
be rushed in eternity.

The Declaration of Independence as it applies to core values

MMc: You mentioned a paradigm shift. Our Declaration of Independence comes 
close, perhaps as close as an 18th century public document could to the 
three core values we have been speaking of, when it says that, “all Men are 
created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain 
unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of 
Happiness.” This document is one of the biggest reasons that we, in the 
United States, are the longest-lived democracy in the history of the world. 
Am I correct in my thinking about this?

MONJORONSON: Yes, this is correct. This document was written with Divine 
intervention, with Divine participation. It does not necessarily make the 
United States a “special country.” It does not set it apart from the 
vagaries and vicissitudes of life and decimation and termination of other 
countries. It is as equally susceptible as any other nation if it does not 
move itself into the next stages of its evolution. The key word is “equal,” 
as God sees each of you as equal, equally worthy of being invested with a 
fragment of Its existence, which does not compare to any other investment 
that can be made in anyone’s life. God appreciates you and loves you and 
cares for you, and [has] provided you with the means by which you can grow 
to approximate Its existence, Its very self in Paradise in the eventuality 
of time. So the key word is “equality.”

Other key words are “life.” You have two of the words that sustain all 
life. The three core values of sustainability are life and equality; the 
other is “growth,” which is provided for in “Liberty and the Pursuit of 
Happiness.” You cannot be happy if you are not free. You cannot grow if you 
do not have liberty and freedom, so incorporated in the meaning of the 
third value of sustainability is growth. To be able to grow, you have to 
have liberty and freedom and pursue that at your own free will. This is 
self-determination, which is one of the most fundamental needs of human 
existence. So therefore, you have the three core values, embedded within 
the document that helped found this nation, and help found other 
democracies, in one fashion or another, as it is described in the 
originating document. It is fundamental to the continuation of this nation. 
However, the arrogance of this nation as being the longest - lived 
democracy ­ and its arrogance is seen in the domination of many world 
events ­ is an arrogance which will assist it to become humble one day. Our 
intention, our purpose to continue the sustainability of this nation­as it 
provides a working model for other nations­now is the time for this nation 
to begin its birthing into its next paradigm, but done peacefully and 
carefully and thoughtfully, to one which gives equal value of importance to 
its citizens.

What is the paradigm shift we are looking for?

MMc: Yes, America is not the only country to receive Divine help. But what 
is the next stage in our evolution? What’s the paradigm shift that we are 
looking for?

MONJORONSON: When I speak of a paradigm shift in your society and western 
democracies, I am speaking about a societal as well as a cultural paradigm 
shift. It will affect all aspects of your lives ­ of your social lives ­ 
meaning your political lives and your social lives. It is a paradigm shift 
from the quantitative valuing of individuals to the qualitative value of 
individuals. It will affect the morality; a new morality will come into 
existence, which will assist each one of you from your largest 
organizations down to individuals to make moral decisions that contribute 
to the sustainability of your society. This will be a paradigm shift of 
immense proportions that will affect all levels of your society, and all 
levels of individuals. [This] will require vision and revisions in your 
legislation and in your laws, but that will develop in time, as an 
awareness and appreciation is registered with individuals and those in 
positions of authority, of the need to accept that this paradigm is “here,” 
it is not going away, it will not disappear and there is no going back to 
the way business was done in the past.

MMc: Thank you, Monjoronson. I have no further questions for you today. I 
wish to thank you for your candidness and your openness in discussing these 
things, and thank you for your help.

MONJORONSON: You are most welcome, as we are thankful to those involved in 
this process. There are many of you who are reading these words, or hearing 
these words that will register with you deeply. Know that when you will to 
do God’s Will, you may be called upon to outwork this, even in your 
society, in ways that may have surprised you years ago. I wish you a good 
day and that this saga will continue, though now you have the major dots in 
place to connect and see what lies ahead in a peaceful world. Thank you and 
good day.
