Will I Get There?

Q: I feel afraid at times whether I will be enlightened. What should I do?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Once you are on the train, you know that this train will reach. Suppose you are sitting in a car and this car is being driven to Karlsruhe, you don’t ask after every minute if you are going to Karlsruhe, no! You relax! You know the driver is going to take you to Karlsruhe. You won’t be dropped somewhere in the middle. That much of faith that comes from within you is there in you; otherwise, you would not even come here. The very fact that you have come here indicates that there is faith. Otherwise your heart would block you, but your heart says, ‘no, go there’. That means you are doing the right thing. So once you are here, you relax.
Relax and you will always find your life will move in the right direction. Not just here, life after this also, definitely, because the moment we die, the first person we meet is our Guru, our teacher, second person we meet is our mother and then the person whom we loved most. The three people we meet and then later on we meet everybody else. So there will be that assurance, you will be fine, you are moving ahead, so don’t worry.
Arjuna also had this doubt in the Bhagvad Gita, “what will happen to me? He was in the same pain, I may not succeed in these spiritual practices, I may not go anywhere, what will happen to my life, I will be neither enjoying anything here nor will I get the other world. I’ll get confused, I’ll go back into the same stuff in my world, Krishna what do I do then?”Krishna says “Nahi Kalyana Krit Kaschit Durgatim Taata Gachchati”. My dear you will never go down, you will never be miserable, I guarantee you this. You will never go down in life, and you will only go up. When you have done good things in your life, when you are on this path, in this knowledge, you will only progress forward and forward. You will only go up in life here and here after. He says ‘svalpa mapyasya dharmasya trayate’, a little bit of knowledge, a little bit of love, a little bit of dharma, little bit of it is good enough to take you away from fear. So relax. That is
why it is said you need a teacher on the spiritual path, you need a Guru, and you need a personal feeling, connectedness from your side, not from the other side. Why? Because otherwise you have the anguish, uncertainty, fear, but once you have that feeling when you have the trust, ‘okay my Guru is there, he will guide me, he’ll take me on the right path then you are relaxed’. And there is that peace that dawn in your heart and mind. Even if you stumble a little bit here and there, doubts may come, but then they just vanish, they just come for a few hours, at the most for a couple of days, and then they disappear. So there is that assurance that you are not alone. 
See how soon the tears are turning into a smile!



Guruji's Knowledge Sheet: Either Life Is Too Short Or Eternal!


The realization that life is very short brings
dynamism in your life. Unwanted things will fall off as well as
distractions. When you have to be acting or putting out effort, know that
life is short. When you are expecting a result, then you are often
frustrated. The ignorant person does it the other way: He hurries for the
result and is impatient. Impatience goes away when you know that life is
eternal. When you are looking for a return of a favor from someone or a
result from your good deed, you want it quickly. When you realize life is
short, procrastination falls away. But when you know that there are many
lifetimes, you realize that if you don't get it sooner, you get it later.
Wake up and see your life is too short. Time is running so what are you
doing with your life? Is it being useful to you and the world around you?
Realize life is too short. WAKE UP! LIFE IS ETERNAL!

When you want to enjoy the
fruit of action know that life is eternal. When it comes to hope, you
should know that there are many lifetimes. When you are looking for
results, know that time is eternal. If someone doesn't thank you or takes
advantage of you, thank them because they will pay you back later with
interest. So no one needs to feel sorry that they have been taken
advantage of or unappreciated. Know that they will have to be paying you
back in the future with interest! When it comes to enjoying the fruit of
your actions, good deeds or even blessings, know that life is eternal.
Anytime that you are in a hurry, you cannot enjoy. So know that life is

- Sri Sri